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脂质是食品中基本营养成分之一,具有许多生物功能和营养学功能。脂质组学是研究脂质代谢的重要手段。随着色谱与质谱联用技术的发展,脂质分析手段不断完善,脂质组学也取得许多进展。本文主要从食品生物化学、食品营养学、食品质量安全控制学、食品加工学、食品贮藏等5个方面介绍脂质组学在食品科学领域中的研究现状,并探索脂质组学在食品领域中巨大的发展空间。  相似文献   

脂质是食品中重要的营养物质之一,作为一类复杂的生物分子,在不同的生物分子加工过程中发挥着许多关键作用,脂质也影响着食品的品质、营养和安全,与许多慢性疾病的发生有直接的联系。脂质组学作为组学技术中的新兴学科,被广泛应用于食品科学等重要领域,随着检测技术手段的不断发展和完善,脂质组学技术也在不断地更新。本文主要介绍了脂质分类和功能与脂质组学技术及其在食品科学领域中的应用,以期为脂质组学技术在食品科学领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

脂质是生物组成中十分重要的一部分,通过质谱等技术能够对脂质的种类、结构和数量进行全面研究和分析,进而确定不同脂质在肉制品中的作用。在现代化技术的支持下,脂质组学在肉品研究中的影响力也逐渐增加,通过脂质组学能够更加直观了解脂质对肉品品质和风味的影响,并通过确定标志性脂质的方式对不同加工处理的肉品质量进行研究和分析,这一方式在当前研究中的占比增加,具有很好的现实意义和研究意义。本文通过分析不同食品中脂质的成分和含量,说明不同状态下食品中脂质的基本情况,进而通过这一指标分析食品的状态;阐述脂质组学在肉品中的应用情况,说明脂质组学当前的应用和研究意义。  相似文献   

脂质组学是继蛋白组学、代谢组学之后,研究生物不同脂质分子的化学结构、生物功能及其在代谢调控中的动态变化,揭示脂质在生物样本中代谢调控机制的学科。水产品是农业和食品领域中的一门重要分支,脂质组学这一新兴学科正逐步扩展延伸到水产品相关技术邻域,为水产品的代谢、加工、贮藏、营养等研究提供了更为有效的技术手段,为学科注入了新的活力。随着脂质提取方法的发展和分析技术的不断创新,水产品脂质组学正逐渐走向成熟。本文探讨了目前脂质组学研究中几种常用的脂质提取方法和分析技术,并从脂质轮廓出发,对脂质组学在水产品研究中的应用和发展做出总结。目前脂质组学在水产品中的应用所涉及的方面广泛,如加工贮藏、功能营养、代谢疾病等,并且发展迅速,正逐步朝着规模性整体性的方向发展,有着无限的潜力。  相似文献   

近年来,组学因其在揭示生物体内复杂生化作用及宏观调控动态网络体系机制方面作用突出,受到食品和营养领域研究学者的广泛关注,并已被应用于食品领域研究中。文章从组学基本概念出发,重点阐述了基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学、代谢组学在食品领域的应用研究,并展望了利用组学工具进行食品原料控制、品质提升与安全机理剖析的应用前景。  相似文献   

牛奶作为一种老少皆宜的食品,具有丰富的营养价值。近年来,牛奶质量与安全问题受到广泛关注,鉴别牛奶质量与安全性成为乳制品研究的主要方向之一。牛奶中含有许多代谢物,包括主要营养元素以及药物残留。代谢组学作为研究食品质量与安全的一类重要方法,可以大规模、高通量的揭示食品的质量安全问题。该文综述了代谢组学技术在牛奶质量与安全领域的应用。分析了对不同品种奶牛、不同加热方式以及不同环境和饲粮条件下得到的牛奶代谢物差异与牛奶质量的相关性;并总结了代谢组学技术鉴定牛奶中药物残留的应用,该技术可识别牛奶掺假问题;同时归纳了不同技术方法在牛奶质量和安全领域应用的特点。总之,该文阐明了代谢组学在鉴定牛奶品质中的应用范围,总结了近年来代谢组学在牛奶质量和安全方面的进展。  相似文献   

食品质量安全是保障现代经济社会和谐稳定发展的基础与前提,目前,食源性致病微生物、兽药残留、转基因食品及掺假等问题均会造成或可能造成食品安全隐患。代谢组学作为新兴技术不断发展,通过研究生物体受外界干扰前后小分子代谢产物的变化,进而探究机体内代谢机制,适用于食品安全多种微量危害因子的鉴别和监测。此外,危害因子在食品分解过程中产生的代谢物可成为特定的潜在生物标志物,为致病菌作用机制和品质安全控制的研究提供参考。本文阐述靶向代谢组学和非靶向代谢组学,介绍代谢组学技术常用的数据采集和数理统计方法,总结代谢组学技术在食源性致病菌、兽药残留、转基因食品、生鲜食品品质和肉制品掺假等食品品质和安全领域的研究进展,并对多组学联用技术提出展望,以期推动该技术在食品质量安全领域更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

随着食品科学与技术分析方法的发展,一种全新的、现代的、涉及人类健康和食品质量安全的分析方法——食品组学,在食品领域得到应用。食品组学是新近提出的术语,是基于例如基因组学、转录组学、蛋白组学和代谢组学等技术的一种研究食品质量与安全的方法。在此之前,组学方法已广泛应用于生物学和医学领域,近些年科研工作者也尝试把组学应用于食品质量、安全和加工中。该文综述了几种在食品科学与技术研究领域常见的组学方法,为食品质量与安全检测提供更丰富的技术手段。  相似文献   

食品真伪鉴别和溯源技术是保障食品安全的重要手段。食品鉴别和溯源技术是对食品的真伪、产地和来源等相关信息进行分析及追溯,在食品质量与安全领域中占据强有力的地位。随着食品掺假频发、掺假手段多样,传统检测方法已不能满足食品的质量与安全管理要求,因此亟须发展新型快速准确的食品鉴别和溯源技术。食品组学是近年新兴的采用基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学及代谢组学等组学技术系统研究食品的营养与安全的一类技术,因其强大的物质鉴定功能,可以为食品鉴别和溯源提供科学依据和技术支撑。本文对食品组学技术在食品真伪鉴别和溯源方面的应用进展进行了综述,并对未来食品组学技术的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为食品质量与安全控制提供技术参考,保障人民身体健康和生活质量。  相似文献   

随着食品科学和营养学的不断发展,消费者对食物及其安全性的关注度与日骤增,食品组学这一新兴技术得以更为广泛的应用。食品组学的主要工具包括基因组学、蛋白质组学、转录组学、代谢组学等,可应用于食品质量安全及其可追溯性的研究、转基因食品安全评估以及营养与健康等多个领域。未来,食品组学有望与系统生物学相结合成为一种更便捷有效的研究平台。  相似文献   

With the advance in science and technology as well as the improvement of living standards, the function of food is no longer just to meet the needs of survival. Food science and its associated nutritional health issues have been increasingly debated. Lipids, as complex metabolites, play a key role both in food and human health. Taking advantages of mass spectrometry (MS) by combining its high sensitivity and accuracy with extensive selective determination of all lipid classes, MS‐based lipidomics has been employed to resolve the conundrum of addressing both qualitative and quantitative aspects of high‐abundance and low‐abundance lipids in complex food matrices. In this review, we systematically summarize current applications of MS‐based lipidomics in food field. First, common MS‐based lipidomics procedures are described. Second, the applications of MS‐based lipidomics in food science, including lipid composition characterization, adulteration, traceability, and other issues, are discussed. Third, the application of MS‐based lipidomics for nutritional health covering the influence of food on health and disease is introduced. Finally, future research trends and challenges are proposed. MS‐based lipidomics plays an important role in the field of food science, promoting continuous development of food science and integration of food knowledge with other disciplines. New methods of MS‐based lipidomics have been developed to improve accuracy and sensitivity of lipid analysis in food samples. These developments offer the possibility to fully characterize lipids in food samples, identify novel functional lipids, and better understand the role of food in promoting healt.  相似文献   

陈宇欢  李静  范亚苇  邓泽元 《食品科学》2014,35(15):272-276
脂质是生物体重要的大分子物质之一,结构和种类复杂,具有重要的生理功能。脂质代谢的异常可能引发诸如动脉粥样硬化等许多代谢疾病。脂质代谢组学是代谢组学的一个分支,是综合研究脂质代谢的一个重要手段。随着质谱与色谱联用技术的发展,脂质组学也得到快速发展。利用脂质组学研究脂质分子在代谢疾病中的作用受到越来越广泛的关注。本文主要介绍了脂质组学的研究方法,及其在人体脂质代谢疾病中的应用和研究进展。  相似文献   

王会  郭立  谢文磊 《中国油脂》2006,31(6):80-83
脂质氧化是造成食品乳状液质量下降的一个主要原因。乳化体系中脂质氧化的机理及影响氧化的因素与均相体系中脂质的氧化有很大不同。综述了油脂、氧、抗氧化剂、界面特性、油滴大小以及体系中各成分对食品乳状液中脂质氧化的影响,对于了解食品乳状液中脂质氧化的机理和有效防止食品乳状液中脂质氧化具有实际意义。  相似文献   

《Food Reviews International》2013,29(1-2):105-138

Until the past few decades, lipids contained in plants and animals from the marine and freshwater bodies of the world have not been considered important to human nutrition. Today, with the findings that highly unsaturated omega‐3 (n‐3) fatty acids in marine lipids can be important in preventing or reducing certain premature heart diseases, inflammatory disorders, and many other health problems, there is an increasingly active interest in seafood and its component oils. A review of the role of lipids in human nutrition must also include consideration of the source of marine lipids and how the fishing industry can, and does, get high‐quality oils to the consumer. There are many practical considerations involved in the harvesting or growing of seafood, processing the products, and handling and distributing to market that must be considered in the overall program of getting prople to consume more n‐3 fatty acids. Except in regard to those persons requiring medical attention and needing large doses of n‐3s, marine lipids should only be considered in the highly nutritious food category. This includes, high‐quality seafood, food supplement oil and capsules, and prepared foods contining component fish oil.  相似文献   

Date fruit is an excellent source of nutritional and health benefits. The chemical composition of dates includes carbohydrates, dietary fibre, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins, enzymes, phenolic acid and carotenoids, all of which are directly linked to nutritional and health benefits for consumers. A number of studies have also confirmed the therapeutic effects of dates and their efficacy in the treatment of many disease conditions. As a result, a number of food products such as date syrup, date juice and date paste have been developed in order to harness the nutritional potential of dates. Adequate sources of nutrition are important for all consumers, especially for active lifestyle individuals such as athletes and sportspeople. As the goal of every athlete is to enhance athletic performance and prevent energy deficit, the use of dietary supplements has been highly recommended as a solution in this regard. For example, nutrition bars are one source of high energy and nutrients that can provide the required energy for enhanced athletic performance, and date fruits could be valorised into nutrition bars in order to help athletes to achieve their performance and nutritional goals. In this paper, we review the chemical composition and health benefits of date fruit, its food application and consequently its formulation in nutrition bars for athletes.  相似文献   

Lipid oxidation is an inevitable event during the processing, storage, and even consumption of lipid-containing food, which may cause adverse effects on both food quality and human health. Water-in-oil (W/O) food emulsions contain a high content of lipids and small water droplets, which renders them vulnerable to lipid oxidation. The present review provides comprehensive insights into the lipid oxidation of W/O food emulsions. The key influential factors of lipid oxidation in W/O food emulsions are presented systematically. To better interpret the specific mechanisms of lipid oxidation in W/O food emulsions, a comprehensive detection method, oxidative lipidomics (oxidomics), is proposed to identify novel markers, which not only tracks the chemical molecules but also considers the changes in supramolecular properties, sensory properties, and nutritional value. The microstructure of emulsions, components from both phases, emulsifiers, pH, temperature, and light should be taken into account to identify specific oxidation markers. A correlation of these novel oxidation markers with the shelf life, the organoleptic properties, and the nutritional value of W/O food emulsions should be applied to develop targeted protective approaches for limiting lipid oxidation. Accordingly, the processing parameters, the application of antioxidants and emulsifiers, as well as packing and storage conditions can be optimized to develop W/O emulsions with improved oxidative stability. This review may help in emphasizing the future research priorities of investigating the mechanisms of lipid oxidation in W/O emulsion by oxidomics, leading to practical solutions for the food industry to prevent oxidative rancidity in W/O food emulsions.  相似文献   

猪肉烤制过程中脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄业传  李洪军  吴照民  李凤 《食品科学》2011,32(24):213-219
为研究不同烤制方式和时间对猪肉脂肪酸组成、脂肪含量、营养及风味的影响,以荣昌猪背最长肌为原料,经不同时间和方式的烤制加工后,分别测定各样品的脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成。结果显示,烤制方式主要影响样品的风味、营养以及肌内总脂、游离脂肪酸和甘三酯的脂肪酸组成;加工时间主要影响脂肪含量和磷脂的脂肪酸组成。因此采用烤制加工时,加工方式和加工时间的不同都会对猪肉脂肪酸组成、脂肪含量、营养及风味产生影响,加工方式对脂肪酸组成、营养和风味的影响更大,而加工时间对脂肪含量的影响更显著。  相似文献   

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