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Pierce RM  Roark SE 《Applied optics》2012,51(12):1853-1864
Wind speed can be measured remotely, with varying degrees of success, using interferometry of Doppler-shifted optical spectra. Under favorable conditions, active systems using laser pulse backscatter are capable of high resolution; passive systems, which measure Doppler shifts of atmospheric emission lines in the mesosphere, have also been shown. Two-beam interferometry of Doppler-shifted absorption lines has not been previously investigated; we describe such an effort here. Even in a well-defined environment, measuring absorption line Doppler shifts requires overcoming several technical hurdles in order to obtain sensitivity to wind speeds on the order of 10 m/s. These hurdles include precise knowledge of the shape of the absorption line, tight, stable filtering, and understanding precisely how an interferometer phase should respond to a change in the absorption profile. We discuss the instrument design, a Michelson interferometer and Fabry-Perot filter, and include an analysis of how to choose the optimal optical path difference of the two beams for a given spectrum and filter. We discuss two beam interferometric measurements of emission line and absorption line Doppler shifts, and include an illustration of the effects of filtering on LIDAR Doppler interferometry. Finally, we discuss the construction and implementation of a Michelson interferometer used to measure Doppler shifts of oxygen absorption lines and present results obtained with 5 m/s wind speed measurement precision. Although the theoretical shot noise limited Doppler wind speed measurement of the system described can be less than 1 m/s, the instrument's resolution limit is dominated by residual filter instability. Application of absorption line interferometry to determine atmospheric wind speeds remains problematic.  相似文献   

Chromatic confocal spectral interferometry (CCSI) is a novel scheme for topography measurements that combines the techniques of spectral interferometry and chromatic confocal microscopy. This hybrid method allows for white-light interferometric detection with a high NA in a single-shot manner. To the best of our knowledge, CCSI is the first interferometric method that utilizes a confocally filtered and chromatically dispersed focus for detection and simultaneously allows for retrieval of the depth position of reflecting or scattering objects utilizing the phase (modulation frequency) of the interferometric signals acquired. With the chromatically dispersed focus, the depth range of the sensor is decoupled from the NA of the microscope objective.  相似文献   

We present a novel, to our knowledge, fiber-based single-channel polarization-sensitive spectral interferometry system that provides depth-resolved measurement of polarization transformations of light reflected from a sample. Algebraic expressions for the Stokes parameters at the output of the interferometer are derived for light reflected from a birefringent sample by using the cross-spectral density function. By insertion of a fiber-optic spectral polarimetry instrument into the detection path of a common-path spectral interferometer, the full set of Stokes parameters of light reflected from a sample can be obtained with a single optical frequency scan. The methodology requires neither polarization-control components nor prior knowledge of the polarization state of light incident on the sample. The fiber-based single-channel polarization-sensitive spectral interferometer and analysis are demonstrated by measurement of phase retardation and fast-axis angle of a birefringent mica plate.  相似文献   


Spectral bandpasses of a miniature spectrometer with three read fibres of different core diameters are obtained using the visibility functions for both spatial and spectral fringes resolved in the interference of two light beams from a laser diode operated below the threshold. From a width of the central peak of the visibility function for the spatial interference fringes measured in the Michelson interferometer configuration with a broadband detector, the source spectral width is evaluated. From widths of the visibility functions for the spectral interference fringes measured in the Michelson interferometer configuration by the spectrometer with the different read fibres, the overall spectral bandpasses are evaluated. Subtracting the effect of the source spectral width, the spectral bandpasses of the fibre-optic spectrometer are determined. These are compared with the directly measured bandpasses using the delta-function spectrum of the same laser diode operated far above the threshold.  相似文献   

A laboratory prototype spectral-spatial interferometer has been constructed to demonstrate the feasibility of the double-Fourier technique at far infrared (FIR) wavelengths (0.15-1 THz). It is planned to use this demonstrator to investigate and validate important design features and data-processing methods for future astronomical FIR interferometer instruments. In building this prototype, we have had to address several key technologies to provide an end-end system demonstration of this double-Fourier interferometer. We report on the first results taken when viewing single-slit and double-slit sources at the focus of a large collimator used to simulate real sources at infinity. The performance of the prototype instrument for these specific field geometries is analyzed to compare with the observed interferometric fringes and to demonstrate image reconstruction capabilities.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a simple method for complete characterization (of amplitudes and phases) of short optical pulses, using only a dispersive delay line and an oscilloscope. The technique is based on using a dispersive delay line to stretch the pulses and recording the temporal interference of two delayed replicas of the pulse train. Then, by transforming the time domain interference measurements to spectral interferometry, the spectral intensity and phase of the input pulses are reconstructed, using a Fourier-transform algorithm. In the experimental demonstration, mode-locked fiber laser pulses with durations of approximately 1 ps were characterized with a conventional fast photodetector and an oscilloscope.  相似文献   

We present an optical method to measure radio-frequency electro-optic phase modulation profiles by employing spectrum-to-time mapping realized by highly chirped optical pulses. We directly characterize temporal phase modulation profiles of up to 12.5 GHz bandwidth, with temporal resolution comparable to high-end electronic oscilloscopes. The presented optical set-up is a valuable tool for direct characterization of complex temporal electro-optic phase modulation profiles, which is indispensable for practical realization of deterministic spectral-temporal reshaping of quantum light pulses  相似文献   

Wu CM  Deslattes RD 《Applied optics》1998,37(28):6696-6700
The periodic nonlinearity that arises from nonideal laser sources and imperfections of optical components limits the accuracy of displacement measurements in heterodyne interferometry at the nanometer level. An analytical approach to investigating the nonlinearity is presented. Frequency mixing, polarization mixing, polarization-frequency mixing, and ghost reflections are all included in this investigation. A general form for the measurement signal, including that of the distortions, is given. The analytical approach is also applicable to homodyne interferometry.  相似文献   

Innovative pumping technology combining both, small-sized scroll- and turbomolecular pumps results in a substantial miniaturization of mass spectrometer-based leak-detector-systems, namely reduction of the outer dimensions to less than 30×30×15 cm and weight to less than 8 kg. To date this technique utilizes the Paul trap principle for leak detection with a sensitivity down to below 10−10 mbar l s−1.  相似文献   

Walsh CJ  Leistner AJ  Oreb BF 《Applied optics》1999,38(22):4790-4801
The power spectral density of surface-relief variations on polished optical surfaces across microscopic through to macroscopic spatial scales is calculated from measurements on substrates that are being produced for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). These spectra give a guide to the scattering properties of the surface, which in turn critically influence the performance of LIGO. Measurements obtained by use of a full-aperture interferometer and an interference microscope with two different objectives are combined to produce one-dimensional power spectral density representations of the surfaces across spatial frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 8000 cm(-1). These measurements from different instruments are in good agreement with an analytic power spectrum that varies as nu(-1.5), where nu is the spatial frequency. Some anomalies in the power spectral density spectra can be related to aspects of the polishing process.  相似文献   

A two-beam accelerator, in which one of the beams is an intense low energy beam made to undergo free electron lasing and the other beam is a compact bunch of high energy electrons, is shown to be an interesting possibility for a linear collider.  相似文献   

Spectral interferometry is employed to fully characterize amplitude and phase of propagating plasmons that are transmitted through silver nanowires in the form of ultrashort pulses. For nanowire diameters below 100 nm, the plasmon group velocity is found to decrease drastically in accordance with the theory of adiabatic focusing. Furthermore, the dependence of the plasmon group velocity on the local nanowire environment is demonstrated. Our findings are of relevance for the design and implementation of nanoplasmonic signal processing and in view of coherent control applications.  相似文献   

Ogawa K 《Applied optics》2006,45(26):6718-6722
Chromatic dispersion of optical filters is characterized by what is believed to be novel broadband spectral interferometry, which is based on dual-wavelength heterodyne measurement of spectral phase. High phase stability is achieved by differential phase detection using two lasers for wavelength-swept probe and phase-tracking reference. The technique provides self-tracking interferometry by passive stabilization of optical phase and allows real-time measurement of spectral phase and group delay with a low phase drift of less than 0.04pi. A fiber Bragg grating and a thin-film filter are characterized by this method.  相似文献   


The effect of a variable Gaussian response function of a monochromator in a detecting system with a broadband detector is included in the theoretical and experimental analysis of time-domain and spectral-domain interference of two light beams from a source of a multimode Gaussian spectrum. The time-domain theoretical analysis gives the analytic expressions for the measured complex degree of temporal coherence of the light with and without the effect of variable spectral bandpass of the detecting system. The spectral-domain theoretical analysis of the two-beam interference gives the spectral interference law from which the visibility of the spectral interference fringes resolved for a given delay in the interferometer by a spectrometer is expressed as a function of the bandpass of the spectrometer. The theoretical conclusions are confirmed experimentally in the Michelson interferometer configuration using a laser diode operated below the threshold, a prism monochromator and a p-i-n photodetector. From the width of the central peak in the measured visibility dependence that narrows with increasing slit width of the monochromator, the spectral bandpass of the monochromator is evaluated. It is also shown how the visibility of the spectral interference fringes decreases as the slit width of the prism spectrometer increases.  相似文献   

Debnath SK  Kothiyal MP 《Applied optics》2006,45(27):6965-6972
In spectrally resolved white-light interferometry (SRWLI), the white-light interferogram is decomposed into its monochromatic constituent. The phase of the monochromatic constituents can be determined using a phase-shifting technique over a range of wavelengths. These phase values have fringe order ambiguity. However, the variation of the phase with respect to the wavenumber is linear and its slope gives the absolute value of the optical-path difference. Since the path difference is related to the height of the test object at a point, a line profile can be determined without ambiguity. The slope value, though less precise helps us determine the fringe order. The fringe order combined with the monochromatic phase value gives the absolute profile, which has the precision of phase-shifting interferometry. The presence of noise in the phase may lead to the misidentification of fringe order, which in turn gives unnecessary jumps in the precise profile. The experimental details of measurement on standard samples with SRWLI are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Adaptive optics performance model for optical interferometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The optical interferometry community has discussed the possibility of using adaptive optics (AO) on apertures much larger than the atmospheric coherence length in order to increase the sensitivity of an interferometer, although few quantitative models have been investigated. The aim of this paper is to develop an analytic model of an AO-equipped interferometer and to use it to quantify, in relative terms, the gains that may be achieved over an interferometer equipped only with tip-tilt correction. Functional forms are derived for wavefront errors as a function of spatial and temporal coherence scales and flux and applied to the AO and tip-tilt cases. In both cases, the AO and fringe detection systems operate in the same spectral region, with the sharing ratio and subaperture size as adjustable parameters, and with the interferometer beams assumed to be spatially filtered after wavefront correction. It is concluded that the use of AO improves the performance of the interferometer in three ways. First, at the optimal aperture size for a tip-tilt system, the AO system is as much as ~50% more sensitive. Second, the sensitivity of the AO system continues to improve with increasing aperture size. And third, the signal-to-noise ratio of low-visibility fringes in the bright-star limit is significantly improved over the tip-tilt case.  相似文献   

Bromage J  Fini JM  Dorrer C  Zuegel JD 《Applied optics》2011,50(14):2001-2007
Spatially resolved spectral interferometry is used to measure the mode content of a Yb-doped photonic-crystal fiber rod amplifier with a 2300 μm(2) mode area. The technique, known as S(2) imaging, was adapted for the short fiber amplifier at full power and revealed a small amount of a copolarized LP(11) mode. Simulations illustrate the potential for weak mode suppression in this fiber and agree qualitatively with the measurements of S(2) and M(2). Higher-order-mode content depends on the alignment of the input signal at injection and ranged from -18 dB for optimized alignment to -13 dB when the injection alignment was offset along the LP(11) axis by 30% of the 55 μm mode-field diameter.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how real-time holographic interferometry yielding two-dimensional fringes can be recorded and used to determine changes in three-dimensional attitude of a model airplane through digital image processing. A simple bench-top experiment with a model airplane as a test object is conducted to demonstrate interference fringes superposed on the image due to changes in attitudes (pitch, yaw, and roll) as well as distortion. A novel second-generation thermoplastic camera suitable for dynamic multiple reversible registration of thin-phase holograms using thermoplastic and semiconductor film on glass substrate is used for in situ recording and readout during real-time holographic interferometry. Thin-phase holograms also offer the advantage of exact image reconstruction from forward-phase conjugation.  相似文献   

Suzuki T  Minemoto S  Sakai H 《Applied optics》2004,43(32):6047-6050
Adaptive shaping of time-dependent polarization pulses is performed by reference to the analyzed results of dual-channel spectral interferometry. The desired pulses can be generated only by use of such a polarization-characterization technique. We demonstrate the generation of shaped femtosecond pulses whose ellipticity increases at a constant rate. The relative error between the shaped pulse and the target pulse is less than 6% over the main part of the pulse. Shaped time-dependent polarization pulses have many potential applications.  相似文献   

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