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The study was to evaluate factors affecting outcome of 131I therapy in hyperthyroidism for optimizing the method. Data from 213 patients who received 131I treatment from July 2003 to July 2005 in our department were retrospectively analyzed. Factors possibly contributing to the outcome of the 131I therapy were analyzed, including gen-der, age, history of antithyroid drug, thyroid volume, duration of disease and radioactive iodine uptake rate. Multivariate analysis was done. The rates of euthyroidism and hypothyroidism were 69% and 8.5%, respectively, after one time 131I therapy. Multivariate analysis of the patients showed no statistically significant factors affecting the outcome of 131I therapy. The study showed that 131I dose can be directly calculated, and this simplifies the dose-determined method and individualizes the therapy.  相似文献   

131I治疗甲状腺机能亢进症的临床评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汪静  邓敬兰  乔宏庆 《核技术》2001,24(5):370-372
为探讨^131I治疗甲亢的临床应用价值,采用常规手法触诊对甲状腺估重,按每g甲状腺实际吸收剂量计算^131I的给药剂量,给药方式均为一次口服。服药后3个月复查,包括症状、体征及血清垂体-甲状腺轴激素。结果表明,105例中基本治愈者80例(76.2%),基本治愈但有早期甲减者16例(15.2%),本组^131I一次治疗的有效率为91.4%;复发者9例(8.6%),经第二次治疗后病情亦得到控制。说明^131I治疗Graves甲亢的治愈率高、复发率低、简便易行,若运用^131I的治疗剂量合适,可以将早期甲减发病率控制在可接受的范围内。  相似文献   

应用核素心室造影对50例甲亢患者进行左右心室收缩与舒张功能测定,结果左心室EF、SV比正常人减低(P<0.05),但CO反比正常人增高(P<0.01);左心室PFR亦减低(P<0.05),但PER却无明显减低(P>0.05).右心室EF、PER、PFR均有明显减低(P<0.01)。其中,30例经心肺阻抗血流图检测结果与核素心室造影测定的结果相符。显示甲亢患者有心室功能受损明显,尤以右心室射血期最为显著。左室PER并未随左室PFE的下降而减低,CO反而增加。甲亢(30例)经过治疗症状控制后,复查左右心室功能均见EF、PER、PFR明显升高,与治疗前相比有显著性差异。  相似文献   

林军  陈宁  缪蔚冰  彭接权  江志红  吴晶 《核技术》2001,24(5):341-344
为观察小儿肾病综合征并发肺栓塞的临床特点,用^99mTc-MAA肺灌注显像方法,检查30例血D2聚体阳性的肾病综合征患儿。结果检出肺栓塞患儿14例(占46.7%),肺栓塞节段分别为1-7段。表明行肝素为主的抗凝治疗2周后,绝大多数患儿痊愈好转。说明小儿肾小球疾病并发肺栓塞为临床常见,用^99mTc-MAA肺灌注显像诊断肺栓塞方法可靠、灵敏,对治疗效果也有一定价值。  相似文献   

为观察小儿肾病综合征并发肺栓塞的临床特点 ,用99mTc -MAA肺灌注显像方法 ,检查 30例血D2 聚体阳性的肾病综合征患儿。结果检出肺栓塞患儿 14例 (占 4 6.7% ) ,肺栓塞节段分别为 1—7段。表明行肝素为主的抗凝治疗 2周后 ,绝大多数患儿痊愈好转。说明小儿肾小球疾病并发肺栓塞为临床常见 ,用99mTc -MAA肺灌注显像诊断肺栓塞方法可靠、灵敏 ,对判断治疗效果也有一定价值。  相似文献   

本文介绍超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的氯甘脲和氯胺T标记方法的比较,结果表明:SOD用氯甘脲标记法~(131)I标记率(55.34%)较同样条件下氯胺T标记法~(131)I标记率(42.37%)为高;而且用氯甘脲标记方法的SOD酶的活性(0.5 U/μg)较氯胺T标记方法的SOD酶活性(0.2U/μg)要高。且前者具有操作简单、经济、高效、快速的优点。  相似文献   

Several series of static and dynamic experiments with a German reactor pressure vessel steel have been performed at different temperatures. Besides results of standardized compact tension tests and static and dynamic tensile tests, results of instrumented Charpy-V tests and of dynamically loaded notched round bars are presented. In addition to the evaluation of J values these tests were analyzed numerically by means of a micromechanical damage model in order to finally determine the Weibull parameters of the Beremin model. However, not all of the results of the different series of tests are consistent, suggesting the need for modifications of the evaluation or the model to enable the application to arbitrary temperatures and loading conditions.  相似文献   

分化良好的甲状腺癌病人预后较好,但大剂量放射性^131I治疗后会给病人带多方面的副作用,本文研究了甲状腺癌病人接受大剂量^131I治疗后,常见副作用的发生及其与累积治疗剂量间的关系。根据^131I治疗后常见的副作用。选择了10个问题建立标准问卷,由高年资的核医学医师对病人进行随访,对问卷回答结果进行分析比较,结果表明,涎腺炎的晚期症状和严重的口干症状与^131I治疗剂量大小密切相产。研究提示,在治疗过程中要采取一些必要的方法, 尽可能减少副作用的发生,以提高病人的生活质量。  相似文献   

Five 5% small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) experiments and two natural circulation experiments were conducted at the ROSA-IV Large Scale Test Facility (LSTF). The liquid holdup in the upflow side of steam generator (SG) U-tubes temporarily depressed the core collapsed liquid level below the bottom of core during the loop seal clearing in the cold-leg break SBLOCA tests. This phenomena was affected by the core power and core bypass but was affected little by the actuation of the high pressure injection system. Overall thermal-hydraulic phenomena in a loop seal line break test was similar to that of cold-leg break tests, however, the liquid holdup phenomena played a little role. In a hot-leg break test a temporary but rapid depression of the core liquid level was observed immediately after the initiation of accumulator injection which caused condensation and depressurization in the cold leg. The change of natural circulation flow rate with the decrease of primary system mass inventory was qualitatively the same as observed in Semiscale, LOBI and PKL. The SG effective overall heat transfer coefficient below the secondary-side collapsed liquid level was weakly dependent on the secondary side liquid level and the core power. The measured minimum heat transfer coefficient was 1.7 kW/m2K for the full secondary side mass inventory.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to survey the effects on material degradation of both aging conditions and the oxygen concentration during a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA)-simulation. Changes for a number of commercial materials commonly used as electric cable jackets and insulations in nuclear power plant applications were monitored in terms of weight, mechanical properties, solubility measurements and infrared spectroscopy. For a number of these materials (an EPR insulation, a chloroprene jacket and a PVC jacket), the concentration of oxygen during LOCA simulation was found to be an important parameter. For the first two materials, more degradation occurred when oxygen was present; for PVC, substantially increased swelling occurred as the oxygen concentration was lowered. These results indicate that a realistic LOCA-simulation test should include an overpressure of oxygen gas representative of the postulated oxygen concentration expected during a predicted LOCA. Conditions of accelerated aging exposure prior to the LOCA simulation were also found to have a very substantial influence. In particular, for a number of the materials, lowering the radiation dose rate used for aging led to enhanced degradation after both the aging and the LOCA simulation.  相似文献   

The reinforced-concrete column damage pattern differences between static cyclic loading tests and dynamic shaking-table tests were observed. In this study, the spacings of shear reinforcement bars in columns were variable. Four types of shear reinforcement bar spacing are used. As a result of the tests, it was verified that the maximum horizontal strengths of columns, the deformation capacities and the damage patterns were changed with the shear reinforcement bar spacings, and also with testing method differences between statics and dynamics. Furthermore, P-δ effects were discussed.  相似文献   

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