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<正>能源是国家经济社会发展的基石。近年来,随着可再生能源的快速发展和电力供需矛盾的逐步加大,电网运行的安全性和可靠性成为电力部门面临的主要挑战之一。储能技术可以解决可再生能源的大规模接入问题,提高常规电力系统效率、安全性和经济性,同时推动核能大规模利用、分布式能源和智能电网系统的发展,因此,受到了越来越广泛的关注,具有广阔市场前景。  相似文献   

构建以新能源为主体的现代电力系统是实现双碳目标的重要抓手,风光资源的波动性和随机性,源荷时空的不匹配性,对于电力系统的安全性和稳定性带来了新的挑战,储能和氢能技术逐渐成为电力系统高质量发展的重中之重.  相似文献   

徐伟 《太阳能》2021,(4):5-5
2020年,我国提出了2030年‘碳达峰’、2060年‘碳中和’的远景目标。根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的数据,我国建筑领域碳排放量占到全国碳排放总量的近1/3,且随着城镇化率不断提升,建筑产生的温室气体排放量将进一步攀升,建筑领域的节能减碳将成为实现我国碳达峰碳中和目标的关键一环。  相似文献   

当前电网形态正在发生深刻变化,电源侧新能源快速发展,电网侧特高压大电网规模不断扩大、输变电设备运行控制日趋智能化,配用电侧各种电力电子设备广泛接入,用户需求复杂多样。“大云物移智”技术与电力系统深度融合,传统电力系统的物理特性、运行模式、市场形态发生了根本改变,需要构建具有“绿色安全、泛在互联、高效互动、智能开放”等特征的能源互联网,推动能源革命和转型升级。  相似文献   

<正>能源与环境是人类社会生存的两项基本要素。随着社会与经济的发展,人类对能源的需求量显著增加。化石能源的大量消耗,不仅造成了化石能源的资源匮乏,而且还导致了严重的环境污染。因此,普及应用可再生能源、提高其在能源消耗中的比例是实现社会可持续发展的必然选择。根据我国可再生能源发展规划,到2020年,我国可再生能源消费在全部能源消费中将达到15%,其中风电、太阳能发电的装机容量将分别达到200 GW和100 GW。因此,可再生  相似文献   

锂离子电池,又称为锂二次电池,是始于20世纪90年代日本索尼推出的采用钴酸锂正极、有机电解液和碳材料负极的可充电化学电源。此后,由于锂离子电池材料与技术的不断发展,它们的各项性能都得到了极大的提升,从而使它们的应用被寄予了更高的期望。锂离子电池作为储能和电动汽车电源方式得到应用和发展相对较晚,但因其比能量/比功率高、循环寿命长等特点被视为最具竞争力的新能源汽车电驱动技术之一,而且其市场规模也越来越大。在强大的社会发展需求和巨大的潜在市场推动下,锂电池新体系不断涌现,动力及储能电池技术正向安全可靠、高比能量、长寿命、低成本的方向发展。大力开展新型动力锂电池技术的研发,不仅符合国家节能减排、发展低碳清洁能源的政策要求,而且对保障我国的能源安全具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

<正>“碳达峰”“碳中和”是我国能源转型新目标,“十四五”期间将是碳达峰的关键期、窗口期,实施可再生能源替代行动,加快构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统,是实现“双碳”目标的重要举措,届时,必将伴随着强随机性、波动性的大规模新能源并网,电力系统在供需平衡、稳定控制、系统调节、配网运行和协同优化调度等方面都将发生显著变化,也将面临一系列新的挑战。“双碳”目标下新能源电力系统关键技术将极大地提高以新能源为主体的新型电力系统安全可靠运行能力,  相似文献   

别朝红  李更丰 《智慧电力》2021,(2):前插1-前插2
新能源发电是开发利用新能源的最主要方式,是实现我国能源清洁低碳转型,解决能源安全和环境污染问题的必由之路.随着新能源的快速发展,我国新能源装机容量飞速增长,已成为世界最大的新能源基地.但是,新能源的规模化发展给电力系统的规划、运行及装备制造等带来巨大挑战.  相似文献   

<正>“碳达峰”“碳中和”是我国能源转型新目标,“十四五”期间将是碳达峰的关键期、窗口期,实施可再生能源替代行动,加快构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统,是实现“双碳”目标的重要举措,届时,必将伴随着强随机性、波动性的大规模新能源并网,电力系统在供需平衡、稳定控制、系统调节、配网运行和协同优化调度等方面都将发生显著变化,也将面临一系列新的挑战。“双碳”目标下新能源电力系统关键技术将极大地提高以新能源为主体的新型电力系统安全可靠运行能力,提升新能源高效消纳,推动可再生能源替代,这对于构建清洁低碳安全高效的能源体系具有重要的现实意义和深远的战略意义。为展示双碳目标下新能源电力系统在国内外的最新研究进展和发展趋势,推动该领域的深入研究和讨论,共享学术和技术成果,  相似文献   

<正>“碳达峰”“碳中和”是我国绿色发展的必由之路。构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统的是我国实现双碳目标的重要支撑,而保障能源安全是构建新型电力系统的基础和前提。新能源发电出力的随机性和波动性给电力系统安全带来巨大的挑战,随着大规模新能源的接入,煤电的调峰和兜底保供作用愈加明显。保障电力能源安全可靠供应,协调好能源安全与低碳发展的关系,关键是发挥好煤电的兜底保供与灵活调节作用。国家能能源局印发的《2022年能源工作指导意见》中指出要加强煤炭煤电兜底保障能力。在双碳目标的约束下,从煤电角度出发,研究电力能源安全可靠供应对目前新型电力系统的构建具有很强的支撑意义。  相似文献   

汤奕 《智慧电力》2021,(6):前插1-前插2
在2021年3月15日习近平总书记主持召开的中央财经委员会第九次会议上,提出要"构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统",广泛互联、智能互动、灵活柔性和安全可控成为电力能源行业的重要发展目标.我国亟需构建一个清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系,面向智慧园区的综合能源系统既是清洁高效的能源载体,也是现阶段实现多能互联和灵活调控的关键...  相似文献   

全球气候变化威胁着生态系统平衡和人类的生存发展。据国际能源署(IEA)数据,电力生产排放占全球二氧化碳总排放量的42%左右,是碳排放的重要来源。电力行业碳减排将直接推动“双碳目标”的实现,另一方面也将间接促进用能行业电力消费碳减排。中国政府一直致力于推动碳减排工作,提出到2030年实现碳达峰、到2060年前实现碳中和的“双碳目标”。当前我国电力系统面临能源结构调整、能源供给侧改革等多方面的巨大挑战,  相似文献   

储能技术有多种,其适用范围各异,热能存储(储热/储冷)技术是其中之一.目前全球储能装机容量约为22.4GW,其中抽水蓄能约为91%,其余9%的份额中,热能存储装机容量约为65%——体现了热能存储的重要性.如下图所示,热能存储技术可分为化学热能存储和物理热能存储两大类,其中化学热能存储技术可分为基于可逆化学反应和吸附/吸收两种,而物理热能存储技术则包括显热和潜热(或相变)热能存储两种.  相似文献   

Offshore wind power has the advantages of high energy density, low wind curtailment rate and small impact on the environment. It has great development potential and can provide a strong guarantee for China to achieve the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. By 2022, China's cumulative grid-connected installed capacity of offshore wind power has exceeded 30 GW, continuously ranking first in the world. In June 2022, nine departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the 14th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development, clearly stating that: We should optimize the layout of offshore wind power, make deep-sea offshore wind power planning, focus on building five major offshore wind power base clusters in Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta, Southern Fujian, Eastern Guangdong and Beibu Gulf, and strive to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of offshore wind power exceeding 200 GW by 2030. By promoting the innovation and demonstration application of deep-sea floating wind turbine foundation and offshore VSC-HVDC transmission technology, we are striving to commence the construction of China's first floating commercial offshore wind power project during the "14th Five-Year Plan". However, China's offshore wind power industry is still in its infancy, and there are still problems such as excessive LCOE and imperfect policy system, which seriously restrict the scale development of offshore wind power.In this context, the journal Southern Energy Construction has planned a special issue on "Offshore Wind Power Engineering Technology" in July 2023 to closely track relevant hot spots and industry trends such as offshore wind power operation and maintenance strategies, offshore wind power construction and installation technologies in China's offshore wind power industry. Front-line teachers from universities and colleges, front-line engineers from enterprises and R&D personnel were sincerely invited to share the latest research results and industry trends, including 18 high-level papers, which cover the theory, technology and application in the fields of offshore wind power installation ships, offshore wind power foundation type-selection design, offshore step-up substations, offshore wind power and offshore hydrogen production. We hope to provide useful ideas and references for the high-quality and sustainable development of China's offshore wind power industry through the burst of thinking sparks in this issue.We sincerely thank the authors, peer reviewers and readers for their support to this issue. We hope that the publication of this issue can provide reference for experts and scholars from all walks of life who are concerned about and engaged in relevant research, so as to promote the rapid development of basic theory and key application technologies in the field of offshore wind power. Introduction to Special Editors-in-Chief Shi Wei, a distinguished researcher and doctoral supervisor of Dalian University of Technology, is selected as one of the first tip-top young talents of Liaoning Province, a high-level talent of Dalian City, a talent under the "Xinghai 1000 Youth Talents Plan" of Dalian University of Technology, and an outstanding young scientific and technological talent of China Renewable Energy Society. He serves as the director of Wind Power Branch of China Steel Construction Society, an expert member of New Energy Group of China Energy Society, a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of ISOPE (an international conference on ocean engineering), a deputy editor-in-chief of SCI Journal: Frontiers in Energy Research, an editorial board member of international journal: Journal of Modern Green Energy, and a guest editor of Frontiers in Marine Science and Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. He is mainly engaged in the research on dynamic characteristics of offshore wind turbines under complex marine environment, and has successively been responsible for more than 30 projects, including projects supported by the General Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), projects supported by the Youth Fund, sub-projects of Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Xingliao Talent Program, school-enterprise cooperation project. In recent years, he has published 67 SCI papers in Energy, Renewable Energy, Marine Structures, Ocean Engineering and other journals, including 4 ESI highly-cited papers and 1 ESI hot paper, as well as 45 EI papers. He has obtained 20 invention patents in China, 8 patents in the United States and more than 40 utility model patents. He has won 6 provincial and ministerial awards, including the First Prize of Marine Engineering Science and Technology Award of China Association of Oceanic Engineering, the First Prize of Electric Power Engineering Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of China National Committee on Large Dams.Le Conghuan, female, is an associate researcher and master advisor at the School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University. She is mainly engaged in the design and R&D of offshore wind power and photovoltaic support structures, offshore towage construction, and others fields. She has led seven projects, including the general project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, project supported by the Youth Fund, the sub-project of the National Youth Fund, the sub-project of the National Innovative Working Methods, and project supported by Tianjin Natural Science Foundation; participated in more than 10 projects such as the one under the State High-Tech Development Plan (863 Program), project supported by International S&T Cooperation, National Ocean Demonstration Project, and projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Tianjin Natural Science Foundation of China; published more than 60 SCI/EI papers; She has obtained more than 30 licensed invention patents; and won one second prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award. She serves as a guest editor of SCI Journal: Frontiers in Energy Research.  相似文献   

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