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Using the geometric dual technique by Berstel and Pocchiola, we give a uniform O(n3)O(n3) upper bound for the arithmetical complexity of a Sturmian word. We also give explicit expressions for the arithmetical complexity of Sturmian words of slope between 1/3 and 2/3 (in particular, of the Fibonacci word). In this case, the difference between the genuine arithmetical complexity function and our upper bound is bounded, and ultimately 2-periodic. In fact, our formula is valid not only for Sturmian words but for rotation words from a wider class.  相似文献   

When human experts express their ideas and thoughts, human words are basically employed in these expressions. That is, the experts with much professional experiences are capable of making assessment using their intuition and experiences. The measurements and interpretation of characteristics are taken with uncertainty, because most measured characteristics, analytical result, and field data can be interpreted only intuitively by experts. In such cases, judgments may be expressed using linguistic terms by experts. The difficulty in the direct measurement of certain characteristics makes the estimation of these characteristics imprecise. Such measurements may be dealt with the use of fuzzy set theory. As Professor L. A. Zadeh has placed the stress on the importance of the computation with words, fuzzy sets can take a central role in handling words [12, 13]. In this perspective fuzzy logic approach is offten thought as the main and only useful tool to deal with human words. In this paper we intend to present another approach to handle human words instead of fuzzy reasoning. That is, fuzzy regression analysis enables us treat the computation with words. In order to process linguistic variables, we define the vocabulary translation and vocabulary matching which convert linguistic expressions into membership functions on the interval [0–1] on the basis of a linguistic dictionary, and vice versa. We employ fuzzy regression analysis in order to deal with the assessment process of experts from linguistic variables of features and characteristics of an objective into the linguistic expression of the total assessment. The presented process consists of four portions: (1) vocabulary translation, (2) estimation, (3) vocabulary matching and (4) dictionary. We employed fuzzy quantification theory type 2 for estimating the total assessment in terms of linguistic structural attributes which are obtained from an expert.This research was supported in part by Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research(C-2); Grant No.11680459 of Ministry of Education of Science, Sports and Culture.  相似文献   

针对中文关系抽取中分词时引起的边界切分出错而造成的歧义问题,以及出现实体对重叠不能提取出所涉及的多个关系问题,提出一种基于字词混合的联合抽取方法.首先,对于分词边界问题,嵌入层在词向量的基础上结合字向量,并且增加位置信息来保证字与字之间的正确顺序.其次,模型引入混合扩张卷积网络进行不同粒度、更远距离的特征提取.最后,采用分层标注方法,通过得到的主实体信息标记对应的关系和客实体,每个主实体可对应多个关系和客实体.与其他关系抽取方法在相同中文数据集上进行实验对比,实验结果表明,该方法的抽取效果最佳,并且也表现出更好的稳定性.  相似文献   

维吾尔语双音节词元音格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从高自然度语音合成与高精度语音识别技术研究的实际应用需求出发,采用实验语音学的方法研究了维吾尔语双音节词中的元音格局。为此,从"维吾尔语语音声学参数库"中选取了包括维吾尔语元音的双音节词,并分别对词首音节和词尾音节中的元音共振峰频率值进行统计分析,利用Joos方法比较详细地归纳出了维吾尔语词首和词尾音节元音格局以及它们之间的区别,绘制出了维吾尔语双音节词元音的共振峰模式。首次用实际实验数据验证了维吾尔语元音舌位特点符合传统"口耳之学"结论。研究结果对维吾尔语语言乃至整个阿尔泰语系语言的语音研究及应用开发具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

余敦辉  张笑笑  付聪  张万山 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(5):1395-1399,1405
针对网络中敏感词变形体识别效率不高的问题,提出了基于决策树的敏感词变形体识别算法。首先,通过分析汉字的结构和读音等特征,研究敏感词及变形体;其次,基于敏感词库构建敏感词决策树;最后,通过多因子改进模型,对微博等新媒体的文本敏感程度进行计算。实验结果表明,该算法在识别中文敏感词及变形体时,查全率和查准率最高分别可达95%和94%,与基于确定有穷自动机的改进算法相比,查全率和查准率分别提高了19.8%和21.1%;与敏感信息决策树信息过滤算法相比,查全率和查准率分别提高17.9%和18.1% 。通过分析,该算法对敏感词变形体的识别和自动过滤是有效的。  相似文献   

为净化网络环境,需要对网络信息进行审查。针对网络信息中所包含的敏感词,尤其是中文敏感词变形体的识别成为了一个迫切需要解决的问题。通过分析汉字的结构和读音等特征提出了一种中文敏感词变形体的识别方法。该方法针对词的拼音、词的简称和词的拆分三种敏感词变形体分别设计了基于易混拼音分组的敏感词的识别算法(SPGR)、字符串的简称识别算法(SNR)和基于KMP的汉字拆分识别算法(WS-KMP),有效提高了敏感词审查的准确率和效率。实验结果表明,该方法在识别中文敏感词变形体的时候有较高的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

中文粗分和歧义消解是中文分词的两大基本过程。通过引入广义词条和诱导词集,在最大匹配算法基础上提出一种中文分词的粗分方法,以最长广义词匹配为原则进行中文分词,利用诱导词集实现交叉型歧义识别。在保证快速准确切分无歧义汉语语句的同时,100%检测并标记有歧义汉语语句中的交叉型歧义,最大程度上简化后续歧义消解过程。通过对含有160万汉字1998年1月人民日报语料测试的结果证明了算法速度、歧义词准确率以及粗分召回率的有效性。  相似文献   

基于主题词频数特征的文本主题划分   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
康恺  林坤辉  周昌乐 《计算机应用》2006,26(8):1993-1995
目前文本分类所采用的文本—词频矩阵具有词频维数过大和过于稀疏两个特点,给计算造成了一定困难。为解决这一问题,从用户使用搜索引擎时选择所需文本的心理出发,提出了一种基于主题词频数特征的文本主题划分方法。该方法首先根据统计方法筛选各文本类的主题词,然后以主题词类替代单个词作为特征采用模糊C 均值(FCM)算法施行文本聚类。实验获得了较好的主题划分效果,并与一种基于词聚类的文本聚类方法进行了过程及结果中多个方面的比较,得出了一些在实施要点和应用背景上较有意义的结论。  相似文献   

A smooth spiral tool path for high speed machining of 2D pockets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce a new algorithm for generating a spiral tool path for high-speed machining of pockets without islands. The pocket may be an arbitrary simply-connected 2D shape bounded by straight-line segments and circular arcs. The tool path is generated by interpolating growing disks placed on the medial axis of the pocket. It starts inside the pocket and spirals out to the pocket boundary. The tool path is guaranteed to be free of self-intersections and allows machining of the pocket without tool retractions. The start point of the spiral may be chosen freely by the user anywhere within the pocket. Most importantly, the spiral tool path complies with a user-specified maximum cutting width. The output of our algorithm is a G1-continuous spiral path. However, in a post-processing step, a properly adapted variant of the recent “PowerApx” package [Heimlich M, Held M. Biarc approximation, simplification and smoothing of polygonal curves by means of Voronoi-based tolerance bands. International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 2008;18(3):221-50] can be used to boost the tool path to C2-continuity. Our new algorithm was implemented and tested successfully on real-world data. We conclude our paper by an analysis of sample tool paths produced by our implementation.  相似文献   

态度挖掘是近年来文本挖掘领域的热点课题之一,旨在发现文本中作者的主观态度倾向,为基于舆情的决策过程提供支持。目前已有的态度挖掘算法绝大多数都基于情感词典来识别情感词,在此基础上判别句子或文本的总体态度倾向。然而,手工构造和维护一部完善的情感词典是不现实的。对中文情感词的极性判别问题进行了研究,提出了基于直推式学习的中文情感词极性判别算法。该算法以少量情感词为种子,利用词典中词汇的解释信息,直推出其他词的情感极性。与使用相同情感种子词的解释信息作为训练数据的有监督学习算法相比,直推式学习算法的识别精度提高了20%左右。  相似文献   

词汇的表示问题是自然语言处理的基础研究内容。目前单语词汇分布表示已经在一些自然语言处理问题上取得很好的应用效果,然而在跨语言词汇的分布表示上国内外研究很少,针对这个问题,利用两种语言名词、动词分布的相似性,通过弱监督学习扩展等方式在中文语料中嵌入泰语的互译词、同类词、上义词等,学习出泰语词在汉泰跨语言环境下的分布。实验基于学习到的跨语言词汇分布表示应用于双语文本相似度计算和汉泰混合语料集文本分类,均取得较好效果。  相似文献   

提出一种新的三阶分段光滑函数,构造三阶光滑支持向量机模型( TPSSVM)。理论证明新三阶分段光滑函数对正号函数的逼近程度更高。在处理多类问题时,提出一种基于编码方式的一对多光滑支持向量机分类方法。对于人脸识别问题,通过主成分分析( PCA)进行特征提取,并利用多分类光滑支持向量机对人脸特征图像进行训练和测试。应用于ORL人脸库和FERET人脸库的测试结果表明,多分类光滑支持向量机比传统的识别方法有更高的识别率。  相似文献   

结合微博新词的构词规则自由度大和极其复杂的特点,针对传统的C/NC-value方法抽取的结果新词边界的识别准确率不高,以及低频微博新词无法正确识别的问题,提出了一种融合人工启发式规则、C/NC-value改进算法和条件随机场(CRF)模型的微博新词抽取方法。一方面,人工启发式规则是指对微博新词的分类和归纳总结,并从微博新词构词的词性(POS)、字符类别和表意符号等角度设计的微博新词的构词规则;另一方面,改进的C/NC-value方法通过引入词频、邻接熵和互信息等统计量来重构NC-value目标函数,并使用CRF模型训练和识别新词,最终达到提高新词边界识别准确率和低频新词识别精度的目的。实验结果显示,与传统方法相比,所提出的方法能有效地提高微博新词识别的F值。  相似文献   

Let X be a non-empty set. Let . All vectors which occur have integer coefficients, and for , we write or if ajbj or aj<bj for j=1,2, respectively. Let . A -block is a set of the form

. A -pattern is the restriction of f to some -block. The total number of distinct -patterns is called the -complexity of f. A conjecture of the authors implies that f is periodic if there is a such that the -complexity of f does not exceed b1b2. In this paper, we prove the statement for where n is any positive integer.  相似文献   

The rising demand and cost of software have prompted researchers to investigate factors associated with program changes in software systems. Numerous program complexity measures and statistical techniques have been used to study the effects of program complexity on program changes. The effects of programming methodology on the relationship of complexity to program changes were measured in this study. The results suggest that the relationship of length and structure complexity characteristics to program changes is consistent for different programming methodologies, while the relationship of program changes and characteristics that relate to the use of data and procedure names is not consistent for different programming methodologies.  相似文献   

提出了词语相关度模型,作为在数据空间中发现数据源内容关联的一个基础。本模型基于HowNet,可以计算同种词性以及不同词性之间的相关度,融合了词语的相似度、关联度和实例因素,综合获得词语的内在相关性。通过对比实验发现,本模型所计算的词语相关度值更加符合人们主观上对词语相关性的认识。  相似文献   

基于DAGs模型的RAID系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了一种基于DAGs模型的自动执行的冗余磁盘阵列技术,描述了这种模型的优点以及DAG的执行机制和Roll away错误恢复策略。在此基础上讨论了RAID系统实现,并结合实际课题讨论了在实际中运用这种模型开发RAID系统的好处与优势。  相似文献   

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