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Computer simulation is utilized to predict crosstalk in linear imaging arrays. The simulation is based on analysis which includes the effects of focusing the input light, the use of Kettleer's equations to describe propagation in a lossy medium, and a solution of the generalized diffusion equation for excited carriers. Crosstalk for a conventional linear image array and one employing a fan-out channel waveguide array are evaluated and compared. The fan-out channel waveguide array concept allows for high resolution imaging without requiring very small photodetector array elements, and calculations presented show that it should have superior performance with regard to crosstalk. 相似文献
《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》2005,41(5):636-641
The dynamic characteristics, including the crosstalk and relaxation oscillation, of linear optical amplifiers (LOAs) are investigated by small-signal analysis under an averaging carrier density approximation and compared with the results of numerical simulation. The good agreement between the numerical simulation and the small-signal analysis indicated the averaging carrier density is an appropriate approximation for analyzing LOAs. Theoretical analyzes also show that the dynamic properties of the vertical laser fields dominate the dynamic performance of LOAs. Based on the small-signal analysis, a concise equation for the crosstalk under high bit rate was derived, which can be applied to measure the differential gain of LOAs. 相似文献
Honig M.L. Crespo P. Steiglitz K. 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》1992,10(3):614-629
Full-duplex data communication over a multi-input/multi-output linear time-invariant channel is considered. The minimum mean square error (MMSE) linear equalizer is derived in the presence of both near- and far-end crosstalk and independent additive noise. The MMSE equalizer is completely specified in terms of the channel and crosstalk transfer functions by using a generalization of previous work due to Salz (1985). Conditions are given under which the equalizer can completely eliminate both near- and far-end crosstalk and intersymbol interference. The MMSE transmitter filter, subject to a transmitted power constraint, is specified when the channel and crosstalk transfer functions are bandlimited to the Nyquist frequency. Also considered is the design of MMSE transmitter and receiver filters when the data signals are arbitrary wide-sense stationary continuous or discrete-time signals, corresponding to the situation where the crosstalk is not phase-synchronous with the desired signal 相似文献
Improved tolerance in optical directional couplers 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Tolerance requirements in conventional synchronous-mode directional couplers are examined. It is proposed that the tolerance situation can be improved considerably by tapering one, or both, of the propagation coefficients, so that they intersect at one position. This model is examined numerically, and suggestions are made for the practical realisation of a device. 相似文献
K. Chawanonphithak S. Kosulvit M. Krairiksh 《International Journal of Electronics》2013,100(10):973-984
This paper presents the characteristics of an elliptical ring antenna excited by a linear electric probe. Based on the waveguide principle, the suitable cross-sectional dimension of the ring that yields the dominant mode (TEC11 mode) will be formulated in terms of the cut off wavelength. The variation of the antenna characteristics, depending on cross-sectional dimension, ring length and probe length, were investigated using numerical electromagnetic code (NEC) based on the method of moments (MoM). From the experiment, the prototype antenna provides bidirectional pattern with HPBW in E-plane and H-plane of 83 and 46 degrees, respectively, and the gain of 5.1?dBi with SWR?2:1 over the bandwidth of 14% for the operating frequency of 1.92?GHz. This antenna is applicable for mobile communication on a highway, on a street, in a corridor and in a tunnel with the advantages of simple configuration and low cost. 相似文献
Hsu T.H. Fang Y.K. Yaung D.N. Wuu S.G. Chien H.C. Wang C.S. Lin J.S. Tseng C.H. Chen S.F. Lin C.S. Lin C.Y. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2004,25(6):375-377
A dielectric structure, air gap guard ring, has been successfully developed to reduce optical crosstalk thus improving pixel sensitivity of CMOS image sensor with 0.18-/spl mu/m technology. Based on refraction index (RI) differences between dielectric films (RI = 1.4 /spl sim/ 1.6) and air gap (RI = 1), total internal reflection occurred at dielectric-film/air-gap interface, thus the incident light is concentrated in selected pixel. Excellent optical performances have been demonstrated in 3.0 /spl times/ 3.0 /spl mu/m pixel. Optical spatial crosstalk achieves 80% reduction at 20/spl deg/ incidence angle and significantly alleviates the pixel sensitivity degradation with larger angle of incident light. 相似文献
The authors present a novel design for a Y-junction splitter for ring waveguides based on the principle of mode conversion by self-interference. Power in the device is diverted from an edge-guided ring mode into a straight guide with little loss to radiation modes. The power injected into the fundamental modes of both the straight and ring guides is maximised relative to higher order modes 相似文献
This paper presents expressions for the linear crosstalk and the resulting error rate degradation in a photonic switch based on on/off gates, considering cyclostationary interference among digital signals. The periodically time-varying interference accounts for the dependencies of error probability both on the spectrum of transmitted signals and on random bit-skews between channels. This paper quantitatively verifies the intuitions that bit-aligned channels increase the crosstalk power penalty, and that a sharp modulating pulse improves error probability. These dependencies on spectrum and bit-skews become noticeable at high crosstalk levels caused by either a low contrast ratio or a large switch size 相似文献
The impact of crosstalk in an arrayed-waveguide (AWG) router on the performance of an N-channel optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM), with m add/drop channels and n-pass channels is theoretically investigated. A single arrayed-waveguide router is simultaneously used for multiplexing and demultiplexing. This results in crosstalk not only from the incoming channels, but from the outgoing channels as well. We show that the performance of the OADM degrades as either N or m are increased, suggesting that the number of channels in a network based on OADM's is limited by crosstalk in the AWG router. When an optical filter is added at the output of the OADM the digital signal-to-noise ratio Q is independent of N and m, and within a few tenths of a decibel of the perfect filtering case 相似文献
Hadjicostis C.N. Verghese G.C. 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2005,51(1):210-228
This paper discusses fault tolerance in discrete-time dynamic systems, such as finite-state controllers or computer simulations, with focus on the use of coding techniques to efficiently provide fault tolerance to linear finite-state machines (LFSMs). Unlike traditional fault tolerance schemes, which rely heavily-particularly for dynamic systems operating over extended time horizons-on the assumption that the error-correcting mechanism is fault free, we are interested in the case when all components of the implementation are fault prone. The paper starts with a paradigmatic fault tolerance scheme that systematically adds redundancy into a discrete-time dynamic system in a way that achieves tolerance to transient faults in both the state transition and the error-correcting mechanisms. By combining this methodology with low-complexity error-correcting coding, we then obtain an efficient way of providing fault tolerance to k identical unreliable LFSMs that operate in parallel on distinct input sequences. The overall construction requires only a constant amount of redundant hardware per machine (but sufficiently large k) to achieve an arbitrarily small probability of overall failure for any prespecified (finite) time interval, leading in this way to a lower bound on the computational capacity of unreliable LFSMs. 相似文献
Logical topology design for linear and ring optical networks 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Arora A.S. Subramaniam S. Hyeong-Ah Choi 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》2002,20(1):62-74
The design of logical topologies in wavelength-routing multihop optical networks is a well-studied problem. We consider logical topology (LT) design over the popular ring and linear topologies. Our objective is the minimization of the electronic processing delay for the worst case traffic flow. For uniform traffic between nodes, this delay minimization corresponds to minimizing the number of hops on a shortest path between the farthest two nodes in the logical topology (the diameter of the logical topology). The simple structure of the physical topologies enables us to present a rigorous analysis of the problem. We present lower bounds for the achievable diameter wherever possible and propose practical logical topology design algorithms and corresponding upper bounds. We also present an application of the LT designs in the linear topology to the survivability of ring networks 相似文献
The performance of the unbiased guard ring structure is measured and the effects of high current, emitter area, and layout of unbiased guard rings are reported and explained. Measurements show a reduction in parasitic gain by up to six orders of magnitude, while also avoiding the cross talk and power consumption of biased rings. A comparative analysis of unbiased guard ring with biased guard ring shows up to 100 times better performance at low current levels. A modification to the unbiased guard ring is also implemented and successfully tested which shows an increase in the current handling capability of the structure by an order of magnitude 相似文献
IPACT a dynamic protocol for an Ethernet PON (EPON) 总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35
We investigate design issues for access networks based on passive optical network technology. A PON based on polling, with data encapsulated in Ethernet frames, possesses many desirable qualities, such as dynamic bandwidth distribution, use of a single downstream and a single upstream wavelength, ability to provision a fractional wavelength capacity to each user, and ease of adding a new user. To support dynamic bandwidth distribution, we propose an interleaved polling algorithm called IPACT. We also suggest a scheme for in-band signaling that allows using a single wavelength for both downstream data and control message transmission. To obtain realistic simulation results, we generated synthetic traffic that exhibits the properties of self-similarity and long-range dependence. We then analyzed the network performance under varying offered loads 相似文献
Fourniols J.-Y. Roca M. Caignet F. Sicard E. 《Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on》1998,40(3):271-280
A way to characterize the crosstalk noise susceptibility for integrated circuits fabrication technologies is presented. A comparison between 0.7- and 0.35-μm technologies shows the increasing importance of crosstalk noise and, therefore, the need to consider this effect at the design level in submicron integrated circuits. An approach to measure the internal crosstalk generated by long metal interconnects based on using an RS latch sensor is proposed. An implementation and experimental measurements for 0.7-μm technology are reported, confirming the very high noise peak values 相似文献
Klapper A. 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2004,50(3):532-536
The multicovering radii of a code are natural generalizations of the covering radius in which the goal is to cover all m-tuples of vectors for some m as cheaply as possible. In this correspondence, we describe several techniques for obtaining lower bounds on the sizes of codes achieving a given multicovering radius. Our main method is a generalization of the method of linear inequalities based on refined weight distributions of the code. We also obtain a linear upper bound on the 2-covering radius. We further study bounds on the sizes of codes with a given multicovering radius that are subcodes of a fixed code. We find, for example, constraints on parity checks for codes with small ordinary covering radius. 相似文献