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A method is described for the reconstruction of the amplitude and phase of the object exit wave function by phase-plate transmission electron microscopy. The proposed method can be considered as in-line holography and requires three images, taken with different phase shifts between undiffracted and diffracted electrons induced by a suitable phase-shifting device. The proposed method is applicable for arbitrary object exit wave functions and non-linear image formation. Verification of the method is performed for examples of a simulated crystalline object wave function and a wave function acquired with off-axis holography. The impact of noise on the reconstruction of the wave function is investigated.  相似文献   

We propose a new method to use a variable phase plate in TEM which will be able to retrieve the whole image wave, even for thick objects. The method is robust and easy to implement.  相似文献   

Using two levels of electron beam lithography, vapor phase deposition techniques, and FIB etching, we have fabricated an electrostatic Boersch phase plate for contrast enhancement of weak phase objects in a transmission electron microscope. The phase plate has suitable dimensions for the imaging of small biological samples without compromising the high-resolution capabilities of the microscope. A micro-structured electrode allows for phase tuning of the unscattered electron beam, which enables the recording of contrast enhanced in-focus images and in-line holograms. We have demonstrated experimentally that our phase plate improves the contrast of carbon nanotubes while maintaining high-resolution imaging performance, which is demonstrated for the case of an AlGaAs heterostructure. The development opens a new way to study interfaces between soft and hard materials.  相似文献   

Huang WJ  Jiang B  Sun RS  Zuo JM 《Ultramicroscopy》2007,107(12):1159-1170
A simulation study is carried out to elucidate the effects of dynamical scattering, electron beam convergence angle and detection noise on atomic resolution diffraction imaging of small particles and to develop effective reconstruction procedures. Au nanoclusters are used as model because of their strong scattering. The results show that the dynamical effects of electron diffraction place a limit on the size of Au nanoclusters that can be reconstructed from the diffraction intensities with sufficient accuracy. For smaller Au nanoclusters, the simulations show that diffraction patterns recorded under the experimental conditions can be reconstructed using a combination of phase retrieval algorithms. The use of a low-resolution image is shown to be effective for reconstructing diffraction patterns without the central beam. A new algorithm for estimating the object support is proposed.  相似文献   

Freezing of bulk biological objects was investigated by X-ray cryodiffraction. Freezing at atmospheric pressure of most microscopic biological samples gives rise to large hexagonal crystals and leads to poor structural preservation of these specimens. High-pressure freezing induces the formation of different ices (hexagonal, cubic and a high-pressure form) consisting of crystals having sizes smaller than those formed at atmospheric pressure. With both freezing methods, a cryoprotectant has to be added to the biological object to avoid the formation of ice crystals. However, special cases can be encountered: some biological objects contain large amounts of natural cryoprotectant or have a low water content. In these cases, vitrification can be achieved, especially using high-pressure freezing. Cryo-sectioning can be performed on vitrified samples, and the sections studied by electron cryomicroscopy. Images and electron diffraction patterns having a resolution better than 2 and 0.2 nm, respectively, can be obtained with such sections. Because samples containing crystalline ices cannot be cryosectioned, their structure has to be studied using cryosubstitution and resin embedding. We show that bacteria, yeast, and ciliate and marine worm elytrum have cellular compartments with an organization that has not been described by classical techniques relying on chemical fixation of the tissues. A high-pressure artefact affecting the Paramecium trichocysts is described. Such artefacts are not general; for example, we show that 70% of high-pressure frozen yeast cells survive successive high-pressure freezing and thawing steps.  相似文献   

A method for bacterial identification has been developed by means of studying the same histological sections through several types of microscopy. With this method, one section was processed and analyzed respectively for light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Sections of gingival biopsies were Gram stained and bacteria tentatively identified by LM. Photographs of the sections were taken and presketched transparent acetate sheets (PTAS) were made from the photos. The same section was later prepared for SEM, areas previously thought to contain bacteria were localized by placing the PTAS onto the SEM monitoring screen. The SEM specimens were subsequently processed for TEM, bacteria were located, and micrographs obtained. The results showed that out of ten diseased gingival biopsies observed under the LM, bacteria were found to be present in all the specimens and were identified as both Gram positive and Gram negative. By transferring the section from LM to SEM, the bacteria could be relocated and their morphotype (cocci, rods, etc.) clearly identified in most of the cases. Since cocci may resemble other biological granular structures under SEM, they require further analysis under TEM for additional positive identification. This study demonstrated that the method described here is a useful tool for assessing the presence and identifying bacteria within the gingival tissues.  相似文献   

We report the implementation of an electrostatic Einzel lens (Boersch) phase plate in a prototype transmission electron microscope dedicated to aberration-corrected cryo-EM. The combination of phase plate, Cs corrector and Diffraction Magnification Unit (DMU) as a new electron-optical element ensures minimal information loss due to obstruction by the phase plate and enables in-focus phase contrast imaging of large macromolecular assemblies. As no defocussing is necessary and the spherical aberration is corrected, maximal, non-oscillating phase contrast transfer can be achieved up to the information limit of the instrument. A microchip produced by a scalable micro-fabrication process has 10 phase plates, which are positioned in a conjugate, magnified diffraction plane generated by the DMU. Phase plates remained fully functional for weeks or months. The large distance between phase plate and the cryo sample permits the use of an effective anti-contaminator, resulting in ice contamination rates of <0.6 nm/h at the specimen. Maximal in-focus phase contrast was obtained by applying voltages between 80 and 700 mV to the phase plate electrode. The phase plate allows for in-focus imaging of biological objects with a signal-to-noise of 5-10 at a resolution of 2-3 nm, as demonstrated for frozen-hydrated virus particles and purple membrane at liquid-nitrogen temperature.  相似文献   

There is strong interest in lithium imaging, particularly because of its significance in battery materials. However, light atoms only scatter electrons weakly and atomic resolution direct imaging of lithium has proven difficult. This paper explores theoretically the conditions under which lithium columns can be expected to be directly visible using annular bright field scanning transmission electron microscopy. A detailed discussion is given of the controllable parameters and the conditions most favourable for lithium imaging.  相似文献   

A technique for obtaining differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging using a confocal microscope system is examined and its features compared to those of existing confocal differential phase contrast (DPC) techniques as well as to conventional Nomarski DIC. A theoretical treatment of DIC imaging is presented, which takes into account the vignetting effect caused by the finite size of the lens pupils. This facilitates the making of quantitative measurements in DIC and allows the user to identify and select the most appropriate system parameters, such as the bias retardation and lateral shear of the Wollaston prism.  相似文献   

Following Na-hypochlorite digestion of lung tissue, mineral particles extracted in the chloroform layer were deposited directly on a pre-smoothed carbon planchet for combined scanning electron microscopy and X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM and XEDS). Total mineral particle counts were obtained, and detailed physical characteristics of the fibrous particles were documented at 600, 1,500, 4,500 and 9,000 x in three lungs without, and one lung with, histories of occupational exposure. This preparation method was simple, collected more than 99% of identifiable mineral particles in the chloroform layer, gave excellent object to background contrast without heavy metal coatings, and was suitable for XEDS. Comparable fibrous particles from the chloroform layer could also be studied by selected-area electron diffraction to complement the results of XEDS. By this method, we found particles or fibers larger than 0.1 μm were readily counted and measured at 4,500 x. At 600 x, ferruginous bodies were found to be more than twice in number than when sought for by light microscopy. It was determined that 4,500 x is the most efficient magnification to examine and diagnose this type of specimen. The present study illustrates the importance of determining the most efficient magnification to be utilized in particle counts.  相似文献   

Wong WK  Nojeh A  Pease RF 《Scanning》2006,28(4):219-227
Image formation of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) is peculiarly sensitive to primary electron landing energy, imaging history, sample/substrate geometry, electrical conductivity, sample contamination, and substrate charging. This sensitivity is probably due to the extremely small interaction volume of the SWNTs' monolayered, nanoscale structures with the electron beam. Traditional electron beam/bulk specimen interaction models appear unable to explain the contrast behavior when directly applied to SWNTs. We present one systematic case study of SWNT SEM imaging with special attention to the above parameters and propose some physical explanations for the effect of each. We also demonstrate that it is possible to employ voltage biasing to counteract this extrinsic behavior, gain better control of the image contrast, and facilitate the interpretation of SWNT images in the SEM.  相似文献   

Using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning force microscopy (SFM) together, it was possible to verify important structural features of a nanostructured bulk material such as the kp‐morphology in an ABC triblock copolymer. By applying suitable imaging techniques during the SFM measurements it was possible to determine the morphology without additional manipulation steps in between. In comparison, TEM investigations on this type of material usually require selective staining procedures prior to the measurement. Also electron beam damage is often encountered during TEM measurements especially if components such as poly(methacrylates) are present. In contrast, SFM measurements can be assumed not to significantly change the phase dimensions of the components.  相似文献   

Critical-point drying and freeze drying were compared both quantitatively and qualitatively as preparative procedures for scanning electron microscopy. Isolated hepatocytes were used as model cells. Nomarski differential interference contrast microscopy was used for light microscopic measurements of the hepatocytes in the unfixed, the glutaraldehyde fixed, the glutaraldehyde + OsO4 fixed, the critical-point dried and the freeze dried states. Critical-point dried hepatocytes were found to shrink to 38% of glutaraldehyde + OsO4 fixed volume, whereas optimal freeze dried hepatocytes (frozen in water saturated with chloroform and freeze dried at 183 K for 84 h) were found to shrink to 51% of glutaraldehyde + OsO4 fixed volume. Transmission and scanning electron micrographs of the critical-point dried cells showed well-preserved ultrastructure and surface structure. Micrographs of the freeze dried cells showed ultrastructure destroyed by internal ice crystals and surface structure destroyed by external ice crystals. Double-fixed isolated hepatocytes were shown to swell during storage in buffer and to shrink during storage after critical-point drying. For low magnification scanning electron microscopy (up to about 3000 times) both critical-point drying and freeze drying can be used. However, for high magnification scanning electron microscopy, critical-point drying is superior to freeze drying.  相似文献   

Two different techniques for three-dimensional reconstructions of nerve fibres or other extended fine tissue structures were developed to study the afferent innervation of the cat's knee-joint capsule. The re-embedding technique starts with series of semithin sections for light microscopic reconstructions. In a second step, selected semithin sections can be re-embedded for ultramicrotomy to examine ultrastructural details. This method offers the possibility to investigate fine structures over a distance of several hundred micrometres without any loss of ultrastructural information. The serial section-ESI technique is based on the electron spectroscopic imaging of semithin sections. Small tissue blocks are cut into series of either semithin or alternate semi- and ultrathin sections which can be directly used for a complete ultrastructural investigation. Finally, true-to-scale three-dimensional reconstructions are performed by graphical techniques or computer-aided methods.  相似文献   

We present a new method for observing oil-in-water emulsions with a continuous water phase and a dispersed bitumen phase. The fine polydispersed bitumen micelles were adsorbed to an atomically smooth mica substrate and imaged in solution by atomic force microscopy in a liquid cell. The height of the adsorbed bitumen sheet in wet and dry states can be measured and the homogeneity of film formation by coalescence can be determined. Localization of surfactant onto and between bitumen micelles is also visualized.  相似文献   

Biological studies have relied on two complementary microscope technologies – light (fluorescence) microscopy and electron microscopy. Light microscopy is used to study phenomena at a global scale to look for unique or rare events, and it also provides an opportunity for live imaging, whereas the forte of electron microscopy is the high resolution. Traditionally light and electron microscopy observations are carried out in different populations of cells/tissues and a 'correlative' inference is drawn. The advent of true correlative light-electron microscopy has allowed high-resolution imaging by electron microscopy of the same structure observed by light microscopy, and in advanced cases by video microscopy. Thus a rare event captured by low-resolution imaging of a population or transient events captured by live imaging can now also be studied at high resolution by electron microscopy. Here, the potential and difficulties of this approach, along with the most impressive breakthroughs obtained by these methods, are discussed.  相似文献   

Measurement of the width of a thin, cylindrical, transparent object by phase contrast light microscopy has been frustrated by the absence of an established relationship between the true width of the object and its apparent width in the phase contrast image. We have solved this problem by devising a simple method by which individual glass fibres may be measured using both phase contrast light microscopy and electron microscopy. Using this method we have constructed calibration curves relating the diameter measured by phase contrast microscopy to the real diameter of the fibres. These curves are linear in the range 0.10-2.5 μm real diameter, with slopes close to unity and intercepts of about 0.2 μm. Thus widths of such objects are overestimated. The precise value of the intercept is related to the overall numerical aperture of the optical system. Each calibration curve permits the true width of a cylindrical object to be estimated by phase contrast microscopy with an accuracy of better than ±0.05 μm. We have found that greater precision is obtained by taking measurements of light micrographs subjectively using a microcomparator rather than objectively using a microdensitometer.  相似文献   

The biocompatibility of hydroxyapatite has been demonstrated by previous studies, with enhancement of osteointegration through the use of porous hydroxyapatite (pHA). Emphasis has been focused on the use of coralline hydroxyapatite or the introduction of macroporosity into synthetic hydroxyapatite. The current study investigates the role of macro‐ and microporosities in synthetic phase‐pure porous hydroxyapatite on the morphological aspects of human osteoblast‐like cells using scanning electron microscopy. Cells were seeded on four different types of porous hydroxyapatite (HA1, HA2, HA3 and HA4) and examined following 1, 2, 14 and 30 days of incubation in vitro. The results indicated that the cells had an affinity to micropores through filopodia extensions, at initial stage of attachment. Cellular proliferation and colonization was evident on all materials with cells forming cellular bridges across the macropores at day 14 with cellular canopy formation covering entire macropores observed by day 30. This study demonstrates that while the introduction of microporosity has no evident effect on cellular morphology at later time points, it seems to play a role in initial cellular anchorage and attachment.  相似文献   

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