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The effects of an interfering carrier and Gaussian noise on envelope-detected on?off keying are analysed. Optimum decision levels with their resulting error rates were found numerically and are presented for a range of interference and noise levels. 相似文献
Wenke Yu Dan Lu Dong Wang Caiyun Lou Li Huo Shilong Pan 《Optical Fiber Technology》2012,18(2):117-120
We propose a simple and novel format conversion scheme based on a polarization modulator (PolM) and a zero-chirp intensity modulator (IM) to perform NRZ to RZ conversion for quaternary amplitude-shift keying (4-ASK) signals. Simulation shows that the scheme is capable of realizing format conversion from 20-Gbit/s NRZ-4-ASK signal to RZ-4-ASK signal with tunable pulse-width for 4-level intensity modulation format. The converted signals can transmit over a dispersion-managed fiber link from 200 km to 300 km confirming the high quality conversion. 相似文献
It is well known that on-off keying (OOK), i.e. the transmission of a pulse for a data one (mark) and transmission of no signal for a data zero (space), exhibits a 3 dB inferiority to antipodal signalling, in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio required to achieve a specified bit error probability. When the channel is characterized by the cutoff rate R 0, this 3 dB inferiority persists, in the sense that the required E b/N 0 to operate at a given value of R 0 is 3 dB greater for the OOK channel than for the antipodal channel. However, it is shown that, if the definition of cutoff rate is generalized in an appropriate way to reflect the fact that signal energy is expended only in the transmission of marks, part of this penalty is recovered. In fact, it is shown that, in the limit of low R 0, there is no penalty in signal-to-noise ratio. Even at rates of realistic interest, the penalty is significantly less than the expected 3 dB 相似文献
Salberg A.-B. Hanssen A. 《Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on》2006,53(1):51-55
In this brief, we introduce a subspace theory for differential chaos-shift keying (DCSK) systems. We show that DCSK systems operate by transmission of chaotic signals residing in a low-dimensional subspace. The subspace formalism of DCSK schemes leads to the derivation of useful subspace detectors that can be applied to decode the DCSK signal for various types of channels. Closed form expressions for the bit error rate is derived for an M-ary FM-version of DCSK, under the assumption of orthogonal subspace generating vectors. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed subspace detector in general outperforms the conventional correlation detector for DCSK. 相似文献
A rotative quadrature phase-shift keying (RQPSK) modulation scheme is proposed. By rotating the QPSK signal constellation by pi /2 either clockwise or anticlockwise during a symbol duration, the conventional QPSK scheme can be modified to transmit 3 bits per symbol to achieve both power and bandwidth efficiency.<> 相似文献
An adaptive scheme for trellis-coded modulation of MPSK signals, called adaptive trellis-coded multiple-phase-shift keying (ATCMPSK), is proposed for slowly Rayleigh fading channels. The adaptive scheme employs a slightly modified rate 1/2 convolutional encoder and the corresponding Viterbi decoder to realize a family of codes of different rates which are employed according to channel conditions. During poor channel conditions, trellis-coded QPSK (TCQPSK) together with repetition schemes are employed. As channel conditions improve, higher rate schemes such as trellis-coded 16 PSK are used. An interleaving/deinterleaving method suitable for the adaptive scheme is proposed. Theoretical bounds for the error performance and an exact expression for the throughput of the proposed adaptive scheme are derived, and are compared against simulation results. Simulations have been performed to measure the performance of the scheme for different parameters and some nonideal conditions. It is shown that ATCMPSK results in considerable improvement in bit-error-rate (BER) performance of MPSK signals. Under ideal conditions, gains in the range of 3-20 dB are achieved over conventional fixed rate pragmatic trellis-coded schemes 相似文献
A new modulation scheme that produces a constant envelope continuous phase signal set with a compact power spectrum and power efficiency better than that of MSK is proposed. The scheme can be implemented by quadrature-carrier multiplexing of two frequency/phase modulated signals of the type NFSK/2PSK, both with the same frequency in each transmission interval, and with sinusoidal symbol shapes. The generated signal can be viewed in each transmission interval as an MSK signal at one of the N frequencies and is referred to as multifrequency minimum shift keying (MF MSK). Modulation, demodulation, and synchronization circuits are described, and the spectral properties and power efficiency on the AWGN channel are analyzed. Combining a number of attractive attributes such as constant envelope, excellent spectral properties, high power efficiency, and self-synchronization capability, the proposed modulation format lends itself to a variety of applications, one of them being the digital satellite link 相似文献
M.R. Mokhtar M. Ibsen P.C. Teh D.J. Richardson 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2003,15(3):431-433
We demonstrate the application of a uniform Bragg grating as a dynamically reconfigurable phase encoder-decoder for optical systems. Precise discrete phase modulation between chips is obtained simply by heating segments along the grating with fine resistive wires. Its reliability to generate and recognize various phase code sequences is demonstrated in a 16-chip 20-Gchip/s quaternary phase-shift keying coherent optical code-division multiple access experiment. The bit-error-rate response is also included to highlight its performance. 相似文献
Tzi-Dar Chiueh Shu-Mei Li 《Communications Letters, IEEE》2001,5(5):191-193
In high-rate wireless LAN, complementary code keying (CCK) is adopted in the IEEE 802.11b standard to support data rates up to 11 Mbps, much higher than the 2-Mbps data rate in the previous wireless LAN standard. Due to less-than-ideal characteristics of the CCK codewords, the CCK performs quite poorly in large-delay-spread multipath channels. In this paper, a new modulation scheme that combines the trellis coding with the CCK modulation is proposed. This scheme is shown, through simulation, to achieve much better error rate performance in medium-to-large channel delay spread environments 相似文献
We analyze the performance of coherent optical communication systems which employ polarization shift keying (PolSK) modulation, introducing for the first time the requirements for multilevel, differential PolSK. For M-ary signal constellations with M>2, the three-dimensional (3-D) nature of the signal constellations within Stokes space requires the use of double-differential modulation and detection (M-DDPolSK). Coding constraints on the signals place an additional restriction on such systems. We present detailed analysis and simulations for a 6-DDPolSK modulation scheme in which the signal points are located at the vertices of an octahedron in Stokes space 相似文献
We present three unconventional approaches to keying variable management. The first approach is based on using a public key cryptosystem (PKC) that is breakable in short, but on average less, time than it takes to set up an ultrawide bandwidth modem that is then used to transport a keying variable for a classical cryptosystem. The second concept proposes using the characteristics of an urban UHF radio channel, determined by mutual sounding, as the cryptovariable. The third concept encourages research into ill-conditioned problems as potentially fruitful ground for PKCs not based on finite field arithmetic 相似文献
The key synchronization aspects in the system design of a QQPSK (quadrature-quadrature phase-shift-keying) modem are addressed. The sensitivity of the data demodulator to synchronization errors is discussed, and contextually the performances of some IF and baseband carrier phase and symbol timing recovery schemes are evaluated both theoretically and by computer simulations. In particular, a fourth-power IF carrier/clock regenerator and two baseband clock recovery schemes, with and without the aid of data decisions, respectively, are taken into account. The analysis shows on the one hand the substantial robustness of QQPSK to carrier phase errors and the adequacy of the examined carrier extraction scheme. On the other hand, the remarkable sensitivity of QQPSK to symbol timing inaccuracy is stressed and the need to resort to the newly proposed decision-aided baseband clock recovery scheme is pointed out 相似文献
Handover keying and its uses 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mobile nodes must authenticate themselves in order to use network services. When mobile nodes roam into a new cell, they must re-authenticate to the new layer 2 and 3 devices. This re-authentication process can take as long as two seconds, which is unacceptable for applications such as voice over IP. In this article we present several recently developed authentication protocols that can reduce the reauthentication delay. Both intra-domain and inter-domain handover scenarios are discussed. We mainly focus on two protocols ? 802.11r and EAP Re-authentication Protocol for handover keying. These two protocols use security key hierarchies to avoid full authentication. An application of these protocols is presented for the control and provisioning of a wireless access-point network. 相似文献
In previous letters, the constraints necessary for the elimination of i.s.i. in both binary and multilevel f.s.k. were discussed. It is now shown that a system with simultaneous phase and frequency modulation is possible, both modulations being detected with zero i.s.i. In terms of energy per bit required at the receiver input for a given error rate, a 4-phase 2-frequency system is shown to be superior to an equivalent 8-state multiphase or combined phase/amplitude system. 相似文献
A phase representation of minimum shift keying (MSK), which is a general framework suitable for use with other continuous phase modulation (CPM) schemes, is discussed. The representation is used to show that MSK can be viewed as a coded-modulation scheme with an expanded signal set using Ungerboeck's set partitioning concept (see IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol.IT-28, no.1, p.55-67, 1982). The properties which follow from this view of MSK are explored. The uniqueness of the representation of MSK as a coded-modulation scheme and the structural relationships between different versions of MSK are described 相似文献
The author extends to the case of minimum-shift-keying (MSK) modulation the differentially coherent reception theory established for phase-shift-keying modulation. A novel differentially coherent detector for MSK is thus derived. The receiver filter is equivalent to the cascade of a matched filter and an equalizer in order to suppress inherent intersymbol interference. It is shown that performance can be improved when the delay between signals, multiplied by the differential detector, is increased from one to M bit time intervals. This decreases the effect of noise correlation and, thus, the bit error probability. The bit error probability of the proposed receiver is calculated. It is found that almost all potential improvement due to the delay M is obtained with M =3 相似文献
Theory of polarization shift keying modulation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A rigorous analysis of digital coherent optical modulation schemes using the state of polarization as the modulating parameter is presented. The analysis obtains the exact performance of all the polarization-based modulation schemes proposed in the literature so far, including a differential demodulation scheme, named DPOLSK, which does not require either electrooptic or electronic polarization tracking. Preliminary results involving multilevel transmission schemes based on the state of polarization are introduced. A spectral analysis of POLSK signals is also proposed 相似文献
The application of the well-known technique of trellis coded modulation to coherent optical communications using polarization shift keying (POLSK) is described and analyzed. The resulting receiver is formed by a front-end which performs the heterodyne detection and the Stokes parameter extraction, cascaded with an electronic Viterbi processor operating the maximum likelihood estimate of the transmitted sequence. Results in terms of the error event probability using optimum as well as a simpler suboptimum branch metric show power gains of the order of 3-4 dB, at the expense of a reasonable increase in complexity, only concerning the processing in the electronic domain. These coding gains are not lost even in the presence of high levels of phase noise, to which POLSK in general is highly insensitive.<> 相似文献