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The aim of the paper was to estimate variance components for somatic cell scores for Italian Holsteins using data from three different areas of the country. A total of 2,202,804 first-parity test-day records, collected from 1990 to 1997 in three areas of Italy (Mantova, Milano, and Parmigiano cheese area), were available for study. The areas differ in herd size, feeding systems and especially in milk use. A minimum standard of quality is also required by some specific methods of cheese production, as for example from the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese chain. These reasons, taken together, affect the attention given to the quality of milk production in herds, and, therefore, to the sanitation levels. A pedigree file was extracted from the national database of Holstein Friesian breed. For computational reasons, eight samples of the data were extracted per area. Variance components were estimated by sample using two different test-day repeatability models. The first model included fixed effects of herd-test date, days in milk (30-d intervals) and calving month, and random effects of permanent environment, additive genetic and residual error. Estimated heritabilities in the first model ranged from 0.06 to 0.09 and repeatabilities from 0.36 to 0.45. Only small differences were detected among areas. In the second model, a random sire x herd interaction effect was added. Including the sire x herd effect resulted in heritability estimates ranging between 0.05 and 0.08 and repeatabilities from 0.35 to 0.45. The analysis revealed that only a small fraction of the total variance (0.35 to 1.5%) could be explained by sire x herd interaction effect. Based on this research, it appears that parameter estimates for somatic cell count do not differ by region, and inclusion of a sire x herd interaction effect is unnecessary.  相似文献   

Milk production data of Luxembourg and Tunisian Holstein cows were analyzed using herd management (HM) level. Herds in each country were clustered into high, medium, and low HM levels based on solutions of herd-test-date and herd-year of calving effects from national evaluations. Data from both populations included 730,810 test-day (TD) milk yield records from 87,734 first-lactation cows. A multi-trait, random regression TD model was used to estimate (co)variance components for milk yield within and across country HM levels. Additive genetic and permanent environmental variances of TD milk yields varied with management level in Tunisia and Luxembourg. Additive variances were smaller across HM levels in Tunisia than in Luxembourg, whereas permanent environmental variances were larger in Tunisian HM levels. Highest heritability estimates of 305-d milk yield (0.41 and 0.21) were found in high HM levels, whereas lowest estimates (0.31 and 0.12, respectively) were associated with low HM levels in both countries. Genetic correlations among Luxembourg HM levels were >0.96, whereas those among Tunisian HM levels were below 0.80. Respective rank orders of sires ranged from 0.73 to 0.83 across Luxembourg environments and from 0.33 to 0.42 across Tunisian HM levels indicating high re-ranking of sires in Tunisia and only a scaling effect in Luxembourg. Across-country environment analysis showed that estimates of genetic variance in the high, medium, and low classes of Tunisian environments were 45, 69, and 81% lower, respectively, than the estimate found in the high Luxembourg HM level. Genetic correlations among 305-d milk yields in Tunisian and Luxembourg HM environments ranged from 0.39 to 0.79. The largest estimated genetic correlation was found between the medium Luxembourg and high Tunisian HM levels. Rank correlations for common sires’ estimated breeding values among HM environments were low and ranged from 0.19 to 0.39, implying the existence of genotype by environment interaction. These results indicate that daughters of superior sires in Luxembourg have their genetic expression for milk production limited under Tunisian environments. Milk production of cows in the medium and low Luxembourg environments were good predictors of that of their paternal half-sisters in the high Tunisian HM level. Breeding decisions in low-input Tunisian environment should utilize semen from sires with daughters in similar production environments rather than semen of bulls proven in higher management levels.  相似文献   

A method of accounting for differences in covariance components of test-day milk records was developed based on transformation of regressions for random effects. Preliminary analysis indicated that genetic and nongenetic covariance structures differed by herd milk yield. Differences were found for phenotypic covariances and also for genetic, permanent environmental, and herd-time covariances. Heritabilities for test-day milk yield tended to be lower at the end and especially at the start of lactation; they also were higher (maximum of ∼25%) for high-yield herds and lower (maximum of 15%) for low-yield herds. Permanent environmental variances were on average 10% lower in high-yield herds. Relative herd-time variances were ∼10% at start of lactation and then began to decrease regardless of herd yield; high-yield herds increased in midlactation followed by another decrease, and medium-yield herds increased at the end of lactation. Regressors for random regression effects were transformed to adjust for heterogeneity of test-day yield covariances. Some animal reranking occurred because of this transformation of genetic and permanent environmental effects. When genetic correlations between environments were allowed to differ from 1, some additional animal re-ranking occurred. Correlations of variances of genetic and permanent-environmental regression solutions within herd, test-day, and milking frequency class with class mean milk yields were reduced with adjustment for heterogeneous covariance. The method suggests a number of innovative solutions to issues related to heterogeneous covariance structures, such as adjusted estimates in multibreed evaluation.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated simultaneously for 5 herd-life traits, 15 conformation (type) traits, and milk yield measured in first lactation for 128,601 Holstein cows. Heritabilities of all traits were higher in registered than in grade cows. Genetic correlations of linear type traits with first lactation yield ranged from -.48 for udder depth to .54 for dairy form. Genetic correlations among milk yield and herd-life traits were all positive except for milk-corrected herd life in grade cows. Udder traits had largest absolute genetic correlations with herd-life traits, followed by body traits and feet and leg traits. Some traits associated with body size and foot angle differed between registered and grade cows. Estimates of genetic trends from obtained parameters revealed greatest progress for milk yield from single-trait selection but also the largest changes for some type traits and milk-corrected herd life in an undesirable direction. Relative milk to type ratios of between 2:1 and 3:1 yielded 90% of the gain in milk yield with no change or slight improvement in type traits and functional herd life. Selection for type traits associated with herd life appears to be warranted to improve days of functional herd life or to decrease involuntary culling of dairy cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of herd environment class on the genetic and phenotypic relationships of mature equivalent milk yield (MY) on age at first calving (AFC). Data analyzed were 248,230 first parity records of Holstein cows, daughters of 588 sires in 3,042 herds in the United States. Heritability for AFC was 0.33 ± 0.01 and 0.20 ± 0.01 in high and low environment herds, respectively, and 0.47 ± 0.01 in the complete data set. The correlation between AFC sires’ predicted breeding values of low and high classes was 0.69. Genetic correlations between MY and AFC were −0.52 ± 0.02 and −0.31 ± 0.03 in high and low environment herds, respectively, and −0.44 ± 0.02 in the complete data set representing intermediate environments. If selection is based on the whole data set, expected correlated responses for AFC estimated as a result of 1,000 kg of genetic gain in MY, for high and low herd environment herds were −26.1 and −15.3 d, respectively, and −32.6 for the complete data set; hence the highest reduction in AFC occurs in intermediate environment herds. Different estimates of the heritability of AFC, the correlation between AFC breeding values of low and high classes as well as changes in the genetic correlation between MY and AFC across environments indicate genotype × environment interaction. Caution in interpretation is warranted because genetic relationships are dynamic, especially in populations undergoing selection. Current relationships may differ from those during the time period of the present study (1987–1994). Notwithstanding this possibility, methods and findings from the present study provide insight about the complexity of genetic association and genotype × environment interactions between AFC and MY.  相似文献   

Lactation measures of somatic cell concentration and total SCC production were developed. Data were separated into three parity groups. Within parity, five data sets were created: four subsets by herd-year average SCC, and one with all records. Records on lactation SCC, total SCC production, and 305-d milk were analyzed by a sire model separately in each subset within parity. Variance components estimates were by REML. For SCC and total SCC production, heritability estimates averaged .12 and were lowest in the highest level of herd-year average SCC. Estimates of genetic correlation between SCC and total SCC production were over .95; between SCC and 305-d milk were around .25 in first and -.15 in later parities; between total SCC and 305-d milk were around .50 in first and .15 in later parities. Product-moment correlations between sire effects in different levels of herd-year average SCC were obtained. Ratios of product-moment correlations to their expected value were above .80 for all traits in all parities. High ratios indicated little genotype by environment interaction. A sire by herd interaction was fitted in the model and accounted for less than 2% of total phenotypic variance for SCC and total SCC production, and 4% for 305-d milk. Estimates of genetic correlation of first with later parities were .71 to .86 for all traits. Between second and third parity genetic correlation estimates were around unity for all traits. Records from all parities should be used for sire evaluation.  相似文献   

Components of (co)variance and genetic parameters were estimated by REML procedures from first lactation mature equivalent Holstein milk records from 54,604 Colombian, Mexican, and Puerto Rican cows and 198,079 US cows. The objective was to determine the cause of heterogeneous daughter response to sire selection for milk yield between the regions. Data from Latin America were partitioned by country and by herd-year SD class for milk to obtain five joint analyses between the US and Latin America, low herd-year SD, high herd-year SD, Colombia, and Mexico. Sire and residual variances for milk were 41 and 29% smaller in Latin America than in the US, 47 and 58% smaller for low than for high herd-year SD, and 31 and 49% smaller for Colombia than for Mexico. Resultant heritabilities ranged from .20 to .29. Genetic correlations for milk yield between the US and Latin America, low and high herd-year SD, Colombia, and Mexico were .91, .82, .89, .78, and .90. Expected correlated responses for milk in Latin America, low and high herd-year SD, Colombia, and Mexico were 70, 53, 79, 56, and 78% of the direct response in the US. The scaling effects of heterogeneous variance resulted in smaller daughter milk responses in Latin America compared with the US even when herd-year SD was similar.  相似文献   

Test-day (TD) models are used in most countries to perform national genetic evaluations for dairy cattle. The TD models estimate lactation curves and their changes as well as variation in populations. Although potentially useful, little attention has been given to the application of TD models for management purposes. The potential of the TD model for management use depends on its ability to describe within- or between-herd variation that can be linked to specific management practices. The aim of this study was to estimate variance components for milk yield, milk component yields, and somatic cell score (SCS) of dairy cows in the Ragusa and Vicenza areas of Italy, such that the most relevant sources of variation can be identified for the development of management parameters. The available data set contained 1,080,637 TD records of 42,817 cows in 471 herds. Variance components were estimated with a multilactation, random-regression, TD animal model by using the software adopted by NRS for the Dutch national genetic evaluation. The model comprised 5 fixed effects [region × parity × days in milk (DIM), parity × year of calving × season of calving × DIM, parity × age at calving × year of calving, parity × calving interval × stage of pregnancy, and year of test × calendar week of test] and random herd × test date, regressions for herd lactation curve (HCUR), the animal additive genetic effect, and the permanent environmental effect by using fourth-order Legendre polynomials. The HCUR variances for milk and protein yields were highest around the time of peak yield (DIM 50 to 150), whereas for fat yield the HCUR variance was relatively constant throughout first lactation and decreased following the peak around 40 to 90 DIM for lactations 2 and 3. For SCS, the HCUR variances were relatively small compared with the genetic, permanent environmental, and residual variances. For all the traits except SCS, the variance explained by random herd × test date was much smaller than the HCUR variance, which indicates that the development of management parameters should focus on between-herd parameters during peak lactation for milk and milk components. For SCS, the within-herd variance was greater than the between-herd variance, suggesting that the focus should be on management parameters explaining variances at the cow level. The present study showed clear evidence for the benefits of using a random regression TD model for management decisions.  相似文献   

Test-day (TD) milk yield records of first-lactation Holstein cows in Luxembourg and Tunisia were analyzed using within-and between-country random regression TD models. Edited data used for within-country analysis included 661,453 and 281,913 TD records in Luxembourg and Tunisia, respectively. The joint data included 730,810 TD records of 87,734 cows and 231 common sires. Both data sets covered calving years 1995 to 2006. Fourth-order Legendre polynomials for random effects and a Gibbs sampling method were used to estimate variance components of lactation curve parameters in separate and joint analyses. Genetic variances of the first 3 coefficients from Luxembourg data were 46 to 69% larger than corresponding estimates from the Tunisian data. Inversely, the Tunisian permanent environment variances for the same coefficients were 52 to 65% larger than the Luxembourg ones. Posterior mean heritabilities of 305-d milk yield and persistency, defined as estimated breeding values (EBV) at 280 days in milk-EBV at 80 days in milk, from between-country analysis were 0.42 and 0.12 and 0.19 and 0.08 in Luxembourg and Tunisia, respectively. Heritability estimates for the same traits from within-country analyses, mainly from the Tunisian data, were lower than those from the joint analysis. Genetic correlations for 305-d milk yield and persistency between countries were 0.60 and 0.36. Product moment and rank correlations between EBV of common sires for 305-d milk yield and persistency from within-country analyses were 0.38 and 0.41 and 0.27 and 0.26, respectively. Differences between genetic variances found in both countries reflect different milk production levels. Moreover, low genetic and rank correlations suggest different ranking of sires in the 2 environments, which implies the existence of a genotype × environment interaction for milk yield in Holsteins.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to test for heterogeneity of genetic and environmental variance among completed and extended records from different lactations or different days in milk (DIM) and to build a model that accounts for this heterogeneity. A total of 147,457 305-d milk yield records from Danish Jersey cows calving between 1984 and early 1999 from two regions of Denmark were used in this study. Results showed that DIM and parity influenced parameters estimated from an animal model with repeated records. Therefore, the data were analyzed using random-regression models that allow the covariance between measurements to change gradually with DIM and parity. Random regressions were fitted for additive genetic effects and permanent environmental effects using second- or third-order normalized Legendre polynomials for DIM and parity. Variances of random-regression coefficients associated with all orders of the polynomials were significant. Based on these parameter estimates, a covariance function (CF) was defined. The CF showed that the heritability decreases over parities, but within each parity heritability increases with DIM, whereas variance of permanent environmental effects increases over parities and decreases with DIM. Generally, genetic correlations were higher between records with similar DIM and parity. The results indicate that there are problems with the extension procedure used to predict 305-d milk yields. Using the covariance functions estimated in this study, breeding values could be predicted that take into account the covariance structure between records from different parities and different DIM.  相似文献   

In 1967, the Jersey herd at the Dairy Experiment Station, Lewisburg, TN was divided into two groups on the basis of ancestry, type, and breeding value for milk as part of a project to determine effects of single trait selection for high milk yield on yield and correlated traits. Control group was mated randomly to 20 unproven young sires selected randomly from those available from breeding studs in 1967. Selection group was mated to sires selected solely on the basis of their high transmitting ability for milk. Selection sires were selected at intervals and used for 4 yr. By the end of the project (1984), lactation information was available on 672 daughters (520 selection and 152 control) of 37 bulls (17 selection and 20 control). Differences in breeding values for milk, fat, and fat test as calculated from the PTA reported in the July 1989 USDA genetic evaluations and differences in first lactation mature equivalent production of milk, fat, fat test, and 4% FCM were examined. Linear mixed models were used for all analyses and contained the fixed effects group, generation within group, and year. Sires were random, nested within group, and used to test for group differences. Groups differed for all traits. Selection was superior to control in breeding value for milk and fat (828 and 31 kg) and for production of milk, fat, and 4% FCM (1066, 42, and 1061 kg). Control was superior to selection in breeding value and production fat test (.15 and .12%). Group differences existed within generation class for all yield traits but not for fat percentage. Realized response closely matched or exceeded expected response as estimated from pedigree information.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to compare Novartis N29-F1, a dual-purpose 90-d relative maturity corn hybrid, and Novartis NX3018, a 90-d relative maturity leafy corn silage hybrid for dry matter (DM) yield, in vitro digestibility, plant components, nutrient composition, and lactational performance by Holstein cows. The two corn hybrids were planted in replicated 15.2- x 321-m plots. Plant population and DM yield were similar between the two corn hybrids. Novartis NX3018 had higher content of crude protein and ash, a higher proportion of leaves and stalks, and a lower proportion of grain compared with Novartis N29-F1. The cob, grain, and leaves of Novartis NX3018 had higher in vitro true DM and neutral detergent fiber disappearances compared with the respective plant components of Novartis N29-F1. Thirty-eight midlactation multiparous Holstein cows (78 +/- 23.0 days in milk) producing 47.2 +/- 8.9 kg of milk per cow per day were blocked and assigned randomly to one of two total mixed ration (TMR) containing (DM basis) approximately 26% Novartis N29-F1 or Novartis NX3018 corn silage. Cows were housed in a free-stall barn and group fed ad libitum. The lactation study was conducted as a crossover design with two 28-d periods. Samples and data were collected during the final 7 d of each period. The total mixed rations were formulated using the Cornell-Penn-Miner Dairy nutrition model. Cows that were fed the total mixed rations containing Novartis NX3018 corn silage produced higher yields of milk 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM), milk crude protein, and milk lactose compared to cows that were fed the TMR containing Novartis N29-F1 corn silage. In conclusion, the Novartis NX3018 corn hybrid was leafier and more digestible in vitro, and when fed to dairy cows as silage, promoted higher milk yield compared with the Novartis N29-F1 corn hybrid.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat, and protein yield were estimated for the first lactation. The data analyzed consisted of 1,433 first lactations of Murrah buffaloes, daughters of 113 sires from 12 herds in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, with calvings from 1985 to 2007. Ten-month classes of lactation days were considered for the test-day yields. The (co)variance components for the 3 traits were estimated using the regression analyses by Bayesian inference applying an animal model by Gibbs sampling. The contemporary groups were defined as herd-year-month of the test day. In the model, the random effects were additive genetic, permanent environment, and residual. The fixed effects were contemporary group and number of milkings (1 or 2), the linear and quadratic effects of the covariable age of the buffalo at calving, as well as the mean lactation curve of the population, which was modeled by orthogonal Legendre polynomials of fourth order. The random effects for the traits studied were modeled by Legendre polynomials of third and fourth order for additive genetic and permanent environment, respectively, the residual variances were modeled considering 4 residual classes. The heritability estimates for the traits were moderate (from 0.21–0.38), with higher estimates in the intermediate lactation phase. The genetic correlation estimates within and among the traits varied from 0.05 to 0.99. The results indicate that the selection for any trait test day will result in an indirect genetic gain for milk, fat, and protein yield in all periods of the lactation curve. The accuracy associated with estimated breeding values obtained using multi-trait random regression was slightly higher (around 8%) compared with single-trait random regression. This difference may be because to the greater amount of information available per animal.  相似文献   

Milk yield has a strong effect on fertility, but it may vary across different herds and individual cows. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of breed and its interaction with level of milk production at the herd level (Herd-L) and at a cow-within-herd level (Cow-L) on fertility traits in dairy cattle. Data were gathered from Holstein (n = 17,688), Brown Swiss (n = 32,697), Simmental (n = 27,791), and Alpine Grey (n = 13,689) cows in northeastern Italy. The analysis was based on records from the first 3 lactations in the years 2011 to 2014. A mixed model was fitted to establish milk production levels of the various herds (Herd-L) and individual cows (Cow-L) using milk as a response variable. The interval fertility traits were interval from calving to first service, interval from first service to conception, and number of days open. The success traits were nonreturn rate at 56 d after first service, pregnancy rate at first service, and the number of inseminations. The interval from calving to first service, interval from first service to conception, and number of days open were analyzed using a Cox's proportional hazards model. The nonreturn rate at 56 d after first service, pregnancy rate at first service, and the number of inseminations were analyzed using logistic regression. There was a strong interaction between breed and productivity class at both Herd-L and Cow-L on all traits. The effects of herd and cow productivity differed from each other and differed among breeds. The dual-purpose Simmental and Alpine Grey breeds had better fertility than the specialized Holstein and Brown Swiss dairy cows; this difference is only partly attributable to different milk yields. Greater herd productivity can result in higher fertility in cows, whereas higher milk yield of individual cows within a herd results in lower fertility. These effects at both Herd-L and Cow-L are curvilinear and are stronger in dual-purpose breeds, which was more evident from low to intermediate milk yield levels than from central to high productivity classes. Disentangling the effects of milk productivity on fertility at Herd-L and Cow-L and taking the nonlinearity of response into account could lead to better modeling of populations within breed. It could also help with management—for example, in precision dairy farming of dairy and dual-purpose cattle. Moreover, assessing the fertility of various breeds and their different responses to herd and individual productivity levels could be useful in devising more profitable crossbreeding programs in different dairy systems.  相似文献   

To examine the ability of cows to recognize people and the effects of the fear of people by cows at milking, cows (n = 14) were handled by two people; one handled the cows gently, and the other handled them aversively. The handlers wore clothes of different color. After handling, the cows stood further from the aversive handler than from the gentle handler. When the handlers changed the color of their clothing, the cows did not discriminate between them. The gentle handler stood close to the cows for one milking, and the aversive handler stood close to the cows for another milking. For two control milkings, neither handler was present. Measurements included milking duration, milk yield, residual milk, heart rates, incidence of movement, and kicking behavior of the cows. Compared with control milkings, the presence of the gentle handler did not change milk yield or residual milk. The presence of the aversive handler increased residual milk by 70%. Kicking behavior of cows during milking was reduced with either handler present, and kicking during udder preparation was reduced with the aversive handler present. For cows that best discriminated between the handlers, the presence of the aversive handler increased movement and heart rate during milking. For cows that did not discriminate well between the handlers, the presence of either handler increased heart rate and decreased movement during milking. Cows recognized individual people, and the fear of people who are present during milking may reduce milk yield.  相似文献   

Subclinical mastitis is one of the major health problems in dairy herds due to decreased milk production and reduced milk quality. The aim of this study was to examine the within-herd prevalence of subclinical intramammary infection caused by Mycoplasma bovis and to evaluate associations between M. bovis and cow daily milk yield, udder health, and milk composition. Individual cow composite milk samples (n = 522) were collected from all lactating dairy cows in 1 Estonian dairy farm in November 2014. Daily milk yield, days in milk, and parity were recorded. Collected milk samples were analyzed for somatic cell count, milk protein, fat, and urea content. The presence of M. bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Streptococcus uberis in the milk samples was confirmed by quantitative PCR analysis. The within-herd prevalence of M. bovis was 17.2% in the study herd. No association was observed between days in milk and parity to the presence of M. bovis in milk. According to linear regression analysis, the daily milk yield from cows positive for M. bovis was on average 3.0 kg lower compared with cows negative for M. bovis. In addition, the presence of M. bovis in milk samples was significantly associated with higher somatic cell count and lower fat and urea content compared with milk samples negative for M. bovis. In conclusion, subclinical M. bovis intramammary infection is associated with decreased milk yield and lower milk quality.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to investigate the importance of a genotype × environment interaction (G × E) for somatic cell score (SCS) across levels of bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC), number of days in milk (DIM), and their interaction. Variance components were estimated with a model including random regressions for each sire on herd test-day BMSCC, DIM, and the interaction of BMSCC and DIM. The analyzed data set contained 344,029 test-day records of 24,125 cows, sired by 182 bulls, in 461 herds comprising 13,563 herd test-days. In early lactation, considerable G × E effects were detected for SCS, indicated by 3-fold higher genetic variance for SCS at high BMSCC compared with SCS at low BMSCC, and a genetic correlation of 0.72 between SCS at low and at high BMSCC. Estimated G × E effects were smaller during late lactation. Genetic correlations between SCS at the same level of BMSCC, across DIM, were between 0.43 and 0.89. The lowest genetic correlation between SCS measures on any 2 possible combinations of BMSCC and DIM was 0.42. Correlated responses in SCS across BMSCC and DIM were, on some occasions, less than half the direct response to selection in the response environment. Responses to selection were reasonably high among environments in the second half of the lactation, whereas responses to selection between environments early and late in lactation tended to be low. Selection for reduced SCS yielded the highest direct response early in lactation at high BMSCC.  相似文献   

This trial was to determine the effect of dietary rapeseed screenings on milk production, milk composition, and feed intake of lactating dairy cows. Pelleted rapeseed screenings were fed at 0, 7, and 14% of diet DM. Assignment of 36 multiparous Holstein cows was based upon parity and previous lactation performance. The experimental period was from parturition through wk 16 of lactation. The control ration had 3.1% ether extract, whereas the ration with 14% rapeseed screenings had 5.4% ether extract. The rapeseed screenings contained 52.2% of C18:1 and 24.2% of C18:2 as percentage of total fatty acids. There were no significant effects of dietary treatment on milk yield or feed intake. There were significant increases in milk fatty acids C18:1 and C18:2 for cows consuming the diets with rapeseed screenings. Treatment did not significantly affect milk protein percentage as measured by Kjeldahl N or by the infrared method. Increased unsaturated fatty acids in the milk of cows fed rapeseed screenings had no apparent effect on infrared fat analysis. There was no interaction of treatment and milk fat analysis method (infrared versus Babcock). Dietary treatment did not affect blood serum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations over the 16-wk period. In conclusion, rapeseed screenings, fed at levels up to 14% of the diet, did not affect milk yield, milk protein, or milk fat percentage but did change milk fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

A 6 x 6 Latin square design was used to test the effects of recombinant bovine placental lactogen on milk yield, milk composition, feed intake, and blood hormone and metabolite levels in nonpregnant lactating cows. The six treatments (5, 10, 20, and 40 mg/d of placental lactogen, water as negative control, and 20 mg/d of bST as positive control) were administered by subcutaneous injection twice daily for 9 d. Blood samples were taken during the last 5 d of the treatment period. The three highest doses of placental lactogen increased milk yield, and there was a linear dose effect, although placental lactogen was less potent than bST. Milk concentrations of lactose, protein, and fat were not altered by any of the treatments. Dry matter intake was increased by two of the doses of placental lactogen, but not by bST. Blood urea N concentration was decreased in a dose-dependent manner by placental lactogen and was also decreased by bST. Similarly, serum insulin-like growth factor-I was increased in a dose-dependent manner by placental lactogen and was also increased by bST. Plasma concentrations of NEFA and glucose were increased by bST, but placental lactogen had little or no effect on either of these parameters. Thus, placental lactogen appears to act, in part, as a weak somatotropin agonist; however, it also appears to have specific activities, e.g., stimulating feed intake.  相似文献   

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