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网格及其计算是当前的研究热点。本文介绍计算科学的含义、目的和发展,以及网格的概念、目的、基本要求和研究内容,并在此基础上讨论了计算科学与网格的关系。  相似文献   

The computational techniques are a set of novel problem-solving methodologies that have attracted wider attention for their excellent performance. The handling strategies of real-world problems are artificial neural networks (ANN), evolutionary computing (EC), and many more. An estimated fifty thousand to ninety thousand new leishmaniasis cases occur annually, with only 25% to 45% reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). It remains one of the top parasitic diseases with outbreak and mortality potential. In 2020, more than ninety percent of new cases reported to World Health Organization (WHO) occurred in ten countries: Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Eritrea, India, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Yemen. The transmission of visceral leishmaniasis is studied dynamically and numerically. The study included positivity, boundedness, equilibria, reproduction number, and local stability of the model in the dynamical analysis. Some detailed methods like Runge Kutta and Euler depend on time steps and violate the physical relevance of the disease. They produce negative and unbounded results, so in disease dynamics, such developments have no biological significance; in other words, these results are meaningless. But the implicit nonstandard finite difference method does not depend on time step, positive, bounded, dynamic and consistent. All the computational techniques and their results were compared using computer simulations.  相似文献   

Aristotle long ago divided kinds of study into techn and epistm,which we can roughly translate into the modern terms ‘art’and ‘science’. It is certainly the case that computationaldialectologists do well with the Art (techn), in our technicalconstruction and execution of statistical experiments, and wehave two different prominent models to choose from, each onecorresponding to a mode of scientific discovery, either to deductiveor to inductive scientific procedure. But that in itself shouldnot be the whole story. The Science (epistm) of computationaldialectology lies in the creation of arguments from our statisticalresults that are appropriate to the scientific procedure thatmotivates us. It is not so clear that computational dialectologistshave done so well with their Science. What do the results ofthe technical work really mean? In what way are they associatedwith particular choices of linguistic theory? Is it the casethat, after all of our technical hard work, we find only whatwe are looking for? In this paper, I will suggest that an appropriateuse of the technical results of computational dialectology requiresthat practitioners take a more subtle approach to the theorythat motivates the study in the first place, especially to therelationship between perception and production of language.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the manner in which Barry Boehm and his work have had an influence upon the research at UNSW into software development cost modeling and estimation. During the period 1979 to the present, faculty and students have investigated cost models for the commercial software development environment, project elapsed time compression, software sizing, estimation accuracy, and analysis of project history databases. This investigation reveals the foresight contained within the Boehm publications and the significant contribution made by these over the last three decades.  相似文献   

为满足大规模软件开发的需要,自动化成为软件工程迫切的要求,并贯彻到软件设计、开发和维护的各个阶段.提出一种以可计算函数为基础的程序理解方法,最大程度地识别函数功能、验证组件安全属性,实现对二进制代码的理解,以精简的函数表达式和并发赋值形式展示函数理解结果,提高人工阅读程序的效率.实验表明生成并发赋值语句的数量、时间与软件代码大小成线性关系,并得出了经验公式.  相似文献   

政治学研究一直是社会科学领域的热点研究方向。政治理论、比较政治、公共政策和国际政治等,这些经典的政治学研究课题吸引了大批的政治学学者。从传统政治学研究中的道德哲学和法理主义,到行为主义政治学研究中的科学方法论和定量分析,再到一些自然科学工作者开始涉足政治学领域,政治学的研究方法一直在发展与演变。该文在对传统政治学研究的方法进行简要总结的基础上,针对互联网时代,“大数据”驱动下的政治学研究,阐述了计算政治学的起源、定义及其主要的研究内容和方法,论述了目前研究的热点政治倾向性及政治观点识别、冲突观点检测、选举预测和分析可视化的研究进展。  相似文献   


In this article we explore the mechanisms through which one group of preservice teachers engage in Collective Property Noticing—a phenomenon in which group members integrate individual contributions such that the group, as a unit, notices mathematical properties of their collective image. Drawing on improvisational theory to help to illuminate these collaborative processes, we claim that Collective Property Noticing is a capacity that is vital for mathematical sense-making in collaborative groups and we propose several conditions under which it is appropriate for a teacher to intervene in students’ learning in a problem-solving setting in order to provoke Collective Property Noticing.  相似文献   

计算思维与计算机导论   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
计算思维是目前国际计算机界广为关注的一个重要概念.2008年6月,ACM提交的报告(草案)将"计算思维"与"计算机导论"课程绑定在一起,明确要求"计算机导论"课程讲授计算思维的本质.根据ACM的要求,分别介绍了以"计算思维"和"学科思想与方法"为基础的两类"计算机导论"课程,给出了两类"计算机导论"课程的讲授提纲,指出了它们的不同点以及课程讲授本质上的一致性.最后认为,两类课程各有所长,值得相互吸收和借鉴,同时,也有助于以"计算思维能力"培养为核心的"计算机导论"课程的教学改革,并为计算学科其他课程的教学提供一种可以借鉴的改革模式.  相似文献   

International Journal of Computer Vision - Semantic understanding of visual scenes is one of the holy grails of computer vision. Despite efforts of the community in data collection, there are still...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss computational thinking and parametric design and thus “what model is” in the realm of mathematics in architecture. Here we investigate how multi-dimensionality and reference systems should be contemplated, along with what mapping is and how it is related with algorithms in computational design. Set theory and functional relations are re-visited and similarity/similitude concepts and the importance of nondimensional parameters relating different reference systems (interpreted as domain and range relations) are pointed out. In this context, computational design approaches based on modern biomimetic studies in architecture which are beyond metaphors or analogies are considered as the prominent cases of the present inquiry.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how portability of a model between different computer operating systems can lead to increased efficiency in code execution. The portability problem is not a trivial one, as many geographic models are designed to be run inside a set environment (Unix, Solaris, Linux, and Windows), and are further limited by hardware constraints. The SLEUTH urban growth model [K.C Clarke, S. Hoppen, and L. Gaydos. “A self-modifying cellular automaton model of historical urbanization in the San Francisco Bay area”, Environment and Planning B, 24:247–261, 1997.] was implemented under three different operating systems (Solaris, Linux, and Windows). Results suggest that the model's performance is optimized by porting it from its original environment (Unix/Solaris) to Linux or Windows where faster processors are available. While the results show optimization of model performance, there are some suggestions of computational bottlenecks that may eventually limit the increased performance of the model. Regardless, the research demonstrates that the portability of a model can lead to not only to a decrease in computation time, but may increase the viability in practical applications and attract a wider user base.  相似文献   


This article is a theoretical discussion that introduces examining the emerging library blog of the public academic library from the approach of genre theory. Genre theory classifies texts not only by form but by the social actions performed, a definition developed by Carol Miller. Public and private spheres are found to intersect in the library blog, complicating the traditional role of the librarian as objective information provider.  相似文献   

Through a wide variety of approaches cognitive sciencehas given us various important insights into thenature of diagrammatic representations. This papersurveys the findings, issues and approaches todiagrammatic representations in cognitive science. Important current issues that are highlighted include:the relation between the parts of the representationalsystem that are internal to the mind and in externalvisual media that presents the diagram; the use ofmultiple representations which is typical of realcontexts of diagram use; the benefits of diagrams interms of (i) computational offloading, (ii)re-representation and (iii) graphical constraining.  相似文献   

计算思维与计算机方法论   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
尽管计算思维与计算机方法论有着各自的研究内容与特色,但是,显而易见,它们的互补性很强,可以相互促进.比如,计算机方法论可以对计算思维研究方面取得的成果进行再研究和吸收,最终丰富计算机方法论的内容;反过来,计算思维能力的培养也可以通过计算机方法论的学习得到更大的提高.介绍了计算思维与计算机方法论存在的密切联系,以及以学科认知理论体系构建为核心的计算机方法论在中国的研究与应用.相对而言,计算思维的研究主要在国外,主要是在美国和英国,他们研究的重点放在计算思维的过程及其实质和特征上.此工作有助于人们对计算思维与计算机方法论的认识,以及对它们展开进一步地深入研究.  相似文献   

以竞赛培养模式推动理工科程序设计课程改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提高理工科程序设计课程教学质量是当前需要重点关注的问题。本文在分析当前程序设计课程存在的问题的基础上,阐述了以大学生程序设计竞赛的培养模式推动程序设计课程改革的观点,同时结合本校学生程序设计能力和创新能力培养的实际,介绍了对程序设计课程的教学思路、教学内容、教学方法、实践方式所进行的改革。  相似文献   

Modern molecular biology has always been a great source of inspiration for computational science. Half a century ago, the challenge from understanding macromolecular dynamics has led the way for computations to be part of the tool set to study molecular biology. Twenty-five years ago, the demand from genome science has inspired an entire generation of computer scientists with an interest in discrete mathematics to join the field that is now called bioinformatics. In this paper, we shall lay out a new mathem...  相似文献   

Porcine diarrhea and gastroenteritis are major causes of piglet mortality that result in devastating economic losses to the industry. A plethora of pathogens can cause these diseases, with the transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 (ETEC) being two of the most salient. In the December 2017 issue of Proteomics Clinical Aplications, Xia and colleagues used comparative proteomics to shed light on how these microbes interact to cause severe disease 1 . The authors discovered that TGEV induces an epithelial‐mesenchymal transition‐like phenotype that augments cell adhesion proteins mediating the attachment of ETEC to intestinal epithelial cells. Moreover, coinfection was found to modulate several host proteins that could bolster pathogen persistence. Importantly, the authors observed that ETEC suppresses the production of inflammatory cytokines induced by TGEV, which may in turn promote the long‐term survival of both microbes.  相似文献   

Computational Science and Engineering(CS&E)is now widely accepted,along with theory and experiment,as the critical third pillar of scientific discovery.It is indispensable for leading edge investigation and engineeringdesign in a vast number of industrial sectors,including for example,aerospace,automotive,biological chemical,and semiconductor technologies that all rely increasingly on advanced modeling  相似文献   

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