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The right superior cervical ganglion was removed from 1-day-old rat pups. For four consecutive days (22-26 days of age), the rats were injected twice daily with isoproterenol-HCl (IPR) at a dose of 2.0 mg/100 g.b.w. and killed on the 27th day of age. Control animals were injected with the solvent, 0.1% Na2S2O5, according to the same protocol. In both control and IPR-treated rats, fluorescence microscopic examination of glands prepared by the Falck-Hillarp method showed a total absence of adrenergic nerve fibers on the side of sympathectomy, and a normal innervation on the unoperated side, while light microscopic examination of Epon-embedded glands revealed no differences in structure between the noninnervated and intact glands. However, after IPR treatment the noninnervated glands consistently showed greater absolute and relative weight, and total DNA, RNA and protein than the corresponding intact gland from the same animal. It is suggested that this greater hyperplastic and hypertrophic response in the noninnervated gland represents a postjunctional supersensitivity of acinar cells to the beta agonistic action of IPR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine the most cost-effective delivery management of vertex and nonvertex twin pair gestations. STUDY DESIGN: Two hundred sixty-six consecutive twin gestations were followed up prospectively in a special antepartum Twins Clinic directed by the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division. Maternal demographic, obstetric, and neonatal data were compiled prospectively. Information regarding 84 vertex and nonvertex twin pair gestations was extracted for review. Comparison groups included 41 twin pairs managed by spontaneous vaginal delivery and breech extraction (group A), 19 twin pairs managed by spontaneous vaginal delivery and external cephalic version (group B), and 24 twin pairs managed by primary cesarean delivery (group C). In-hospital financial data were retrieved and adjusted for inflation to 1996 constant dollars (data from a single institution allow comparison of charges). The Kruskal-Wallis chi2 test, the Fisher exact test, and analysis of variance were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The 3 groups did not differ with respect to maternal demographics, medical complications, gestational age, birth weight, fetal sex, or intrauterine growth restriction. Maternal and neonatal hospital charges were both significantly lower (P = .01 and P = .0001, respectively) in the breech extraction group A ($5890 +/- $2304 and $3526 +/- $5017, respectively) than in either group B ($8638 +/- $4175 and $11,754 +/- $15,457, respectively) or group C ($7,608 +/- $3,256 and $36,994 +/- $54,318, respectively). Although maternal morbidity was similar among the 3 groups, length of stay was shorter for mothers in group A. The infants delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery and breech extraction (group A) had significantly lower rates of pulmonary disease (7% vs 24% vs 31% for groups A, B, and C, respectively; P = .002) and neonatal infectious disease (1% vs 0% vs 16%; P = .0005). These infants required the use of a ventilator less frequently (5% vs 12% vs 24%; P = .01), were more likely to be admitted to the normal newborn nursery (71% vs 51% vs 50%; P = .0001), and had a significantly shorter length of hospitalization (4.8 vs 12.4 vs 17.8 days; P = .0001). CONCLUSIONS: There is no medical consensus regarding delivery management for vertex and nonvertex presenting twin pairs. When hospital charges are examined with clinical data, however, breech extraction of the nonvertex second twin is the most cost-effective delivery management strategy.  相似文献   

The mydriatic response to alpha 1-adrenergic agonists was used as a functional index of postsynaptic alpha 1-adrenoceptors in mouse iris dilator muscle. Topical ocular application of methoxamine or phenylephrine caused dose-related mydriasis which was inhibited by pretreatment with prazosin or phentolamine. Chemical sympathectomy with topical 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) produced supersensitivity to phenylephrine but not methoxamine. Daily antidepressant treatment for 14 days with desipramine (10 mg/kg, i.p.), amitriptyline (10 mg/kg, i.p.), fluoxetine (2 mg/kg, i.p.), or moclobemide (40 mg/kg, i.p.) did not alter the response to methoxamine. Central alpha 1-adrenoceptors labelled with [3H]prazosin were similarly unaffected except for a modest downregulation produced by fluoxetine. These results demonstrate that postsynaptic alpha 1-adrenoceptors in mouse CNS and iris dilator muscle are refractory to manipulations known to alter their sensitivity in other tissues.  相似文献   

A large public service organization was concerned with protection of its customers against hazards associated with furniture tipping in public use concourses. Because no injury experience was available for analysis, hazard patterns for tipping accidents were developed from an observational study of public interaction with the furniture. For each hazard pattern, anthropometric models were used to find the probability of the furniture being safe from tipping, for different age and gender combinations. A safety criterion was developed from this modeling, and used to change the weights of some furniture items to resist tipping. These modifications have now been implemented and are in widespread use. Implications for broader application of these models to the development of valid tipping standards for furniture are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We studied the effect of changes in sex hormones on oxalate metabolism in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adult male and female rats were administered a precursor of oxalate, and the relationship between dose and urinary oxalate was examined. Levels of sex hormones were varied in rats and glycolate oxidase (GO) and serine pyruvate aminotransferase (SPT) activities were measured under the conditions of being fed tap water or loading with 0.5% ethylene glycol. In addition, urinary oxalate excretion was evaluated. RESULTS: Ethylene glycol and glycolate increased urinary oxalate concentration in male rats dose-dependently but less in female rats. There was almost no change during glycine loading in either male or female rats. GO activity was significantly lower in intact female and gonadectomized male rats. SPT activity was slightly higher in the female than in the male controls. There were no differences in urinary oxalate excretions between male and female rats. During ethylene glycol loading, GO and SPT activities were similar to those with tap water intake. However, urinary oxalate excretion increased to two times the control value in male rats but only slightly increased in female rats. CONCLUSIONS: Sex-related differences exist in the metabolic conversion of glycolate to oxalate in rats, and GO activity is promoted by testosterone. Although difference in GO activity has no physiological effect on oxalate synthesis, GO activity affects urinary oxalate excretion during ethylene glycol loading. We could also conclude that estrogen decreases GO activity in male rats from our results.  相似文献   

A patient with angina pectoris who had been successfully treated by thoracoscopic cardiac sympathectomy was scheduled to have scalp debridement under general anaesthesia for a scald burn. There were haemodynamic changes during and after the operation including anaesthetic induction, endotracheal intubation, maintenance, and early recovery period. The sympathetic denervated heart showed little chronotropic response to anaesthetic and surgical stimulation. On the contrary, the parasympathetic response was predominant. An episode of severe bradycardia occurred during endotracheal suctioning prior to extubation. The haemodynamic response to cardiac sympathetic denervation corresponded to the efferent effect of beta-receptor blockade  相似文献   

Women have a higher prevalence of obesity than men in most developed countries. Obesity affects many aspects of women's health by increasing risk for heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and infertility. One reason for the gender difference in obesity may be that fluctuations in reproductive hormone concentrations throughout women's lives uniquely predispose them to excess weight gain. Studies in experimental animals and women have shown that hormonal changes across the menstrual cycle affect calorie and macronutrient intake and alter 24-hour energy expenditure. Pregnancy is a significant factor in the development of obesity for many women. Various factors are associated with excess weight retention following pregnancy, including weight gain during pregnancy, ethnicity, dietary patterns, and interval between pregnancies. There is a need to tailor recommendations for energy intake during pregnancy to individual women, and recent evidence also suggests that the timing of weight gain during pregnancy is a critical factor. Menopause is also a high-risk time for weight gain in women. Although the average woman gains 2-5 pounds during menopausal transition, some women are at risk for greater weight gains. There is also a hormonally driven shift in body fat distribution from peripheral to abdominal at menopause, which may increase health risks in older women. Hormone therapies have varying impacts on body weight and fat distribution. In summary, hormonal fluctuations across the female life span may explain the increased risk for obesity in women. Awareness of these factors allows development of targets for prevention and early intervention.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The effect of sex hormones on the protein and collagen content of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc of adult male and female rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred forty-four Wistar rats were assigned to 14 groups of 12 each. Two groups, one female and one male, served as a control and received no treatment, and two other groups (one female and one male) received a sham gonadectomy and placebo hormone. The remaining 10 groups (five males and five females) received either orchiectomy or ovariectomy, followed by administration of estrogen, progesterone, combined estrogen and progesterone, or testosterone. The total protein and collagen content of the TMJ disc were determined using the calorimetric hydroxyproline method. RESULTS: The collagen content of TMJ discs of control males was statistically greater than the collagen content of the control female rats. This difference disappeared after ovariectomy of females and orchiectomy of males. Also, there was a general trend for a decrease in collagen and protein content to be produced by estrogen, progesterone, and by estrogen combined with progesterone in castrated male and female rats, and by orchiectomy of male rats. There was also a trend toward an increase in collagen and protein content after ovariectomy in female rats and administration of testosterone to castrated male and female rats. However, the only statistically significant effect of the drugs tested was that of estrogen combined with progesterone in ovariectomized female rats (a lowering effect on the total protein) and of estrogen alone in orchiectomized male rats (a lowering effect on the collagen content). CONCLUSION: Steroid sex hormones have an effect on the collagen and protein content of the TMJ disc of the rat as indicated by the difference in the values between control males and females and by the disappearance of this difference on castration of both male and female animals. This was also manifested by the significant effect of estradiol on collagen content of castrated males, by the effect of estrogen combined with progesterone on the protein content of castrated females.  相似文献   

The process of sympathectomy of white rats was achieved by injecting guanethidine intraperitoneally every day for 5.5 weeks at doses of 75 mg/kg of animal's weight. This process of sympathectomy was checked according to ganglion cervicothoracicum neurocytes state. The material was taken on days 1, 14, 30, 90 and 180 after cessation of guanethidine injections. It was ascertained that full sympathectomy under prolonged injections of high doses of guanethidine is reached at 5-6 months after the cessation of the injections, though pronounced total degeneration of gnl. stellatum neurocytes is marked on the 14th-30th days after cessation of the guanethidine injections. The following gradient of damaging influence of guanethidine was revealed: sympathetic gnl. cervicothoracicum neurocytes gnl. nodosum afferent neurocytes-neuromuscular synapsis skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

In rat experiments a new silver chelate salt preparation is tested on scald wounds after standardized infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 30% of the animals survive scalding and infection after treatment with the new cream. This percentage does not reach the gentamycin treated reference group (60%). After combining gentamycin and silver chelate salt in local therapy 75% of the animals survive. Combination of silver chelate salt and gentamycin seems to be a very successful local therapy of scald wounds.  相似文献   

It was reported previously that continuous exposure to light in male rats increased serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and bilateral cervical sympathectomy inhibited such a change. In the present report, to examine the effect of cervical sympathectomy on the pineal endocrine function, 30 male rats were assigned to five groups. The control (C) group and the light (L) group underwent sham sympathectomy as well as sham pinealectomy. The sympathectomy (S) group underwent sympathectomy and sham pinealectomy. The pinealectomy (P) group and pinealectomy-melatonine (PM) group underwent sympathectomy and pinealectomy. The C group was kept under a normal circadian rhythm for 10 days, and the other groups were kept under continuous exposure to light for the same period. The PM group received subcutaneously 10 mg.kg-1 of melatonine every day. Serum LH levels were measured 10 days following these experiments. With regard to serum LH levels, the differences among C group, L group, and S group were similar to those previously reported. It was higher in P group (2.53 +/- 0.40 ng.ml-1) than in S group (1.58 +/- 0.61 ng.ml-1), and lower in PM group (2.08 +/- 0.31 ng.ml-1) than in P group. In conclusion, it is suggested that the endocrine activity of melatonine from the pineal gland plays an important role in the appearance of the effect of cervical sympathectomy.  相似文献   

1. Particulate fractions of costal cartilage from young rats are capable of catalyzing the formation of the first two monosaccharide units of the chondroitin sulfate-protein linkage region. 2. Hormonal imbalance has been shown to influence the activity of the glycosyltransferases responsible for the sequential transfer of xylose and galactose from UDPxylose and UDPgalactose, respectively, in the formation of the linkage region. 3. The activity of xylosyltransferase was found to be decreased in costal cartilage of diabetic, thyroidectomized and hypophysectomized rats, but not in rats injected with either testosterone or hydrocortisone. In the latter two treatment groups, galactosyltransferase activity was decreased only in the group receiving hydrocortisone. 4. The combined results of this and previous studies suggest that decreased levels of chondroitin sulfate in diabetic, thyroidectomized and hypophysectomized animals are due to interference in the synthesis of the linkage region of the proteoglycan at the xylosyltransferase level whereas hydrocortisone acts primarily at the level of the galactosyltransferase.  相似文献   

Hybrid NZB X NZW or NZB X DBA/2 females have markedly accelerated development of autoimmunity when compared with their respective male littermates. This difference is attributable to the ability of male sex hormones to retard the expression of autoimmunity. In contrast to the sex differences in expression of autoimmunity in F1 mice, parental NZB males and females have only minor differences in disease expression. We have been investigating the basis for the difference in anti-T cell antibody production between NZB and F1 mice. In this study, the appearance of antibodies cytotoxic for T cells (NTA) was studied in NZB and DBA/2 mice and in their F1 hybrids and backcross progeny. A major sex difference in NTA production was observed in the F1 hybrids; females produced more NTA than did males. Castration of males led to a marked increase in NTA production. Furthermore, the NTA production of castrated male and female F1 mice was significantly suppressed by administration of testosterone in Silastic capsules. In contrast to the studies in F1 mice, we found little difference between intact male and female parental NZB mice at any age studied. Furthermore, NZB mice of both sexes who were given androgen-containing capsules at 2 weeks of age failed to demonstrate a decrease in NTA production. This result suggested an androgen insensitivity in NZB mice with regard to NTA production. This insensitivity, which appears to be a recessive trait, may help to explain why NZB mice do not manifest the sex differences in disease expression observed in the F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

The influence of stress-induced corticosteroid production on gastric ulceration, blood flow velocity in gastric microvessels and blood pressure was studied in rats. The role of plasma corticosteroids was investigated by means of blockade of the pituitary-adrenocortical system (PACS) and following corticosterone replacement therapy (400 mu/100 g b.w.). The blockade which was induced by Fi. hydrocortisone administration (7 days before stress, 30 mg/100 g b. w.) resulted in an insufficient corticosteroid production. To evaluate the influence of corticosteroids on blood flow velocity in gastric microvessels of muscular, submucosal and mucosal coats it was used intravital microfilming by means of a dark-field contact epiobjective. Stress (water immersion + restraint) induces an ulceration, a decrease in the systemic arterial blood pressure (3 h after stress onset) and a decrease in blood flow velocity in the gastric microvessels (3 h after stress onset). In rats with insufficient corticosteroid production stress-induced ulceration, a decrease in blood pressure and gastric blood velocity were more greater than in rats with intact PACS. Replacement corticosterone therapy corrected all parameters. The results revealed that antiulcerogenic effect of stress-induced glucocorticoid production is realised owing to normalisation of gastric blood supply which is provided by an increase in systemic blood pressure.  相似文献   

The incidence of breast cancer in women in increasing, partly due to changes in age distribution in the population, and partly due to a real increase in risk. Changes in family patterns may, to some extent, explain the increased risk since giving birth to a first child late in life and bearing few children both increase the risk of breast cancer. The influence of female sex steroids on the breast plays a central role, but the biological mechanism is not clearly understood. There is a certain amount of risk involved in using hormonal medication (oral contraceptives or postmenopausal hormone replacement), but on ceasing to take the medication, risk will revert to the expected rate within a few years. Future epidemiological research on breast cancer will concentrate on events occurring during hormonally potent phases of life, such as growth and development during the fetal period, and sexual and somatic maturation during adolescence. Until now only modest interest has been shown in researching these two particular phases, but both may be important for the natural course of breast cancer.  相似文献   

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