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<正>4月24日上午,国网福建省电力有限公司召开2017年第2次安委会,传达学习国务院安委办关于近期接连发生安全问题的紧急通报和关于实施遏制重特大事故工作指南、全面加强安全生产源头管控和安全准入工作的指导意见,福建省省长于伟国在省政府第2季度防范重特大事故暨  相似文献   

通知指出进入4月份以来,全国连续发生多起重特大安全生产事故,安全生产形势相当严峻。特别是“4·15”和“5·7”两起空难,人员伤亡惨重,影响恶劣,使国家和人民生命财产蒙受重大损失。针对当前安全生产出现的新情况、新问题,国务院决定立即在全国范围内开展安全生产大检查,坚决遏制重特大事故多发势头。电力行业为本次大检查的重点领域之一。 (本刊编辑部)国务院办公厅紧急通知要求立即开展安全生产大检查@本刊编辑部  相似文献   

对于美国西部电力系统1996年7月2日大停电事故的初步认识   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
美国西部电力系统(WSCC)在安全运行多年后,近期连续发生大面积停电事故(1994年12月14日,1996年7月2日,1996年8月10日等)[1],其中以1996年7月2日发生的事故涉及面为最广,停电后果最严重,遂引起广泛注意。本文根据一些初步资料,介绍这次事故的概况、初步分析和对其的认识,以供进一步了解和讨论。  相似文献   

2013-06-09,国务院办公厅发出《关于集中开展安全生产大检查的通知》。《通知》指出,近期接连发生多起重特大事故,暴露出一些地方和企业安全意识淡薄,隐患排查治理不认真,安全责任不落实,安全监管不到位,打击非法违法和治理违规违章行为不得力等问题。为深刻吸取事故教训,切实加强安全生产工作,经国务院同意,定于2013年6月至9月底,在全国集中开展安全生产大检查。检查范围包括全国所有地区、所有行业领域,所有生产经营企事业单位和人员密集场所。重  相似文献   

解读了《国务院关于进一步强化安全生产责任落实、坚决防范遏制重特大事故的十五条措施》出台的背景、主要内容、配套举措,为理解、落实该措施文件,实现安全生产和遏制重特大事故提供参考。  相似文献   

解读了《国务院关于进一步强化安全生产责任落实、坚决防范遏制重特大事故的十五条措施》出台的背景、主要内容、配套举措,为理解、落实该措施文件,实现安全生产和遏制重特大事故提供参考。  相似文献   

解读了《国务院关于进一步强化安全生产责任落实、坚决防范遏制重特大事故的十五条措施》出台的背景、主要内容、配套举措,为理解、落实该措施文件,实现安全生产和遏制重特大事故提供参考。  相似文献   

1  2004年全国电力安全生产基本情况    2004年,电力行业安全生产形势总体平稳。全年电力生产没有发生重特大人身伤亡事故,没有发生重特大电网事故,没有发生特大设备事故。全年共发生电力生产人身死亡事故11起,死亡11人,同比减少了9人;发生电网事故196次,同比增加14次;发生设备事故551次,同比减少106次,其中重大设备事故1次。2004年电力施工、设计企业发生4起重大人身伤亡事故,死亡20人,伤9人。    以上16起事故都给人员生命和国家财产造成了重大的损失,除一起事故正在调查中外,其他15起事故的原因都已认定,其中违章作业导致的事…  相似文献   

素以安全、快捷、舒适而备受公众青睐的动车,在7.23追尾事故中,造成了35人死亡、192人受伤的惨剧。血淋淋的事实再次警示我们:生命高于一切,安全重于泰山。7月份以来,国内接连发生多起重特大事故。特别是7月22日,京珠高速信阳市境内一辆超载大客车发生燃烧,造成41人遇难。23日,国务院安委会发出通知,要求各地各部门有效防范和坚决遏制重特大事故发生,确保人民群众生命财产安全。就在通知发出后的当晚,甬温线发生7.23特大铁路交通事故。  相似文献   

国家电力公司今天召开公司系统防汛和大坝安全工作电话会议,全面贯彻党中央、国务院“加强安全生产防范安全事故电视电话会议”精神,总结去年防汛和大坝安全管理工作,全面部署今年公司系统防汛和大坝安全工作任务,明确责任,落实措施,确保电力设施安全渡汛。这是一年一度的例会。4月7日,党中央、国务院召开了加强安全生产防范安全事故电视电话会议,吴邦国副总理针对近期来连续发生的生产伤亡事故、道路交通、水上交通、火灾事故的严峻形势,要求各地区、各单位立即行动,以对国家和人民负责的精神,高度重视安全生产和事故防范工作…  相似文献   

The needs for emergency and standby power to enhance industrial and commercial power systems are frequently left wanting due to ignorance of the needs or of the systems available to satisfy the needs. This paper discusses various situations which require or desire emergency or standby power and mentions suitable systems for each application. The areas discussed include lighting, start-up power, transportation, mechanical utilities, heating, refrigeration, and production.  相似文献   

The following paper describes the use of a simple FORTRAN computer program that may be used to determine course grades. The program is based on processing a set of IBM punched data cards. Each card contains the name of a student and all of his grades, including the final examination grade. The program may also be used to predict the final examination grade, based on previous quiz grades, and then, in turn, to predict the final course grade. It is thus possible to use this program periodically throughout the entire semester in order to provide the student, as well as the instructor, with a measure of his progress.  相似文献   

工程介绍 世博轴及地下综合体工程(简称世博轴)位于浦东世博园核心区。南起耀华路,跨雪野路、南环路、北环路、及浦明路,到滨江世博公园。  相似文献   

Dual-rotor, radial-flux, toroidally wound, permanent-magnet machines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel machine family-dual-rotor, radial-flux, toroidally wound, permanent-magnet (RFTPM) machines-is proposed in order to substantially improve machine torque density and efficiency. After the principles of operation, configurations, and features are discussed, the machine design and optimization guidelines are given. A prototype has been designed, built, and tested. The measured torque density of the prototype, which well matches the design value, is almost three times of that of the induction machine with the same power of 3 hp and speed. Meanwhile the efficiency is still kept high and the material cost is kept low by using ferrite magnets. Three novel approaches are proposed to reduce the cogging torque in the RFTPM machines, whose validity is verified by finite-element analysis results and experimental measurements.  相似文献   

A variety of soft-switching techniques have been proposed to reduce the switching losses and EMI problems that occur with higher switching frequencies in hard-switched converters. In this paper, a new, quasi-resonant, soft-switched, three-phase inverter is presented which uses 12 thyristors as the power electronic switches, and hence has potential for use in high-power applications. The converter is fully current-regulated, suitable for high-performance motor drive applications, and is capable of 4-quadrant operation to allow regeneration back into the DC supply. The operation and the control of the inverter are described in detail and simulation and experimental results are presented  相似文献   

Practically every structural steel building erected for industrial use incorporates reinforcing steel bars installed in the concrete footings. This, without any additional effort, constitutes a grounding electrode. The quantity of electrodes is directly related to the building area. When the structural steel framework is erected and interconnected, these electrodes are also interconnected in a parallel arrangement. Similarly, high-voltage metal transmission towers are installed using a metal footing base embedded in a concrete filled hole. The four tower legs are effectively in parallel and offer an adequate low ground resistance such that additional electrodes are generally not required. This brings us to the main point: the reinforced concrete footings, reinforced concrete grade beams, and other reinforced concrete structures provide, with a little work, an effective, reliable, and cost attractive system grounding vehicle  相似文献   

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