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Cdk7 has been shown previously to be able to phosphorylate and activate many different Cdks in vitro. However, conclusive evidence that Cdk7 acts as a Cdk-activating kinase (CAK) in vivo has remained elusive. Adding to the controversy is the fact that in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, CAK activity is provided by the CAK1/Civ1 protein, which is unrelated to Cdk7. Furthermore Kin28, the budding yeast Cdk7 homolog, functions not as a CAK but as the catalytic subunit of TFIIH. Vertebrate Cdk7 is also known to be part of TFIIH. Therefore, in the absence of better genetic evidence, it was proposed that the CAK activity of Cdk7 may be an in vitro artifact. In an attempt to resolve this issue, we cloned the Drosophila cdk7 homolog and created null and temperature-sensitive mutations. Here we demonstrate that cdk7 is necessary for CAK activity in vivo in a multicellular organism. We show that cdk7 activity is required for the activation of both Cdc2/Cyclin A and Cdc2/Cyclin B complexes, and for cell division. These results suggest that there may be a fundamental difference in the way metazoans and budding yeast effect a key modification of Cdks.  相似文献   

Agency and communion are fundamental human motives, often conceptualized as being in tension. This study examines the notion that moral exemplars overcome this tension and adaptively integrate these 2 motives within their personality. Participants were 25 moral exemplars—recipients of a national award for extraordinary volunteerism—and 25 demographically matched comparison participants. Each participant responded to a life review interview and provided a list of personal strivings, which were coded for themes of agency and communion; interviews were also coded for the relationship between agency and communion. Results consistently indicated that exemplars not only had both more agency and communion than did comparison participants but were also more likely to integrate these themes within their personality. Consistent with our claim that enlightened self-interest is driving this phenomenon, this effect was evident only when agency and communion were conceptualized in terms of promoting interests (of the self and others, respectively) and not in terms of psychological distance (from others) and only when the interaction was observed with a person approach and not with the traditional variable approach. After providing a conceptual replication of these results using different measures elicited in different contexts and relying on different coding procedures, we addressed and dismissed various alternative explanations, including chance co-occurrence and generalized complexity. These results provide the first reliable evidence of the integration of motives of agency and communion in moral personality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Participational agency is presented as a conceptual account of human action, volition, and possibility. Rooted in hermeneutic and narrative traditions, this view differs from other theorizing about agency (and most psychological theorizing in general) in that it makes no effort to explain human action by virtue of reified constructs. As an alternative to traditional theorizing in this area, participational agency is defined as meaningful engagement in the world and treats the experienced meaningfulness of practical human activity as its central feature. The concept of meaningful engagement is clarified through the presentation of four related themes—situated participation, existential concern, dispositional action, and narrative orientation. Finally, the author offers several implications of this view of agency for theory and research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Traces the conceptual impasse that opposes free will and determinism to the dichotomy between subject and object, and to the limitations imposed by the thinking that underlies this division. Thinking rooted in the dialectics of subject and object transcends the impasse of the traditional debate and provides a more complete account of the experiential given of self and of free will. H. Bergson (1959) and M. Merleau-Ponty (1966) are used as examples of applying this dialectical thinking to the problem of freedom and determinism. This approach is then applied to the common analysis of the act of will (which divides will into motive, deliberation, choice, and action), and with the help of a clinical vignette, the self and free agency emerge naturally from the dialectical nature of the data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The feeling that we are agents, intentionally making things happen by our own actions, is foundational to our understanding of ourselves as humans. People's metacognitions of agency were investigated in 4 experiments. Participants played a game in which they tried to touch downward scrolling Xs and avoid touching Os. Variables that affected accuracy included speed of the scroll, density of the targets, and feedback. Of central interest were variables directed not only at accuracy but also at people's control: the turbulence of the cursor and how close the cursor had to come to the target for a hit (i.e., "magic"). After each trial, people made judgments of agency or judgments of performance. People were selectively sensitive to the variables to which they should be responsive in agency monitoring--whether the cursor moved in close synchrony to their movements and whether targets disappeared by magic. People knew, separably from their objective or judged performance, when they were in control and when they were not. These results indicate that people can sensitively monitor their own agency. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three cross-cultural studies conducted among U.S. and Indian adults compared perceptions of helping friends in strongly versus weakly expected cases, views of helping family versus strangers, and responses to a self-determination motivation scale. Expectations to help family and friends were positively correlated with satisfaction and choice only among Indians and not among Americans. Also, whereas U.S. respondents associated lesser satisfaction and choice with strongly versus weakly socially expected helping, Indian respondents associated equal satisfaction and choice with the 2 types of cases. Providing evidence of the importance of choice in collectivist cultures, the results indicate that social expectations to meet the needs of family and friends tend to be more fully internalized among Indians than among Americans. Methodologically, the results also highlight the need to incorporate items that tap more internalized meanings of role-related social expectations on measures of motivation in the tradition of self-determination theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recognizing limitations in classic cognitive moral development theory, several scholars have drawn from theories of identity to suggest that moral behavior results from both moral judgments and moral identity. The authors conducted 2 survey-based studies with more than 500 students and managers to test this argument. Results demonstrated that moral identity and moral judgments both independently influenced moral behavior. In addition, in situations in which social consensus regarding the moral behavior was not high, moral judgments and moral identity interacted to shape moral behavior. This interaction effect indicated that those who viewed themselves as moral individuals pursued the most extreme alternatives (e.g., never cheating, regularly cheating)--a finding that affirms the motivational power of a moral identity. The authors conclude by considering the implications of this research for both theory and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The moral domain is broader than the empathy and justice concerns assessed by existing measures of moral competence, and it is not just a subset of the values assessed by value inventories. To fill the need for reliable and theoretically grounded measurement of the full range of moral concerns, we developed the Moral Foundations Questionnaire on the basis of a theoretical model of 5 universally available (but variably developed) sets of moral intuitions: Harm/Care, Fairness/Reciprocity, Ingroup/Loyalty, Authority/Respect, and Purity/Sanctity. We present evidence for the internal and external validity of the scale and the model, and in doing so we present new findings about morality: (a) Comparative model fitting of confirmatory factor analyses provides empirical justification for a 5-factor structure of moral concerns; (b) convergent/discriminant validity evidence suggests that moral concerns predict personality features and social group attitudes not previously considered morally relevant; and (c) we establish pragmatic validity of the measure in providing new knowledge and research opportunities concerning demographic and cultural differences in moral intuitions. These analyses provide evidence for the usefulness of Moral Foundations Theory in simultaneously increasing the scope and sharpening the resolution of psychological views of morality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Addresses the centrality of the self-efficacy mechanism (SEM) in human agency. SEM precepts influence thought patterns, actions, and emotional arousal. In causal tests, the higher the level of induced self-efficacy, the higher the performance accomplishments and the lower the emotional arousal. The different lines of research reviewed show that the SEM may have wide explanatory power. Perceived self-efficacy helps to account for such diverse phenomena as changes in coping behavior produced by different modes of influence, level of physiological stress reactions, self-regulation of refractory behavior, resignation and despondency to failure experiences, self-debilitating effects of proxy control and illusory inefficaciousness, achievement strivings, growth of intrinsic interest, and career pursuits. The influential role of perceived collective efficacy in social change and the social conditions conducive to development of collective inefficacy are analyzed. (2? p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

M. I. Possner's 1980 reaction time (RT) paradigm was used to examine the engagement and disengagement operations of visual selective attention in patients with schizophrenia. In the 1st experiment 14 medicated, chronic schizophrenic Ss (diagnosed by criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM-I]), and 15 age-matched normal and control Ss made a speeded response to a target preceded by a valid, and invalid, or no cue. Control Ss showed the expected advantage and disadvantage in RT for valid and invalid cues, which suggests intact engagement and disengagement operations. For schizophrenic Ss, valid cues also enhanced RT, but invalid cues did not slow RT. Similar results were found in the 2nd experiment. The failure of unpredictable, invalid cues to inhibit RT in chronic schizophrenia may be related to an abnormality in the disengagement operation of selective attention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether heat sterilization adversely effects the torsional properties of rotary nickel-titanium files, making them more prone to fracture under torsional stress. Nine hundred sizes 2 through 10 Profile Series 29.04 taper files were divided into groups of 10 files each and sterilized 0, 1, 5, or 10 times in the steam autoclave, Statim autoclave, or dry heat sterilizer. Then, they were subjected to torsional testing in a Torquemeter Memocouple. Complete data were collected for sizes 2 through 7, but not for sizes 8 through 10 because their torque resistance exceeded the testing limits of the Torquemeter Memocouple. A one-way analysis of variance was used to compare all experimental groups in sizes 2 through 7 with their unsterilized controls (p < 0.05). Fifty-four comparisons were made for torsional strength and 54 for rotational flexibility. Ten significant changes occurred for torsional strength and 10 for rotational flexibility. Eight of 10 changes in torsional strength were increases. Fifty-two of 54 (96.3%) comparisons for torsional strength and 47 of 54 (87%) for rotational flexibility showed a significant increase or no change. Therefore, heat sterilization of rotary nickel-titanium files up to 10 times does not increase the likelihood of instrument fracture.  相似文献   

Comments on J. A. Bargh and T. L. Chartrand's (see record 1999-05760-002) treatise on the pervasiveness of automaticity and its relation to self-regulation. According to the present author, both the various arguments presented within, and the actual title of, Bargh and Chartrand's article are a reflection of the expected reactions to and arguments against the article's theme. The notion that people are neither voluntary nor rational architects of their own behavior is indeed unbearable and should most assuredly meet with resistance. It seems a pretty safe bet that psychology will remain as reticent to abandon the notion of personal agency as evolutionary thinkers are to let go of the myth of progress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the disengagement of attention from facial expression is modulated by gaze direction in infants. To this end, we measured the saccadic reaction time required for the 10-month-olds to disengage their attention from angry and happy expressions combined with either straight or averted gaze. The 10-month-olds' disengagement of their attention from happy faces was modulated by gaze direction. This finding indicates that gaze direction strongly influences infants' allocation of attention to facial expressions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the moral obligations of psychology. An inquiry into the main priorities of academic and professional psychology suggests that contributions to human welfare, its preeminent moral obligation, comes in third after guild issues and professional self-interest, and the pursuit of knowledge. In an effort to reassign moral philosophy a place of prominence and to broaden the ethical discourse of psychology, the authors use the term "moral imperative" (MI). The promotion of the MI entails the exploration of 3 fundamental questions. These concern the extent that the present social order promotes human welfare for everyone, the extent that psychology supports or challenges the present social order, and the contributions that psychology can make to the advent of the "good" society. The MI advances 4 human agency values: self-determination, distributive justice, collaborative and democratic participation, and relationality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author describes her position as manager of a state legislative agency and notes that the greatest rewards of her job come from finding at least partial solutions to complex human services problems. Both the job rewards and frustrations are tied closely to the type of work required. Training in psychology and liberal arts, as well as clinical experience and appointments to government advisory groups, have been significant preparation for the position. It is considered important for those seeking a similar career path to have a basic interest in public policy, along with stamina, flexibility, creativity, objectivity, a willingness to handle diverse demands at one time, and an ability to keep one's own counsel. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed Piagetian and moral stages in 117 female and 111 male college students prior to a moral education program. As hypothesized, Ss who had not reached their highest possible stage of moral development given the limits set by their stage of Piagetian development changed significantly more than Ss who had reached their moral potentiality. Results are consistent with L. Kohlberg's (1977) assumption that Piagetian stage sets a limit or ceiling on moral development, and they further suggest that the relationship between Piagetian and moral stages should be considered in planning moral education programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on R. Williams's (see record 1992-34951-001) proposed solution to the free will–determinism debate. A. A. Sappington contends that Williams too quickly dismissed the concept of agency in the sense of people being in some way the cause of their own actions, and finds fault with Williams's definition of freedom in terms of "truthful living." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research investigated whether people are more likely to attribute events to external agents when events are negative rather than neutral or positive. Participants more often believed that ultimatum game partners were humans rather than computers when the partners offered unusually unfavorable divisions than unusually favorable divisions (Experiment 1A), even when their human partners had no financial stake in the game (Experiment 1B). In subsequent experiments, participants were most likely to infer that gambles were influenced by an impartial participant when the outcomes of those gambles were losses rather than wins (Experiments 2 and 3), despite their explicitly equal probability. The results suggest a negative agency bias—negative events are more often attributed to the influence of external agents than similarly positive and neutral events, independent of their subjective probability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Older children, but not younger children, were found to look away more from the face of an interlocutor when answering difficult as opposed to easy questions. Similar results were found in earlier work with adults, who often avert their gaze during cognitively difficult tasks (A. M. Glenberg, J. L. Schroeder, & D. A. Robertson, 1998). Twenty-five 8-year-olds and 26 5-year-olds answered verbal reasoning and arithmetic questions of varying difficulty. The older children increased gaze aversion from the face of the adult questioner in response to both difficult verbal reasoning questions and difficult arithmetic questions. In contrast, younger children (5-year-olds) responded less consistently to cognitive difficulty. It is concluded that adultlike patterns of gaze aversion in response to cognitive difficulty are certainly acquired by 8 years of age. The implications of appropriate gaze aversion for children's management of cognitive processing resources are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present article examines the nature and function of human agency within the conceptual model of triadic reciprocal causation. In analyzing the operation of human agency in this interactional causal structure, social cognitive theory accords a central role to cognitive, vicarious, self-reflective, and self-regulatory processes. The issues addressed concern the psychological mechanisms through which personal agency is exercised, the hierarchical structure of self-regulatory systems, eschewal of the dichotomous construal of self as agent and self as object, and the properties of a nondualistic but nonreductional conception of human agency. The relation of agent causality to the fundamental issues of freedom and determinism is also analyzed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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