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Friction is an important parameter that critically impacts the tribological performance of a head/disk interface. The head/disk interface with laser zone texture affords a model system for the study of dynamic friction by virtue of its precisely-controlled contact geometry. By using two types of head sliders, i.e. the conventional slider and the padded slider, and a matrix of hard disks with a wide range of laser zone texture parameters, head/disk contacts involving a small number as well as a large number of bumps are realized. A rich variety of dynamic friction behaviors are observed with respect to bump height and bump density variations. To shed new light on the nature of HDI dynamic friction, an analytical model that treats both the deformational and the adhesive friction components on equal footings is formulated. It is shown that, based on the model analysis, the friction is deformation-dominated for HDIs involving a small number of contacting bumps and adhesion-dominated for HDIs involving a large number of contacting bumps. In the former case the friction decreases with bump density, whereas in the latter the friction increases with bump density.  相似文献   

High performance disk drives require high spindle speed. The spindle speed of typical hard disk drives has increased in recent years from 5400 to 15000 rpm and even higher speeds are anticipated in the near future. The increasing disk velocity leads to increasing disk acceleration and slider–disk interaction. As the head-to-disk spacing continues to decrease to facilitate increasing recording densities in disk drives, the slider–disk interaction has become much more severe due to the direct contact of head and disk surfaces in both start/stop and flying cases. The slider–disk interaction in contact-start-stop (CSS) mode is an important source of particle generation and tribocharge. Charge build-up in the slider–disk interface can cause electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage and lubricant decomposition. In turn, ESD can cause severe melting damage to MR or GMR heads. We measured the tribocurrent/voltage build-up generated at increasing disk acceleration. In addition, we examined the effects of relative humidity on the tribocharge build-up. We found that the tribocurrent/voltage was generated during pico-slider/disk interaction and that its level was below 250 pA and 0.5 V, respectively. Tribocurrent/voltage build-up was reduced with increasing disk acceleration. Higher humidity conditions (75–80%) yielded lower levels of tribovoltage/current. Therefore, a higher tribocharge is expected at a lower disk acceleration and lower relative humidity condition.  相似文献   

Slider/disk contacts of nano and pico sliders are investigated using an acoustic emission sensor and a high bandwidth laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV). The following cases are studied: (a) influence of scratch impact on the airbearing stiffness; (b) influence of lubricant thickness on slider dynamics for single bump impacts; (c) influence of lubricant thickness on slider vertical stick–slip vibrations; (d) dynamics of take-off and landing. Linear time frequency analysis is applied to study simultaneously the impact response of the airbearing and the slider torsional and bending modes. The contact dynamics of single bump impacts is examined as a function of disk velocity and lubricant thickness. Increased slider vibrations are found for thick lubricant films both for sliding contacts as well as for single bump impacts. During the transition from sliding to flying a change of the bending mode frequency is observed.  相似文献   

The decomposition mechanisms of a perfluoropolyether (ZDOL) at the head/disk interface under sliding friction conditions were studied using an ultra‐high vacuum tribometer equipped with a mass spectrometer. Chemical bonding theory was applied to analyze the decomposition process. For a carbon coated slider/CNx disk interface, the primary decomposed fragments are CFO and CF2O, caused by the friction decomposition and electron bombardment in the mass spectrometer. For an uncoated Al2O3–TiC slider/CNx contact, CF3 and C2F3 fragments appear in addition to CFO and CF2O, resulting from the catalytic reactions and friction decomposition, indicating that the decomposition mechanism associated with friction leads to the breaking of the main chain of ZDOL and forms CF2=O, which reacts with Al2O3 to produce AlF3, and the rapid catalytic decomposition of ZDOL on the AlF3 surface follows. Moreover, the effects of frictional heat, tribocharge, mechanical scission and Lewis acid catalytic action, generated in friction process, on the decomposition of ZDOL are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The durability of a hard disk drive is one of the most critical issues that must be optimized for best performance. Especially as the flying height of the head slider of a hard disk drive decreases over the years, the concern for surface damage and head contamination continues to grow. In this paper the characteristics of AE and friction signals for various operating conditions using CSS and drag tests were investigated from the durability point of view. Also, the wear characteristics of the laser bumps on a magnetic disk were compared between the CSS and drag tests. The general shapes of the AE and friction signals during a single CSS test were quite similar even under less than ideal operating conditions. However, it was found that the AE signal was more sensitive than the friction signal in assessing the damage of the slider/disk interface. Finally, a correlation was established between the CSS and drag testing methods with respect to the laser bump wear. This outcome suggests that the drag test may be used to accelerate the surface damage effect of head/disk system.  相似文献   

There have been a number of applications for lubricant additives in the disk drive media area, the first of which was for pseudo-contact recording with inductive heads (tri-pad sliders) in an effort to stabilize the head/disk interface and minimize lube decomposition under hot/wet conditions. A number of additives have been tried which include antioxidants as well as Lewis bases, the latter in an effort to passivate the catalytic activity of the Lewis Acid sites on the slider which results in the decomposition of the perfluoropolyether (PFPE) lubricants such as Z-Dol, AM and Z-Tetraol. In addition to this passivation action of the phosphazene toward catalytic decomposition of the lubricant, it has recently been reported that the use of X-1P (a cyclic phosphazene) also enhances reflow of the lube, increasing the durability of the head disk interface. In this regard there are still a number of unanswered questions that pertain to the mechanism of the interaction of the X-1P with the lubricant and/or carbon to cause this increase in mobility of the lubricant resulting in the enhanced durability.There are numerous technical issues associated with the use of the various additives with the main one being compatibility between the additive and the PFPEs as well as the carbon surfaces on which they are coated. These issues include bonding, phase separation of the components, and the transfer mechanism for the additive to the slider where the passivation is required.In this paper, we will look at the interaction of the X-1P with the carbon overcoat on the media in an effort to try to better understand the mechanism of such an interaction and its effect on the mobility of the lubricant as well as the amount of bonded lube on the disks.  相似文献   

The friction coefficient is an important parameter in designing magnetic tape transports. We have introduced a novel approach to reduce the friction coefficient between guides and magnetic tape by laser surface texturing the cylindrical guides. The surface features enhance the formation of an air bearing and hence reduce the friction coefficient.  相似文献   

Jiaa  Chi L.  Liu  Youmin 《Tribology Letters》1999,7(1):11-16
The retention characteristics of magnetic thin film media coated with perfluoropolyether (PFPE) lubricants and a phosphazene additive, X-1P, were investigated in this study. The retention performance was evaluated by a drag test with a waffle head sliding against the disk that was designed to mechanically wear out the lubricant layer. An IR beam was aligned on the test track to directly measure the amount of PFPE lubricants and X-1P left on the media surfaces for determining the retention characteristics of the lubricants. The drag test results show that under ambient and hot/wet conditions the media coated with AM3001 PFPE lubricant have higher retention ratio on the test track than those coated with ZDOL 2000 PFPE lubricant. The phosphazene additive X-1P was observed to strongly anchor on the surface and not easily removed as PFPE lubricants (ZDOL and AM3001). The retention characteristics of X-1P are independent of lube combination, either AM or ZDOL lubricants. It is demonstrated that X1-P exhibits a good antiwear property and excellent retention performance. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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