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Recently there has been a great deal of interest in higher-order syntax which seeks to extend standard initial algebra semantics to cover languages with variable binding. The canonical example studied in the literature is that of the untyped λ-calculus which is handled as an instance of the general theory of binding algebras, cf. Fiore et al. [13]. Another important syntactic construction is that of explicit substitutions which are used to model local definitions and to implement reduction in the λ-calculus. The syntax of a language with explicit substitutions does not form a binding algebra as an explicit substitution may bind an arbitrary number of variables. Thus explicit substitutions are a natural test case for the further development of the theory and applications of syntax with variable binding. This paper shows that a language containing explicit substitutions and a first-order signature Σ is naturally modelled as the initial algebra of the Id + F Σ∘_ +_ ∘ _ endofunctor. We derive a similar formula for adding explicit substitutions to the untyped λ-calculus and then show these initial algebras provide useful datatypes for manipulating abstract syntax by implementing two reduction machines. We also comment on the apparent lack of modularity in syntax with variable binding as compared to first-order languages.  相似文献   

A language of equational programs together with an inference system, based on paramodulation is defined. The semantics of the language is given with respect to least models, least fixpoints and success sets and its soundness and completeness is proven using fixpoint theory. The necessity of the functional reflexive axioms is investigated in detail. Finally, the application of these ideas to term rewriting systems is outlined by discussing directed paramodulation and narrowing.  相似文献   

obj is a declarative language, with mathematical semantics given by order-sorted equational logic and an operational semantics based on order-sorted term rewriting. obj also has user-definable abstract data types with mixfix syntax and a flexible type system that supports overloading and subtypes. In addition, obj has a powerful generic module mechanism, including nonexecutable “theories” as well as executable “objects”, plus “module expressions” that construct whole subsystems. Design and implementation choices for the obj interpreter are described here in detail.  相似文献   

Although modularisation is basic to modern computing, it has been little studied for logic-based programming. We treat modularisation for equational logic programming using the institution of category-based equational logic in three different ways: (1) to provide a generic satisfaction condition for equational logics; (2) to give a category-based semantics for queries and their solutions; and (3) as an abstract definition of compilation from one (equational) logic programming language to another. Regarding (2), we study soundness and completeness for equational logic programming queries and their solutions. This can be understood as ordinary soundness and completeness in a suitable “non-logical” institution. Soundness holds for all module imports, but completeness only holds for conservative module imports. Category-based equational signatures are seen as modules, and morphisms of such signatures as module imports. Regarding (3), completeness corresponds to compiler correctness. The results of this research applies to languages based on a wide class of equational logic systems, including Horn clause logic, with or without equality; all variants of order and many sorted equational logic, including working modulo a set of axioms; constraint logic programming over arbitrary user-defined data types; and any combination of the above. Most importantly, due to the abstraction level, this research gives the possibility to have semantics and to study modularisation for equational logic programming developed over non-conventional structures. Received April 15, 1994/April 12, 1995  相似文献   

We explore the features of rewriting logic and, in particular, of the rewriting logic language Maude as a logical and semantic framework for representing and executing inference systems. In order to illustrate the general ideas we consider two substantial case studies. In the first one, we represent both the semantics of Milner’s CCS and a modal logic for describing local capabilities of CCS processes. Although a rewriting logic representation of the CCS semantics is already known, it cannot be directly executed in the default interpreter of Maude. Moreover, it cannot be used to answer questions such as which are the successors of a process after performing an action, which is used to define the semantics of Hennessy-Milner modal logic. Basically, the problems are the existence of new variables in the righthand side of the rewrite rules and the nondeterministic application of the semantic rules, inherent to CCS. We show how these problems can be solved in a general, not CCS dependent way by controlling the rewriting process by means of reflection. This executable specification plus the reflective control of rewriting can be used to analyze CCS processes. The same techniques are also used to implement a symbolic semantics for LOTOS in our second case study. The good properties of Maude as a metalanguage allow us to implement a whole formal tool where LOTOS specifications without restrictions in their data types (given as ACT ONE specifications) can be executed. In summary, we present Maude as an executable semantic framework by providing easy-tool-building techniques for a language given its operational semantics.Research supported by CICYT projects Desarrollo Formal de Sistemas Distribuidos (TIC97-0669-C03-01) and Desarrollo Formal de Sistemas Basados en Agentes Móviles (TIC2000-0701-C02-01).  相似文献   

Narrowing is a complete unification procedure for equational theories defined by canonical term rewriting systems. It is also the operational semantics of various logic and functional programming languages. In Ref. 3), we introduced the LSE narrowing strategy, which is complete for arbitrary canonical rewriting systems and optimal in the sense that two different LSE narrowing derivations cannot generate the same narrowing substitution. LSE narrowing improves all previously known strategies for the class of arbitrary canonical systems. LSE narrowing detects redundant derivations by reducibility tests. According to their definition, LSE narrowing steps seem to be very expensive, because a large number of subterms has to be tested. In this paper, we show that many of these subterms are identical. We describe how left-to-right basic occurrences can be used to identify and exclude these identical subterms. This way, we can drastically reduce the number of subterms that have to be tested. Based on these theoretical results, we develop an efficient implementation of LSE narrowing.  相似文献   

Spatial logics have been proposed to reason locally and modularly on algebraic models of distributed systems. In this paper we define the spatial equational logic A π L whose models are processes of the applied π-calculus. This extension of the π-calculus allows term manipulation and records communications as aliases in a frame, thus augmenting the predefined underlying equational theory. Our logic allows one to reason locally either on frames or on processes, thanks to static and dynamic spatial operators. We study the logical equivalences induced by various relevant fragments of A π L, and show in particular that the whole logic induces a coarser equivalence than structural congruence. We give characteristic formulae for some of these equivalences and for static equivalence. Going further into the exploration of A π L’s expressivity, we also show that it can eliminate standard term quantification.  相似文献   

How can algebraic and coalgebraic specifications be integrated? How can behavioral equivalence be addressed in an algebraic specification language? The hidden-sorted approach, originating in work of Goguen and Meseguer in the early 80's, and further developed into the hidden-sorted logic approach by researchers at Oxford, UC San Diego, and Kanazawa offers some attractive answers, and has been implemented in both BOBJ and CafeOBJ. In this work we investigate both further extensions of hidden logic, and an extension of the Maude specification language called BMaude supporting this extended hidden-sorted semantics.Maude's underlying equational logic, membership equational logic, generalizes and increases the expressive power of many-sorted and order-sorted equational logics. We develop a hidden-sorted extension of membership equational logic, and give conditions under which theories have both an algebraic and a coalgebraic semantics, including final (co-)algebras. We also discuss the language design of BMaude, based on such an extended logic and using categorical notions in and across the different institutions involved. We also explain how Maude's reflective semantics provides a systematic method to extend Maude to BMaude within Maude, including module composition operations, evaluation, and automated proof methods.  相似文献   

Nonterminating Rewritings with Head Boundedness   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We define here the concept of head boundedness,head normal form and head confluence of term rewriting systems that allow infinite derivation.Head confluence iw weaker than confluence,but sufficient to guarantee the correctness of lazy implementations of equational logic programming languages.Then we prove several results.First,if a left-linear system is locally confluent and head-bounded.then it is head-confluent.Second,head-confluent and head-bounded systems have the heau Church-Rosser property.Last,if an orthogonal system is head-terminating,then it is head-bounded.These results can be applied to generalize equational logic programming languages.  相似文献   

We consider using third-order equational methods to formally verify that an infinite systolic algorithm correctly implements a family of convolution functions. The detailed case study we present illustrates the use of third-order algebra as a formal framework for developing families of computing systems. It also provides an interesting insight into the use of infinite algorithms as a means of verifying a family of finite algorithms. We consider using purely equational reasoning in our verification proofs and in particular, using the rule of free variable induction. We conclude by considering how our verification proofs can be automated using rewriting techniques.  相似文献   

Maude is a high-level language and a high-performance system supporting executable specification and declarative programming in rewriting logic. Since rewriting logic contains equational logic, Maude also supports equational specification and programming in its sublanguage of functional modules and theories. The underlying equational logic chosen for Maude is membership equational logic, that has sorts, subsorts, operator overloading, and partiality definable by membership and equality conditions. Rewriting logic is reflective, in the sense of being able to express its own metalevel at the object level. Reflection is systematically exploited in Maude endowing the language with powerful metaprogramming capabilities, including both user-definable module operations and declarative strategies to guide the deduction process. This paper explains and illustrates with examples the main concepts of Maude's language design, including its underlying logic, functional, system and object-oriented modules, as well as parameterized modules, theories, and views. We also explain how Maude supports reflection, metaprogramming and internal strategies. The paper outlines the principles underlying the Maude system implementation, including its semicompilation techniques. We conclude with some remarks about applications, work on a formal environment for Maude, and a mobile language extension of Maude.  相似文献   

Theoretical results on the scope and limits of first order algebraic specifications can be used to show that certain natural algebras have no recursively enumerable equational specification under first order initial algebra semantics. A well known example is the algebraP of primitive recursive functions over the natural numbers. In this paper we show thatP has a recursive equational specification under second order initial algebra semantics. It follows that higher order initial algebra specifications are strictly more powerful than first order initial algebra specifications.  相似文献   

We propose novel algebraic proof techniques for rewrite systems. Church–Rosser theorems and further fundamental statements that do not mention termination are proved in Kleene algebra. Certain reduction and transformation theorems for termination that depend on abstract commutation, cooperation or simulation properties are proved in an extension with infinite iteration. Benefits of the algebraic approach are simple concise calculational proofs by equational reasoning, connection with automata-based decision procedures and a natural formal semantics for rewriting diagrams. It is therefore especially suited for mechanization and automation.  相似文献   

Orc is a language for orchestration of web services developed by J. Misra that offers simple, yet powerful and elegant, constructs to program sophisticated web orchestration applications. The formal semantics of Orc poses interesting challenges, because of its real-time nature and the different priorities of external and internal actions. In this paper, building upon our previous SOS semantics of Orc in rewriting logic, we present a much more efficient reduction semantics of Orc, which is provably equivalent to the SOS semantics thanks to a strong bisimulation. We view this reduction semantics as a key intermediate stage towards a future, provably correct distributed implementation of Orc, and show how it can naturally be extended to a distributed actor-like semantics. We show experiments demonstrating the much better performance of the reduction semantics when compared to the SOS semantics. Using the Maude rewriting logic language, we also illustrate how the reduction semantics can be used to endow Orc with useful formal analysis capabilities, including an LTL model checker. We illustrate these formal analysis features by means of an online auction system, which is modeled as a distributed system of actors that perform Orc computations.  相似文献   

We present the call-by-push-value (CBPV) calculus, which decomposes the typed call-by-value (CBV) and typed call-by-name (CBN) paradigms into fine-grain primitives. On the operational side, we give big-step semantics and a stack machine for CBPV, which leads to a straightforward push/pop reading of CBPV programs. On the denotational side, we model CBPV using cpos and, more generally, using algebras for a strong monad. For storage, we present an O’Hearn-style “behaviour semantics’’ that does not use a monad. We present the translations from CBN and CBV to CBPV. All these translations straightforwardly preserve denotational semantics. We also study their operational properties: simulation and full abstraction. We give an equational theory for CBPV, and show it equivalent to a categorical semantics using monads and algebras. We use this theory to formally compare CBPV to Filinski’s variant of the monadic metalanguage, as well as to Marz’s language SFPL, both of which have essentially the same type structure as CBPV. We also discuss less formally the differences between the CBPV and monadic frameworks.  相似文献   

 A tree language is congruential if it is the union of finitely many classes of a finitely generated congruence on the term algebra. It is well known that congruential tree languages are the same as recognizable tree languages. An equational representation is an ordered pair (E, P) , where E is either a ground term equation system or a ground term rewriting system, and P is a finite set of ground terms. We say that (E, P) represents the congruential tree language L which is the union of those ?* E -classes containing an element of P, i.e., for which L=⋃{[p]? * E pP}. We define two sorts of minimality for equational representations. We introduce the cardinality vector (∣E∣, ∣P∣) of an equational representation (E, P). Let ? l and ? a denote the lexicographic and antilexicographic orders on the set of ordered pairs of nonnegative integers, respectively. Let L be a congruential tree language. An equational representation (E, P) of L with ? l -minimal (? a -minimal) cardinality vector is called ? l -minimal (? a -minimal). We compute, for an L given by a deterministic bottom-up tree automaton, both a ? l -minimal and a ? a -minimal equational representation of L. Received: 27 July 1994/5 October 1995  相似文献   

Executable structural operational semantics in Maude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes in detail how to bridge the gap between theory and practice when implementing in Maude structural operational semantics described in rewriting logic, where transitions become rewrites and inference rules become conditional rewrite rules with rewrites in the conditions, as made possible by the new features in Maude 2. We validate this technique using it in several case studies: a functional language Fpl (evaluation and computation semantics), an imperative language WhileL (evaluation and computation semantics), Kahn’s functional language Mini-ML (evaluation or natural semantics), Milner’s CCS (with strong and weak transitions), and Full LOTOS (including ACT ONE data type specifications). In addition, on top of CCS we develop an implementation of the Hennessy–Milner modal logic for describing local capabilities of processes, and for LOTOS we build an entire tool where Full LOTOS specifications can be entered and executed (without user knowledge of the underlying implementation of the semantics). We also compare this method based on transitions as rewrites with another one based on transitions as judgements.  相似文献   

Nominal logic is a variant of first-order logic with special facilities for reasoning about names and binding based on the underlying concepts of swapping and freshness. It serves as the basis of logic programming, term rewriting, and automated theorem proving techniques that support reasoning about languages with name-binding. These applications often require nominal unification, or equational reasoning and constraint solving in nominal logic. Urban, Pitts and Gabbay developed an algorithm for a broadly applicable class of nominal unification problems. However, because of nominal logic’s equivariance property, these applications also require a different form of unification, which we call equivariant unification. In this article, we first study the complexity of the decision problem for equivariant unification and equivariant matching. We show that these problems are NP-hard in general, as is nominal unification without the ground-name restrictions employed in previous work on nominal unification. Moreover, we present an exponential-time algorithm for equivariant unification that can be used to decide satisfiability, or produce a complete finite set of solutions. We also study special cases that can be solved efficiently. In particular, we present a polynomial time algorithm for swapping-free equivariant matching, that is, for matching problems in which the swapping operation does not appear.  相似文献   

Meta-modelling plays an important role in model driven software development.In this paper,a graphic extension of BNF (GEBNF) is proposed to define the abstract syntax of graphic modelling languages.Fro...  相似文献   

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