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Three broad-band miniature monolithic transformer singly balanced diode mixers for operation in the microwave and millimeter-wave bands are reported in this paper. The coupled-line equivalent models are used to synthesize the initial design of these transformers up to 50 GHz. The first one is a broad-band spiral transformer mixer, and the second one is a 21-GHz Marchand-type transformer mixer. These two mixers with chip sizes around 0.29 mm/sup 2/ exhibit bandwidths of 105% and 54.5%, respectively. We also propose a 30-GHz single-coiled transformer mixer, which has comparable performance with the first two mixers and reduced chip size. The single-coiled transformer mixer achieves a bandwidth of 100% with the chip size smaller than 0.25mm/sup 2/. In order to save chip area, all these transformers provide broad-band matching to the diodes directly. To the authors' knowledge, these mixers achieve the widest bandwidths with the smallest chip sizes among all passive balanced mixers using monolithic-microwave integrated-circuit processes in dc-40-GHz frequency range.  相似文献   

Anand  Y. Christou  A. 《Electronics letters》1987,23(14):727-728
A GaAs monolithic planar chip consisting of two antiparallel Schottky junctions has been designed, processed and tested as a millimetre-wave crossbar mixer. The planar chip exhibited a broadband RF performance with a low conversion loss of 5.2013;70dB and noise temperature of 750 K at 94 GHz. The structure also exhibits a high burnout capability at W-band frequencies.  相似文献   

F?rg  P.N. Freyer  J. 《Electronics letters》1980,16(22):827-829
The fabrication of Pt n-p+ silicon Baritt diodes is described which can deliver more than 4 mW at Ka-band frequencies. The diodes were investigated as self-oscillating mixers. A minimum detectable signal of ?154 dBm as well as a conversion gain of 26 dB could be realised.  相似文献   

研制了一款毫米波(26~40 GHz)平衡式单片放大器芯片。放大器基于0. 15μm GaAs pHEMT工艺,实现了毫米波全频段(26~40 GHz)增益放大。采用Lange桥平衡结构,使放大器较于单边放大器有更好的输入输出驻波比,更大的1 dB增益压缩输出功率。设计时结合pHEM T晶体管小信号和大信号模型,采用自偏和RLC并联负反馈结构,在减小芯片面积的同时提高了电路的稳定性。放大器芯片尺寸仅1. 6 mm×1. 6 mm,在工作频率26~40 GHz内,测试结果表明:输入、输出驻波比小于1. 5,增益在11 dB附近,平坦度在±0. 5 dB,1 dB增益压缩输出功率大于11 dBm。测试结果验证了设计的正确性。  相似文献   

Hwang  T. Feng  M. Lau  C.L. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(23):2121-2122
Monolithic, two-stage amplifiers using 0.5*80 mu m/sup 2/ gate GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction FETs have been developed for Ka-band operation. These monolithic two-stage amplifiers were fabricated using ion implantation for the active layer and optical lithography for the 0.5 mu m gate length. MMIC two-stage amplifiers achieved average gains of 12.6+or-1.4 dB at 30 GHz and 8.8+or-2.0 dB at 40 GHz, respectively, for all 39 sites across a three inch diameter wafer. These are the first reported results for MMIC two-stage amplifiers using 0.5 mu m gate length ion-implanted GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction FETs achieving over 10 dB gain at Ka band.<>  相似文献   

A technique for generating accurate antiphase signals is presented in this paper. Monolithic oscillators at 20 and 40 GHz are realized using this technique. These oscillators have dual outputs that are mutually locked in antiphase. The inherent amplitude and phase balances between the output signals are verified. This is achieved by direct measurement using injection-locking polar diagrams, as well as low-frequency measurements of the down-converted oscillator outputs. The operation of the balanced oscillator as a multidevice power-combining oscillator is also investigated. Improvements of phase noise reduction and frequency stabilization are demonstrated at the combined oscillator output. This new oscillator topology shows significant potential in balanced circuits like mixers, multipliers, and modulators where circuit performance relies on the precise generation of the balanced signals  相似文献   

A new type of planar microwave mixer diode was produced on GaAs by a self-aligned process, resulting in high precision and yield. Up to now only planar diodes made by the highly sophisticated process of double selective epitaxy met the requirements of mixer operation at X-band. The new design requires only one epitaxial layer. It takes advantage of the inherent doping profile of the epitaxial layer instead of using two different layers. Microwave measurements showed that parasitic elements in the equivalent circuit can be neglected. This is due to the monolithic integration of the diode into a microstrip line which makes packaging superfluous. A cutoff frequency of 220 GHz was achieved.  相似文献   

The development of monolithic millimeter-wave Schottky diode mixers based on technological parameters is described. The complete equivalent circuit of the monolithic Schottky diode is calculated taking into account the semiconductor layer structure and the device geometry. This model has been used in a harmonic balanced software for designing monolithic single balanced mixers. In V-band a minimum DSB noise figure of 3.3 dB and a minimum conversion loss of 6 dB have been achieved. In W-band a minimum DSB noise figure of 4 dB and a minimum conversion loss of 7 dB have been obtained  相似文献   

Honjo  K. Sugiura  T. Itoh  H. 《Electronics letters》1981,17(24):927-928
A 500 kHz?2.8 GHz, 13.5 dB GaAs monolithic amplifier has been developed for gigabit baseband pulse amplification. Input VSWR was reduced using inter-gate-drain negative feedback. The interstage circuit is a DC coupled circuit consisting of a high impedance transmission line.  相似文献   

GaAs monolithic IC design and fabrication techniques suitable for baseband pulse amplification have been developed. The developed GaAs monolithic amplifier has a two-stage construction using two source-grounded FET's. To reduce input VSWR without serious noise-figure degradation, an inter-gate-drain negative feedback circuit was adopted. An interstage circuit is a dc-coupled circuit consisting of an appropriate impedance transmission line. Gate voltage for the second-stage FET is self-biased. The amplifier has 13.5-dB gain over the 3-dB bandwidth from below 500 kHz to 2.8 GHz. Less than 6-dB (7-dB) noise figure was obtained from 700 MHz to 2.2 GHz (150 MHz to 3 GHz). Input VSWR is less than 1.5  相似文献   

报道Ka频段GaAs单片平衡混频器的设计和研究结果。用自行开发的“TUMMIXER”软件进行电路设计,工艺以半绝缘GaAs为衬底,采用NbMo/GaAs接触形成肖特基势垒二极管,以SiO2和聚酰亚胺双介质为保护膜,增强了工艺的成功率。研制成功的芯片尺寸为:2mm×3mm×0.2mm,在f=31~36GHZ范围内NFSSB≤10dB,最佳点f=32.2GHzNF.SSB=8.7dB[fIF=1.2GHz]。  相似文献   

The importance of high-performance,low-cost and millimeter-wave transmitters for digital communications and radar applications is increasing.The design and performance of a Ka-band balanced in-phase and quadrature-phase(I-Q)type vector modulator,using GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors(HBTs)as switching elements,are presented.The balanced technique is used to remove the parasitics of the HBTs to result in near perfect constellations.Measurements of the monolithic microwave integrated circuit(MMIC)chip with a size of 1.89×2.26 mm~2 demonstrate an amplitude error below 1.5 dB and the phase error within 3°between 26 and 40 GHz except for a singular point at 35.6 GHz.The results show that the technique is suitable for millimeter-wave digital communications.  相似文献   

对于雷达通信高性能,低成本的毫米波发射机显得尤为重要。Ka波段(26.5GHz~40GHz)基于GaAs HBT工艺,以HBT为开关器件的平衡式I/Q调制器的成功研制。采用平衡式拓扑可以有效的消除由于HBT电容所带来的寄生,从而达到较高性能的星座图。此芯片面积是1.89x2.26mm2,测试的幅度和相位的误差在26~40GHz间除了35.6GHz的单点外,分别小于1.5dB和3度。测试的结果可用于毫米波通信。  相似文献   

GaAs monolithic integrated optical preamplifier   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A GaAs monolithic integrated optical preamplifier has been developed based on the transimpedance principle. By associating the amplifier with an external p-i-n diode, a sensitivity of -38 dBm was measured at 140 Mbits/s and 10-9error rate with a signal wavelength of 1.3 μm. A TiWSiN-integrated technology was used to realize larger than 100-kω feedback resistors and gate leakage could be minimized by improving Schottky contact deposition and employing selective implantation. The optimization details of the FET and resistor elements, as well as the design techniques for integrated transimpedance amplifiers are presented.  相似文献   

A new 12 GHz GaAs monolithic analogue frequency halver is presented. The circuit uses two FETs to parametrically produce the subharmonic output frequency. A bandwidth of 650 MHz was obtained for an input power level of 14 dBm. The typical conversion loss was 9 dB.  相似文献   

Impedance-matching circuits were integrated on the same chip as the IMPATT diodes to produce monolithic impatt diodes for millimetre-wave applications. A drastic reduction of device-to-circuit parasitic elements was achieved by placing the external circuitry very close to the device. Oscillators fabricated in this fashion gave the highest efficiencies reported so far in the 30?35 GHz range with 28% conversion efficiency using hybrid-Read structures.  相似文献   

A monolithic X-band GaAs FET oscillator has been developed. Passive circuit components are lumped capacitors and inductors on semi-insulating GaAs; the chip size is 1.2 × 1.4 mm2. Stabilised with a Ba2Ti9O20 dielectric resonator, the oscillator delivers more than 30 mW output power at 10.8 GHz with a maximum chip efficiency of 20%. The frequency drift is better than 1 × 10?6/K from ?20°C to 80°C.  相似文献   

A GaAs/AlAs resonant-tunneling diode is designed for use as part of a subharmonic mixer, and its prototypes are fabricated and characterized. Its current-voltage characteristics measured at room, liquid-nitrogen, or liquid-helium temperature provide evidence for its adequate performance over the entire temperature range. Its impedance is measured against frequency up to 40 GHz, on which basis an appropriate equivalent circuit is selected for the device, and its components are quantified. The operation of a subharmonic mixer incorporating the resonant-tunneling diode is simulated for a number of values of its quantum-well width. At liquid-helium temperature, adjusting the quantum-well width is predicted to make the appropriate local-oscillator power vary from 50 μW to 15 mW, while holding the conversion loss of a subharmonic mixer below 10 dB.  相似文献   

A novel wafer bonding process has been used to integrate high quality GaAs devices on quartz substrates. The method of adhesion by spin-on-dielectric temperature enhanced reflow (MASTER) uses a spin-on-dielectric as a bonding agent to achieve a robust bond that in no way degrades either high frequency performance or reliability. A 585 GHz integrated mixer fabricated using this process has achieved record double-sideband mixer noise temperatures of 1,150 K at room temperature and 880 K at 77 K. Furthermore, the integrated mixers require no mechanical tuning, are easy to assemble, and repeatable. Precise control of the circuit geometry, coupled with the reduction of parasitic elements, allows greater accuracy of computer simulations and will therefore lead to better high frequency performance and bandwidth. This new technology is easily extended to other circuit designs and will allow the development of a new generation of submillimeter-wave integrated circuits  相似文献   

李芹  王志功  徐雷钧 《半导体学报》2010,31(3):035005-5
本文介绍了一种采用WIN 0.150.15μm pHEMT设计的单片双平横二极管混频器。本次设计中采用了改进的折叠型Marchand balun来减少芯片面积。同时电路中还使用U型耦合线改善了端口之间的隔离度并提供了中频输出端口。该混频器取得了较好的测试结果,在26-40 GHz频带范围内,混频器具有较低的变频损耗为5.5-10.7dB,隔离度大于26dB,并且中频带宽为DC-14 GHz,芯片面积为0.96mm2  相似文献   

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