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针对煤矿井下利用无线传感网技术传输音视频流存在着丢包严重的问题,提出了一种基于FPGA实现的对以太网数据帧进行拆/组的方法,即在发送端将一个以太网帧拆分成若干个小的数据包进行传输,在接收端将小数据包组合成以太网帧,并对丢失或损坏的数据进行一定的处理,最后对接收到的数据帧重新计算帧校验序列(FCS)。该方法有效利用了丢失部分数据的以太网帧,提高了有效数据的利用率,减小了音视频流中数据丢失对接收端收到的音视频流质量造成的影响。  相似文献   

张破  白光伟  靳勇  沈航 《计算机应用》2008,28(8):1965-1968
提出一种用于无线实时流媒体传输的优化设计策略,以提高接收方的播放质量。该策略采用跨层设计的方法,利用泊松过程分析链路层数据帧的丢失,同时把链路层最大重传次数映射到端到端时延和丢包率的计算中,自适应地调整MPEG视频帧的发送速率,在视频源数据和冗余数据之间动态分配网络带宽。仿真实验结果表明,该策略能使接收方获得最大的可播放帧率,有效提高流媒体传输的可靠性和实时性。  相似文献   

该文针对IEEE802.11无线Adhoe网络提出了一种新型的帧传输策略。IEEE802.11无线网络标准支持分布式协调功能(DCF),即带冲突避免的载波监听多点接入(CSMA/CA),在数据传输过程中使用“请求发送-确认发送-数据-接收确认(RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK)”模式。但是当数据帧长度较短时,很多带宽被浪费在信道竞争上,而且降低了信道传输成功率,减少了网络吞吐量。因此,根据每个帧携带的延时(Duration)值,调整站点的网络分配向量(NAV),以此来动态调整数据帧的长度,从而增大网络传输的成功率,提高网络的吞吐量,减小整个网络的传送时延。将这种数据单元长度动态调整的帧传输策略简记为DTUL。  相似文献   

基于串口自定义协议传输文件的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈荔  张菁 《微机发展》2012,(2):45-48
为了利用串口准确高效地传输文件,文中采用了自定义协议封装数据帧的方式来实现这一目的。首先将文件发送分成3个过程,发送文件名和发送文件大小、发送文件内容以及发送文件结束确认。针对每一过程设计不同的数据帧结构,通过帧结构中的命令字来区分发送过程的不同阶段。线路受干扰可能出现传输数据丢失,线路故障将影响数据正常发送,采用定时器实时检测传输状态的模式提高数据发送过程的容错性,及时纠正发送过程中的错误,保证数据准且高效地传输。封装数据前对数据部分逐一字节进行对比,发现帧头帧尾关键字进行替换,保证了发送数据中关键字的唯一。结果表明,利用自定义数据帧结构封装数据通过串口进行发送,定时器模式及时纠正数据传输过程中的错误,高效准确地完成了文件的传输。  相似文献   

戴瑞龙  李波  何婧 《微型电脑应用》2011,27(5):23-26,69
IEEE802.11a是已得到广泛应用的无线局域网标准,可支持多种传输模式。然而,标准中并未给出如何在多种传输模式之间自适应切换的方法。基于IEEE802.11a,提出了一种Ad Hoc网络应用中具有自适应传输门限的变速率MAC,即AV-MAC(Variable rate Media Access Control protocol with Adaptive transmission-threshold)。该算法通过计算发送端所发送的RTS控制帧的接收信噪比,感知信道状态,并依据计算所得的自适应传输门限来判断是否可以发送其后的数据分组。如可以发送该数据分组,发送端将进一步根据接收信噪比选择最佳传输模式,从而优化网络的通过率。利用仿真工具OMNET++4.0对算法进行性能仿真分析,结果表明所提出的AV-MAC可显著提升网络的通过率。  相似文献   

一种MPEG码流网络带宽自适应传输策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周兵  毕全起 《计算机工程》2004,30(16):160-162
提出一种基于QoS的MPEG码流自适应网络带宽的传输策略,采用MPEG压缩编码技术,实现多媒体数据实时传输协议RTP,在发送端(前端)根据接收端(后端)的反馈信息预测网络状况,并据此通过选帧技术实现对发送码率的动态调整,使其适应网络带宽的变化。  相似文献   

提出了一种通过以太网帧间隙(inter-packet gap,IPG)传输同相时钟信息的方法。该方法通过时钟计数方法获得发送端和接收端之间的距离信息以及发送端的相位等信息,并将这些信息通过帧间隙传输给接收端,接收端用距离信息补偿以恢复出发送端的相位。本方法在不改变传统千兆以太GMII总线帧结构的基础上,实现了同相时钟信息通过帧间隙的传输。  相似文献   

通过分析实时视频传输过程中视频帧问存在一定帧间隔、每帧视频编码时闻不同、编码后数据大小不同等特点,提出一种动态调整RTP(实时传输协议)数据包发送间隔的算法,并进行试验分析。试验结果表明.该算法可以有效降低实时视频传输过程中的丢包率和抖动时间。  相似文献   

基于千兆以太网的实时视频传输系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先简要介绍了一种基于千兆以太网技术构建的实时视频传输系统,并结合发送系统对信号源、传输带宽等进行描述.然后详细介绍了系统对于高速视频信号的缓冲机制.最后就MAC子层中数据帧的具体格式以及实现展开叙述,提出了一种改进型的高效率的传输帧格式并给出了系统仿真结果.  相似文献   

田中大  高宪文  李琨  李绍武 《信息与控制》2012,41(1):117-122,128
以交换式工业以太网网络控制系统为研究对象,针对采用IEEE 802.1p优先权调度的交换机内部排队延迟,提出了调度改进构想,对硬实时数据流和非硬实时数据进行区别处理.构建了一个典型的树形拓扑交换式以太网模型,计算了优先权调度改进后周期性实时数据帧在各个传输环节的最大延迟,同时推导了优先权调动改进方案应满足的基本条件.最后通过OPNET软件进行了仿真验证,结果表明IEEE 802.1p优先权调度协议改进可以提高工业以太网中硬实时数据传输的实时性.  相似文献   

把以太网应用于材料配混系统中,并针对以太网信息传输实时性不足的缺点,提出了底层采用了全双工交换以太网、IEEE802.1P协议和上层采用O(1)算法相结合的方式来提高以太网通信的实时性,满足了材料配混系统的实时性要求。  相似文献   

针对以太网交换控制电路帧丢失问题,研究了以太网交换的流量控制技术,在以太网交换控制电路设计中采用了流量控制机制,实现了基于数据缓冲策略的流量控制功能,解决了数据缓冲区可用容量不足造成的数据帧丢失问题。  相似文献   

以太网的帧传输在数据位出错、接收缓冲区满或其他异常情况下,接收器会简单地丢弃帧,特别是在高速传输或网络互连设备中更为明显。虽然以太网提供了重传机制,但是这样会带来延时的不确定性,为传输电路数据的时钟特性,适应以太网承栽电路数据IP包的需求,通过分析以太网数据传输特点,提出了一种包丢失及延时补偿的设计方法,并在FPGA中实现了包丢失补偿的缓冲器设计。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to analyze Ethernet performance. Currently, most studies on Ethernet performance assume that the channel is divided into time slots, or the network load is saturated with little attention to a non-slotted channel and the non-saturation status. However, this situation is more consistent with the practical application of Ethernet. This paper first calculates the original collision probability and the retransmission collision probability in the original load, then obtains the retransmission load of the network based on those two collision probabilities, and finally acquires the actual load of the network by an iterative method. In addition, the accuracy of the analysis is checked against simulation results.  相似文献   

The dual-priority is a scheduling policy providing the guarantees needed by periodic or sporadic hard real-time tasks while decreasing the response time for aperiodic soft real-time tasks. This scheduling policy can be applied to message scheduling and its performance on controller area network (CAN) will be assessed. Nevertheless, when used in an electromagnetic stressed environment (e.g. automotive communication) leading to transmission errors, this scheduling strategy could lead to serious disappointments. It will be explained why the hard real-time traffic is highly sensitive to transmission errors. The risks of deadline failure will be quantified and a simple mechanism that provides probabilistic guarantees to prevent hard real-time frames from missing their deadlines, will be proposed. This mechanism is compared in terms of performance to the original dual-priority strategy. The chosen performance metrics are the deadline failure probability for hard real-time traffic, the average response time and the variance in response time for soft real-time traffic.  相似文献   

An algorithm to estimate the parameter values of a transition forest landscape model (MOSAIC) from a gap model (FACET) is presented here. MOSAIC is semi-Markov; it includes random distributed holding times and fixed or deterministic delays in addition to transition probabilities. FACET is a terrain-sensitive version of ZELIG, a spatially explicit gap model. For each topographic class, the input to the algorithm consists of gap model tracer files identifying the cover type of each plot through time. These cover types or states are defined a priori. The method, based on individual plots of the FACET model, requires one FACET run initialized from the “gap” cover type and follows the time history of each plot. The algorithm estimates the transition probability by counting the number of transitions between each pair of states and estimates the fixed lags and the parameters of the probability density functions of the distributed delays by recording the times at which these transitions are made. These density functions are assumed to be Erlang; its two parameters, order and rate, are estimated using a nonlinear least squares procedure. Thus, as output, the algorithm produces four matrices at each terrain class: transition probabilities, fixed delays, and the two parameters for the Erlang distributions. The algorithm is illustrated by its application to two sites, high and low elevation, from the H.J. Andrews Forest in the Oregon Cascades. This scaling-up method helps to bridge the conceptual breach between landscape- and stand-scale models. To reflect landscape heterogeneity, the algorithm can be executed repetitively for many different terrain classes. While the method developed here focuses on FACET and MOSAIC, this general approach could be extended to use other fine-scale models or other forms of meta-models.  相似文献   

随着FC-AE网络在高可靠性网络中的应用越来越广泛,在FC-AE网络上传输IP业务不仅拓宽了FC-AE网络的应用范围,而且能够实现FC-AE网络与以太网网络的融合.提出了基于FC-AE-ASM协议的IP业务传输方案,在支持FC-AE-ASM协议的HBA卡物理设备上,构建了一个虚拟网卡内核模块.本方案扩展了TCP/IP协议栈,在网络接入层下扩展了一个FC接口层,实现了FC-AE-ASM帧对以太网帧的封装和解封装.同时,利用FC网络底层流控机制,实现了IP业务在FC-AE网络上的高可靠性传输.通过实验组网测试可知,本方案在延时、带宽、抖动、丢包率等方面相对于商用千兆网卡都有较多的优势,在航空航天等应用场景具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new multi-aspect pattern classification method using hidden Markov models (HMMs). Models are defined for each class, with the probability found by each model determining class membership. Each HMM model is enhanced by the use of a multilayer perception (MLP) network to generate emission probabilities. This hybrid system uses the MLP to find the probability of a state for an unknown pattern and the HMM to model the process underlying the state transitions. A new batch gradient descent-based method is introduced for optimal estimation of the transition and emission probabilities. A prediction method in conjunction with HMM model is also presented that attempts to improve the computation of transition probabilities by using the previous states to predict the next state. This method exploits the correlation information between consecutive aspects. These algorithms are then implemented and benchmarked on a multi-aspect underwater target classification problem using a realistic sonar data set collected in different bottom conditions.  相似文献   

檀明 《计算机工程与科学》2015,37(10):1862-1868
针对FTT-SE协议在单Master多交换机的网络扩展结构中存在的消息跨多Switch传输调度问题,给出了消息在每个基本调度周期内到达各交换机输出端口时间的计算方法,提出了单EC内的消息可调度性判定算法,并对算法的可行性进行了证明。在此基础上,设计了基于EDF的消息实时调度算法和准入控制算法。通过确定消息在每个基本调度周期内到达各交换机输出端口时间,所提出的调度算法能针对COTS交换机输出端口的FCFS消息传输机制,实现对单EC内消息传输的精确控制和调度。相对已有的调度算法,仿真实验表明,所提出的算法能更有效地利用网络带宽,提高了主从交换式以太网通信的实时性。  相似文献   

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