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Skrede G 《Meat science》1989,25(1):21-36
Technological and sensory properties of meat sausages formulated with 4·0% of either potato flour, modified (acetylated distarch phosphate) potato starch, wheat, corn or tapioca starch were compared. Sausages were analyzed after cooking at temperatures between 65 and 85°C followed by storage at 5°C and -25°C. Characteristics evaluated were weight loss during cooking and storage, instrumentally and sensory assessed firmness, taste and smell of sausages. The results revealed differences in the suitability of starches for use in meat sausages. Part of the differences could be ascribed to differences in gelatination properties of the starches. With the criteria used for evaluating quality, potato flour was rated as the best suited starch followed by wheat starch while tapioca was rated as the least suited. Corn starch required cooking temperatures above 75°C and showed relatively low freeze/thaw stability. The modified potato starch stored well both above and below the freezing point.  相似文献   

Application of bacteriocin-producing starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria in fermented sausage production contributes to food safety. This is sometimes hampered by limited efficacy in situ and by uncertainty about strain dependency and universal applicability for different sausage types. In the present study, a promising antilisterial-bacteriocin producer, Lactobacillus sakei CTC 494, was applied as a coculture in addition to commercial fermentative starters in different types of dry-fermented sausages. The strain was successful in both Belgian-type sausage and Italian salami that were artificially contaminated with about 3.5 log CFU g(-1) of Listeria monocytogenes. After completion of the production process, this led to listerial reductions of up to 1.4 and 0.6 log CFU g(-1), respectively. In a control sausage, containing only the commercial fermentative starter, the reduction was limited to 0.8 log CFU g(-1) for the Belgian-type recipe, where pH decreased from 5.9 to 4.9, whereas an increase of 0.2 log CFU g(-1) was observed for Italian salami, in which the pH rose from 5.7 to 5.9 after an initial decrease to pH 5.3. In a Cacciatore recipe inoculated with 5.5 log CFU g(-1) of L. monocytogenes and in the presence of L. sakei CTC 494, there was a listerial reduction of 1.8 log CFU g(-1) at the end of the production process. This was superior to the effect obtained with the control sausage (0.8 log CFU g(-1)). Two commercial antilisterial cultures yielded reductions of 1.2 and 1.5 log CFU g(-1). Moreover, repetitive DNA sequence-based PCR fingerprinting demonstrated the competitive superiority of L. sakei CTC 494.  相似文献   

The main objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of large amounts of paprika and different amounts of hot paprika on the ripening process of dry sausage. The sausages, called ‘chorizo’ were evaluated for changes in texture, colour and physico‐chemical parameters, including rancidity. The results show that when either paprika contents or concentrations of hot paprika were increased, compared with a control, the ripening process of dry sausages was accelerated, probably by the promotion of lactic acid bacteria growth, which, in turn, lead to a fast drop in pH and water activity. These effects cause a rapid development of texture when compared with a suitable control, with an optimal hardness being reached in less time. These products have greater colour intensity, which remains more stable, together with lower malonaldehyde contents than controls. It was shown that paprika, especially the hot variety, exerts a protective effect against rancidity.  相似文献   

The results of the physico-chemical and hygienic investigations of smoked sausages produced according to the improved technology were compared to those of routine products. The changes in the content of smoking substances in uncooked smoked sausage depend on the duration of smoking and drying. Microstructural and microbiological data, as well as carcinogenic compounds detected in the samples studied have been presented. It has been shown that the use of vacuum evaporation improves the product structure and significantly decreases the content of carcinogenic substances in smoked sausages, as well as makes better their taste and scent, that leads to the improvement of consumer's properties of the product.  相似文献   

麦麸膳食纤维火腿肠的研制与营养价值评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据食物有机搭配可改善制品的营养、感官和质构品质的基本原理,综合肉类食品及麦麸膳食纤维原料的特点,开展麦麸膳食纤维在火腿肠中的应用研究,试制出了新型麦麸膳食纤维复合火腿肠,其主配方中猪瘦肉占62.7%,麦麸粉占7.5%,淀粉占4.4%.麦麸膳食纤维的添加改善了火腿肠的功能特性,由于同时使用了低钠食盐,与普通型火腿肠相比,麦麸膳食纤维火腿肠的脂肪含量降低了50%、热量降低了20%,氯化钠含量也有所降低,符合清淡(light)食品的第一定义.试制出的复合火腿肠在外观、组织结构、色泽和风味上均可接受,具有良好的质构.为开发利用小麦加工副产品、研制健康功能型肉制品开辟了新途径.  相似文献   

Nutritional evaluation of protein quality was carried out on English-type fresh skinless pork sausages in which 30% of the protein had been replaced by chick pea flour. Net protein utilisation, biological value and protein efficiency ratio were unaffected by 30 % meat protein replacement. Comparison of the amino acid composition with the biological values suggested some reduction in amino acid availability due to cooking.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungen wurde die Qualitätsbewertung von Brühwürsten aus verschiedenem hand- oder mechanisch entbeintem Putenfleisch durchgeführt. Es wurde festgestellt, daß das mechanisch entbeinte Putenfleisch ein ausgezeichneter Rohstoff für die Brühwurstherstellung ist, obwohl zwischen beiden (hand- oder mechanisch) Fleischarten Unterschiede bestehen. Die minderwertigste Qualität zeigten Brühwürste, die aus mechanisch entbeinten Putenschwingen oder Putenknochen mit Haut hergestellt wurden.
The quality evaluation of frankfurter-type sausages from hand and mechanically deboned turkey meat
Summary A quality evaluation was made of frankfurter-type sausages made from hand and mechanically deboned meat from various parts of turkey carcasses. The results led to the conclusions that despite some differences in objective measurements of the sausage quality, mechanically deboned turkey meat can be considered as an exclusive meat raw material for the production of frankfurter-type sausages. The quality of sausages from mechanically deboned turkey meat from wings and frames with skin was the least satisfacory.

A quality evaluation was made of frankfurter-type sausages made from hand and mechanically deboned meat from various parts of turkey carcasses. The results led to the conclusions that despite some differences in objective measurements of the sausage quality, mechanically deboned turkey meat can be considered as an exclusive meat raw material for the production of frankfurter-type sausages. The quality of sausages from mechanically deboned turkey meat from wings and frames with skin was the least satisfactory.  相似文献   

Sensory scores of beef patties and emulsion-type sausages containing varying levels of lipids with various component fatty acids were investigated. Sensory scores of beef patties containing solid fat were relatively constant at every fat level examined. However, scores of beef patties containing liquid oil decreased with increasing level of added oil. In the case of sausages, on the other hand, sensory evaluation scores markedly decreased with increasing the level of solid fat, while no significant change was observed in panel scores when liquid oil was mixed into sausages. Even 10% level of added lipids satisfactorily gave preferable acceptability to beef patties and sausages.  相似文献   

Chemistry and experiments on animals (male Wistar rats) were made to determine the biological value of 4 samples of soybean proteins: 2 protein isolates (Ardex SP-6 and Ardex-M, ADM USA); soybean protein concentrate (UNICO, UNIMILS, Holland), and textured soybean concentrate (manufactured by the All-Union Research Institute of Fat). The content of essential amino acids and amino acid score of the protein samples were measured relative to three standard aminograms. The "growing" (the protein efficacy ratio and net protein ratio) and balance (net protein utilization) characteristics of the biological value were determined in experiments on rats fed diets containing soybean proteins as the only source of proteins (10% of caloric value). The Dtr of the proteins under study was defined. All the evaluable proteins were found to be almost similar as regards the biological value. The Dtr of protein isolates was discovered to be higher as compared to that of soybean protein concentrates.  相似文献   

新一代自动络筒机的性能比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
意大利Savio、德国Schlafhorst、日本村田MACH CONER是国内引进最多的3种自动络筒机。近年来,几家公司对其产品分别进行了不同程度的改进,更好地满足了使用厂的要求。文中详细介绍这几种自动络筒机的最新机型并对其性能特点进行比较。  相似文献   

《Meat science》2009,81(4):1352-1358
Potassium sorbate (PS), sodium benzoate (SB) and methyl p-hydroxybenzoate (MHB) were investigated as surface treatments for their ability to inhibit the growth of 18 isolates of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria from two types of Portuguese dry smoked sausages (Chouriço). MHB significantly inhibited the growth rate of 12 of the isolates (p < 0.05) whereas no effect was observed for four isolates of lactic acid bacteria, identified as Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus acidilactici and Lactobacillus curvatus, and two isolates identified as Clostridium aminovalericum and Staphylococcus epidermidis. PS and SB had less influence on the bacterial growth rates. It was concluded that MHB can be applied as surface treatment to improve the stability and safety of the product along shelf life period in modified atmosphere package.  相似文献   

卡拉胶在香肠中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 卡拉胶萃取自红海藻,是一种长链多糖,即所谓的牛聚乳糖,不能被人体吸收,已获得欧盟承认为一种无害的食品添加剂,在食品工业中主要被用作稳定剂和增稠剂,也是肉制品的理想油脂替代品。本文将探讨其特性及其在香肠加工中的应用。 卡拉胶的性质 高持水和保水性 卡拉胶具有非常高的蛋白反应性,故与高蛋白含量的肉类混合时,就会与蛋白质和水分结合(包括肉类本身水分和外来水),形成不可逆转的网络结构。由于只有键合的水分子才能保存于产品中,这个网络结构的形成就使产品更加多汁。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of the addition of lemon albedo in bologna sausages. Two types of albedo (raw and cooked) and five concentrations (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) were added to sausages. Chemical, physicochemical and sensory analyses were made. The addition of albedo to bologna sausages represents an improvement in their nutritional properties and may have beneficial effects, possibly due to the presence of active biocompounds which induce a decrease in residual nitrite levels. The formulations which gave products with sensory properties similar to conventional sausages were sausages with 2.5% and 5% raw albedo and 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% cooked albedo.  相似文献   

Distribution L. monocytogenes and other Listeria spp. in raw meat and during manufacturing of fermented meat products is investigated. The high contamination of raw materials and semi finished foods--in 36.5% of samples, ready-to-eat sausages--31.8% by Listeria spp. is established. Detection L. monocytogenes in 9.7% cases from the surfaces of equipment indicates the intensive circulation of listeriosis agents on meat plants. For identification 49 isolated strains the approach providing application of most informative for L. monocytogenes phenotypical tests (mobility, ability to haemolysis, presence of specific lecithinase) and assay based on PCR of DNA sites, coding phospholipase, factors of invasion and citotoxicity is used. Efficiency of this circuit is confirmed with positive results PCR with species-specific for L. monocytogenes primers to genes PIcA and ActA only at strains, having lecithinase and haemolysis activity. Application of the given approach has allowed to reduce in three times number of the cultures initially identified as L. monocytogenes on a complex of biochemical tests.  相似文献   

Probiotics in fermented sausages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probiotic foods receive market interest as health-promoting, functional foods. They have been introduced in a wide range of food industries. However, commercial application of probiotic microorganisms in fermented sausages is not common yet. There are both advantages and disadvantages connected to fermented meat matrices. They are adequate for the carriage of probiotic bacteria since they are usually not or only mildly heated and may promote the survival of probiotic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. In contrast, bacterial viability may be reduced due to the high content in curing salt and the low water activity and pH. Therefore, results are expected to be strain-dependent. Up till now, several approaches have been followed but most results are too preliminary to be able to evaluate the effect of probiotic fermented meats on human health. Candidate probiotic strains have been obtained through screening for technological requirements among bacteria that are naturally present in the meat or that originate from meat starter cultures. Alternatively, existing probiotic bacteria have been applied in meat products. Finally, the evaluation of the end-products needs to deal with both health effects and technological characteristics, for instance through human intervention studies and taste panels, respectively.  相似文献   

豆腐是我国的传统食品 ,正受到世界各国的青睐。本文介绍了一些新型豆腐的制备方法。  相似文献   

优质发酵香肠加工技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
发酵香肠加工伴随着极为复杂的微生物及理化过程,适宜微生物发酵剂的选择对发酵进程起到调控作用。然而在发酵香肠加工中,从原辅料选择到发酵、干燥和成熟等不同工序的控制比发酵剂的选择更为重要。本文择重于加工关键控制点,对优质西式发酵香肠加工技术作一较为系统的介绍。  相似文献   

Research on accelerated ripening of dry fermented sausages started in the early 1990s. Fermented sausages manufacture is a very important part of meat industry in many countries and the acceleration of ripening would result in a reduction of the storage time and would increase the profit margin and the competitiveness of the end product. The different strategies that have been assayed with this purpose include ripening at elevated temperature, use of genetically modified starter bacteria, addition of enzymes and addition of slurry systems. Over the last decade, numerous studies have been carried out, especially on the addition of enzymes. The aim of this paper is to review and update the knowledge on this topic. The more recent approaches in this field, such as the use of microbial extracts, are also presented.  相似文献   

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