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微机械陀螺以抗;中击强度高、功耗低等优点在军事、民用方面都有着巨大的应用潜力,是各国研究机构和公司研究的一个重点方向。系统建模与仿真可以验证陀螺接口电路方案的可行性,指导具体模块电路的实现,实现结构与电路的协同优化设计。本文从陀螺接口电路的工作原理出发,对其进行数学语言描述,最终实现它的Simulink建模与仿真,从而验证电路方案设计的可行性,为后续工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

磁致伸缩换能器的电气等效电路参数的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据磁致伸缩换能器的电气等效电路对其网络参数R、L、C的确定进行了研究.提出了一种利用对磁致伸缩换能器空载时铁芯的磁导率进行曲线拟合来计算等效电路的参数的方法。  相似文献   

Pressurized lines, such as water pipelines and hydraulic brake lines, are used for many applications across different industries. Various models focusing on the dynamic pressure behavior of such lines have been developed; however, some representations are either inadequate or difficult to implement. In this paper, existing pressurized line models are first reviewed and a comparison of the relative accuracy among different representations is provided. Moreover, the equivalent pi circuit model developed in electric power engineering is applied to provide an exact representation of a distributed parameter pressurized line. This exact model is compared to multi-lump representations, and its use is demonstrated using examples.  相似文献   

针对45 nm MOSFET射频等效电路建模和参数提取技术进行了研究,在精确地提取了射频小信号模型参数之后,基于双端口网络的噪声相关矩阵和多端口噪声理论,使用本征电路的噪声电流源嵌入有噪声贡献的元件,从而分析推导出射频噪声参数模型,并与商用的45 nm CMOS射频测量值相对比,在相应的频段内显示出很好的正确性。  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - Comb drive actuators are very important microelectromechanical systems structures that are widely used in many applications. They are currently used in force balanced...  相似文献   

微机械陀螺是利用哥氏(wriolis)效应测量角速度的一种角速率传感器.提出一种梳齿式微机械陀螺结构,并且使用有限元仿真软件ANSYS对陀螺中的关键部件--支承梁进行结构仿真,在仿真过程中分别采用了整体建模和简化建模的方法对支撑梁的弹性系数进行了分析比较,最终得出可以采用简化模型代替整体模型对微机械陀螺中的支撑梁进行分析的结论,为陀螺支撑系统的仿真和分析提出了新的思路.  相似文献   

This paper presents algorithms and their implementations for table look-up modeling of static and dynamic behavior of electronic devices for transient simulation. More specifically, multivariate Bernstein polynomials are used to interpolate the operating point from tabular input-output data. For most device characteristics quadratic tensor product of input-output polynomial functions in Bernstein form offer operating point values within a few percent of the analytical function value. This range of accuracy is acceptable for most transient simulation scenarios. The algorithm outlined here consists of dot product evaluations and thus it is computationally simpler than analytical models.  相似文献   

A combined circuit/device model for the analysis of integrated microfluidic systems is presented. The complete model of an integrated microfluidic device incorporates modeling of fluidic transport, chemical reaction, reagent mixing, and separation. The fluidic flow is generated by an applied electrical field or by a combined electrical field and pressure gradient. In the proposed circuit/device model, the fluidic network has been represented by a circuit model and the functional units of the /spl mu/-TAS (micro Total Analysis System) have been represented by appropriate device models. We demonstrate the integration of the circuit and the device models by using an example, where the output from the fluidic transport module serves as the input for the other modules such as mixing, chemical reaction and separation. The combined circuit/device model can be used for analysis and design of entire microfluidic systems with very little computational expense, while maintaining the desired level of accuracy.  相似文献   

微系统( MEMS)阈值可调开关是一种适用于弹药类型的通用碰炸开关,靠捕捉碰撞目标时的前冲惯性力而闭合。此开关除了受惯性力和静电力之外,还受到可动电极和驱动电极之间由于空气阻力而产生很大的阻尼力的影响。利用Coventor wave软件中的Saber系统仿真法,对设计的开关结构进行瞬态特性分析,仿真结果表明:开关在不同加速度信号下,阈值加速度与电压基本上呈反比关系,且随着阈值加速度的增大,电压减小。对加工的开关样件进行实验检测,实验结果表明开关可以实现阈值可调。  相似文献   

A rapid and accurate system-level modeling and simulation for a novel electrostatic-feedback microaccelerometer, based on equivalent networks and electrical analogies, are presented in this paper. With the employment of the structured design strategy, the system is hierarchically decomposed at first, and the macromodel of the elementary transducer (a variable capacitor), is accordingly generated using the nodal analysis method, with the form of matrix or network. Based on this, the two types of differential capacitors, which respectively serve as sense and feedback elements, are mainly discussed and modeled. Expressed as equivalent circuits, they are coupled with the outside components, constructing an equivalent electrical representation that describes the completed mixed-domain system. The validity of the proposed model is verified by a good agreement between the simulation results implemented in the electrical simulator, OrCAD/Pspice, and those from VHDL-AMS approach. Then, some dynamic characteristics of the system are discussed. This computational prototyping provides a valuable foundation for further predictable optimal design for the product, with great benefit in reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness.  相似文献   

MEMS的设计方法与系统模拟   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
随着MEMS产业重点从单个的MEMS器件向MEMS系统产品的转移 ,MEMS系统级模拟变得日益重要 .文中主要介绍了MEMS系统的一些结构化、标准化的设计方法以及MEMS系统建模与模拟的分级 ,重点阐述了MEMS器件级与系统级模拟之间的桥梁———宏模型的建立及系统级模拟的实现。最后介绍了微加速度计系统模拟的一个例子  相似文献   

非线性是Sigma-Delta(ΣΔ)加速度计系统的关键指标之一。基于一个五阶ΣΔ加速度计结构,分析了其主要的非线性模块,在MATLAB中建立了整体结构的行为级模型,并利用根轨迹法进行了稳定性分析。基于TSMC 0.35μm工艺实现了一位量化的开关电容接口电路设计和版图设计,版图的后仿真结果和模型的行为级仿真结果一致,验证了所建立模型和设计电路的准确性。  相似文献   

Characterization and modeling of electro-thermal MEMS structures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Thermal functional circuits are an interesting group of the MEMS elements with high a potential. A practical realisation is called Quadratic Transfer Characteristics (QTC) element of which driving principle is the Seebeck effect. Such devices can be applied e.g. as RMS meters. In this paper we are dealing with the analyses of a QTC element from different perspectives. A family of compact models is presented. These models are suitable to use in network simulation programs. To investigate the detailed behaviour of the device, we measured a few secondary properties of the structure, such as temperature dependence, cut-off frequency and non-quadratic error.
Péter Gábor Szabó (Corresponding author)Email:
Vladimír SzékelyEmail:

为了提高电容式MEMS加速度计测量精度,设计了一种应用于MEMS加速度计微弱信号读出电路。读出电路由T型阻容网络放大电路、模拟开关解调电路和四阶带通滤波电路组成,通过Multisim软件仿真分析各模块电路原理并确定影响读出电路的主要因素,进一步优化确定元器件最佳参数,最后制作出PCB电路板并开展实验测试,实验结果表明微弱信号检测准确率达90%以上,能很好满足电容式MEMS加速度计微弱信号检测要求,同时该读出电路具有尺寸小、易调节、易于ASIC集成等特点,在微机械仪表的微小电容检测中有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

In this work we establish an equivalent circuit model to analyze the resonace of the metamaterial considering the loss of the unit cell and coupling effect between them. From this model, we find that metamaterial can be divided into three categories: weak, critical and strong couplings, depending on the values of the loss and coupling strength, where the different resonant properties are presented. The physical reason of the division is whether the loss in each unit cell can be offset by energy coupling from the adjunct unit cells. Full-wave electromagnetic simulations have also been carried out to verify the equivalent circuit analysis. Our circuit analysis provides a simple and effective way to understand the coupling of the metamaterial and gives guidance for the analysis and design of the metamaterial.  相似文献   

利用有限元软件HFSS和ANSYS系统研究了串联MEMS开关的微波性能和力学性能与其结构参数之间的关系,并在此基础上优化出悬臂梁开关的几何结构参数,设计了RF MEMS开关,实验表明:在外施电压为10V左右时,悬臂梁的挠度可达3μm左右,5GHz时,回波损耗小于0.2dB,隔离度大于35dB。  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - In this paper, a three-axis capacitor accelerator has been analyzed, modeled and optimized using micro-electromechanical systems technology. In the proposed structure,...  相似文献   

随着MEMS系统级设计成为研究的热点,MEMS系统级CAD的开发日益重要.论文介绍了一种基于降阶宏模型MEMS系统级仿真平台,通过有限元方法提取MEMS器件几何物理数据.建立MEMS器件有限元模型.利用Krylov子空间算法缩聚自由度建立宏模型,通过系统级仿真平台对此进行系统级仿真. 整个流程通过VC++编译器调用ANSYS、嵌入封装的算法动态链接库、集成SIMULINK系统仿真器完成.并用双端固支梁实例对所有模块加以验证,仿真结果准确,计算效率较高.  相似文献   

径向加强肋-薄膜伞状天线结构动力学建模与数值仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型空间可展开抛物面天线由于其特殊的应用价值,近年来广受人们关注.本文研究的径向加强肋-薄膜伞状天线是其中一种典型的非线性结构系统,为了掌握其在轨动力学特性,合理精确地建立径向加强肋-薄膜伞状天线的结构动力学模型至关重要.为描述径向加强肋-薄膜伞状天线物理模型中的预紧力问题,引入温度预应力等效方法解决天线结构模态的初始条件施加问题,通过有限元求解获得了其动力学特性,为径向加强肋-薄膜伞状天线的结构设计与力学研究提供了依据,并为其工程化实施奠定了理论研究基础.  相似文献   

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