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Interactive services on tree-and-branch cable TV systems in the U.K. have been rather slow to emerge. This has been partly due to the high cost of the customers' terminals but is also due to the difficulty of passing keyboard data, from the customers, back over the cable network to the head-end. This paper describes a new approach to these problems and shows that Videotex and other interactive services can be provided without major engineering changes to the network.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the first switched-star network (SSN) deployed in Westminster. It then goes on to look at the MkII development, based on a new switching chip, which allows the use of significantly smaller street cabinets. Finally work on a broadband, integrated service, all-fibre network, is introduced as the current step in the SSN development programme.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,科学技术水平的进步,信息化时代的到来,信息化技术的应用已经渗透我们工作、学习和生活中的方方面面,作为人们家庭生活中不可或缺的家电之一的电视,其已经受到了信息化的影响而得到不断的发展,不断满足人们对电视的不同需求。文章将围绕有线电视中的网络技术应用方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

Recent proposals have been made for a passive optical local access network (PON) for telephony and cable TV applications. These are leading to the design of new telecommunications customer access equipment whose functional requirements are discussed, together with details of the system demonstrators at BTRL. Possible sccenarios for network deployment are presented.  相似文献   

Since 1986, the first operating video communications systems developed by ALCATEL, have been commercially opened in the cities of Rennes, Saint-Cloud, Mantes and Toulon; other plants are under installation in the cities of Evry, Marseille, Massy, Gennevilliers, Lille and Montpellier. The basic infrastructures already installed permit the connection of several tens of thousands of households. Compared with conventional coaxial system, the ALCATEL video communications system presents the following main advantages:
  • (a) More efficient operating facilities for audiovisual services offering built-in access control functions, without any additional descrambling terminal on the user's premises, allowing easy introduction of pay-per-view programming, and providing advertising people with adequate audience measurements.
  • (b) Flexible and continuous implementation of additional telecommunication services such as telephony, videotex, home security, bidirectional data transmission and professional specialized applications.
Those advantages are a direct consequence of the switched-star network structure, based on fibre-optic technologies. After a brief overview of the architecture, the paper will present design principles and the main technical choices related to the ALCATEL system. The second part of the paper will describe the different subsystems constituting the switched-star network such as the subscriber subsystem and the operating and maintenance organization. Lastly, different evolving schemes for future introduction of narrowband and the broadband telecommunication services will be proposed.  相似文献   

The traditional cable TV network has recently emerged as a promising infrastructure for high‐speed data communications such as the Internet and multimedia. A cable TV network may cover a wide range of geographical area that thousands of subscribers live in or work at. However, this broad service range also brings some problems such as bandwidth congestion due to too many users, and the overhead in the design of access protocol. This article presents a bridged architecture that can increase the bandwidth re‐usability and data transmission reliability over the cable TV network. It first describes the method of bridging the cable TV networks and then gives the design of a cable bridge which partitions the cable segment into several subnetworks. For load‐balancing and fairness among subnetworks, a prioritized queuing scheme with a numerical analysis will be also described. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In countries where basic telecommunication services cannot satisfy all demands, as in Hungary and some other countries, the function of CATV may be different from that in the developed countries. While maintaining the primary, program distribution function it is expedient to use the cable TV as a local, autonomous data network too. From this viewpoint the up-to-date CATV network is a forerunner of the integrated broadband communication networks (IBCNs). Surveying these possibilities, and their economical implementation, is in the interest of many telecommunications administrations. The Research Institute of the Hungarian PTT (the PKI) has for some time been dealing with the multi-purpose application possibilities of cable TV systems too. In the framework of this research work, PKI has recently established an experimental cable TV network which is suitable for examining other functions as well.  相似文献   

樊东  武亚静  万刚 《中国有线电视》2007,(21):1955-1957
西安市自2004年开始运营数字电视业务以来,经过近3年的发展,截至2007年3月底,转换数字电视用户仅为10余万户。这个数字距陕西省"十五"规划及西安市实施方案中的目标尚远。即使数字电视用户的数量在政府的推动下有所增长,西安市不少小区的数字电视用户却并非真正意义上的数字电视用户,而是"整体转换"的结果。关键问题是"整体转换"是行政力量驱动而非市场行为,按照目前西安市现有的数字电视运营格局,政府推动为主而市场行为不明显,导致整体转换效果不佳。在市场经济条件下,真正推动西安市数字电视的快速发展仅仅依靠行政措施远远不够,应该通过市场行为来推动数字电视的发展。  相似文献   

针对有线电视信号的使用也越来越广泛,本文将结合有线电视信号的构成以及传输方式,探讨影响有线电视信号传输质量的因素,并结合这些因素进一步阐述提高有线电视信号传输质量的方法和措施。  相似文献   

模转数之际乡镇广电站管理问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有线电视模转数是有线数字电视发展必然经历的阶段。随着文化体制改革的不断深入和广电网络的快速发展,乡镇广播电视站的建设出现了许多新情况、新问题,理顺乡镇广电站的管理关系,提升服务质量,规范站风站貌,完善内部管理,是模转数过程中乡镇广电站管理有待解决的主要矛盾。  相似文献   

讨论有线电视业务收入结算摊分的定义及分类 ,详细分析收视费结算摊分的项目、结算原则和计算模型 ,简要介绍结算摊分的计算机管理  相似文献   

分析动车组在运行的时候产生的空间电磁干扰源,采用Agrawal传输线理论对场线耦合进行分析计算;分析干扰源参数变化对传输线终端负载电流的影响;通过计算数据分析线缆的抗干扰措施,为车辆布线电磁兼容性设计提供参考。  相似文献   

数字技术、网络技术、信息技术等高新技术对我国的经济、文化和社会产生了巨大的影响,数字电视作为信息领域最大的一次技术革命,极大地提高了广播电视的技术质量,数字有线电视的发展与推广是从2007年开始的,那时数字电视整体转换基本完成,之后的一年,数字有线电视逐渐被认可,并被广大群众所接受,2010年起广大用户开始大量运用数字电视,数字电视的发展进入一个新阶段。从此数字电视开始替代模拟电视,成为千家万户娱乐生活的一部分,但是随着数字电视的推广,用户在使用数字电视的过程中遇到的故障也越来越多,分析数字电视常见的一些故障,对发生故障的原因进行了研究,并提出解决的方法,总结用户自己解决故障的一般方法。  相似文献   

随着社会经济和科学技术的不断发展,我国的有线数字电视的发展速度也越来越快,但是因为我国还处于有线数字电视发展的一个初级阶段,所以,在其快速发展的同时也伴随着一些问题的出现.本文通过析详细分析我国有线数字电视的发展状况,以及在发展过程中存在的各类问题,探讨解决问题的对策和方法.旨在为我国有线数字电视的发展、管理等提供参考.  相似文献   

本文对虚拟货币的产生及形成进行了分析研究,阐述了广电行业虚拟货币系统建设的必要性和迫切性,并基于广电行业特征深入分析了虚拟货币系统建设思路及关键技术。同时,本文还重点介绍了基于广电业务特色的虚拟货币系统设计原理、系统架构、技术实现以及系统性能评估,以期通过探索实践,科学合理地设计和建设具有广电特色的虚拟货币系统,助力广电网络转型升级。  相似文献   

Passive optical networks are an attractive alternative to copper for basic POTS delivery in the near term. Since PONs provide a direct photonic path between the exchange and the customer they offer the maximum opportunities for network evolution by allowing services to evolve naturally and independently in the market place.  相似文献   

在广播电视行业不断发展条件下,电视专题节目制作也受到受众高度重视。这就应提高电视专题节目制作质量,在满足广大受众日常观看要求同时,使得我国广播电视行业向着现代化方向发展。针对电视专题节目制作进行研究,首先阐述电视专题节目制作特点,之后阐述电视专题节目制作质量问题和相关提升对策。在解决电视专题节目制作问题同时,提升电视专题节目制作质量,继而彰显电视专题节目制作优势。  相似文献   

马波 《电视技术》2012,36(24):71-73
为适应数字电视地面广播的发展,实现电视发射技术由模拟到数字化的顺利过渡,并最大程度地节约成本投入,从数字电视发射机对功率放大器的特殊要求出发,讨论了为适应这些要求所采取的一些措施,以及电视发射机模数过渡过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

齐晓燕 《电视技术》2012,36(4):48-50
在三网融合的大背景下,各地广电大多已经有互动电视和宽带网络,如果再实现手机电视,就拥有了三屏优势。介绍了手机电视业务系统的业务分析、运营分析、系统概述、网络架构、系统工作流程等,并提出了建手机电视系统的设计思路以及要点。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展,我国部分地区的有线电视网络机房建设的滞后现象越来越突出,已经不能满足当前社会的需求。在这种环境下,网络机房建设与改造就成为一种必然趋势,也是广电业务企业提升自身市场竞争力,确保各业务稳定运行的主要手段。文章主要对当前有线电视网络机房建设的现状进行分析,并对其改造方案提出一定的设计思路,以期提高有线电视网络机房的建设质量。  相似文献   

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