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舒欣 《建筑师》2018,(6):112-117
气候适应性设计是当前建筑设计领域的前沿课题。本文以气候适应性建筑表皮为切入点,在阐述基本理念的基础上,提出其独特的表皮组件和调控系统。从而归纳出气候适应性建筑表皮设计模式,对其在表皮设计策略、表皮组件运用以及调控方式等方面在设计过程中四个阶段的应用进行指导。  相似文献   

大型客运站是典型的大空间、高能耗建筑,双层表皮围护结构在解决高能耗的问题上具有极大的潜力,然而其保温效果及影响因素在国内还缺少一定的实证研究来支撑和验证。以太原南站外表皮中的双层组合幕墙为研究对象,对其在冬季运行时的表皮内外温度等进行实测,并基于实测数据,对其进行保温性能分析。研究在寒冷气候特征下,双层表皮作为外墙围护结构的保温性能,验证双层表皮在寒冷地区大空间建筑的保温效果。  相似文献   

朱贺国 《建筑》2011,(16):51-52
本文以建筑表皮为切入点,介绍了基于低碳理念的建筑围护结构建构及其实现路径,并以上海世博会为例,从循环材料、能源利用及自然要素等三方面,对低碳建筑的表皮处理进行了分析,并指出对我们今后低碳设计的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

舒欣  季元 《建筑师》2013,(6):12-19
气候适应性建筑表皮作为建筑物与空气、阳光、阴影和水的分界面。是协调内外环境的智能面层,已成为建筑表皮发展的新趋势。整合设计过程(IDP)也为可持续建筑设计(SBD)带来了新的契机。包括设计的创新以及设计决策的客观性。实际案例选择的建筑实践是将气候与地域文脉整合设计的典型案例,通过丰富的图例试图揭示气候适应性表皮构件复杂的层次关系。并体现出隐藏在建筑表皮外观下的建筑系统整合过程,凸显了整合设计的介入过程。  相似文献   

低能耗装配式建筑是低能耗建筑和装配式建筑两者融合发展的产物,符合国家绿色节能的长远目标。外围护结构中外墙的性能充分影响了建筑的气候环境适应性,是装配式建筑实现低能耗的关键因素。通过深入文献调研,从设计原理、热工属性和节能特点等方面对预制保温墙板、模块化太阳能墙板和可调节外表皮三类装配式外墙的研究和应用现状进行了分析。分析表明,合理应用这三类预制外墙,可以有效降低建筑能耗,营造出舒适的室内环境。在具体的热工设计中,预制保温外墙要关注保温构造形式、热桥和气密性优化,模块化太阳能墙板应重点提高太阳能的利用效率,可调节表皮应综合考虑建筑运行方式,确定模块单元尺寸和气候调控因子,并且三者都要考虑与装配式建筑的有效结合,实现工业化生产应用。  相似文献   

动态建筑表皮是模仿生态系统中的生物体而进行的仿生设计,借助新型材料和机械的辅助,让建筑产生由静至动的外形变化,赋予建筑适应性的功能特点,让建筑表皮具备处理生态问题的能力。文章从动态建筑表皮案例切入,通过研究表皮的材质和构成、控制和运动方式,分析其在应对环境变化、优化能源使用效益、保障人体健康等方面的作用,总结动态建筑表皮与一般生态建筑相比的优势,并进行设计反思,探讨动态建筑表皮未来的发展路径。  相似文献   

随着当代建筑的发展,建筑围护体系的作用逐渐凸显出来,建筑表皮不再只是填充建筑洞口的材料,而是展示文化内涵、地域特质、经济条件和生态环境的媒介。寒冷地区的能耗有73%~77%是通过围护结构损失掉的,是寒地建筑采暖能耗流失的主要途径。在能源问题日益突出的今天,幕墙、门窗引起的能量损耗占了很大的比例,随着当代建筑透明度越来越高,幕墙及窗户的面积越来越大,幕墙围护体系的生态化显得尤为重要。本文通过总结寒地气候环境特征,分析当前几种寒地建筑生态幕墙表皮的设计对策,展示了新的建筑生态表皮技术的应用与实践,希望能对今后的寒地建筑生态节能研究提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

近些年随着我国全力推进生态文明的建设,推动绿色建筑从措施导向到效果导向、从技术主导到设计主导的转变逐渐成为一种新的设计思维模式,而作为气候调控界面的围护结构在当代的地域环境与资源组成中也应呈现一定的敏感性、适应性与可调节性。通过提出"被动式气候调节腔层"的概念,在界面的空间深度与构件、材料的空间组织上拓展了围护结构的概念意涵;以科技部"十三五"重大研发计划示范工程华师大盐城实验学校教师培训中心为例,探讨了在夏热冬冷气候环境下被动式气候调节腔层技术的设计研发和应用验证;同时建立实验进行性能模拟,分析了腔层对室内物理环境的影响,论证了技术的有效性,为该气候地区绿色建筑的设计与实践提供借鉴与示范。  相似文献   

随着全球气候条件复杂化,建筑表皮作为建筑室内与室外大气候环境的重要临界面,如何设计与选择对于建筑室内热环境有着很大的影响。传统的单一建筑表皮存在能源消耗大等问题,已无法适应气候环境性变化。该文基于“碳中和”理念探索绿色建筑热环境智能化控制方案,采用理论和案例实践相结合的研究方法,分析可变建筑表皮对建筑热环境的改善情况,以期为建筑表皮的综合设计及节能减排策略提供实践参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

表皮作为物质能量交换界面,通过构件的动态变化,展现出对外界复杂气候的良好适应性,探索可变建筑表皮在建筑节能及室内环境调节方面的能力,为建筑表皮设计提供新的思路具有积极意义。“自然之间”从建筑室内光热环境入手,设计可变遮阳、智能通风、电动窗帘三种形式可变表皮,通过DesignBuilder 软件及EMS 脚本编辑工具,实现对可变表皮动态反馈机制的控制与性能模拟,结果显示可变表皮相对于普通模式可节能21.9%,相对固定表皮可有效改善室内采光、换气次数,为可变表皮在我国具体气候中的设计应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对既有居住建筑,指出在外墙保温改造后,通过用户端的自主间歇供热调节,可以满足建筑热负荷的降低。实行计量收费以后,节能改造投资可通过节省的热费回收。讨论了间歇供热调节的时间分布及热价分摊比例对节能投资回收期的影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of the effect of building envelope regulation on thermal comfort and on the energy-saving potential for PMV-based comfort control in glass facade buildings. Occurrences and severity of overheating, based on the PMV-PPD model contained in ISO 7730, were used for the thermal comfort assessment. Parametric study simulations for an actual building with a large glass facade were carried out to predict the changes in thermal comfort levels in a space due to different glazing types, depths of overhang and glazing areas, which are the key parameters of the building envelope regulation index, named ENVLOAD, in Taiwan. The result demonstrates that the ENVLOAD has significant effect on thermal comfort. Additionally, comparative simulations between PMV-based comfort control and conventional thermostatic control were performed to investigate the changes in the energy-saving potential of a thermal comfort-controlled space due to changes of its ENVLOAD. The results demonstrate that the energy-saving potential in a PMV-based controlled space increases with low ENVLOAD conditions.  相似文献   

农业温室供热系统的研究与设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究中档温室围护结构形式与材料、供暖负荷计算和节能措施,提出适应温室的供暖系统及其供暖调控方式。  相似文献   

Active building envelope systems represent a new enclosure technology that uses solar energy to compensate for passive heat losses or gains through building envelopes. In ABE systems, energy obtained from solar radiation is converted into electrical energy by using photovoltaic cells. This electrical energy is subsequently used to power a series of solid-state thermoelectric modules, which can control the flow of heat through the enclosure. In order to assess the practical feasibility of ABE systems, we have developed a prototype ABE window-system and an outdoor testing room. A testing system was developed to measure the ABE system's temperatures, solar radiation, current and voltage. Theoretical and experimental results are presented and compared. Finally, the performance of the ABE window-system was evaluated.  相似文献   

中国深圳市大运中心是2011年世界大学生运动会主场地,包括"一场两馆"———1个体育场、1个体育馆和1个游泳馆。大运会主体育馆采用全透明的外围护结构,以营造"钻石"形状新颖美观的外观效果,这在夏热冬暖气候区的深圳为建筑节能设计带来了挑战。本文就大运会主体育馆的围护结构节能设计进行了详细的探讨,通过权衡计算,结合材料调研、实验室检测、局部实验模型实验以及空腔通风模拟设计,提出了符合节能标准要求且可实施的节能设计方案。通过研究分析,针对该体育馆后期的节能运行维护,本文提出了在过渡季节尽量进行自然通风、辅助机械通风,以降低空调能耗的建议,同时还建议在深圳地区应尽量避免设计全透明建筑。本文结论可为其它类似工程的设计提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

刘晓静 《建筑节能》2013,(10):58-61,72
根据南京市办公建筑的调查,分析了影响建筑能源消耗的因素。这些因素包括了建筑围护结构、暖通空调系统、照明系统、办公设备、综合服务能耗等。通过对因素的分析,阐述了建筑能源消耗与建筑影响因素之间的关系,最终形成了办公建筑能源消耗与影响因素框架图,为深入研究南京市办公建筑能源消耗水平奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An evaluation methodology to estimate the envelope's degradation level (DL) of social housing buildings was developed. The DL of each of the principal faults was determined as well as the building envelope's evaluation index (EI). Degradation assessment results were obtained through visual survey and were aggregated by a method developed in the research. With the aim of discovering the visual phenomena's underlying mechanism, models have been constructed to analyse the behaviour of each dependent variable (faults), according to the independent ones: building age, covering type, last repair action and proximity to sea, trees, main roads, industrial zones and collective buildings. After obtaining the building's EI, models were developed to estimate the influence of the predictor variables in this index. The aim of this paper is to present the models for obtaining the envelope EI of a set of social residence buildings in Aveiro District, Portugal. This was achieved in the scope of a research project on prioritising refurbishment interventions in the Portuguese social housing stock [Rodrigues, M.F.S., 2008. Social Housing Conservation State. Evaluation index and methodology. PhD Thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro (in Portuguese)].  相似文献   

Moisture-related building envelope failures have resulted in costly rehabilitation in various regions of North America. To advance building envelope design towards an engineering approach and reduce the occurrence of future failures, an advanced numerical tool was developed, in conjunction with an extensive full-scale experiment, to investigate hygrothermal performance of various wood-frame wall assemblies. Major features of the tool are multi-dimensional and transient coupling of heat and moisture transport; natural air convection integrated in hygrothermal simulation through Darcy–Boussinesq approximation; heat transfer by conduction and convection of sensible and latent heat; moisture transport by vapor diffusion, capillary suction and convection; material database of common building materials in North America; experimental settings or weather data as boundary conditions; and moisture added in the building envelope to simulate the wetting process. The numerical tool achieves good compliances to the benchmarking cases of the HAMSTAD project, and its predictions have shown good agreement with data from the full-scale wall experiment. The numerical tool employs the commercial finite-element software to solve the governing equations. This approach provides building science researchers the flexibility to modify, maintain and share their modeling work efficiently.  相似文献   

In Serbia, around 50% of energy is used in built environment and most of it for 6-month heating in residential buildings. Because of actual international efforts to protect environment, energy conservation in heating in residential buildings is an issue of permanent research interest. In this paper, we tried to determine how type of partitions inside a residential building influences energy consumption and demand for houses in cold climate and consequently energy conservation. For a typical house in Serbia, by using software HTB2, it was evaluated how its heating depends on six applied types of partitions. It was found that (1) the house with glass-wool partitions would have the minimum yearly heat consumption, (2) the house with masonry partitions would require heaters of minimum size, (3) the house with siporex partitions would require the lowest investment in partitions and heaters, and (4) the house with glass-wool partitions would yield the highest net savings during the life cycle of the house.  相似文献   

The energy saving that can be achieved by applying advanced glazing to a typical high-rise residential building in Hong Kong was evaluated using the simulation software EnergyPlus. It was found that application of low-e glazing would lead to a reduction in cooling electricity use by up to 4.2%. The saving due to application of low-e reversible glazing would be up to 1.9%; double-clear glazing up to 3.7%; and clear plus low-e glazing up to 6.6%. The achievable saving would depend on orientation of building wings, and type and location of rooms. The analysis suggests that for the high-rise public housing blocks in Hong Kong, the use of expensive advanced glazing would not be economically viable from the point of view of saving in cooling energy cost.  相似文献   

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