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建筑领域的节能减碳是我国实现"碳达峰""碳中和"目标的关键一环,而开展光伏发电在建筑场景中的高质量、规模化应用是重要途径。我国光电建筑装机潜力巨大,前景广阔,但当前对于光电建筑工程技术及其相关要求方面的探讨在光伏和建筑这2个行业中相对独立。基于实践和检测工作对光电建筑工程的关键技术进行梳理,可为光电建筑咨询、设计、施工及重点技术环节的验收提供依据。  相似文献   

光电建筑一体化应用应是分布式光伏应用的重点。本文以保定某酒店光电幕墙发电项目为例,详细探讨光伏组件与建筑物结合的优点,介绍了分布式光伏发电设计中的注意事项及安装步骤,为分布式光伏发电设计及安装人员提供参考。  相似文献   

得益于节能建筑和光伏组件技术的发展,使建筑与光伏这2个行业相融合形成了一种新的建筑形式——光电建筑.中国提出了将力争于2030年前实现"碳达峰",在2060年前实现"碳中和"的"中国目标",且在2021年的全国两会上规划出提高自主贡献的力度的路线图后,作为节能、减少碳排放的有效方法,光电建筑成为完成该"中国目标"的方法...  相似文献   

在当前实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的新形势下,中国的太阳能利用技术和应用场景迎来了新的发展时期,尤其是分布式光伏发电技术和应用场景,国家能源局也印发了相关政策鼓励其发展。梳理了中国光伏产业的发展现状,以及分布式光伏发电在发展过程中面临的主要挑战,对分布式光伏发电未来的发展前景进行了展望,并以某公司分布式光伏发电项目为具体案例进行了分析。  相似文献   

为实现碳达峰、碳中和目标,国家大力优化产业结构和能源结构.在建筑能源应用方面,可再生能源电力将是与未来建筑能源需求匹配度最高的一种能源利用形式,光电建筑将成为未来建筑的发展趋势.通过采集企业用电大数据,拟合设备负荷,并结合光伏发电系统输出功率曲线,计算得到光伏电力自用电率最高时的光伏装机容量,使项目的投资收益最大化,大...  相似文献   

分布式光伏发电具有绿色环保、发电方式灵活、可就地消纳等特点,随着中国碳达峰、碳中和战略目标的提出和以新能源为主体的新型电力系统的建设,未来分布式光伏发电将成为新能源大规模发展的重要方向之一。对国内外分布式光伏发电的发展历程进行回顾,分别从输出功率特性建模和并网运行角度对分布式光伏发电技术发展现状进行分析,在此基础上对分布式光伏发电未来的关键技术及研究方向进行展望,并对中国分布式光伏发电未来的发展提出几点建议。  相似文献   

在碳达峰、碳中和的目标下,如何有效利用光伏发电技术,实现建筑领域的节能减排,切实推进光伏建筑一体化融合发展,已经成为当前社会和业内重点关注的课题。简要介绍了光伏建筑一体化的基本概念和技术路线,并从光伏组件在建筑中的不同应用场景出发,剖析了不同的产品特性,阐述了光伏建筑一体化未来的市场空间以及面临的挑战。  相似文献   

一 前言 "金太阳"示范工程和光电建筑项目启动于2009年,实施5期,历时5载.正是由于有了这两个国家项目,中国的分布式光伏发电得到了迅速推广,到2013年底,这两个项目的光伏累计装机将达到5GW,分布式光伏发电的应用技术得到大幅度提高,积累了丰富的工程经验,同时有力地促进了国家电网支持分布式光伏发电政策的出台,其历史作用功不可没.  相似文献   

基于太阳能光伏技术的节能建筑系统的设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了太阳能光伏发电技术的原理及独立光伏系统和并网光伏系统的组成,总结了两种光伏系统中各组成部分的作用。分析了目前建筑耗能和建筑节能的现状,指出光伏技术与建筑的一体化方案势在必行。分析比较了几种常用的太阳能光伏利用与建筑一体化的实施方式,总结了各种方式的特点。最后提出了几条光伏建筑一体化的基本设计原则。  相似文献   

陈东兵 《新能源》1999,21(7):37-41
简要介绍了在日本考察访问期间了解到的日本光伏发电技术及其他新能源发电技术的实用化试验研究工作,以及日本有关机构和企业在光电技术应用方面的实证研究活动及发展趋势。  相似文献   

卢耀  周聪 《太阳能》2021,(4):32-36
为了尽快实现我国的"碳达峰""碳中和"目标,光电建筑成为新的应用热点,通过对光电建筑在工业厂房领域应用时的基本需求进行分析,以光电建筑应满足工业建筑的基本需求为基础,提出了一种应用于工业厂房的新型光电建筑屋面结构——隆顶系统,并对此新型结构的特点及施工工艺进行了介绍.  相似文献   

随着“双碳”目标的提出和建筑用能深度电气化的推进,光电建筑的应用技术、成本、政策、标准等问题显得日益重要。阐述了光电建筑的应用背景、现状、政策、标准、产品技术发展。以广东为例,在充分调研的基础上,详细总结了华南地区光电建筑的应用发展情况,指出发展存在的问题。结合地区实际提出了发展建议,为进一步推动太阳能光电建筑规模化应用、零碳建筑的快速发展、完善相关政策机制提供参考。  相似文献   

随着社会的高速发展和城市化进程的加快,中国建筑业进入快速发展时期。由此带来的建筑能耗也在不断增长,对全社会的节能减排带来了巨大影响。目前我国面临着能源紧缺、建筑能耗过高、新能源利用率低、建筑节能技术落后等问题,建筑的节能改造已经是迫在眉睫。分析国内外相关研究成果,了解建筑节能改造的技术和原理以及最新的研究状况,并针对新晋兴起的计算机技术与建筑节能改造的可结合性作了详细分析。针对我国的既有建筑的改造提出了一些有用并且可行的改造方式,希望能够为我国综合能源利用效率的普遍提升提供新的思路,为行业的发展创设条件。  相似文献   

张建国  谷立静 《中国能源》2012,34(12):19-24
我国"十二五"期间要大力发展绿色建筑,发展绿色建筑是转变城乡建设模式和建筑业发展方式的重要举措,我国目前尚处于自愿发展的起步阶段,绿色建筑相关的法规制度、标准、激励政策、技术支撑等还不健全,本文提出今后要明确绿色建筑发展的方向和目标,因地制宜,并从法规、标准、政策、监管等各方面,全面促进绿色建筑的发展。本文重点解读了绿色建筑的内涵,阐述了我国发展绿色建筑的重要意义,分析了我国绿色建筑发展的现状和面临的挑战,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

The transition to secure, sustainable, low-energy systems will have a significant effect on the way in which we design and construct new buildings. In turn, the new buildings that are constructed will play a critical role in delivering the better performance that would be expected from such a transition. Buildings account for about half of UK carbon dioxide (CO2) production. So it is urgent to ensure that energy is used efficiently in existing buildings and that new building stock is better able to cope with whatever the future holds.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(8):1037-1051
The paper analyses trends in energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in the Swedish building sector between 1970 and 2000 with focus on the development of energy efficiency in the average stock of buildings and in the new construction. The energy efficiency improved throughout the seventies and early eighties, and studies revealed major potentials for further improvements. However, the energy efficiency has levelled off with almost no improvement during the nineties. The statistics for new-constructed multi-dwelling buildings indicate increasing energy use per floor area since 1995, and even more amazing: the new-constructed multi-dwelling buildings are at the same level of energy efficiency as the average existing building. Parallel to this development, the best available technology represented by low-energy buildings, uses less than a third of the energy used in average new buildings. Much of this development may be explained by changes in energy prices. The increasing oil price between 1972 and 1985 correlates well with the improvements in energy efficiency, even though the effect was limited by the low electricity price following the nuclear power programme. However, promotion of energy efficiency is complicated by the ineffective distribution of costs and benefits between actors, especially in the new construction. Moreover, to the residents energy cost is a small part of the expenditures and energy efficiency is merely one of many qualities valued in a building. An important factor behind the increasing energy use in new-constructed multi-dwelling buildings may also be new exceptions in the energy standards which were introduced to promote district heating. Finally, the paper gives some policy recommendations to improve the energy efficiency in the Swedish building sector: Not to support supply substitution at the expense of energy efficiency; Regulations for individual measurements and debiting of space and water heating; Strengthening of the energy standards to promote technical efficiency in the new construction.  相似文献   

Sustainable buildings have an important role in achieving sustainable development by improving energy utilization and environmental performance. Buildings are considered as the biggest single contributor to world energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In Saudi Arabia, the significance of the building sector can be described on the basis of per capita electricity consumption, per capita carbon dioxide emissions, and the increasing number of buildings because of economic and population growth. Therefore, the country should consider establishing energy-efficient buildings to promote sustainable development. Efforts in developing energy-efficient technologies should increase for the national energy policy. This article comprehensively describes the current challenges and opportunities of energy consumption and various energy conservation options that are viable for the Saudi building sector. Current policy efforts for improving energy efficiency in Saudi buildings have been analyzed to enhance the sustainable development in the country. The study reveals that the energy conservation policy of the country has fairly improved in the past decades. However, the country has to focus on this area and perform urgent measures to adopt energy-efficient technologies in the building sector.  相似文献   

智能化在建筑节能中起着很重要的作用,作为以后建筑节能的一个大方向,应掌握智能化节能技术的运行现状,分析发展瓶颈,找出发展对策,并从技术和管理两方面加以改进。  相似文献   

本文综述了目前已经商业化生产的锂离子电池负极材料,主要包括天然石墨,人造石墨,硬碳,软碳,Li4Ti5O12材料,硅基材料等.详细阐述了这些负极材料的优缺点,并对它们的性能优劣进行了对比,给出了各自具有代表性的充放电曲线.概述了各类负极材料目前的国内外市场状况,并对未来几年锂离子电池负极材料市场的发展趋势进行了预估.介绍了各类负极材料的产业化现状,包括主流生产工艺,产品应用领域,行业领先企业等,总结了各类负极材料,尤其是天然石墨和人造石墨在中国的早期研发历史,并整理了各类负极材料在国内最早发表的文章和专利.最后概述了目前整个锂离子电池负极材料行业存在的一些问题,讨论了目前锂离子电池负极材料的发展思路,并展望了未来的技术发展趋势.  相似文献   

Electric lighting is one of the major energy consuming items in many non-domestic buildings. Using appropriate energy-efficient light fittings with dimming controls and proper daylighting schemes can help reduce the electrical demand and contribute to visual comfort and green building development. This paper presents a study on the energy and lighting performances for energy-efficient fluorescent lamps associated with electronic ballasts and high frequency photoelectric dimming controls installed in a school building. Electricity expenditures and indoor illuminance levels for a workshop and a classroom employing high frequency dimming controls were analyzed. Simple prediction methods were used to illustrate the lighting savings. The findings provide the operational and performance information, which would be applicable to other spaces with similar building layouts and lighting schemes.  相似文献   

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