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爱普生公司近日发布了一款高性能136列平推针打产品LQ-2680K。这款专门针对税务、银行、工商、保险、电信等行业用户研发的新品,不仅继承了爱普生针式打印产品一直以来稳定可靠的优良品质,而且在打印速度、操作性以及接口设计上都有大幅提升。  相似文献   

正近日,爱普生全新推出106列平推证卡打印机Epson LQ-790K,进一步完善了其针打产品线。爱普生以丰富的产品线、卓越的产品品质以及完善服务备受各行业用户青睐。近年来,公安、社保、税务、工商、金融、运输、医疗等行业,除一般票据和报表的打印外,证卡特别是超厚证卡打印的需求也在不断增加,针对这类用户需求,爱普生研发生产出可通打天下  相似文献   

如果说10年前针式打印机是比较标准的办公外设的话。它目前已经变成行业用户的专宠了。与通用市场不同.针打能在行业市场站住脚跟.凭借的是别人难以匹敌的功夫:低廉的宽幅输出成本.出色的可靠性.独特的复写复制能力……因此.在衡量针打产品时.我们也更多地站在行业应用的角度进行测试。  相似文献   

靖程 《电脑时空》2008,(1):40-40
针式打印机广泛应用于行业用户,爱普生则是针式打印机市场的领跑者,爱普生LQ-2680K是一款136列平推式针式打印机,既最宽打印幅面为409mm,适合报表等宽幅打印。这款打印机的整机性能和打印速度在实际测试中都有不凡的表现。  相似文献   

近日,爱普生凭借其卓越的产品品质、领先的品牌形象和完善的服务体系,在某省电信打印机采购中脱颖而出,以刚刚上市的针打新品 LQ-730K 赢得用户芳心,一举中标。此次成功中标,不仅表明爱普生在通讯领域再次取得突破性进展,更彰显了其业界领先的技术实  相似文献   

在刚刚结束的中国电信打印机设备采购中,爱普生以明星产品LQ-690K和卓越的服务体系,获得5000台大单。爱普生凭借"快、耐、省"的领先产品LQ-690K和高质量的服务,完美满足了中国电信对稳定可靠、快速打印、节能环保、贴身服务等方面的需求,成为中国电信心目中针式打印机的最佳选择。  相似文献   

爱普生公司最新消息:爱普生106列平推票据打印机Epson LQ-690K于08年2月1日正式上市,经销商即日起便可提货销售。这款针对国内行业用户需求量身定制的产品,不仅秉承了爱普生针打家族一贯快、耐、省的产品特点,在环保节能的表现上也同样优秀。  相似文献   

近日,针打巨头爱普生公司再传捷报,Epson LQ-300K系列以其杰出的性能和人性化的设计在行业领域突破200万台大关,是暨EPSON LQ-1600K系列之后,又一突破百万销售量的拳头产品.  相似文献   

近日,招商银行总行发布的中标情况公告显示:打印机行业的领导厂商--爱普生,凭借其出类拔萃的产品性能、一贯领先的品牌形象以及追求卓越的服务水准,一举拿下招商银行总行存折打印机入围采购项目.……  相似文献   

A lot of methods have been proposed – and sometimes implemented – for proof search in the propositional modal logics K, KT, and S4. It is difficult to compare the usefulness of these methods in practice, since in most cases no or only a few execution times have been published. We try to improve this unsatisfactory situation by presenting a set of benchmark formulas. Note that we do not just list formulas, but give a method that allows us to compare different provers today and in the future. As a starting point we give the results we obtained when we applied this benchmark method to the Logics Workbench (LWB). We hope that the discussion of postulates concerning ATP benchmark helps to obtain improved benchmark methods for other logics, too.  相似文献   

A report is given of the Quality Package: a multi-window hypermedia system delivering information on Design Quality to architects, engineers, and product designers. An innovative information processing structure was devised including an object-oriented communication protocol, and a composite user interface individually tailored to individual needs.

The information content is described to identify the manner in which modes of interaction were reflected in the separation of content accessed by menu windows. The flow of information was maintained through the use of link commentaries selected according to tests of user performance. Further interactions were also possible through agree and disagree decisions aggregated in a performance statement in the package summary. The user could therefore use their own interactions to assess personal notions of design quality in comparison with statements from established experts personified in videodisc and compact audiodisc material.

Conclusions are drawn concerning the applicability of the further development of the multiwindow communication philosophy to create flexible modes of information delivery.  相似文献   

Bi-alkali metal (Li, Na, K, Rb) binary systems have been systematically assessed based on the available phase diagrams and thermodynamic data. The modified quasichemical model, which takes short-range ordering into account, is used to describe the liquid phase. All intermetallic phases are treated as stoichiometric compounds. A set of self-consistent model parameters is obtained and the experimental data are reproduced well within experimental error limits. The enthalpy of mixing, entropy of mixing, and activity of element are calculated, showing the liquid phase exhibits maximum short-range ordering at 75 at% X (X=Li, Na, K, Rb). Some systematic variations and regularities are presented, indicating the enthalpy and entropy of mixing for the liquid phase at the maximum short-range ordering along with the enthalpy of formation and melting temperature of intermediate compound BiX3 change with the atomic radius of alkali metals regularly.  相似文献   

In this paper, variational iteration method and Adomian decomposition are implemented to construct solitary solutions for variants of K(n, n) equation. In these schemes the solution takes the form of a convergent series with easily computable components. The chosen initial solution or trial function plays a major role in changing the physical structure of the solution. Comparison between the two methods is made and many models are approached. The obtained results reveal that the two methods are very effective and convenient for constructing solitary solutions.  相似文献   

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