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Determination of the cutterhead torque for EPB shield tunneling machine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cutterhead torque is an important parameter for the design and operation of earth pressure balance (EPB) shields. Based on the analysis of several completed project cases from job sites, the conventional torque determination model based on experimentation proves rough enough to be improved. Composition and corresponding calculation method of cutterhead torque are presented, taking into account of cutterhead structure, cutting principle and the interaction between cutterhead and soil. Considering a Φ1.8 m EPB test machine in the lab, theoretical calculation following the improved model and test are carried out with three typical types of soils. Calculation and test results indicate that the cutterhead torque varies with geological conditions apparently, and the opening ratio of the cutterhead as well as earth pressure turns out to be the two most important factors in determining the cutterhead torque. The test results also show that the torque calculation formula for EPB shield tunneling can reasonably predict the excavation torque required by the cutterhead in clay soil tunneling, but for cohesionless tunneling, soil conditioning reduces the amount of torque necessary.  相似文献   

复合型盾构掘进机刀盘的设计分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
闵锐 《建筑机械》2004,(8):68-70
我国软土隧道盾构设计、制造技术已经非常成熟、可靠,但复合型盾构技术基本上还处于空白。目前我国仅自行设计制造过2台复合盾构,是由上海隧道工程股份有限公司设计,并用广州地铁1号线工程日本三菱株式会社的φ6.14m泥水盾构改制而成,实际应用于广州地铁2号线工程试验段。  相似文献   

贺文涛 《门窗》2008,(8):56-60
本文介绍了塑钢门窗五金件冲压机床液压系统的节能技术。它包括液压系统的基本节能和液压系统的控制节能。基本节能方法主要有元件的选用、提高系统的效率。控制节能中介绍了几种提高工作效率和节能的液压回路。  相似文献   

In this paper, a thrust hydraulic system of shield tunneling machine with pressure and flow compound control scheme is proposed. In the control system, the task of real-time measuring of the pressure and the displacement of hydraulic cylinder in each thrust group is accomplished by pressure sensor and displacement sensor respectively, forming the closed-loop pressure and speed control with proportional valves. Thrust system mathematical modeling including hydraulic system and multi-cylinder acting dynamics is presented. Synchronization motion control between cylinders is also achieved by means of master–slave PID with dead band compensating displacement error. Experiments of thrust pressure and speed control as well as cylinder synchronization are conducted on the shield simulation test rig. The experimental results show that the proposed thrust hydraulic system and its control can meet the requirements of tunneling.  相似文献   

液压系统在盾构机上起到至关重要的作用,液压系统的正常与否,直接关系到盾构工作效率的高低。本文根据施工经验介绍控制盾构液压系统油温的几种措施。  相似文献   

针对复杂层条件下由于岩土软硬不均造成刀盘应力集中、震动变形等问题,以某盾构项目盾构刀盘和地层参数为基础,结合盾构施工过程控制参数,采用数值模拟的方法,深入研究复杂地层条件下盾构动态掘进过程中刀盘应力应变和模态震动特性,得到了刀盘在掘进过程中应力应变在不同地质条件下变化状况,确保了刀盘设计的可靠性,为盾构刀盘设计提供了技术保障。  相似文献   

For a tunnel driven by a shield machine, the posture of the driving machine is essential to the construction quality and environmental impact. However, the machine posture is controlled by the experienced driver of shield machine by setting hundreds of tunneling parameters empirically. Machine learning(ML) algorithm is an alternative method that can let the computer to learn from the driver’s operation and try to model the relationship between parameters automatically. Thus, in this paper, three...  相似文献   

通过广州地铁4号线仑头-大学城盾构区间隧道的工程施工实践,总结了解决土压平衡盾构机掘进过程中螺旋输送器喷涌和盾尾刷密封处漏水这一常见问题的几点关键技术。  相似文献   

The present study is focused on developing a method for controlling the pose and trajectory of a shield tunneling machine (STM) applied in complicated stratum. Lacking method to determine target motions of thrust cylinders and suitable electro-hydraulic control system are major restrictions for the STM to realize automatic pose control. To overcome these bottlenecks, a mathematical method for determining the target motions of thrust cylinders is proposed based on kinematic analysis of the thrust mechanism. With this method, target motions of thrust cylinders when the STM excavates along any specific curves can be obtained and used as the input signal of the pose control system. A multi-cylinder control system is proposed based on master/slave control strategy to control the length of each kinematic chain in order to adjust the pose of the thrust mechanism. Experiments are carried out to evaluate the performances of this control system. The experimental results verify that the proposed pose control system is effective in controlling the pose and trajectory of the shield machine no matter it advances along a straight or a curved tunnel axis. Considering the complex loads during the experiments, the proposed system has great potential for applying in practical tunnel construction.  相似文献   

盾构VMT导向系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VMT导向系统 ,其作用就是使盾构按照设计线路高精度地向前掘进 ,并提供完整的隧道掘进记录 ,该系统主要是SLS -TAPD激光导向定位系统 ,简称为VMT导向系统。1 系统分析1 1 激光导向设备工作原理简介盾构机掘进需要及时掌握掘进方向的信息。在如今掘进速度为每分钟几个厘米比较平常的情况下 ,为使盾构掘进方向尽可能与实际的设计隧道线路(DTA )相接近 ,司机需要关于主机轴线相对于设计隧道线路 (DTA )的定位和取向的连续不断信息并需要立即得到其控制行为产生结果的反馈。SLS -TAPD隧道导向系统与自动定位和隧道…  相似文献   

李光朋  李光 《建筑机械》2012,(7):113-114
基于盾构推进油缸的使用工况,通过分析国外盾构推进油缸密封出现的问题,设计了更适合盾构推进油缸的密封组合。实际应用表明,采用这种密封设计的推进油缸工作状况良好,保压性能及使用寿命得到显著提高。  相似文献   

通过国内两个穿洋越海的长距离大断面隧道工程中盾构刀盘外圈梁修复实例,详细介绍了采用耐磨环的刀盘外圈梁修复技术和采用保护刀的刀盘外圈梁修复技术的修复方法和修复流程,为盾构长距离掘进的刀盘修复提供了参考.  相似文献   

针对土压平衡复合式盾构系统中刀盘驱动滑动装置进行了研究设计,总结了刀盘驱动滑动装置的优点,指出其不仅可以在常压及带压条件下更换刀具时发挥作用,还可以在应急情况下进行盾构刀盘脱困,为盾构的设计和施工提供了新思路。  相似文献   

宫学军 《山西建筑》2011,37(7):150-151
分别介绍了盾构掘进姿态控制内容及影响因素,着重阐述了在盾构掘进时采取的各种保证盾构姿态措施,以确保隧道成型后与设计轴线的偏差控制在允许范围之内。  相似文献   

地铁盾构进站接收施工是地铁盾构施工中的重点和难点,属于重大风险源,本文以福州地铁工程为实例,对地铁盾构进站接收的险情处理从地质情况、抢险措施、事故原因等进行介绍和分析,为今后地铁盾构施工遭遇类似的情况提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

刀盘作为盾构最为主要的工作部件,在盾构掘进过程中起开挖地层,破岩,稳定掌子面和流动碴土等作用,刀盘的结构及刀具布置与工程地质条件有着密切的关系,不同地层应采用不同的刀盘结构和刀具类型,合适的刀盘设计是盾构施工安全的关键,是施工进度的保证,是经济效益的体现。下文以南京、长春、广州地区地铁施工为例,进一步阐述土压平衡盾构刀盘的地质适应性设计。  相似文献   

成都砂卵石地层盾构刀盘与刀具选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
成都这种富水砂卵石地层中,有很多因素制约盾构快速、安全的施工,在这些因素中,盾构刀盘刀具的配置是对盾构施工影响最重要因素之一,将成都地铁一号线盾构4标两台盾构刀盘,刀具的配置进行对比,并对现有刀具盘合理布置刀具提出建议.  相似文献   

陈馈 《建筑机械化》2004,25(9):21-23
通过盾构机主轴承密封,铰接密封,盾尾密封的防水设计以及管片的防水施工和盾尾的防漏浆措施,介绍了泥水盾构在高水压地段下施工的防水技术。  相似文献   

任燕 《山西建筑》2014,(20):262-264
根据实际施工经验,分析了影响盾构刀具使用寿命的因素,探讨了地铁区间隧道盾构施工中刀具的合理使用及维护方法,指出在具体工程中要规范操作,以提高刀具的使用寿命,降低项目的生产成本。  相似文献   

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