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We study a hybrid MIP/CP solution approach in which CP is used for detecting infeasibilities and generating cuts within a branch-and-cut algorithm for MIP. Our framework applies to MIP problems augmented by monotone constraints that can be handled by CP. We illustrate our approach on a generic multiple machine scheduling problem, and present a number of computational experiments.  相似文献   

Supervisory control reconfiguration can handle the uncertainties including resource failures and task changes in discrete event systems. It was not addressed to exploit the robustness of closed-loop systems to accommodate some uncertainties in the prior studies. Such exploitation can cost-efficiently achieve reconfigurability and flexibility for real systems. This paper presents a robust reconfiguration method based on Petri nets (PNs) and integer programming for supervisory control of resource allocation systems (RASs) subject to varying resource allocation relationships. An allocation relationship is seen as a control specification while the execution processes requiring resources as an uncontrolled plant. First, a robust reconfiguration mechanism is proposed. It includes updating the PP-invariant-based supervisor and evolving the state of the closed-loop system. The latter adapts to the control specification changes by the self-regulation of the closed-loop system’s state. Next, two novel integer programming models for control reconfiguration are proposed, called a reconfiguration model with acceptability and reconfiguration one with specification correction. Since both models integrate the firability condition of transitions, no additional efforts are required for the state reachability analysis. Finally, a hospital emergency service system is used as an example to illustrate them.  相似文献   

《Journal of Process Control》2014,24(10):1538-1547
We present a multi-parametric model predictive controller (mpMPC) for discrete-time linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems based on the solution of the mpMPC problem for discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. The control method yields a controller that adapts to parameter changes of the LPV system. This is accomplished by an add-on unit to the implementation of the mpMPC for LTI systems. No modification of the optimal mpMPC solution for LTI systems is needed. The mpMPC for LPV systems is entirely based on simple computational steps performed on-line. This control design method could improve the performance and robustness of a mpMPC for LPV systems with slowly varying parameters. We apply this method to process systems which suffer from slow variation of system parameters due, for example, to aging or degradation. As an illustrative example the reference tracking control problem of the hypnotic depth during intravenous anaesthesia is presented: the time varying system matrix mimics an external disturbance on the hypnotic depth. In this example the presented mpMPC for LPV systems shows a reduction of approximately 60% of the reference tracking error compared to the mpMPC for LTI systems.  相似文献   

The prime aim of this paper is to embed a predictive control (MPC) algorithm with constraint handling capabilities into a programmable logic controller (PLC). In order to achieve it, this paper develops parametric approaches to MPC but differs from more conventional approaches in that it predefines the complexity of the solution rather than the allowable suboptimality. The paper proposes a novel parameterisation of the parametric regions which allows efficiency of definition, effective spanning of the feasible region and also highly efficient search algorithms. Despite the suboptimality, the algorithm retains guaranteed stability, in the nominal case. A laboratory test was carried out to demonstrate the code on real hardware and the effectiveness of the solution.  相似文献   

The input-state linear horizon (ISLH) for a nonlinear discrete-time system is defined as the smallest number of time steps it takes the system input to appear nonlinearly in the state variable. In this paper, we employ the latter concept and show that the class of constraint admissible N-step affine state-feedback policies is equivalent to the associated class of constraint admissible disturbance-feedback policies, provided that N is less than the system’s ISLH. The result generalizes a recent result in [Goulart, P. J., Kerrigan, E. C., Maciejowski, J. M. (2006). Optimization over state feedback policies for robust control with constraints. Automatica, 42(4), 523-533] and is significant because it enables one: (i) to determine a constraint admissible state-feedback policy by employing well-known convex optimization techniques; and (ii) to guarantee robust recursive feasibility of a class of model predictive control (MPC) policies by imposing a suitable terminal constraint. In particular, we propose an input-to-state stabilizing MPC policy for a class of nonlinear systems with bounded disturbance inputs and mixed polytopic constraints on the state and the control input. At each time step, the proposed MPC policy requires the solution of a single convex quadratic programme parameterized by the current system state.  相似文献   

Predictive pole-placement (PPP) control is a continuous-time MPC using a particular set of basis functions leading to pole-placement behaviour in the unconstrained case. This paper presents two modified versions of the PPP controller which are each shown to have desirable stability properties when controlling systems with input, output and state constraints.  相似文献   

In this paper, a linear programming method is proposed to solve model predictive control for a class of hybrid systems. Firstly, using the (max, +) algebra, a typical subclass of hybrid systems called max-plus-linear (MPL) systems is obtained. And then, model predictive control (MPC) framework is extended to MPL systems. In general, the nonlinear optimization approach or extended linear complementarity problem (ELCP) were applied to solve the MPL-MPC optimization problem. A new optimization method based on canonical forms for max-min-plus-scaling (MMPS) functions (using the operations maximization, minimization, addition and scalar multiplication) with linear constraints on the inputs is presented. The proposed approach consists in solving several linear programming problems and is more efficient than nonlinear optimization. The validity of the algorithm is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

In this paper, a linear programming method is proposed to solve model predictive control for a class of hybrid systems. Firstly, using the (max, +) algebra, a typical subclass of hybrid systems called max-plus-linear (MPL) systems is obtained. And then, model predictive control (MPC) framework is extended to MPL systems. In general, the nonlinear optimization approach or extended linear complementarity problem (ELCP) were applied to solve the MPL-MPC optimization problem. A new optimization method based on canonical forms for max-min-plus-scaling (MMPS) functions (using the operations maximization, minimization, addition and scalar multiplication) with linear constraints on the inputs is presented. The proposed approach consists in solving several linear programming problems and is more efficient than nonlinear optimization. The validity of the algorithm is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

The paper deals with I/O versions of receding horizon controllers based on the minimization of multistep quadratic costs with the constraint that the terminal state goes to zero. The resulting control law yields stable closed-loop systems under sharp conditions. Simulation results are presented to both verify the theoretical analysis and relate the new control law with GPC  相似文献   

Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) has gained widespread attention due to its ability to handle variable bounds and deal with multi-input, multi-output systems. However, it is susceptible to computational delay, especially when the solution time of the nonlinear programming (NLP) problem exceeds the sampling time. In this paper we propose a fast NMPC method based on NLP sensitivity, called advanced-multi-step NMPC (amsNMPC). Two variants of this method are developed, the parallel approach and the serial approach. For the amsNMPC method, NLP problems are solved in background multiple sampling times in advance, and manipulated variables are updated on-line when the actual states are available. We present case studies about a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a distillation column to show the performance of amsNMPC. Nominal stability properties are also analyzed.  相似文献   

This research investigates the automatic identification of typical embedded structures in the Integer Programming (IP) models and automatic transformation of the problem to an adequate Lagrangian problem which can provide tight bounds within the acceptable run time. For this purpose, the structural distinctivenesses of variables, constants, blocks of terms, and constraint chunks are identified to specify the structure of the IP model. To assist the identification of the structural distinctiveness, the representation by the knowledge based IP model formulator, UNIK-IP, is adopted. To reason for the structural identification, the hybrid of bottom-up, top-down, and case-based approaches are proposed. A system UNIK-RELAX is developed to implement the approaches proposed in this research.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a quadratic programming (QP) approach to robust model predictive control (MPC) for constrained linear systems having both model uncertainties and bounded disturbances. To this end, we construct an additional comparison model for worst-case analysis based on a robust control Lyapunov function (RCLF) for the unconstrained system (not necessarily an RCLF in the presence of constraints). This comparison model enables us to transform the given robust MPC problem into a nominal one without uncertain terms. Based on a terminal constraint obtained from the comparison model, we derive a condition for initial states under which the ultimate boundedness of the closed loop is guaranteed without violating state and control constraints. Since this terminal condition is described by linear constraints, the control optimization can be reduced to a QP problem.  相似文献   

Convection–diffusion–reaction processes widely exist in chemical engineering and other sectors of industry. In many cases, these systems are convection-dominated and can be modelled by parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with a relatively dominant convection term. The control of these systems using traditional solution methods requires demanding computation to achieve high control performance. In this paper, a predictive control approach is developed for these systems using a new solution technique that combines the method of characteristics and finite difference approximation. The study shows that the proposed control approach is able to provide a computationally efficient control for convection-dominant parabolic systems.  相似文献   

A novel robust predictive control algorithm is presented for uncertain discrete-time input-saturated linear systems described by structured norm-bounded model uncertainties. The solution is based on the minimization, at each time instant, of a semi-definite convex optimization problem subject to a number of LMI feasibility constraints which grows up only linearly with the control horizon length N. The general case of arbitrary N is considered. Closed-loop stability and feasibility retention over the time are proved and comparisons with robust multi-model (polytopic) MPC algorithms are reported.  相似文献   

A neurofuzzy scheme has been designed to carry out on-line identification, with the aim of being used in an adaptive–predictive dynamic matrix control (DMC) of unconstrained nonlinear systems represented by a transfer function with varying parameters. This scheme supplies to the DMC controller the linear model and the nonlinear output predictions at each sample instant, and is composed of two blocks. The first one makes use of a fuzzy partition of the external variable universe of discourse, which smoothly commutes between several linear models. In the second block, a recurrent linear neuron with interpretable weights performs the identification of the models by means of supervised learning. The resulting identifier has several main advantages: interpretability, learning speed, and robustness against catastrophic forgetting. The proposed controller has been tested both on simulation and on a real laboratory plant, showing a good performance.  相似文献   

Generalized predictive control algorithms with reference models on imputs and outputs of the process have been proposed recently in the literature. Thise algorithms are extended by introducing suitable weighting factors in the performance index and it is shown that such algorithms provide a combined feedback feedforward control resulting in pole-zero cancellation of poles which do not correspond to the reference model. Hence, the system behaves asymptotically as the reference model provided the cancelled poles are stable. Therefore, a careful analysis of the stability of those poles in still needed.  相似文献   

Multi-parameteric quadratic programming (MPQP) gives a full offline solution to a time-varying quadratic programming (QP) problem arising during constrained predictive control. However, coding and implementation of this solution may be more burdensome than simply solving the original QP. This paper shows how interpolation can be used in conjunction with MPQP to achieve a large decrease in both the online computation and data storage requirements with negligible deterioration of performance. Extensive simulation results are given to back this claim and contrast the TWO proposed interpolation schemes.  相似文献   

A Boolean network is one of the models of biological networks such as gene regulatory networks, and has been extensively studied. In particular, a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN) is well known as an extension of Boolean networks, but in the existing methods to solve the optimal control problem of PBNs, it is necessary to compute the state transition diagram with 2n nodes for a given PBN with n states. To avoid this computation, an integer programming-based approach is proposed for a context-sensitive PBN (CS-PBN), which is a general form of PBNs. In the proposed method, a CS-PBN is transformed into a linear system with binary variables, and the optimal control problem is reduced to an integer linear programming problem. By a numerical example, the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the solution to optimal control problems for constrained discrete-time linear hybrid systems based on quadratic or linear performance criteria. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, we give basic theoretical results on the structure of the optimal state-feedback solution and of the value function. Second, we describe how the state-feedback optimal control law can be constructed by combining multiparametric programming and dynamic programming.  相似文献   

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