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Water balance in a free-breathing polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell was studied, focusing on the effect of anode conditions. The methods used were current distribution measurement, water collection from the anode outlet, and the measurement of cell polarization and resistance. Current density levels were 100 and 200 mA cm–2, temperature levels were 40 and 60 °C, and hydrogen stoichiometry range was from 1.5 to 2.5. The direction of hydrogen flow was varied. The fraction of product water exiting through the anode outlet varied from 0 to 58%, and it was found to increase with increasing temperature and hydrogen flow rate. When the general direction of hydrogen flow was against the direction of air flow, the percentage of water removal through the anode was smaller and the current distributions were more even than in the cases where the direction was the same as that of the air flow. This probably resulted from a more favorable distribution of water over the active area. The results also indicate that the net water transport coefficient varies across the active area. In further measurements, operation with the anode side in dead-end mode was investigated. It was also found that water distribution was more favorable when the general direction of hydrogen flow was against the air flow.  相似文献   

The performance and current distribution of a free-breathing polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) was studied experimentally in a climate chamber, in which temperature and relative humidity were controlled. The performance was studied by simulating ambient conditions in the temperature range 10 to 40 °C. The current distribution was measured with a segmented current collector. The results indicated that the operating conditions have a significant effect on the performance of the fuel cell. It was observed that a temperature gradient between the fuel cell and air is needed to achieve efficient oxygen transport to the electrode. Furthermore, varying the air humidity resulted in major changes in the mass diffusion overpotential at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

This paper describes a transient model predicting PEMFC voltage response to a step change in the cooling water temperature. Its objectives are to put forward the main transport parameters and their corresponding time scales. The fuel cell is assumed isothermal with a time constant τt. The temperature variations result from the production of heat by the exothermic chemical reaction and by internal heat dissipation, and from heat transfer with the cooling circuit. The effects of temperature on fuel cell performances are taken into account through the variations in its thermodynamic voltage, in the kinetics of the half-reactions, and in the membrane ionic resistance. A dynamic and one-dimensional simulation of water transport in the membrane by electroosmotic drag and by diffusion is carried out: the relative humidity of gases varies with the cell temperature under the assumption that their specific humidity (i.e., the vapor content in the gas diffusion layers) remains unchanged.Two time constants characterize mass transfer in the membrane by water diffusion (τd) and by electroosmosis (τe). The Péclet number Pe which is equal to the ratio between τd and τe allows the comparison of the magnitude of these two transport mechanisms, both depending on current density and on the other operating conditions.The results of the model are compared to a set of experimental results obtained with a cell composed of a Nafion 115 membrane, and fed by hydrogen and pure oxygen. The average current density is 4000 A m−2. In these conditions, the smallest time constant is the one characterizing the fuel cell thermal response τt (16 s). Therefore, the fuel cell voltage response to a temperature step occurs in two stages, the first one corresponding to the thermal regime. The second stage concerns water transport in the membrane; the best fit between numerical and experimental results yields to a Péclet number of about 16, which makes electroosmosis the most significant phenomenon.  相似文献   

Performance of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) is appreciably affected by the channel geometry. The branching structure of a plant leaf and human lung is an efficient network to distribute the nutrients in the respective systems. The same nutrient transport system can be mimicked in the flow channel design of a PEMFC, to aid even reactant distribution and better water management. In this work, the effect of bio-inspired flow field designs such as lung and leaf channel design bipolar plates, on the performance of a PEMFC was examined experimentally at various operating conditions. A PEMFC of 49 cm~2 area, with a Nafion 212 membrane with a 40% catalyst loading of 0.4 mg·cm-2 on the anode side and also 0.6 mg·cm~(-2) on the cathode side is assembled by incorporating the bio-inspired channel bipolar plate, and was tested on a programmable fuel-cell test station.The impact of the working parameters like reactants' relative humidity(RH), back pressure and fuel cell temperature on the performance of the fuel cell was examined; the operating pressure remains constant at 0.1 MPa. It was observed that the best performance was attained at a back pressure of 0.3 MPa, 75 °C operating temperature and 100% RH. The three flow channels were also compared at different operating pressures ranging from 0.1 MPa to 0.3 MPa, and the other parameters such as operating temperature, RH and back pressure were set as 75 °C,100% and 0.3 MPa. The experimental outcomes of the PEMFC with bio-inspired channels were compared with the experimental results of a conventional triple serpentine flow field. It was observed that among the different flow channel designs considered, the leaf channel design gives the best output in terms of power density. Further,the experimental results of the leaf channel design were compared with those of the interdigitated leaf channel design. The PEMFC with the interdigitated leaf channel design was found to generate 6.72% more power density than the non-interdigitated leaf channel design. The fuel cell with interdigitated leaf channel design generated5.58% more net power density than the fuel cell with non-interdigitated leaf channel design after considering the parasitic losses.  相似文献   

This work presents a new concept for realising a reference electrode configuration in a PEM fuel cell by means of laser ablation. The laser beam is used to evaporate a small part of the electrode of a catalyst-coated membrane (CCM) to isolate the reference electrode from the active catalyst layer. This method enables the simultaneous ablation of the electrodes on both sides of the CCM because the membrane is transparent for the laser beam. Therefore, a smooth electrode edge without electrode misalignment can be realised. A test fuel cell was constructed which together with the ablated CCM enables the separation of the total cell losses during operation into the cathode, anode and membrane overpotentials in PEFC as well as in DMFC mode. The methanol tolerance of a selenium-modified ruthenium-based catalyst (RuSe x ) was investigated under real fuel cell conditions by measuring polarisation curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and current interrupt measurements (CI).  相似文献   

童正明  黄浩明  李立楠  陈华 《化工进展》2015,34(8):3009-3014
在对质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)进行热分析的基础上,搭建起36kW的燃料电池发动机散热系统的测试平台。借助测试平台,对燃料电池散热系统作了极端工况测试分析。分析表明,该散热系统能满足系统的散热要求。此外通过对不同组合散热风扇的散热能力进行了测试,积累了大量的基础数据和控制经验。最后以电堆出水温度误差、温度误差变化量和燃料电池功率为输入量,散热风扇的运行组数为输出量,制定出一套三维模糊控制规则。结果表明,该模糊控制规则能够保证燃料电池工作在最佳温度区间,温控误差符合设计要求。  相似文献   

For fuel cells run on hydrogen reformate, traces of hydrocarbon contaminants in the hydrogen gas may be a concern for the performance and lifetime of the fuel cell. This study focuses on the influence of low concentrations of toluene on the adsorption and deactivation chemistry in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. For this purpose cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were employed. Results from adsorption and desorption (by oxidation or reduction) experiments performed in a humidified nitrogen or hydrogen flow in a fuel cell test cell with a mass spectrometer system connected to the outlet are presented. The influence of adsorption potential, temperature, and humidity are discussed. The results show that toluene adsorbs on the catalyst surface in a broad potential window, up to at least 0.85 V versus RHE at 80 °C. Adsorbed toluene oxidizes to CO2 with peak potentials above 1.0 V for temperatures below 95 °C. Some desorption of toluene (or reduced products) may take place at potentials below 0 V. In a hydrogen flow, toluene contamination in per mille concentrations leads to a continuous growth of the charge transfer resistance, while a 10-fold dilution of the toluene concentration resulted in a low and constant charge transfer resistance even for longer exposures. This indicates that a competition between toluene and hydrogen may take place on the active platinum surface at the anode.  相似文献   

A new method of measuring current distribution in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell of active area 100cm2 has been demonstrated, using a printed circuit board (PCB) technology to segment the current collector and flow field. The PCB technique was demonstrated to be an effective approach to fabricating a segmented electrode and provide a useful tool for analysing cell performance at different reactant gas flow rates and humidification strategies. In this initial chapter of work with the segmented cell, we describe measured effects on current distribution of cathode and anode gas stream humidification levels in a hydrogen/air cell, utilizing a NafionTM 117 membrane and single serpentine channel flow fields, and operating at relatively high gas flow rates. Effects of the stoichiometric flow of air are also shown. A clear trend is seen, apparently typical for a thick ionomeric membrane, of lowering in membrane resistance down the flow channel, bringing about the highest local current density near the air outlet. This trend is reversed at low stoichiometric flows of air. At an air flow rate less than three times stoichiometry, the local performance starts to drop significantly from inlet to outlet, as local oxygen concentration drop overshadows the lowering in resistance along the direction of flow.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation was conducted to study the potential and current density distributions at the active electrode surface of a solid oxide fuel cell. The effects of electrode deviation, electrolyte thickness and electrode polarization resistance on the measurement error were investigated. For a coaxial anode/electrolyte/cathode system where the radius of the anode is greater than that of cathode, the cathode overpotential is overestimated while the anode overpotential is underestimated. Although the current interruption method or impedance spectroscopy can be employed to compensate/correct the error for a symmetric electrode configuration, it is not useful when dealing with the asymmetric electrode system. For the purpose of characterizing the respective overpotentials in a fuel cell, the cell configuration has to be carefully designed to minimize the measurement error, in particular the selection of the electrolyte thickness, which may cause significant error. For the anode-support single fuel cell, it is difficult to distinguish the polarization between the anode and cathode with reference to a reference electrode. However, numerical results can offer an approximate idea about the source/cause of the measurement error and provide design criteria for the fuel cell to improve the reliability and accuracy of the measurement technique.  相似文献   

A generalized Perry-Newman-Cairns model for performance of a generic catalyst layer (CL) with the Butler-Volmer conversion function is considered. The CL polarization curve, the rate of electrochemical conversion S(x) and the thickness of the conversion domain l are derived for the cases of ideal transport of ions or feed molecules. In both cases, the CL may work in the low- or high-current regime. In the low-current regime with poor ionic transport, l is given by the Newman’s current-independent reaction penetration depth. In the high-current regime, l is inversely proportional to the cell current, regardless of the origin of transport loss. The position and width of the transition region between the low- and high-current branches of the polarization curve are calculated. Based on these results, the features of catalyst layer performance in PEMFC, HT-PEMFC, DMFC and SOFC are discussed.  相似文献   

李英  张香平 《化工进展》2018,37(9):3446-3453
高温质子交换膜燃料电池在降低燃料电池水热管理复杂性、催化剂中毒方面有明显优势;可改善电池阴阳两极尤其是阴极氧气还原反应的动力学特性,提高电池的效率。聚合物电解质膜作为关键材料之一,在高温时易失水导致质子传导率降低、机械强度和热稳定性不高等问题。本文基于磺酸、磷酸和离子液体等不同质子传递介质,对高温聚合物电解质膜进行综述,比较了各类聚合物电解质膜的优缺点及应用时存在的问题,着重探讨嵌段共聚物在高温聚合物电解质膜方面的潜在应用,指出离子液体的添加不但可作为质子载体,而且在构建嵌段聚合物结构方面可发挥"诱导剂"作用。提出通过分子设计可更好了解嵌段聚合物的空间构效关系,进而通过结构设计提高膜的质子传导性能和稳定性。  相似文献   

Sulfonated poly(sulfide sulfone imide) copolymers containing flexible sulfide bond and six-membered imide ring were synthesized by random polycondensation. Two types of membranes were prepared by using sulfide (S-PSI) and sulfide sulfone (S-PSFI) based non-sulfonated diamines to investigate the effects of the hydrophobic component. IECw values were controlled to 1.51−1.94 meq g−1 depending on the degree of sulfonation (DS) which was in the range of 50–80%. The membrane series showed good thermal stability up to 310 °C and mechanical properties (tensile strength >30 MPa). Dimensional stabilities were excellent with 23−35% increases, even at 100 °C. Proton conductivities of membranes composed of different hydrophobic diamines display a relatively good correlation with water content and morphology. In fuel cell tests, the S-PSI60 membrane shows relatively high current density of 250 mA cm−2 at 0.6 V and maximum power density of 175 mW cm−2 at 120 °C, 35% RH, 1.5 atm.  相似文献   

A simple equation for the optimal shape of catalyst loading along the oxygen channel of a PEM fuel cell is derived. This shape g(z;λ) is a one-parametric, independent of cell current function of the distance z along the channel; λ is the stoichiometry of the oxygen flow. Optimal g homogenizes local cell current not affecting the cell polarization curve.  相似文献   

1.5 kW质子交换膜燃料电池堆动态工况响应特性   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
汪飞杰  杨代军  张浩  马建新 《化工学报》2013,64(4):1380-1386
考察了自制1.5 kW质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)电堆在动态工况下的性能。研究了PEMFC电堆电压、功率、反应参数随车载工况运行出现的响应情况。发现在大电流密度下,由于各单电池的差异,电堆电压和功率出现比较明显的波动现象。在选定两个工况周期中,电堆各单电池电压的差异系数CV最大达到4.23%,最高单电池电压和最低单电池电压相差0.106 V。数据分析表明在该动态工况下,PEMFC电堆的动态响应特性受到反应物和电堆温度变化、空气局部流量过大或不足以及电堆内部阳极和阴极出现明显压降等因素的影响。该研究不仅为后续耐久性测试提供分析依据,还对PEMFC电堆实际车载运行参数与控制策略的优化具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Cold start is critical to the commercialization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) in automotive applications. Dynamic distributions of current and temperature in PEMFC during various cold start processes determine the cold start characteristics, and are required for the optimization of design and operational strategy. This study focuses on an investigation of the cold start characteristics of a PEMFC through the simultaneous measurements of current and temperature distributions. An analytical model for quick estimate of purging duration is also developed. During the failed cold start process, the highest current density is initially near the inlet region of the flow channels, then it moves downstream, reaching the outlet region eventually. Almost half of the cell current is produced in the inlet region before the cell current peaks, and the region around the middle of the cell has the best survivability. These two regions are therefore more important than other regions for successful cold start through design and operational strategy, such as reducing the ice formation and enhancing the heat generation in these two regions. The evolution of the overall current density distribution over time remains similar during the successful cold start process; the current density is the highest near the flow channel inlets and generally decreases along the flow direction. For both the failed and the successful cold start processes, the highest temperature is initially in the flow channel inlet region, and is then around the middle of the cell after the overall peak current density is reached. The ice melting and liquid formation during the successful cold start process have negligible influence on the general current and temperature distributions.  相似文献   

膜电极(MEA)是质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的核心技术。膜电极包含的催化剂层、材料和结构等对PEMFC的性能影响很大。催化剂面层上供三相(质子、电子、气体)用的通道对于电池使用时的催化作用是必不可少的。介绍了近几年催化剂的研究进展,看重对三相通道进行了详细叙述。也回顾了一些用于改善催化剂活性的其他方法,如阴极催化、合金催化剂,根据这些进展,对今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

The amount of current generated in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) depends strongly on the local conditions in a cathode such as available oxygen, surface area available for the reactions, amount of ionomer, and amount of electro-catalyst. In the present work, design parameters of a cathode catalyst layer are optimized to achieve the maximum current density at a given operating voltage. The decision variables are chosen such that they can be realized experimentally. To understand the effect of the model fidelity on the decision variables, optimization is performed with a single phase model and a two-phase model with and without membrane. Other objective functions such as maximization of current generation per catalyst loading, minimization of catalyst layer cost per power and minimization of cell cost per power are also considered to study the effects of the objective functions on the decision variables.  相似文献   

The very high power density output available from polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells combined with low cost has high potential for commercialization. Such high power densities are attained via better utilization of Pt crystallites in the reaction layer. This enhanced performance can be achieved by making a thin catalyst layer on the membrane surface. The robustness in the front surface catalysts is essential to minimize the coagulation of Pt particles when the fuel cells are subjected to long-term operation. This robustness of the catalyst structure depends on the manufacturing processes and also the organic solvents used to make the slurry. In this work, five different electrodes were fabricated by using different fabrication procedures, and the poison effect of CO was investigated at the anode interface.  相似文献   

王瑛  李相一  李元龙  柯坚 《化工学报》2006,57(1):115-121
在空气自然对流式燃料电池内部,速度、温度、组分浓度及电流分布特性有着极强的耦合作用.氧气质量传输限制引起的浓度过电位是这种燃料电池的主要性能损失.从自然对流、传热传质的角度,建立了三维数学模型.利用三维流体动力学软件和用户建立的子程序,对自然对流下Navier-Stokes 方程,能量方程,电化学动力学方程以及组分、水的传输方程进行了数值求解.通过分析数值计算的结果,结合自然对流的特性,设计了实验系统.对温度分布和电池性能进行了测试.对空气湿度对电池性能的影响进行了分析.数值计算结果与实验结果很好地吻合.模型的建立,对于认识空气自然对流式质子交换膜燃料电池内部的耦合传输现象有极大的意义,可以作为质子交换膜燃料电池的计算机辅助优化设计工具.  相似文献   

In small fuel cell applications, it is desirable to take care of the management of reactants, water and heat by passive means in order to minimize parasitic losses. A polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, in which air flow on the cathode was driven by free convection, was studied by experimental and modelling methods. The cathode side of the cell had straight vertical channels with their ends open to the ambient air. A two-dimensional, isothermal and steady state model was developed for the cathode side to identify the limiting processes of mass transport. The modelled domain consists of the cathode gas channel and the gas diffusion layer. Experimental data from current distribution measurements were used to provide boundary conditions for oxygen consumption and water production. The model results indicate that at the cell temperature of 40 °C the performance of the cell was limited by water removal. At the cell temperature of 60 °C, the current distribution was determined by the partial pressure of oxygen.  相似文献   

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