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The integration of nanowires and nanotubes into electrical test structures to investigate their nanoelectronic transport properties is a significant challenge. Here, we present a single nanowire manipulation system to precisely maneuver and align individual nanowires. We show that a single nanowire can be picked up and transferred to a predefined location by electrostatic force. Compatible fabrication processes have been developed to simultaneously pattern multiple aligned nanowires by using one level of photolithography. In addition, we have fabricated and characterized representative devices and test structures including nanoelectromechanical switches with large on/off current ratios, bottom-gated silicon nanowire field-effect transistors, and both transfer-length-method and Kelvin test structures  相似文献   

自动注浆成型技术是一种材料直接成型技术.该技术以胶体为基本浆料,通过层叠方式注浆成型制备复杂三维结构,包括所有空间都被填充的无跨度器件和具有很大高宽比或者具有跨度(无支撑部分)的三维复杂结构器件.本文综述了这项技术的发展,重点介绍了水基胶体凝胶浆料的流变学理论基础和已有的应用.自动注浆成型技术提供了一种制备三维复杂结构的新方法,具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

以通孔金属片为静电纺丝的负极制备了通孔阵列纳米纤维薄膜,将多层纳米纤维薄膜在溶剂中叠加构建了三维纳米纤维结构。扫描电子显微镜结果表明,对于聚苯乙烯、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮和聚己内酯3种不同的高分子材料,均可形成带有规则有序通孔结构的纳米纤维薄膜,孔的大小可以通过模板的选择进行调节。在水中将聚苯乙烯纤维薄膜层层叠加形成了三维纳米纤维结构。在叠加四层聚苯乙烯纤维薄膜的三维结构上培养NIH3T3细胞,细胞可以在三维空间内生长,三维纤维结构表现出良好的生物相容性。  相似文献   

研究了树脂基镀镍碳纤维3D复合材料的不同结构,包括三维五向、正交三向结构对3D复合材料拉伸性能和冲击性能的影响。进行了两种试件力学性能的测定,结果表明,三维五向3D复合材料和正交三向3D复合材料都能达到高的力学性能,在纤维体积含量相近的情况下,三维五向3D复合材料的拉伸强度和冲击强度较正交三向3D复合材料高,拉伸强度可达920 MPa、冲击强度达150 KJ/m2。通过对编织结构的设计,可以设计3D复合材料的性能。  相似文献   

以自制聚苯胺水凝胶和氧化石墨烯为原料采用原位聚合法和溶液灌注法制备三维多孔结构的聚苯胺/氧化石墨烯复合材料,然后在氢碘酸的还原下制备聚苯胺/石墨烯复合材料。采用红外光谱法、场发射扫描电子显微镜和热重分析法对制备的复合材料的结构、形貌和组成进行表征,并采用三电极测试方式对其电化学性能进行测试。结果表明,氧化石墨烯的掺入能有效防止聚苯胺和氧化石墨烯的团聚和堆叠问题,获得了具有良好三维多孔结构的聚苯胺/氧化石墨烯复合物;聚苯胺/氧化石墨烯复合材料被氢碘酸还原后,得到的聚苯胺/石墨烯复合材料的热稳定性有所降低,但其比电容和导电性等有了很大的提高,在电流密度为0.5 A/g时,PANI/GO和PANI/r GO的比电容分别为240.38 F/g和321.91F/g。  相似文献   

采用无压烧结制备出不同Ti-Fe含量的HA/Ti-Fe生物复合材料,对其组织结构和力学性能进行了研究.显微组织的观察表明:均匀分布于HA基体中的金属Ti-Fe增强颗粒呈一种新颖的蛋壳状组织结构,其中核区主要由Fe组成,壳层主要由Ti组成.力学性能测试结果显示:随着Ti-Fe含量的增加,HA/Ti-Fe复合材料的硬度有所下降,但材料的抗弯强度和断裂韧度均明显提高.当Ti-Fe含量为5%时,抗弯强度出现最大值93MPa,与纯HA相比提高了42%;当Ti-Fe含量为15%时,材料的断裂韧度达到最大值1.3MPa·m1/2,较纯HA提高了128%.良好的界面结合和分布于壳层的韧性相Ti是导致材料力学性能大幅提高的主要原因.  相似文献   

利用溶液成型法制得3D功能化氧化石墨烯纳米带-碳纳米管(pGONRs-CNTs)/热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)复合材料薄膜。采用FTIR,XRD,XPS和TEM对所得pGONRs-CNTs的结构及性能进行表征,并结合所得TPU复合材料薄膜的氧气透过率和拉伸性能测试以及表面形貌观察,研究GONRs与CNTs的协同作用以及不同含量pGONRs-CNTs对TPU复合材料薄膜阻隔和力学性能的影响。结果表明:pGONRs-CNTs复合体具有独特的3D交织状结构,其中GONRs间通过CNTs链接,二者间较强的π-π键使得这种结合形态牢固紧密,同时CNTs的存在也起到支撑骨架的作用,防止GONRs的滑移与团聚;通过异氰酸苯酯的改性处理,pGONRs-CNTs复合体的亲油性得到明显提高,同时较为庞大的异氰酸根的引入,使得GONR-GONR间的层间距得到了进一步的提高,更有利于其在聚合物基体中实现均匀分散。当pGONRs-CNTs质量分数为0.5%时,pGONRs-CNTs/TPU复合材料薄膜的氧气透过率和拉伸强度相比纯TPU薄膜分别降低了63.08%和提高了46.55%,阻隔性能和力学性能均得到显著改善。  相似文献   

为解决多壁碳纳米管/聚乳酸(MWNTs/PLA)导电打印耗材变脆的问题,本文利用双螺杆熔融共混方法,制备了聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)增韧改性的MWNTs/PLA复合材料。研究发现,PBS添加量对复合材料的性能有显著影响。随PBS含量增加,复合材料的电阻率升高,断裂伸长率和冲击强度明显提高,但拉伸强度、弯曲强度和硬度有所降低。当PBS含量为10%时,共混复合材料的综合性能最好,并根据最佳条件制成具有一定韧性的导电3D打印耗材,实际使用效果良好。  相似文献   

Freestanding particle bridges with controlled composition and macroscopic robustness are demonstrated by the use of supramolecular nanoparticle assembly. Self‐assembly of nanoparticles, templating, and supramolecular glue infiltration are combined to form stable and ordered three‐dimensional polystyrene particle composites on a polydimethylsiloxane stamp. Freestanding hybrid polystyrene nanoparticle bridges are obtained by transfer printing of the hybrid structures onto topographically patterned substrates via host–guest interactions. The mechanical robustness and rigidity of the particle bridges can be controlled by manipulating the layer‐by‐layer cycles of supramolecular glues of gold nanoparticles and dendrimers. Atomic force microscopy‐based microbending results, in particular the location and force‐dependent deflection behavior, confirm that the particle bridge fulfills the classical supported‐beam characteristics. As estimated from classical beam theory, the bending moduli of the particle bridges vary between 0.8 and 1.1 GPa, depending on the degree of filling by the supramolecular glues. Failure analysis on the particle structure indicates linear elastic behavior and a plastic deformation upon failure.  相似文献   

金属基底上三维可动微机构的制作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在无背板生长工艺的基础上,以SU-8胶为牺牲层,直接在金属Ni基底上制作出了一种三维可动微机构.该器件的制作主要采用了SU-8厚胶光刻工艺、高深宽比结构的微电铸工艺以及牺牲层工艺.就SU-8胶与金属基底结合差、易产生气泡、去除困难,铸层与金属基底之间以及铸层与铸层之间结合不牢等问题进行了讨论,采用了过渡层工艺、梯度升温工艺以及酸洗等方法予以解决.对于在金属基底上通过微电铸制作微结构的工艺而言,由于基底可以直接作为微结构的一部分,因此该工艺的优势在于节省了微结构的电铸时间,降低了铸层的生长应力,提高了结构的整体强度,使微器件的可靠性大大增加.电铸时间由原来的几天甚至几周缩短为二十几个小时,避免了出现由铸层内应力引起的铸件结构变形的问题.  相似文献   

利用3D打印制备了聚氨酯(TPU)微流道,并采用注射器将GaInSn液态金属注入后封装,得到液态金属柔性导线.采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和能谱分析仪(EDS)对液态金属的形貌及结构进行表征.利用万用表和电化学工作站分别测试了复杂流道中的液态金属及外力作用下不同尺寸柔性导线的导电性能,并通过对比商用柔性电路板(FPC),测试了柔性导线在反复弯曲及对折下的抗疲劳性.结果表明,该液态金属由67.2%Ga、20.1%In和12.7%Sn(均为质量分数)组成,将其与TPU柔性材料结合,可制备多层复杂的结构电路;在压力(0~190 N)和弯曲变形(0~360°)的外力作用下,外力对液态金属柔性导线的导通性能基本无影响,其中,微流道横截尺寸为0.5 mm×0.5 mm时,外力对其影响最小;对比商用FPC,液态金属柔性导线在循环弯曲24 h、对折压实200次的条件下仍未发生断裂,其电阻仅增加0.02Ω,展现了液态金属在复杂柔性电路制造领域的巨大应用潜力.  相似文献   

Multilayer ZnO/In2O3structures made up of hexagonal ZnO and cubic In2O3layers were produced by heat treatment in air and were characterized by x-ray diffraction and optical microscopy. The structures were found to exhibit efficient photoluminescence.  相似文献   

采用过氧化氢溶胶-凝胶法成功地在室温下制备了纯的MoO和锂掺杂的MoO薄膜.通过TG-DTA热分析、FTIR红外光谱分析、循环伏安和光学特性的测试,研究了薄膜成膜过程中的结构转变过程和薄膜的电化学性能及电变色性能.结果表明通过Li掺杂,MoO溶胶的稳定性和MoO薄膜的电化学循环稳定性都有了较大的提高.且掺杂锂的MoO薄膜仍具有良好的电变色性能.  相似文献   

Mechanically guided 3D microassembly with controlled compressive buckling represents a promising emerging route to 3D mesostructures in a broad range of advanced materials, including single‐crystalline silicon (Si), of direct relevance to microelectronic devices. During practical applications, the assembled 3D mesostructures and microdevices usually undergo external mechanical loading such as out‐of‐plane compression, which can induce damage in or failure of the structures/devices. Here, the mechanical responses of a few mechanically assembled 3D kirigami mesostructures under flat‐punch compression are studied through combined experiment and finite element analyses. These 3D kirigami mesostructures consisting of a bilayer of Si and SU‐8 epoxy are formed through integration of patterned 2D precursors with a prestretched elastomeric substrate at predefined bonding sites to allow controlled buckling that transforms them into desired 3D configurations. In situ scanning electron microscopy measurement enables detailed studies of the mechanical behavior of these structures. Analysis of the load–displacement curves allows the measurement of the effective stiffness and elastic recovery of various 3D structures. The compression experiments indicate distinct regimes in the compressive force/displacement curves and reveals different geometry‐dependent deformation for the structures. Complementary computational modeling supports the experimental findings and further explains the geometry‐dependent deformation.  相似文献   

Wearable electronics have attracted a tremendous amount of attention due to their many potential applications, such as personalized health monitoring, motion detection, and smart clothing, where electronic devices must conformably form contacts with curvilinear surfaces and undergo large deformations. Structural design and material selection have been the key factors for the development of wearable electronics in the recent decades. As one of the most widely used geometries, buckling structures endow high stretchability, high mechanical durability, and comfortable contact for human–machine interaction via wearable devices. In addition, buckling structures that are derived from natural biosurfaces have high potential for use in cost‐effective and high‐grade wearable electronics. This review provides fundamental insights into buckling fabrication and discusses recent advancements for practical applications of buckled electronics, such as interconnects, sensors, transistors, energy storage, and conversion devices. In addition to the incorporation of desired functions, the simple and consecutive manipulation and advanced structural design of the buckled structures are discussed, which are important for advancing the field of wearable electronics. The remaining challenges and future perspectives for buckled electronics are briefly discussed in the final section.  相似文献   

Cell fate is regulated by extracellular environmental signals. Receptor specific interaction of the cell with proteins, glycans, soluble factors as well as neighboring cells can steer cells towards proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis or migration. In this review, approaches to build cellular structures by engineering aspects of the extracellular environment are described. These methods include non‐specific modifications to control the wettability and stiffness of surfaces using self‐assembled monolayers (SAMs) and polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) as well as methods where the temporal activation and spatial distribution of adhesion ligands is controlled. Building on these techniques, construction of two‐dimensional cell sheets using temperature sensitive polymers or electrochemical dissolution is described together with current applications of these grafts in the clinical arena. Finally, methods to pattern cells in three‐dimensions as well as to functionalize the 3D environment with biologic motifs take us one step closer to being able to engineer multicellular tissues and organs.  相似文献   

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