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The lateral resolution of a surface sensitive low-energy electron microscope (LEEM) has been improved below 4 nm for the first time. This breakthrough has only been possible by simultaneously correcting the unavoidable spherical and chromatic aberrations of the lens system. We present an experimental criterion to quantify the aberration correction and to optimize the electron optical system. The obtained lateral resolution of 2.6 nm in LEEM enables the first surface sensitive, electron microscopic observation of the herringbone reconstruction on the Au(1 1 1) surface.  相似文献   

A new electron diffraction microscope based on a conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM), for obtaining atomic-level resolution images without causing serious damage to the specimen, has been developed. This microscope in the relatively low-voltage region makes it possible to observe specimens at suitable resolution and record diffraction patterns. Using the microscope we accomplished 10-kV diffractive imaging with the iterative phase retrieval and reconstructed the structure of a multi-wall carbon nanotube with its finest feature corresponding to 0.34-nm carbon wall spacing. These results demonstrate the possibility of seamless connection between observing specimens by SEM and obtaining their images at high resolution by diffractive imaging.  相似文献   

Inada H  Su D  Egerton RF  Konno M  Wu L  Ciston J  Wall J  Zhu Y 《Ultramicroscopy》2011,111(7):865-876
We report detailed investigation of high-resolution imaging using secondary electrons (SE) with a sub-nanometer probe in an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope, Hitachi HD2700C. This instrument also allows us to acquire the corresponding annular dark-field (ADF) images both simultaneously and separately. We demonstrate that atomic SE imaging is achievable for a wide range of elements, from uranium to carbon. Using the ADF images as a reference, we studied the SE image intensity and contrast as functions of applied bias, atomic number, crystal tilt, and thickness to shed light on the origin of the unexpected ultrahigh resolution in SE imaging. We have also demonstrated that the SE signal is sensitive to the terminating species at a crystal surface. A possible mechanism for atomic-scale SE imaging is proposed. The ability to image both the surface and bulk of a sample at atomic-scale is unprecedented, and can have important applications in the field of electron microscopy and materials characterization.  相似文献   

Koch CT 《Ultramicroscopy》2011,111(7):828-840
The application of convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) to determine symmetry, refine structure factors, and measure specimen thickness requires rather thick specimen and is very difficult or even impossible in the case of large unit cell materials. The large-angle rocking-beam electron diffraction (LARBED) technique introduced in this paper gives access to the kind of experimental data contained in CBED patterns but over a much larger angular range. In addition to symmetry determination and thickness measurement even for thin samples this technique also allows, in principle, very accurate measurements of structure factors. Similar to precession electron diffraction (PED), LARBED uses the illumination tilt coils to sequentially change the angle of incidence of the electron beam over a very large range. I will present results obtained by a recently developed self-calibrating acquisition software which compensates for aberration-induced probe shifts during the acquisition of LARBED patterns and keeps the probe within a few nm, while covering a tilt range from 0 to 100 mrad. This paper is dedicated to Prof. John C. H. Spence on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

We present the optical layout and actual design of a compact high-aperture referenceless point diffraction interferometer with a diffraction reference wave. The basic concept of this interferometer is based on a single-mode optical fibre with a subwave output aperture, which is used as a source of spherical reference waves. The interferometer is designed for high-precision measurements of the surface shape and aberrations of optical elements. It makes use of a diffraction reference wave and is developed for mass industrial applications. The proposed design does not require the involvement of special external conditions, and reduces the need for calibrated reference surfaces. We evaluate the performance of our interferometer for highprecision measurements and demonstrate its use by presenting results obtained from measuring the shapes of spherical references from various manufacturers and the aberration of a five lens objective.  相似文献   

We developed a new electron optical system with three dodecapoles to compensate for spherical aberration and six-fold astigmatism, which generally remains in a two-hexapole type corrector. In this study, we applied the corrector for image-forming system in transmission electron microscope. Compensation for higher-order aberration was demonstrated through a diffractogram tableau using a triple three-fold astigmatism field system, which was then compared with a double hexapole field system. Using this electron optical system, six-fold astigmatism was measured to be less than 0.1 mm at an acceleration voltage of 60 kV, showing that the system successfully compensated for six-fold astigmatism.  相似文献   

Huang WJ  Jiang B  Sun RS  Zuo JM 《Ultramicroscopy》2007,107(12):1159-1170
A simulation study is carried out to elucidate the effects of dynamical scattering, electron beam convergence angle and detection noise on atomic resolution diffraction imaging of small particles and to develop effective reconstruction procedures. Au nanoclusters are used as model because of their strong scattering. The results show that the dynamical effects of electron diffraction place a limit on the size of Au nanoclusters that can be reconstructed from the diffraction intensities with sufficient accuracy. For smaller Au nanoclusters, the simulations show that diffraction patterns recorded under the experimental conditions can be reconstructed using a combination of phase retrieval algorithms. The use of a low-resolution image is shown to be effective for reconstructing diffraction patterns without the central beam. A new algorithm for estimating the object support is proposed.  相似文献   

Ten years ago electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) became available to a wider group active in materials research. This paper highlights some of the more significant developments in camera technology and software developments that have arisen since then. The use of slow‐scan charge couple device cameras for phase identification and rapid determination of orientation image micrographs is reviewed. The current limiting spatial resolution of the technique is shown to be less than 10 nm. A procedure for improving lattice spacing measurement by utilizing the full resolution of the camera is described with experimental measurements on silicon and nickel showing relative errors of plus/minus 3%. An investigation of partially recrystallized aluminium shows how the recrystallized fraction can be extracted with confidence but that the mapping of substructure in the highly deformed regions is questionable. Phase identification is described for complex cases in which the phase data tabulated in standard databases do not correspond to what is observed in the EBSD patterns. Phase mapping in a complex mineral in which chemical data and EBSD data are collected simultaneously is shown to be improved by recording both the chemical and the EBSD data into computer memory and proceeding with the phase discrimination and orientation measurement in off‐line analysis.  相似文献   

Coherent diffractive imaging involves the inversion of a diffraction pattern to find the wave function at the exit-surface plane of the specimen. It is a promising technique for imaging, for example, nanoparticles with electrons and biological molecules with X-rays. If the illumination is not a plane wave of infinite extent, then a relative drift between the illumination and the object introduces errors into the diffraction pattern; an issue which is often overlooked. This may be of particular importance for applications with electron microscopes which use nanoscale probes. Here we show that beams which are uniform over a sufficiently large region can be used to pose a phase retrieval problem that is immune from specimen drift, provided suitable analysis of the diffraction data is undertaken. The method only applies to objects contained within a support that is smaller than a uniform region of the beam.  相似文献   

The optimal lens parameters for incoherent imaging using third and fifth-order aberration-corrected electron microscopes are derived analytically. We propose simple models for the point spread function (PSF) and transfer function that give analytic formulae for the lateral resolution and depth resolution. We also derive an analytic formula for the contrast transfer function (CTF) in three dimensions and show that depth sectioning has an information limit equivalent to tomography with a missing cone of 90 degrees minus the aperture angle.  相似文献   

A widely used performance criterion in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is the information limit. It corresponds to the inverse of the maximum spatial object frequency that is linearly transmitted with sufficient intensity from the exit plane of the object to the image plane and is limited due to partial temporal coherence. In practice, the information limit is often measured from a diffractogram or from Young's fringes assuming a weak phase object scattering beyond the inverse of the information limit. However, for an aberration corrected electron microscope, with an information limit in the sub-angstrom range, weak phase objects are no longer applicable since they do not scatter sufficiently in this range. Therefore, one relies on more strongly scattering objects such as crystals of heavy atoms observed along a low index zone axis. In that case, dynamical scattering becomes important such that the non-linear and linear interaction may be equally important. The non-linear interaction may then set the experimental cut-off frequency observed in a diffractogram. The goal of this paper is to quantify both the linear and the non-linear information transfer in terms of closed form analytical expressions. Whereas the cut-off frequency set by the linear transfer can be directly related with the attainable resolution, information from the non-linear transfer can only be extracted using quantitative, model-based methods. In contrast to the historic definition of the information limit depending on microscope parameters only, the expressions derived in this paper explicitly incorporate their dependence on the structure parameters as well. In order to emphasize this dependence and to distinguish from the usual information limit, the expressions derived for the inverse cut-off frequencies will be referred to as the linear and non-linear structural information limit. The present findings confirm the well-known result that partial temporal coherence has different effects on the transfer of the linear and non-linear terms, such that the non-linear imaging contributions are damped less than the linear imaging contributions at high spatial frequencies. This will be important when coherent aberrations such as spherical aberration and defocus are reduced.  相似文献   

For the characterization of light materials using transmission electron microscopy, a low electron acceleration voltage of 80 kV or even 60 kV is attractive due to reduced beam damage to the specimen. The concomitant reduction in resolving power of the microscope can be restored when using spherical aberration (Cs) correctors, which for the most part are only available in the latest and most expensive microscopes. Here, we show that upgrading of existing TEMs is an attractive and cost‐effective alternative. We report on the low‐voltage performance on graphitic material of a JEOL JEM‐2010F built in the early 1990s and retro‐fitted with a conventional imaging Cs corrector and a probe Cs corrector. The performance data show Cs retro‐fitted instruments can compete very favourably against more modern state‐of‐the‐art instruments in both conventional imaging (TEM) and scanning (STEM) modes.  相似文献   

Electron tomography requires a wide angular range of specimen-tilt for a reliable three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. Although specimen holders are commercially available for tomography, they have several limitations, including tilting capability in only one or two axes at most, e.g. tilt-rotate. For amorphous specimens, the image contrast depends on mass and thickness only and the single-tilt holder is adequate for most tomographic image acquisitions. On the other hand, for crystalline materials where image contrast is strongly dependent on diffraction conditions, current commercially available tomography holders are inadequate, because they lack tilt capability in all three orthogonal axes needed to maintain a constant diffraction condition over the whole tilt range. We have developed a high-angle triple-axis (HATA) tomography specimen holder capable of high-angle tilting for the primary horizontal axis with tilting capability in the other (orthogonal) horizontal and vertical axes. This allows the user to trim the specimen tilt to obtain the desired diffraction condition over the whole tilt range of the tomography series. To demonstrate its capabilities, we have used this triple-axis tomography holder with a dual-axis tilt series (the specimen was rotated by 90° ex-situ between series) to obtain tomographic reconstructions of dislocation arrangements in plastically deformed austenitic steel foils.  相似文献   

We analyse the signal formation process for scanning electron microscopic imaging applications on crystalline specimens. In accordance with previous investigations, we find nontrivial effects of incident beam diffraction on the backscattered electron distribution in energy and momentum. Specifically, incident beam diffraction causes angular changes of the backscattered electron distribution which we identify as the dominant mechanism underlying pseudocolour orientation imaging using multiple, angle‐resolving detectors. Consequently, diffraction effects of the incident beam and their impact on the subsequent coherent and incoherent electron transport need to be taken into account for an in‐depth theoretical modelling of the energy‐ and momentum distribution of electrons backscattered from crystalline sample regions. Our findings have implications for the level of theoretical detail that can be necessary for the interpretation of complex imaging modalities such as electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) of defects in crystals. If the solid angle of detection is limited to specific regions of the backscattered electron momentum distribution, the image contrast that is observed in ECCI and similar applications can be strongly affected by incident beam diffraction and topographic effects from the sample surface. As an application, we demonstrate characteristic changes in the resulting images if different properties of the backscattered electron distribution are used for the analysis of a GaN thin film sample containing dislocations.  相似文献   

Reciprocal and real space maps for EMCD experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electron magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD) is an emerging tool for quantitative measurements of magnetic properties using the transmission electron microscope (TEM), with the possibility of nanometer resolution. The geometrical conditions, data treatment and electron gun settings are found to influence the EMCD signal. In this article, particular care is taken to obtain a reliable quantitative measurement of the ratio of orbital to spin magnetic moment using energy filtered diffraction patterns. For this purpose, we describe a method for data treatment, normalization and selection of mirror axis. The experimental results are supported by theoretical simulations based on dynamical diffraction and density functional theory. Special settings of the electron gun, so called telefocus mode, enable a higher intensity of the electron beam, as well as a reduction of the influence from artifacts on the signal. Using these settings, we demonstrate the principle of acquiring real space maps of the EMCD signal. This enables advanced characterization of magnetic materials with superior spatial resolution.  相似文献   

X射线成像波带片及制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈洁  柳龙华  刘刚  田扬超 《光学精密工程》2007,15(12):1894-1899
研究了X射线成像波带片的工作原理和制作工艺。从理论上分析了波带片的空间分辨率与最外环宽度的关系,以及波带片衍射效率与厚度和折射率的关系。利用国家同步辐射实验室发展的加工工艺,即电子束光刻技术和X射线光刻技术结合制作波带片。实验结果表明:波带片最外环宽度为150 nm,高宽比为4,基本满足高分辨X射线成像波带片的高空间分辨率、大高宽比、高精度等要求。  相似文献   

Electron diffraction technique has been developed and refined to establish a systematic procedure to determine the chirality (chiral indices) of each and every shell in a carbon nanotube. We have introduced a zoning scheme to sort the reflection layer lines from the multiple shells of a carbon nanotube. An application of the procedure is demonstrated as an example for an eleven-shell carbon nanotube whose chiral indices of each and every shell were determined unambiguously. The revealed structure of the carbon nanotube suggests that there is no strong correlation among the shells as the nanotube was formed. The limitations of the current method are also discussed.  相似文献   

A method for the characterization of surface-treated asbestos fibres with electron microscopy is presented. Electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) of organosilane-treated chrysotile asbestos fibres has been carried out. Initially, the region below the carbon edge was inspected in ESI mode for its effectiveness as a background correction. Elemental mapping was performed on standard untreated fibres to take into account non-characteristic signals from extrapolation errors and camera artefacts. The highest resulting pixel value that results from non-characteristic signals was used as a threshold for further background correction in the net images. Samples for electron energy-loss spectroscopy were prepared in two different ways, either by gluing on grids, or by using perforated carbon foils. The results show that the use of a conducting carbon film is necessary for the analysis of such electrically insulating asbestos fibres. Focusing of the electron beam on the individual fibres results in a thermal effect promoting the evaporation of the organosilane reaction products.  相似文献   

In the transmission electron microscopy, a revised real space (RRS) method has been confirmed to be a more accurate dynamical electron diffraction simulation method for low‐energy electron diffraction than the conventional multislice method (CMS). However, the RRS method can be only used to calculate the dynamical electron diffraction of orthogonal crystal system. In this work, the expression of the RRS method for non‐orthogonal crystal system is derived. By taking Na2Ti3O7 and Si as examples, the correctness of the derived RRS formula for non‐orthogonal crystal system is confirmed by testing the coincidence of numerical results of both sides of Schrödinger equation; moreover, the difference between the RRS method and the CMS for non‐orthogonal crystal system is compared at the accelerating voltage range from 40 to 10 kV. Our results show that the CMS method is almost the same as the RRS method for the accelerating voltage above 40 kV. However, when the accelerating voltage is further lowered to 20 kV or below, the CMS method introduces significant errors, not only for the higher‐order Laue zone diffractions, but also for zero‐order Laue zone. These indicate that the RRS method for non‐orthogonal crystal system is necessary to be used for more accurate dynamical simulation when the accelerating voltage is low. Furthermore, the reason for the increase of differences between those diffraction patterns calculated by the RRS method and the CMS method with the decrease of the accelerating voltage is discussed.  相似文献   

On the example of electrodeposited nickel films, it is shown that unique information on twins with dimensions on the nanoscale can be obtained by suitable combination of ion channelling imaging and electron backscatter diffraction analysis, whereas both (routine) single techniques cannot meet the requirements for analysis of these films. High‐resolution electron backscatter diffraction is inadequate for full characterization of nanotwins, but image quality maps obtained from electron backscatter diffraction at least yield a qualitative estimation of the location and number of nanotwins. Complementing this information with ion channelling imaging provides more representative insights into the microstructure, because it supplements the quantitative investigation of the number and width of twin lamellae with additional crystallographic orientation analysis provided by EBSD. To this end, two methods for adjusting EBSD data based on ion channelling images are proposed. Thorough selection of the complementary techniques opens future perspectives for the investigation of other challenging samples with nanoscale features in the microstructure.  相似文献   

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