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针对新型电力系统下新能源装机容量大,发电侧调峰资源紧缺,弃风、弃光现象严重的问题,文中设计了一种考虑发用两侧参与调峰的现货市场联合出清模式,将发电侧深度调峰、柔性负荷调峰、新能源消纳与现货市场相结合,充分发掘发用两侧的调峰能力。首先,将独立储能和用户作为用户侧调峰资源,并根据用户是否具有实时跟踪调度指令的能力,将其分为灵活调节用户和非灵活调节用户,在此基础上设计了发用两侧参与调峰的日前市场和实时市场出清模式并建立出清模型。其次,综合考虑各市场主体的贡献和受益程度,设计了调峰辅助服务费用的结算与分摊机制。最后,通过算例验证了所提市场模式对于新能源消纳的有效性和合理性。算例分析中,文中所提市场模式相比仅发电侧参与调峰的模式可降低17.3%的弃风弃光量。  相似文献   

深度挖掘市场化背景下典型灵活性资源——电动汽车聚合商的能力与价值,是实现未来电网高效运行与电动汽车行业快速发展的重要支撑.文章以电动汽车聚合商为对象,通过主辅联合市场模拟分析,对其市场运营能力进行探索.首先,建立了电动汽车聚合商参与下的电能量市场和调频辅助服务市场交易框架,对电动汽车聚合商参与市场方式及各市场主体的成本...  相似文献   

针对国内最新电力现货市场规则,设计了园区型综合能源系统参与电力市场的系统框架和运行模式,基于多时间尺度多步递进优化的思想,建立了包含日前、日内、实时三阶段联合优化经济运行模型:在日前和日内阶段,采用随机优化概率约束解决光伏、负荷的不确定性问题,通过线性规划算法求解现货日前市场最优申报用电量和日内24 h功率计划曲线;在...  相似文献   

针对电力工业垄断所带来的弊端,世界各国陆续开展了电力市场化改革。介绍了我国电力市场的发展历史、改革原因、市场结构以及现货市场提出背景,分析了北欧地区以及美国PJM电力市场的发展情况,结合我国目前的电力市场改革的推进现状,提出了现阶段电力现货市场建设的若干方向。  相似文献   

随着中国新能源装机容量的快速增长,消纳任务愈发艰巨.电力市场建设也需要结合电网发展特点,寻找高比例新能源背景下的市场模式.文中在分析西北区域现行两级调峰辅助服务市场运行机制存在问题的基础上,提出了未来区域电网省间、省内两级电力市场协调运行中的关键问题及解决措施,建立了以最大化消纳新能源为目标的市场间优化协调机制,设计的...  相似文献   

在分析电力产业技术经济特征、电力市场模式以及现有的自动发电控制(AGC)机组参与电力市场模式存在问题等的基础上,结合我国电力系统和电力市场实际,提出适合我国电力工业市场化改革的AGC机组参与电力市场模式的新思路.  相似文献   

张兴平    党小璐   《热力发电》2022,51(10):10-18
现有技术条件下,存量燃煤机组的合理运行不仅是新型电力系统的安全保障,也可为高比例可再生能源接入电力系统提供足够的系统灵活性。从系统角度出发,以整体经济性最优为目标,构建燃煤机组参与电能市场和调峰辅助服务市场的两阶段优化模型。考虑不同燃煤机组的技术特性,设计了多种方案对不同深度调峰方案下系统的经济效益与环境效益进行了比较分析。算例结果表明:燃煤机组深度调峰能够促进可再生能源消纳并减少发电侧的碳排放,但不同调峰深度下燃煤机组总收益差异显著,部分机组适合深度调峰且存在最优调峰区间。基于此,电力市场的机制设计应该考虑机组的技术特性,有利于优化燃煤机组运行效率并支撑高比例可再生能源电力接入电力系统。  相似文献   

在电力市场多级多元化的背景下, 随着各种电力辅助服务市场的开放, 研究机组所涵盖的有功、无功、备用等多种电力交易商品如何在多个市场中实现最优分配意义重大。从发电厂的角度, 考虑到主能量市场和辅助服务市场的不同特性以及市场流程的层次性, 将机组在两个市场的总收益最大的总体目标分解成为两个市场阶段收益最大的子目标, 分步骤地进行电能有功和无功联合分析, 以及有功电能与备用电能联合分析, 实现了多种电力交易商品的市场联动, 并探讨了基于主辅联合分析的竞价电能多市场最优分配比例。最后以实际机组为例, 通过计算机模拟, 对机组所涵盖的多种电力商品参与多个竞争市场的配额分配进行了分析研究, 给出了联合竞价的策略。  相似文献   

段晓宇  张鸿浩 《电器工业》2023,(3):72-75+87
山西省作为第一批8个电力现货试点省份之一,自2019年以来,不间断试运行至今,已初步形成“统一、开放、竞争、有序”的现货市场,发挥了市场在资源优化配置方面的决定性作用。本文以华电忻州广宇煤电有限公司为例,就火电机组如何快速适应山西省电力辅助服务市场化改革的需求,提出了不同情况下的应对策略,以及影响收益的主要因素及提升措施,达到提升服务能力、创新盈利增长点、增加辅助服务市场收益的目的。  相似文献   

计及负所得电量的并网辅助服务优化激励模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于成本和电量之间的函数关系提出辅助服务管理中负所得电量的概念及其补偿方法.针对现行并网电厂辅助服务补偿不足的问题,采用激励相容理论表述发电量预期并利用负所得电量进行补偿,进一步根据补偿电量与变动成本之间变化趋势定义弹性指标,精细化评价了辅助服务供应对电厂的影响,并在此基础上通过Pareto寻优引导节能高效的安全性运营...  相似文献   

An unprecedented process of reforms has shaken the power industry during the last two decades. In order to sell the energy produced by their plants, many generation companies are now forced to prepare and submit daily offers to an electricity market under uncertainty about the offers submitted by their rivals. In this paper, we describe a methodology to prepare optimal offers for a generation company operating in a day-ahead market organized as a series of 24 hourly uniform-price multiunit double auctions. We explicitly consider the ability of the company to affect the price of electricity as well as the company's uncertainty about rivals' behavior.  相似文献   

We describe a model to analyze the equilibrium encompassing an electricity futures market and a number of electricity spot markets sequentially arranged along the time horizon spanned by the futures market. Profit-maximizing strategic electricity producers react to both prices and rival production changes, in both the spot and the futures markets. At each time period, the total demand is considered to depend linearly on the spot price of the considered time period, and the futures market price is assumed to equal the average spot price over the time horizon. Equilibrium conditions at each spot market are described as a function of the futures market decision variables, which in turn allows describing the equilibrium in the futures market implicitly enforcing equilibrium in each spot market. The proposed model allows deriving analytical expressions that characterize such multi-market equilibrium and that can be recast as a mixed linear complementarity problem. This model is useful to gain insight on the outcomes and characteristics of the considered multi-market equilibrium. Such insight may allow the regulator to better design the futures and spot trading floors, their rules and sequential timing. It may also allow producers to increase the effectiveness of their respective offering strategies.  相似文献   

This paper briefly defines distributed resources (DR) and discusses the current status of DR. The main focus is on discussing the value DR can provide to re-regulated electricity markets. DR can, under certain circumstances, help to significantly reduce the main problem of re-regulation, i.e. market power. Distributed generation and demand-side resources may, even if only small quantities in terms of size of the entire market are utilised, be able to help to significantly reduce market power. This results in a significantly more efficient market. To achieve such benefits, however, DR must be in operation during times when market power issues are likely to arise. To a certain extent this is the case as demand-side resources are usually independent of established generation companies. In addition, many business cases for DG require DG to actually operate to capture the second revenue.  相似文献   

零售侧打破垄断引入竞争是电力市场发展的趋势,制定合理的零售电价是市场开放的关键.根据电力零售市场的特点,基于负荷价格响应的定义以及边际成本定价理论,推导出了考虑负荷价格响应的有功实时电价的表达式.以社会成本最大化为目标函数,建立了考虑负荷价格响应特性的最优潮流模型,从而求解出未来引入竞争的电力零售市场中电力库交易模式下的实时电价.采用32节点配电系统对所提方法进行仿真,结果证明为促进零售市场竞争、引导用户合理用电提供了合理有效的定价方法.  相似文献   

以线性供给函数均衡(linear supply function equilibrium,LSFE)模型为基础,建立了市场出清价格(market clearing price,MCP)机制下考虑风电、机组约束以及系统约束的发电商策略性竞价模型。该市场模型对应完全信息静态博弈问题,是一个典型的两层优化模型。模型下层求解市场出清问题来确定发电商最优出力以及正、负备用容量,上层求解发电商竞价利润最大化问题。模型下层属于凸二次规划问题,根据这一特点设计了粒子群优化算法和序列二次规划相结合的迭代算法来求解纳什均衡点。算例测试表明与按报价支付(pay as bid,PAB)机制相比,在MCP机制下能量市场和备用市场的价格普遍偏低。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of inter-regional trading among electricity markets requires the development of new market-oriented mechanisms for the inter-regional congestion management of such trading. In this paper, we deal with the operation of power systems consisting of several interconnected electricity markets. We propose an alternative approach to inter-regional trade that avoids the flaws of forward markets with explicit auctioning of interconnections capacities. We propose the integration of a forward market with a balancing (spot) market for inter-regional exchanges based on nodal pricing. The interaction of transmission system operators (TSOs) belonging to adjacent markets is efficiently taken into account through a decentralized optimal power flow (OPF), which is solved by interior point methods.  相似文献   

Since the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) order no. 888 has mandated the establishment of unbundled electricity markets in the newly deregulated environment, competitive bidding of ancillary services, along with bidding of energy, becomes increasingly important. In this paper, an optimization-based framework for solving a multi-commodity electricity market dispatch problem is presented. In compliance with New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Market Rules and Procedures, a hybrid dispatch method which combines the sequential dispatch method with the joint dispatch method is proposed to solve the energy and ancillary dispatch problem for ISO New England (ISO-NE). Numerical results on a 6-unit test system and the 324-unit ISO-NE system are included  相似文献   

U.S. renewable electricity resource subsidization program design relies on production-based payments that lower electric energy market prices, often below zero, contrary to the objective of increasing market prices when correcting for an environmental externality. An alternative pricing approach, capacity-based subsidy payments, would substantially reduce the likelihood of negative electric market prices. A more thoughtful examination of the impact of subsidization program design on wholesale power markets is long overdue.  相似文献   

常规的月售电量预测线性回归模型存在两点影响预测精度的问题:在考虑温度的影响时忽略了舒适温度区间内不存在采暖和制冷措施的事实;由于随机变动不易量化而忽略了随机变动的影响。为解决上述两点问题,提出两种改进措施:分别选择低温阈值温度与高温阈值温度,且仅当实际温度低于低温阈值温度或高于高温阈值温度才产生采暖措施或制冷措施;提出将随机变动量化的方法,并将其量化值作为月售电量影响因素纳入预测模型。常规的月售电量预测线性回归模型经过改进后,能更好地建立温度与月售电量的关系,同时能合理地考虑随机变动对月售电量的影响,有利于提高预测精度。用重庆市铜梁区实际数据仿真分析,验证了两种改进措施的有效性。  相似文献   

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