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先进合理的改性沥青装备配置对保证沥青基防水卷材产品质量、提升企业效益有十分明显的作用。本文介绍了沥青基防水卷材生产用的改性沥青制备系统的装备配置方式,并从节能环保的角度,对相关的具体配置进行了阐述。  相似文献   

国外沥青防水卷材工业生产装备的技术进展罗贤金,罗明(武汉油毡厂430011)(湖北省机电研究设计院430000)由于各种新型沥青基防水卷材产品的问世,随之而带来了沥青基防水卷材装备工业的巨大进步。具体表现在下列几个方面:1生产工艺的新发展综观世界各国...  相似文献   

探讨了环保要求下沥青防水卷材生产过程中需要关注和检测的环境排放因素,对现有的检测标准和方法进行了对比总结,确定了需要开展检测的点位和检测物种类,提出了适用于沥青防水卷材生产过程中大气污染物的检测技术方案,并对典型沥青防水卷材生产企业开展了试点检测,对低烟沥青的应用效果进行了考察。  相似文献   

建筑防水材料的新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合国家有关部门相继出台的多项相关法规、政策及建筑防水材料发展目标和技术路线 ,介绍近年来我国防水材料的新发展 ,包括沥青防水卷材、高分子防水卷材、建筑防水涂料、刚性防水材料及防水保温一体化材料的生产、应用情况等。  相似文献   

日前,《改性沥青防水卷材工程设备规程》主编单位中国建筑防水材料工业协会、北京建都设计研究院和中国化学建筑材料公司苏州防水材料研究设计所在北京组织召开了《改性沥青防水卷材工程设备技术规程》行业标准第一次编制工作会议.北京耐博基业防水装备有限公司参加了会议。与会代表一致认为。由于改性沥青防水卷材发展过快,许多小企业采用不规范的简易生产设备,产品质量得不到保证,有的企业甚至生产假冒伪劣产品,引起市场秩序混乱,直接损害了用户的利益和行业的健康发展。为规范沥青基防水卷材生产线的设计、制造和提高技术装备水平,  相似文献   

本文根据我国国情,参考国外经验,提出我国沥青基防水卷材发展的技术路线:1)以沥青基防水卷材为主,发展各类建筑防水材料;2)打好纸胎油毡基础,保证建筑严重渗漏问题的初步解决;3)沥青走改性道路,提高沥青基防水卷材的档次;4)重视胎体的开发,以玻纤毡为主发展各种新型胎体;5)对油毡装备继续组织攻关;6)以热粘沥青为主,努力解决油毡施工问题;7)防水设计方案向多样化方向发展.  相似文献   

弹性体改性沥青防水卷材生产过程中的污染以大气污染为主,主要污染物为沥青烟,沥青烟以烃类混合物为主要成分,其中B[a]P为代表的多环芳烃类物质是强致癌物。这里针对弹性体改性沥青防水卷材生产时沥青烟的产生情况,结合对企业的调查,对沥青烟防治技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

该规程适用于沥青基防水卷材(包括纸胎油毡、APP、SBS改性沥青卷材、沥青柔性卷材等)、高分子防水卷材(包括EPDM、PVC、氯化聚乙烯、橡塑共混、氯磺聚乙烯、聚乙烯-丙纶和高密度聚乙烯土工膜等)和沥青油毡瓦的生产企业。  主要内容有:建筑防水卷材生产企业生产设备基本要求,生产工艺规程,原材料质量管理,生产过程质量管理,工厂产品质量管理,机构人员职责和基本质量管理制度等。与该规程配套的还将制订《建筑防水材料生产企业检验室基本条件》和《建筑防水卷材生产企业质量监督检验管理办法》。  该规程的制订和实施将…  相似文献   

建筑防水卷材准入条件利好行业发展日前,工信部发布《建筑防水卷材行业准入条件(征求意见稿)》,主要内容有:1)严禁新建和改扩建传统沥青基防水卷材等生产项目,逐步淘汰沥青复合胎柔性防水卷材。2)新建和改扩建改性沥青类防水卷  相似文献   

浅谈SBS和APP改性沥青防水卷材的生产与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑工程用防水卷材的生产在我国实行许可证制度,只有通过国家验证并取得生产许可证的企业才是合法的防水卷材生产者,SBS?APP改性沥青防水卷材即是受生产许可证控制管理的防水卷材之一。由于改性沥青防水卷材是由石油沥青、高分子聚合物、矿物填料、加强胎体等多种原材料生产而成,特别是石油沥青的种类繁多,质量差别很大,且与多种物质具有相容性,并具有一定的改性可能,目前的卷材检测方法又难以在短期内判定卷材的抗老化性能,这就为假冒、伪劣产品留有可乘之机。假冒、伪劣产品不仅严重损害了消费者的利益,更为严重的是,还打击…  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of policy-relevant research in climate change policy development. It attempts to address a practically important question: does policy research actually make a difference in the processes of formulating and institutionalizing local climate change policy? Two case studies from Central Java Indonesia are presented. The analysis focuses on the policy development processes in the cities of Semarang and Pekalongan, both of which were based on an urban climate vulnerability assessment. We discuss and compare the policy-making processes in terms of three analytic dimensions: the type of policy measures, agent, and policy approach. We examine the relationship between assessment outcomes and the efforts to institutionalize climate change policy in the two cities. These case studies show that although policy actors in both cities have developed strategies and policy measures for addressing climate change, the quality of policy-relevant research was a marginal consideration in the policy formulation processes. An established agenda within a policy network had greater impacts on policy-making than research outputs, which were articulated and used in the context of this agenda. Advocacy coalitions re-defined and re-interpreted what research has shown. Understanding this ability is key to ascertain why or why not policy-relevant research matters.  相似文献   

"增长主义"与"美丽发展"两种不同政策语境下,公共政策的内涵与行为方式截然不同,"美丽发展"新语境下城市规划政策路径面临转型。本文基于公共政策研究视角,从政策目标、主客体、过程以及协同几方面,厘清新的政策语境和政策路径转型要求下传统城市规划遇到的难点问题;认为城市规划需要在多元利益整合、利益冲突协调与分配、闭合政策周期构建、与其他城市政策之间的空间和时间协同几个关键方向上转型突破;并结合近年来杭州城市规划在前述几个方向上政策路径转型的探索实践,提出"美丽发展"语境下城市规划的政策路径转型框架。  相似文献   


The efficacy of climate-change mitigation policy within the building sector is examined in terms of how fragmentation can limit the extent of mitigation actions that can be achieved in a timely manner. The policy and regulatory context for the building industry is examined in relation to the policy context for solutions and recommendations that will work for all parties. Based on this analysis, two substantive recommendations are made for improved policy design. Firstly, a decoupling of policy objectives and policy mechanisms is needed so that the policy-taking stakeholders (in design, development and construction) can reduce energy use in buildings more effectively. Secondly, policy-taking stakeholders need an explicit and diverse system in order to advocate for policy objectives. The major aspect of this work is the development of a new conceptual framework that ties together these recommendations into a continuous process of policy-making and policy-taking. This framework demonstrates an idealized system that operates simultaneously top down and bottom up, and the development of policy objectives is influenced by stakeholders of all kinds to further the goals of an energy-efficient, low-carbon built environment.  相似文献   

公共住宅保障政策是妥善解决以农民工为主体的城市化人口群体在城市长期居住问题的有效手段。中国的住宅保障体系由经济适用房和廉租房组成,但目前公共住宅保障体系还存在着惠及面有限、政策与住房公积金制度脱节等诸多问题。本文从公共住宅保障对象、改变发展观念、严格认定保障对象等方面探讨了未来我国城市公共住宅管理的若干对策。  相似文献   

Neighbourhood social mix is currently a pressing issue for both researchers and policy makers in the Western world. In an international perspective, Sweden offers an interesting case as both the structure of the housing market and the focus of the social mix policy differs from other countries’ policies. The introduction of a policy for social mixing in Sweden in 1974 was a reaction to the increasing socioeconomic segregation in the housing market. Swedish city planning and the conditions in the housing market have however changed dramatically since the policy was first introduced. This article is based on official housing policy documents and interviews with public actors. It seeks to analyse the policy makers’ understanding of Swedish social mix policy and how the policy is translated into practical planning. The overall aim is to analyse the Swedish policy in relation to similar policies in other countries, this to point at some of the existing differences, especially the different perspective on ethnic segregation. On the basis of document analysis and interviews with public actors, we come to the conclusion that the understanding and practice of the social mix policy in Sweden have been rather consistent over time. Even though Sweden has experienced increasing immigration, which has added an ethnic dimension to housing segregation, the Swedish social mix policy has remained a general policy for counteracting socioeconomic segregation, rather than ethnic segregation. This is an important difference compared to other mixing strategies in Europe and North America where ethnic mix has been, and still is, at the top of the agenda.  相似文献   

基于政策工具视角,对108份省域级工程总承包政策进行文本分析,将不同维度政策工具与工程总承包项目数量进行相关性分析,探究工程总承包政策对项目采纳的影响。研究发现一级政策工具中需求型政策和环境型政策与项目采纳的相关性较大,次级政策工具中招投标管理、合同管理、模式先行等与项目采纳的相关性较大。在此基础上,提出需求型政策过溢、供给型政策内部结构有待优化等建议,以期为政策制定者和建筑从业者提供系统的信息参考。  相似文献   

从1977年研究生恢复招生至今,我国研究生资助政策经过了多次嬗变,每一次改革都促进了资助政策的日趋完善。对研究生资助政策的回顾,有利于明确资助政策中的问题,可为今后资助政策改革提供一些有益的思考。  相似文献   

The success of any national industrial policy will depend heavily on the participation of state and local governments. Yet the financial implications for states and localities are almost overlooked in the discussion about national industrial policy. In this article I consider the ways state and local governments might be involved in industrial policy, either as autonomous actors or as partners in a coordinated national policy; and I discuss constraints and competing demands on the resources to which state and local governments would turn to support their participation in such policies. Finally I suggest a general policy framework for state and local participation that fits the objectives of national industrial policy.  相似文献   

中国城市交通发展态势及其基本战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨涛  钱林波  何宁 《城市规划》2005,29(5):50-54
在今后的15-20年里,小汽车进入居民家庭的高潮将很快到来,预计增长速度和总体规模将会大幅度提高,城市交通将面临着新的更为严峻的压力和挑战。同时,城市化进程将明显加快。根据国际经验,这将是城市交通发生质变的关键时期。在此背景下,我们既迫切需要研究制定国家层面的城市交通发展导向性政策和战略,更迫切需要各个城市针对自己城市的个性和特点,制定相应的交通发展战略和对策。我国城市交通发展战略和政策的重点在以下方面:建立城市综合交通调查与规划制度;确立大(特大)城市公共交通优先发展战略;制定与汽车产业政策相对应的城市汽车交通发展政策、城市交通基础设施发展政策、城市交通管理智能化发展战略和政策、城市交通环境保政策等。  相似文献   

Methods of measuring the degree to which spatially-discriminating industrial policy is centrally controlled have been the subject of little research. This paper presents a technique for analysing the division of spatial industrial policy powers in a multijurisdictional system. Assignment tables and the measurement of the degree of centralisation based upon a traditional classification of spatial industrial policy powers are considered first. An alternative classification of policy powers is then developed. This is used as the basis of a technique for estimating of the degree of centralised control. The technique is applied to the case of spatial industrial policy in Great Britain, 1983/84. The technique developed has general applicability. It has potential for cross-country comparisons and for assessing changes over time in the degree of centralisation of policy powers.  相似文献   

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