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Search engines used in contemporary online scientific publishing mostly exploit raw publication data (bags of words) and shallow metadata (authors, key words, citations, etc.). Exploitation of the knowledge contained implicitly in published texts is still largely not utilized. Following our long-term ambition to take advantage of such knowledge, we have implemented CORAAL (COntent extended by emeRgent and Asserted Annotations of Linked publication data), an enhanced-search prototype and the second-prize winner of the Elsevier Grand Challenge. CORAAL extracts asserted publication metadata together with the knowledge implicitly present in the relevant text, integrates the emergent content, and displays it using a multiple-perspective search&browse interface. This way we enable semantic querying for individual publications, and convenient exploration of the knowledge contained within them. In other words, recalling the metaphor in the article title, we let the users dive into publications more easily, and allow them to freely bathe in the related unlocked knowledge.  相似文献   

To build awareness of the development of ant colony optimization (ACO), this study clarifies the citation and bibliometric analysis of research publications of ACO during 1996-2010. This study analysed 12,960 citations from a total of 1372 articles dealing with ACO published in 517 journals based on the databases of SCIE, SSCI and AH&CI, retrieved via the Web of Science. Bradford Law and Lotka’s Law, respectively, examined the distribution of journal articles and author productivity. Furthermore, this study determines the citation impact of ACO using parameters such as extent of citation received in terms of number of citations per study, distribution of citations over time, distribution of citations among domains, citation of authors, citation of institutions, highly cited papers and citing journals and impact factor of 12,960 citations. This study can help researchers to better understand the history, current status and trends of ACO in the advanced study of it.  相似文献   

Reading scientific articles is more time-consuming than reading news because readers need to search and read many citations. This paper proposes a citation guided method for summarizing multiple scientific papers. A phenomenon we can observe is that citation sentences in one paragraph or section usually talk about a common fact, which is usually represented as a set of noun phrases co-occurring in citation texts and it is usually discussed from different aspects. We design a multi-document summarization system based on common fact detection. One challenge is that citations may not use the same terms to refer to a common fact. We thus use term association discovering algorithm to expand terms based on a large set of scientific article abstracts. Then, citations can be clustered based on common facts. The common fact is used as a salient term set to get relevant sentences from the corresponding cited articles to form a summary. Experiments show that our method outperforms three baseline methods by ROUGE metric.  相似文献   

Many modelling techniques tend to address “late-phase” requirements while many critical modelling decisions (such as determining the main goals of the system, how the stakeholders depend on each other, and what alternatives exist) are taken during early-phase requirements engineering. The i1 modelling framework is a semiformal agent-oriented conceptual modelling language that is well-suited for answering these questions. This paper addresses key challenge faced in the practical deployment of agent-oriented conceptual modelling frameworks such as i1. Our approach to addressing this problem is based on the observation that the value of conceptual modelling in the i1 framework lies in its use as a notation complementary to existing requirements modelling and specification languages, i.e., the expressive power of i1 complements rather than supplants that of existing notations. The use of i1 in this fashion requires that we define methodologies that support the co-evolution of i1 models with more traditional specifications. This research examines how this might be done with formal specification notations (specifically Z).  相似文献   

The International Journal of Intelligent Systems was created in 1986. Today, the journal is 30 years old. To celebrate this anniversary, this study develops a bibliometric review of all of the papers published in the journal between 1986 and 2015. The results are largely based on the Web of Science Core Collection, which classifies leading bibliographic material by using several indicators including total number of publications and citations, the h‐index, cites per paper, and citing articles. The work also uses the VOS viewer software for visualizing the main results through bibliographic coupling and co‐citation. The results show a general overview of leading trends that have influenced the journal in terms of highly cited papers, authors, journals, universities and countries.  相似文献   

ContextAccording to the search reported in this paper, as of this writing (May 2015), a very large number of papers (more than 70,000) have been published in the area of Software Engineering (SE) since its inception in 1968. Citations are crucial in any research area to position the work and to build on the work of others. Identification and characterization of highly-cited papers are common and are regularly reported in various disciplines.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to identify the papers in the area of SE that have influenced others the most as measured by citation count. Studying highly-cited SE papers helps researchers to see the type of approaches and research methods presented and applied in such papers, so as to be able to learn from them to write higher quality papers which will likely receive high citations.MethodTo achieve the above objective, we conducted a study, comprised of five research questions, to identify and classify the top-100 highly-cited SE papers in terms of two metrics: total number of citations and average annual number of citations.ResultsBy total number of citations, the top paper is "A metrics suite for object-oriented design", cited 1817 times and published in 1994. By average annual number of citations, the top paper is "QoS-aware middleware for Web services composition", cited 154.2 times on average annually and published in 2004.ConclusionIt is concluded that it is important to identify the highly-cited SE papers and also to characterize the overall citation landscape in the SE field. We hope that this paper will encourage further discussions in the SE community towards further analysis and formal characterization of the highly-cited SE papers.  相似文献   

We assessed 6122 environmental modelling papers published since 2005 to determine whether the number of citations each paper had received by September 2014 could be predicted with no knowledge of the paper's quality. A random forest was applied, using a range of easily quantified or classified variables as predictors. The 511 papers published in two key journals in 2008 were further analysed to consider additional variables. Papers with no differential equations received more citations. The topic of the paper, number of authors and publication venue were also significant. Ten other factors, some of which have been found significant in other studies, were also considered, but most added little to the predictive power of the models. Collectively, all factors predicted 16–29% of the variation in citation counts, with the remaining variance (the majority) presumably attributable to important subjective factors such as paper quality, clarity and timeliness.  相似文献   

This paper profiles the types of research activity that have been published in EJIS from 1997 to 2007. Our analysis includes variables such as the most productive authors, citation analysis, universities associated with the most research publications, geographic diversity, authors’ background, subject areas most often investigated, unit of analysis and research methodologies. The classification of the topics and methodologies used by the most highly published authors will help prospective authors gauge whether their paper is suitable for EJIS. The major geographical source of information system (IS) research published in EJIS is from AIS region 2 (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), but with a substantial AIS region 1 (American-based researchers and universities) and AIS region 3 (Asia–Pacific) contribution. The most common research method used is the case study approach, with other methods such as surveys and library research also used frequently. IS management and IS development are the two most researched IS topics published in EJIS. This research and results reported in this paper are comparable with a previous paper published about the Information Systems Journal. Any further such studies will thus be able to make similar comparisons between these journals and any others that have subsequently been covered in this way. The paper concludes with the need for more substantive research on the topic if journal comparisons are to achieve their potential.  相似文献   

We consider the following circle placement problem: given a set of pointsp i ,i=1,2, ...,n, each of weightw i , in the plane, and a fixed disk of radiusr, find a location to place the disk such that the total weight of the points covered by the disk is maximized. The problem is equivalent to the so-called maximum weighted clique problem for circle intersection graphs. That is, given a setS ofn circles,D i ,i=1,2, ...,n, of the same radiusr, each of weightw i , find a subset ofS whose common intersection is nonempty and whose total weight is maximum. AnO (n 2) algorithm is presented for the maximum clique problem. The algorithm is better than a previously known algorithm which is based on sorting and runs inO (n 2 logn) time.  相似文献   

We consider a flow-based model for an ad hoc mobile network where users may need to use transit nodes in order to be able to communicate. Under the assumption that every node is willing to cooperate, we derive the set of Karush–Kuhn–Tucker equations that define the socially-optimal flows on each of the routes. We then look at the problem from an ‘egoist’ point of view, in which the user at node i cares only about maximising his/her utility under the constraint that the flows on routes which do not use node i are fixed at the socially-optimal value.This leads us to a consideration of extra constraints that could be introduced to induce the egoist user at node i to behave in a socially-optimal way. We show how to derive the parameters of such constraints, and give them interpretations in terms of schemes in which nodes’ transmission rates are constrained by the rates at which they accumulate ‘credit’.  相似文献   

We consider linear systems of algebraic equationsSu=f with tridiagonal interval matrixS and interval vector f An interval version of the sweep method allows us to find an interval vector u=(u1, u2,..., u n )T that contains the united set of solutions of the system. In the paper we present estimates of the absolute value and the width of the intervals u i ,i=1, 2,...,n under certain assumptions on the elements of the matrixS that do not include the traditional condition of diagonal dominance. The width estimates are three orders of magnitude narrower, and the assumptions on the system’s coefficients are weaker than those in works published so far.  相似文献   


Learning analytics is an emerging field of research, motivated by the wide spectrum of the available educational information that can be analysed to provide a data-driven decision about various learning problems. This study intends to examine the research landscape of learning analytics to deliver a comprehensive understanding of the research activities in this multidisciplinary field, using scientific literature from the Scopus database. An array of state-of-the-art bibliometric indices is deployed on 2811 procured publication datasets: publication counts, citation counts, co-authorship patterns, citation networks and term co-occurrence. The results indicate that the field of learning analytics appears to have been instantiated around 2011; thus, before this time period no significant research activity can be observed. The temporal evolution indicates that the terms ‘students’, ‘teachers’, ‘higher education institutions’ and ‘learning process’ appear to be the major components of the field. More recent trends in the field are the tools that tap into Big Data analytics and data mining techniques for more rational data-driven decision-making services. A future direction research depicts a need to integrate learning analytics research with multidisciplinary smart education and smart library services. The vision towards smart city research requires a meta-level of smart learning analytics value integration and policy-making.  相似文献   

Existing scholarly publication recommenders were designed to aid researchers, as well as ordinary users, in discovering pertinent literature in diverse academic fields. These recommenders, however, often (i) depend on the availability of users’ historical data in the form of ratings or access patterns, (ii) generate recommendations pertaining to users’ (articles included in their) profiles, as oppose to their current research interests, or (iii) fail to analyze valuable user-generated data at social sites that can enhance their performance. To address these design issues, we propose PReSA, a personalized recommender on scholarly articles. PReSA recommends articles bookmarked by the connections of a user U on a social bookmarking site that are not only similar in content to a target publication P currently of interest to U but are also popular among U’s connections. PReSA (i) relies on the content-similarity measure to identify potential academic publications to be recommended and (ii) uses only information readily available on popular social bookmarking sites to make recommendations. Empirical studies conducted using data from CiteULike have verified the efficiency and effectiveness of (the recommendation and ranking strategies of) PReSA, which outperforms a number of existing (scholarly publication) recommenders.  相似文献   

A recursive method for finding a hyperplane separating two given finite sets X1 and X2 in Euclidean space En is presented. It is unknown a priori if these two sets are linearly separable. According to the proposed method, a certain sequence (ai)i = 1m of nonzero vectors in En + 1 is generated, where m denotes the number of elements in the set X = X1X2. If the sets X1 and X2 are linearly separable, then each of the members ai determines a hyperplane Hi ? En separating the subsets Xji = X?Xj:X?Xqq = 1i, j = 1, 2, of the set X = xii = 1m, where (Xi)i = 1m denotes a sequence obtained by arbitrary ordering of X. Thus, to get the information as to whether the considered sets are linearly separable, it is sufficient to check if each of the hyperplanes Hi separates the sets X1i and X2i. If this is the case, then Hm separates X1 and X2. In the opposite case, the procedure of generation of the sequence (ai)i = 1m is stopped when any hyperplane Hi does not separate the sets X1i and X2i. Index i of the recently generated vector ai informs us as to how far the realization of the method is advanced.  相似文献   

ContextA collaborative system is a special kind of software whose users can perform collaboration, communication and collaboration tasks. These systems usually have a high number of non-functional requirements, resulting from the users’ need of being aware of other users with whom to collaborate, that is, the workspace awareness.ObjectiveThis paper aims at evaluating two Requirements Engineering languages i* and CSRML (an extension of i*) in order to determine which is the most suitable one to specify requirements of collaborative systems, taking into account their special characteristics regarding collaboration and awareness.MethodWe performed a family of experiments comprising an original experiment and two replicas. They were performed by 30, 45 and 9 Computer Science students, respectively, from Spain and Argentina. These subjects filled in two understandability questionnaires once they analyzed the requirements models of two systems: an e-learning collaborative system and a conference review system with some collaborative aspects support. Both models were specified by using the evaluated languages.ResultsThe statistical analysis of the family of experiments showed that the understandability was higher for the models specified with CSRML than for those specified with i*, especially for collaborative aspects. This result was also confirmed by the meta-analysis conducted.ConclusionsCSRML surpasses i* when modeling collaborative systems requirements models due to the specific expressiveness introduced to represent collaboration between users and awareness and the new resorts to manage actors and roles.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review two of the most well-known citation indexes and establish their connections with the Choquet and Sugeno integrals. In particular, we show that the recently established h-index is a particular case of the Sugeno integral, and that the number of citations corresponds to the Choquet integral. In both cases, they use the same fuzzy measure. The results presented here permit one to envision new indexes defined in terms of fuzzy integrals using other types of fuzzy measures. A few considerations in this respect are also included in this paper. Indexes for taking into account recent research and the publisher credibility are outlined.  相似文献   

A double fixed-point theorem is applied to obtain the existence of at least two positive solutions for the boundary value problem, (−1)my(2m)(t) = f(y(t)), t ϵ [0, 1], y(2i)(0) = y(2i+1)(1) = 0, 0 ≤ im−1. It is later applied to obtain the existence of at least two positive solutions for the analogous discrete boundary value problem, (−1)mΔ2mu(k) = g(u(k)), k ϵ {0, …, N}, Δ2iu(0) = Δ2i+1u(N + 1) = 0, 0 ⩽ m − 1.  相似文献   

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