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城镇能源互联网能源交易模式和用户响应研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建城镇能源互联网,促进可再生能源就近交易,实现用户需求响应,可提高城镇区域内能源的综合利用效率、促进分布式可再生能源消纳、改变能源消费结构,是解决城镇能源可靠供应问题的关键途径。基于城镇能源互联网的概念和特点,文中首先分析了城镇能源互联网的市场结构和用户特征。其次,按能源交易的拓扑结构概述了城镇能源互联网的能源交易模式,并阐述了城镇能源市场中的衍生交易模式。随后,对比分析了传统响应和市场化响应,展现了市场化响应的优越性,并讨论了城镇能源互联网中用户需求响应出现的新形势。最后,对城镇能源互联网中能源交易模式和用户需求响应的关键技术及未来发展趋势进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

电能替代技术综合经济优势不明显是其推广的重要障碍之一,而能源互联网利用先进的前沿信息技术及控制技术,实现电、气、热等多种能量需求与供给侧的灵活双向互动,可实现用户侧增量价值的挖掘。因此,能源互联网的建设赋予了电能替代负荷新的应用思路。本文针对能源互联网发展背景下电能替代负荷参与综合需求响应展开深入分析和总结,调研了国内外电能替代技术的发展现状并给出了其推行障碍的几点思考,介绍了能源互联网中应对电能替代负荷接入问题的新途径,总结了电能替代负荷参与综合需求响应的基本实施方式;并对可调潜力分析建模、优化策略、效益评估、支撑平台等关键技术进行总结,给出了未来进一步的研究方向,以期为我国电能替代负荷应用及能源互联网的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

综合能源系统能够提高能源效率,促进可再生能源消纳.综合能源系统的进一步发展需要优化运行技术的支撑,通过协调其内部各种设备在市场环境下的能源消耗,降低整体的运营成本.因此,为充分挖掘综合能源系统需求响应潜力以参与市场供需互动,考虑到冰蓄冷空调不同运行模式下的能效比变化,提出了含冰蓄空调的综合能源系统优化运行方法.首先建立...  相似文献   

能源互联网背景下电力市场大数据应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
能源互联网是能源发展的必然趋势.文中从电力市场交易运营数字化转型升级的愿景出发,结合电力市场的数据形态,探讨了大数据采集存储、分析处理以及数据展现等方面的关键技术.提出以"云计算+大中台"的技术路径实现电力市场业务中台、大数据中台、人工智能中台的整合架构体系,并基于能源互联网背景下的电力市场交易业务分析,阐述了电力市场...  相似文献   

电力储能技术在能源互联网体系中,发挥着至关重要的作用.研究梳理了国内外相关文献,分析了储能技术当前面临的技术问题和战略问题,探索了能源互联网对电力储能技术的新需求,得出结论:能源互联网背景下电力储能技术的关键问题体现在3个方面:一是需要在技术上持续突破进展,二是需要在战略上全局引导,三是需要加快在市场上广泛推广应用,探...  相似文献   

市场环境下我国电力需求响应实践与探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电力需求响应是调节电力供需的重要手段.首先,总结目前国内电力需求响应的国家和地方层面政策,明晰电力需求响应将在市场中以更有效的方式实现需求侧资源协调优化.其次,重点分析价格型电力需求响应中尖峰电价和竞价型激励需求响应的实施规则.然后,从实施范围、运行机制、支撑技术、商业模式、资金来源、补偿标准、用户类型、实践原因、实践效果分析各地区激励型电力需求响应的实施情况.最后,根据实践中出现的问题提供可行的建议,为即将开展电力需求响应的地区提供借鉴.  相似文献   

吴彪  张少华  王晛  刘帅 《电网技术》2022,(5):1800-1811
随着综合能源系统的发展及其市场化运行的推进,研究多能源市场环境下综合能源服务商的需求响应策略,具有重要的理论和现实意义。首先建立多个综合能源服务商与电力、天然气市场互动的双层决策模型,其中上层模型描述发电商和天然气商以供应函数投标方式分别参与电力、天然气市场竞争的博弈行为,下层模型描述多个综合能源服务商响应电力、天然气市场价格,进行购电、购气、用电、用热策略以及天然气调度策略决策的综合需求响应行为。利用势博弈理论求解该双层模型,将上层模型的求解转化为电力、天然气市场序数势函数的求解,将下层模型的求解转化为精确势函数的求解,并从理论上证明了双层模型解的唯一性。在此基础上,考虑到实际应用中信息的不完全性,利用分布式算法对模型进行求解。最后算例仿真表明,采用综合需求响应能减小电力、天然气市场的价格差异,增加需求侧利润,增加社会福利,提高平均用电效用系数和平均气转电效率,均能增大社会福利。  相似文献   

全球能源互联网方兴未艾,虚拟电厂(virtual power plant, VPP)的建设不仅是全球能源互联网建设中的重要组成部分,也是我国解决资源短缺、环境污染的重要手段,为此,理解和掌握虚拟电厂的关键技术和运行原理具有重要意义。该文旨在分析虚拟电厂的运行模式,可为虚拟电厂在我国的建设提供理论和实践经验。首先,基于现有文献对虚拟电厂的表述,明确了虚拟电厂概念、典型特征,并依据功能不同,将虚拟电厂分为商业型虚拟电厂(commercial virtual power plant , CVPP)和技术型虚拟电厂(technical virtual power plant , TVPP)两大类。其次,从物理结构、信息模型、市场角色等方面详细阐述了能源互联网和虚拟电厂之间的关系。再次,归纳了德国虚拟电厂中典型示范工程的运行原理及运行状况。最后,基于我国当前配电系统的发展水平和电力体制改革的相关政策,展望了虚拟电厂技术在我国的应用前景,并对有待解决的关键问题提出建议,为虚拟电厂的构建者和决策者提供理论依据。  相似文献   

虚拟电厂作为能源互联网中的重要组成部分,在聚合分布式能源和用户侧资源、完善电力市场交易体制等方面发挥着重要作用。由于虚拟电厂中新能源装机容量较大,其出力具有随机性,导致其在电力市场中需要承担惩罚费用。提出以虚拟电厂聚合分布式能源为多类负荷提供电能服务,首先通过蒙特卡洛抽样建立了分布式电源出力不确定性模型。随后在考虑需求响应的前提下,建立了虚拟电厂与用户侧的双层优化模型,以虚拟电厂净收益为上层目标函数,综合考虑市场交易收益、售电收益、发电成本等因素;以用户侧购电成本为下层目标函数,对用户的购电行为、响应行为进行优化。最后,通过算例验证了该模型能够减少虚拟电厂在电力市场中的投标偏差,提高运营收益,并有效降低负荷的购电成本。  相似文献   

虚拟电厂作为能源互联网中的重要组成部分,在聚合分布式能源和用户侧资源、完善电力市场交易体制等方面发挥着重要作用。由于虚拟电厂中新能源装机容量较大,其出力具有随机性,导致其在电力市场中需要承担惩罚费用。提出以虚拟电厂聚合分布式能源为多类负荷提供电能服务,首先通过蒙特卡洛抽样建立了分布式电源出力不确定性模型。随后在考虑需求响应的前提下,建立了虚拟电厂与用户侧的双层优化模型,以虚拟电厂净收益为上层目标函数,综合考虑市场交易收益、售电收益、发电成本等因素;以用户侧购电成本为下层目标函数,对用户的购电行为、响应行为进行优化。最后,通过算例验证了该模型能够减少虚拟电厂在电力市场中的投标偏差,提高运营收益,并有效降低负荷的购电成本。  相似文献   

被动式超低能耗建筑是中国建筑行业向低碳和绿色发展转型的重要发展方向之一。综述了中国被动式超低能耗建筑的发展现状、未来发展机遇和挑战,介绍了被动式超低能耗建筑的发展历程和重点示范工程,国家和各省市的支持政策,以及国家和地方标准的编制、执行情况。最后对目前被动式超低能耗建筑发展中出现的技术、政策和经济问题进行讨论,并对被动式超低能耗建筑的未来发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

北欧电力市场发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙建平  戴铁潮 《华东电力》2006,34(12):60-65
指出北欧国家电力市场改革平稳发展,实现了国内、国间资源优化配置,形成了世界上第1个跨国电力市场.北欧四国逐步建成了较为完备的电力交易体系(Nordic Pool),为市场主体提供了灵活的交易方式、丰富的交易品种,满足了市场多样化的需求,提高了市场运行的效率.对北欧电力市场的发展、组织结构、交易类型等进行介绍.  相似文献   

We propose a market model that includes demand-side reserve offers and where energy and reserve are jointly dispatched. Generators and consumers can submit offers and bids on five distinct products-energy, upspinning reserve, downspinning reserve, and two kinds of standby reserve. The resources are scheduled and dispatched in a joint auction through a mixed-integer optimization program. The extra scheduling flexibility introduced by demand-side reserve offers can lead to significant gains in economic efficiency. Thus, the results suggest that not only do the consumers increase their profits but, in addition, the market power of the generators is reduced.  相似文献   

This study examines the development prospects of wind energy in the Russian energy complex. At present, the wind energy potential of Russia is huge, so any wind power plants, both large and small, are an alternative industry of the state's energy, which is quite extensive. The purpose of this study is to identify promising areas for the development of power plants that use wind energy in their work in Russia, as well as specific measures for the development of these areas. The leading approach in this study is a combination of a systematic analysis of the main development aspects of wind energy in Russia as a separate energy industry with an analytical study of the current development prospects of this industry. The main results of this study are an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wind power plants regarding the prospects for their implementation in the Russian energy complex and a numerical assessment of the introduction results of this energy source. The prospects for further research in this area are determined by the increasing need of the Russian economy in the development and practical application of alternative energy sources, one of which is wind, as well as the availability of this energy source and its environmental safety. The applied value of this study lies in the possibility of the practical application of the obtained results in order to accelerate the processes of introducing wind energy into the Russian energy system.  相似文献   

王文山  王鹤  韩英豪 《华东电力》2007,35(11):72-75
在电力市场环境下,电价的制定应遵循优质优价的经济原则.对国内外实施高可靠性电价案例及收取方式进行了分析研究;基于边际成本理论和马尔科夫过程理论,研究给出了高可靠性电价的计算模型;提出高可靠性电价的实施方案建议.  相似文献   

In a competitive electricity market, Generation companies (Gencos) face price risk and delivery risk that affect their profitability. Risk management is an important and essential part in the Genco's decision making. In this paper, risk management through diversification is considered. The problem of energy allocation between spot markets and bilateral contracts is formulated as a general portfolio optimization problem with a risk-free asset and n risky assets. Historical data of the PJM electricity market are used to demonstrate the approach.  相似文献   

电力市场下的需求响应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了电力市场下的需求响应,包括需求响应的概念及其分类、需求响应成本和需求响应效益.分析了需求响应的短期市场影响效益、长期市场影响效益以及系统可靠性的效益等.同时,介绍了市场下的需求响应在国外的应用情况,并给出了在我国电力市场下实施需求响应的一些想法.  相似文献   

Wind generation is growing rapidly in all the world, especially in Europe. The power produced by this kind of generation is difficult to predict and the predictions are not very accurate. In most systems these imbalances are costly. These penalties reduce the revenue for the wind generation company (WGENCOs). An option to solve this problem would be to work together with another agent. In this paper, a combined strategy for bidding and operating in a power exchange is presented. It considers the combination of a WGENCO and a hydro-generation company (HGENCO). The mathematical formulation for the optimal bids and for the optimal operation is presented, as well as results from realistic cases.  相似文献   

葛佳佳  邹斌 《华东电力》2008,36(2):56-59
电力期货是规避现货市场风险的有效管理工具,电力期权是有效的电力价格风险管理工具,两者均已在欧洲和美国电力市场引入。美国、英国、澳大利亚等国主要的电力市场均以合约交易为主,现货交易为辅,实现了现货价格调节功能与期货价格风险规避功能的结合,介绍了国际电力金融市场的运作和管理模式,分析了欧美各国电力市场开展和运行的经验和教训,提出先开展差价合约,远期合约,逐步过渡到实现"以合约交易为主,现货交易为辅"的全面市场化目标。  相似文献   

We describe a model to analyze the equilibrium encompassing an electricity futures market and a number of electricity spot markets sequentially arranged along the time horizon spanned by the futures market. Profit-maximizing strategic electricity producers react to both prices and rival production changes, in both the spot and the futures markets. At each time period, the total demand is considered to depend linearly on the spot price of the considered time period, and the futures market price is assumed to equal the average spot price over the time horizon. Equilibrium conditions at each spot market are described as a function of the futures market decision variables, which in turn allows describing the equilibrium in the futures market implicitly enforcing equilibrium in each spot market. The proposed model allows deriving analytical expressions that characterize such multi-market equilibrium and that can be recast as a mixed linear complementarity problem. This model is useful to gain insight on the outcomes and characteristics of the considered multi-market equilibrium. Such insight may allow the regulator to better design the futures and spot trading floors, their rules and sequential timing. It may also allow producers to increase the effectiveness of their respective offering strategies.  相似文献   

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