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With rapid development communication system, high signal to noise ratio (SNR) system is required. In high frequency bandwidth, high loss, low Q inductors and high noise figure is a significant challenge with on-chip monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). To overcome this problem, high Q, low loss transmission line characteristics was analyzed. Compared with the same inductor value of the lumped component and the transmission line, it has a higher Q value and lower loss performance in high frequency, and a 2-stage common-source low noise amplifier (LNA) was presented, which employs source inductor feedback technology and high Q low loss transmission line matching network technique with over 17.6 dB small signal gain and 1.1 dB noise figure in 15 GHz-18 GHz. The LNA was fabricated by WIN semiconductors company 0.15 μm gallium arsenide (GaAs) P high electron mobility transistor (P-HEMT) process. The total Current is 15 mA, while the DC power consumption is only 45 mW.  相似文献   

Pre-distorters implemented at circuit level using series diodes have a high loss. The method presented here combines source/load second harmonic control with a parallel connected varactor diode. A reduction of 15 dB in the spectral regrowth at 1.9 GHz is achieved with a low loss of 2 dB due to the varactor diode  相似文献   

Using the base-emitter junctions of a bipolar transistor as a varicap diode and an on-chip spiral inductor, a fully integrated bipolar LC VCO realised in an industrial bipolar technology is presented  相似文献   

This paper attempts to fulfill the need for a quantitative analysis of the microwave equivalent steady state circuit parameters of the reverse biased PIN diode as a function of the process variables of the unit. The process variables considered include the effects of small impurity concentrations in the I region and variations in diffusion depth, surface dopant concentration, and I region width at the microwave frequency of 1 Gc/s. Using the Q of the diode as a result of a given design, it is shown that a high Q depends on having a small width, high resistivity I region, along with a shallow diffusion depth. The equivalent circuit parameters are independent of surface dopant concentration to a first approximation.  相似文献   

We report monolithic array oscillators incorporating Schottky-collector resonant tunnel diodes (SRTD's). In the SRTD, a 0.1-μm width Schottky collector contact provides a greatly reduced device series resistance, resulting in an estimated 2.2 THz maximum frequency of oscillation. A 64-element oscillator array oscillated at 650 GHz while a 16-element array produced 28 μW at 290 GHz  相似文献   

报道了一个具有低噪声性能的2~26GHz GaAs超宽带单片功率放大器的研究结果,介绍了模型提取、电路设计和单片制作的全过程.放大器采用分布式设计,在超宽带频率范围内增益为6.5±0.5dB,输入输出驻波比小于2.0.在2~20GHz内测得输出功率大于300mW,噪声系数为3.5~5.5dB.单片放大器包括所有匹配、隔直及偏置电路,芯片面积为3.2mm×1.275mm×0.1mm.  相似文献   

南京电子器件研究所于 2 0 0 1年研制成 WFD0 0 1 5型 2~ 6GHz单片低噪声放大器。该放大器采用南京电子器件研究所 76mm圆片 0 .5μm PHEMT标准工艺制作而成。芯片是由 2个 PHEMT、若干无源元件高度集成的低噪声放大器 ,标准单电源 + 5 V供电 ,输入输出电容隔直 ,使用方便 ,可靠性高 ,一致性好。芯片面积 3.0 mm× 2 .2 mm。达到的技术指标如下 :频率可达 2~ 6GHz,整个带内噪声系数小于 2 .6d B,线性功率增益达 2 5 d B,增益平坦度± 0 .5 d B,输入输出驻波小于 2 .0 ,因其稳定系数大于 1 ,该放大器工作十分稳定2~6GHz单片低…  相似文献   

报道了一个全平面超宽带GaAs单片行波放大器的研究结果。该单片电路的核心部件是四个300μm栅宽的MESFET,整个电路拓扑结构简单,芯片面积为3.0mm×1.8mm。电路经优化设计后在2~12GHz范围内,小信号增益为5±1dB,输入输出电压驻波比≤1.75。上述频率范围内输出功率≥16dBm,噪声系数≤8dB。采用全离子注入、全平面工艺,均匀性、一致性良好。实验结果与设计预计值十分一致。  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用0.15μm GaAs PHEMT工艺设计加工的2~20 GHz宽带单片放大器,为了提高电路的整体增益和带宽,在设计电路时采用两级级联分布式结构。此种电路结构不仅能够增加整体电路的增益和带宽,还可以提高电路的反向隔离,获得更低的噪声系数。利用Agilent ADS仿真设计软件对整体电路的原理图和版图进行仿真优化设计。后期电路在中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所砷化镓工艺线上加工完成。电路性能指标:在2~20 GHz工作频率范围内,小信号增益>13.5 dB;输入输出回波损耗<-9 dB;噪声系数<4.0 dB;P-1>13 dBm。放大器的工作电压5 V,功耗400 mW,芯片面积为3.00 mm×1.6 mm。  相似文献   

高长征 《半导体技术》2011,36(11):862-865
介绍了自动电平控制(ALC)放大器的工作原理,研究了组成ALC系统的放大器、衰减器及检波器的特性。采用宽带理论和微波仿真软件,设计了一种2~18 GHz宽带ALC放大器,并给出了测试结果。频率为2~18 GHz,增益大于18 dB,增益平坦度小于3 dB,输入输出驻波比小于2.5,ALC动态范围大于15 dB,输出功率稳定在12.5~13.5 dBm,具有优异的宽带性能及稳定的输出。该宽带ALC放大器采用PHEMT管芯和GaAs MMIC以及微波薄膜工艺,封装在密封的金属盒体中,具有模块化、小型化的特点,应用范围广泛、前景良好。  相似文献   

宽带 Ga AS MMIC功率放大器是雷达及微波宽带测试中的关键部件 ,在有关电子系统和微波通信中得到广泛应用。南京电子器件研究所最近研制成功的 7~ 1 8GHz宽带大功率放大器 ,具有比较优异的性能。该宽带单片功率放大器采用 76mm、0 .5 μmPHEMT MMIC工艺线完成。放大器的拓扑结构采用两级有耗匹配方式 ,双路信号在片内用 Lang桥直接合成 ,体积较小 ,从而实现高增益、大功率。宽频带大信号模型的建立是其中的关键 ,利用微波在片测试系统结合模型提取软件进行非线性模型的提取 ,并利用负载牵引系统对提取的模型进行验证、优化。利用…  相似文献   

WFD0 0 1 2 2~ 6GHz power monolithic amplifier has been developed in Nanjing Electronic DevicesInstitute in 2 0 0 1 .The 76mm 0 .5μm HFET standard technology and Ta N resistor,Ta2 O5capacitor,Si N capacitor have been used to fabricate the wideband MMIC.In the circuit design,lossless reactancematching was used to achieve wideband power matching,and lossy matching was used to realize goodinput return loss.The chip size is2 .9mm× 2 .9mm× 0 .0 8mm.The main electric specifications of …  相似文献   

介绍了一种8~20 GHz单片低噪声放大器的研制过程。本电路采用两级放大拓扑,自偏置结构。采用串联负反馈技术降低噪声系数和输入驻波比,采用负反馈技术扩展带宽和提高动态范围。电路设计基于Agilent ADS微波设计环境,并进行版图电磁场验证以提高设计的准确率。芯片在0.25μm GaAs PHEMT工艺线上加工制作。测试结果表明,在8~20 GHz频率范围内,增益大于13 dB(正斜率),噪声系数小于3 dB,输入输出驻波比小于2∶1,1 dB压缩输出功率典型值为15 dBm,单电源5 V供电,电流小于90 mA。芯片面积为1.72 mm×1.35 mm。该芯片可广泛应用于各种微波系统。  相似文献   

A two-stage monolithic GaAs travelling-wave amplifier operating in the 2?20 GHz frequency range with 12 dB flat gain is reported.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the two-tier matrix amplifier as a very-low-noise device with very high associated gains across multioctave frequency bands is theoretically and experimentally demonstrated. Experimental modules whose topology is based on a computer-optimized design exhibit an average noise figure of F=3.5 dB with an associated average gain of G=17.8 dB across the 2-18 GHz frequency band. These state-of-the-art results were achieved with GaAs MESFETs whose minimum noise figure is F=2.2 dB at 18 GHz and whose gate dimensions are 0.25×200 μm. The design considerations and the test results are discussed in detail  相似文献   

2~6GHz Monolithic Integrated Low Noise Amplifier  相似文献   

在雷达电子对抗领域,下变频接收通道是侦察系统的核心部件。针对电子侦察超宽带、微型化的需求,提出了一种2~18 GHz 的超宽带微型化下变频通道的实现方式。其架构采用毫米波二次变频体制,基于开关滤波器组芯片进行电路的微型化设计,采用多层介质基板结合裸芯片微组装工艺实现电路紧凑的集成与互连,优化了基板叠层结构设计,最终实现了超宽带下变频通道的微型化,主要测试性能满足设计要求。  相似文献   

本文根据Hines的里德二极管噪声理论和Haitz的噪声频谱功率密度的数学表达式对18—26.5GHz固体噪声二极管参数进行了设计,并根据器件的特点和要求对制作工艺作了考虑.给出了实验结果.  相似文献   

4~8GHz宽带单片集成低噪声放大器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俞汉扬  陈良月  李昕  杨涛  高怀 《电子科技》2011,24(12):38-41
基于0.15μm GaAs PHEMT工艺设计了一款C波段宽带单片集成低噪声放大器。电路由三级放大器级联而成,三级电路结构均使用电阻自偏压技术来实现单电源供电,它既可保证PHEMT管处于低噪声高增益的工作点,又可将所有元器件集成在单片GaAs衬底上,解决了供电复杂的问题。第三级电路采用了并联负反馈结构,降低了带内低频端...  相似文献   

基于H形感性窗结构设计了一款低插入损耗的8阶波导腔太赫兹滤波器.经Ansoft HFSS对滤波器进行仿真优化后,滤波器采用传统的数控铣进行实物加工.测试结果表明:滤波器的中心频率位于179.1 GHz,1 dB相对带宽为8.7%.滤波器中心频率处的插入损耗为0.34 dB,回波损耗优于18.9 dB.所设计的太赫兹腔体...  相似文献   

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