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A graph is H-free if it does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to the graph H. The graph Pk denotes a path on k vertices. The ?-Coloring problem is the problem to decide whether a graph can be colored with at most ? colors such that adjacent vertices receive different colors. We show that 4-Coloring is NP-complete for P8-free graphs. This improves a result of Le, Randerath, and Schiermeyer, who showed that 4-Coloring is NP-complete for P9-free graphs, and a result of Woeginger and Sgall, who showed that 5-Coloring is NP-complete for P8-free graphs. Additionally, we prove that the precoloring extension version of 4-Coloring is NP-complete for P7-free graphs, but that the precoloring extension version of 3-Coloring can be solved in polynomial time for (P2+P4)-free graphs, a subclass of P7-free graphs. Here P2+P4 denotes the disjoint union of a P2 and a P4. We denote the disjoint union of s copies of a P3 by sP3 and involve Ramsey numbers to prove that the precoloring extension version of 3-Coloring can be solved in polynomial time for sP3-free graphs for any fixed s. Combining our last two results with known results yields a complete complexity classification of (precoloring extension of) 3-Coloring for H-free graphs when H is a fixed graph on at most 6 vertices: the problem is polynomial-time solvable if H is a linear forest; otherwise it is NP-complete.  相似文献   

We investigate the computational complexity of the empire colouring problem (as defined by Percy Heawood in Q. J. Pure Appl. Math. 24:332–338, 1890) for maps containing empires formed by exactly r>1 countries each. We prove that the problem can be solved in polynomial time using s colours on maps whose underlying adjacency graph has no induced subgraph of average degree larger than s/r. However, if s≥3, the problem is NP-hard even if the graph is a for forests of paths of arbitrary lengths (for any r≥2, provided $s < 2r - \sqrt{2r + \frac{1}{4}}+ \frac{3}{2}$ ). Furthermore we obtain a complete characterization of the problem’s complexity for the case when the input graph is a tree, whereas our result for arbitrary planar graphs fall just short of a similar dichotomy. Specifically, we prove that the empire colouring problem is NP-hard for trees, for any r≥2, if 3≤s≤2r?1 (and polynomial time solvable otherwise). For arbitrary planar graphs we prove NP-hardness if s<7 for r=2, and s<6r?3, for r≥3. The result for planar graphs also proves the NP-hardness of colouring with less than 7 colours graphs of thickness two and less than 6r?3 colours graphs of thickness r≥3.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of reliability is an important topic for interconnection networks. Under the classical PMC model, Dahura and Masson [5] proposed a polynomial time algorithm with time complexity O(N2.5) to identify all faulty nodes in an N-node network. This paper addresses the fault diagnosis of so called bijective connection (BC) graphs including hypercubes, twisted cubes, locally twisted cubes, crossed cubes, and Möbius cubes. Utilizing a helpful structure proposed by Hsu and Tan [20] that was called the extending star by Lin et al. [24], and noting the existence of a structured Hamiltonian path within any BC graph, we present a fast diagnostic algorithm to identify all faulty nodes in O(N) time, where N = 2n, n ? 4, stands for the total number of nodes in the n-dimensional BC graph. As a result, this algorithm is significantly superior to Dahura–Masson’s algorithm when applied to BC graphs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the mutual exclusion scheduling problem for comparability graphs. Given an undirected graph G and a fixed constant m, the problem is to find a minimum coloring of G such that each color is used at most m times. The complexity of this problem for comparability graphs was mentioned as an open problem by Möhring [Problem 9.10, in: I. Rival (Ed.), Graphs and Orders, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1985, p. 583] and for permutation graphs (a subclass of comparability graphs) as an open problem by Lonc [On complexity of some chain and antichain partition problem, in: G. Schmidt, R. Berghammer (Eds.), Graph Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science, WG 91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 570, 1999, pp. 97–104]. We prove that this problem is already NP-complete for permutation graphs and for each fixed constant m⩾6.  相似文献   

The frequent connected subgraph mining problem, i.e., the problem of listing all connected graphs that are subgraph isomorphic to at least a certain number of transaction graphs of a database, cannot be solved in output polynomial time in the general case. If, however, the transaction graphs are restricted to forests then the problem becomes tractable. In this paper we generalize the positive result on forests to graphs of bounded tree-width. In particular, we show that for this class of transaction graphs, frequent connected subgraphs can be listed in incremental polynomial time. Since subgraph isomorphism remains NP-complete for bounded tree-width graphs, the positive complexity result of this paper shows that efficient frequent pattern mining is possible even for computationally hard pattern matching operators.  相似文献   

The longest path problem is the problem of finding a path of maximum length in a graph. Polynomial solutions for this problem are known only for small classes of graphs, while it is NP-hard on general graphs, as it is a generalization of the Hamiltonian path problem. Motivated by the work of Uehara and Uno (Proc. of the 15th Annual International Symp. on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), LNCS, vol. 3341, pp. 871–883, 2004), where they left the longest path problem open for the class of interval graphs, in this paper we show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time on interval graphs. The proposed algorithm uses a dynamic programming approach and runs in O(n 4) time, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph.  相似文献   

Blanchet-Sadri et al. have shown that Avoidability, or the problem of deciding the avoidability of a finite set of partial words over an alphabet of size k≥2, is NP-hard [F. Blanchet-Sadri, R. Jungers, J. Palumbo, Testing avoidability on sets of partial words is hard, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 410 (2009) 968-972]. Building on their work, we analyze in this paper the complexity of natural variations on the problem. While some of them are NP-hard, others are shown to be efficiently decidable. Using some combinatorial properties of de Bruijn graphs, we establish a correspondence between lengths of cycles in such graphs and periods of avoiding words, resulting in a tight bound for periods of avoiding words. We also prove that Avoidability can be solved in polynomial space, and reduces in polynomial time to the problem of deciding the avoidability of a finite set of partial words of equal length over the binary alphabet. We give a polynomial bound on the period of an infinite avoiding word, in the case of sets of full words, in terms of two parameters: the length and the number of words in the set. We give a polynomial space algorithm to decide if a finite set of partial words is avoided by a non-ultimately periodic infinite word. The same algorithm also decides if the number of words of length n avoiding a given finite set of partial words grows polynomially or exponentially with n.  相似文献   

In the paper we study new approaches to the problem of list coloring of graphs. In the problem we are given a simple graph G=(V,E) and, for every vV, a nonempty set of integers S(v); we ask if there is a coloring c of G such that c(v)∈S(v) for every vV. Modern approaches, connected with applications, change the question—we now ask if S can be changed, using only some elementary transformations, to ensure that there is such a coloring and, if the answer is yes, what is the minimal number of changes. In the paper for studying the adding, the trading and the exchange models of list coloring, we use the following transformations:
adding of colors (the adding model): select two vertices u, v and a color cS(u); add c to S(v), i.e. set S(v):=S(v)∪{c};
trading of colors (the trading model): select two vertices u, v and a color cS(u); move c from S(u) to S(v), i.e. set S(u):=S(u)?{c} and S(v):=S(v)∪{c};
exchange of colors (the exchange model): select two vertices u, v and two colors cS(u), dS(v); exchange c with d, i.e. set S(u):=(S(u)?{c})∪{d} and S(v):=(S(v)?{d})∪{c}.
Our study focuses on computational complexity of the above models and their edge versions. We consider these problems on complete graphs, graphs with bounded cyclicity and partial k-trees, receiving in all cases polynomial algorithms or proofs of NP-hardness.  相似文献   

The densest k-subgraph problem asks for a k-vertex subgraph with the maximum number of edges. This problem is NP-hard on bipartite graphs, chordal graphs, and planar graphs. A 3-approximation algorithm is known for chordal graphs. We present -approximation algorithms for proper interval graphs and bipartite permutation graphs. The latter result relies on a new characterisation of bipartite permutation graphs which may be of independent interest.  相似文献   

We propose two new self-stabilizing distributed algorithms for proper Δ+1 (Δ is the maximum degree of a node in the graph) colorings of arbitrary system graphs. Both algorithms are capable of working with multiple type of daemons (schedulers) as is the most recent algorithm by Gradinariu and Tixeuil [OPODIS'2000, 2000, pp. 55-70]. The first algorithm converges in O(m) moves while the second converges in at most n moves (n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges in the graph) as opposed to the O(Δ×n) moves required by the algorithm by Gradinariu and Tixeuil [OPODIS'2000, 2000, pp. 55-70]. The second improvement is that neither of the proposed algorithms requires each node to have knowledge of Δ, as is required by Gradinariu and Tixeuil [OPODIS'2000, 2000, pp. 55-70]. Further, the coloring produced by our first algorithm provides an interesting type of coloring, called a Grundy Coloring [Jensen and Toft, Graph Coloring Problems, 1995].  相似文献   

The 3-domatic number problem asks whether a given graph can be partitioned into three dominating sets. We prove that this problem can be solved by a deterministic algorithm in time n2.695 (up to polynomial factors) and in polynomial space. This result improves the previous bound of n2.8805, which is due to Björklund and Husfeldt. To prove our result, we combine an algorithm by Fomin et al. with Yamamoto's algorithm for the satisfiability problem. In addition, we show that the 3-domatic number problem can be solved for graphs G with bounded maximum degree Δ(G) by a randomized polynomial-space algorithm, whose running time is better than the previous bound due to Riege and Rothe whenever Δ(G)?5. Our new randomized algorithm employs Schöning's approach to constraint satisfaction problems.  相似文献   

Bijective connection graphs (in brief, BC graphs) are a family of hypercube variants, which contains hypercubes, twisted cubes, crossed cubes, Möbius cubes, locally twisted cubes, etc. It was proved that the smallest diameter of all the known n-dimensional bijective connection graphs (BC graphs) is , given a fixed dimension n. An important question about the smallest diameter among all the BC graphs is: Does there exist a BC graph whose diameter is less than the known BC graphs such as crossed cubes, twisted cubes, Möbius cubes, etc., with the same dimension? This paper answers this question. In this paper, we find that there exists a kind of BC graphs called spined cubes and we prove that the n-dimensional spined cube has the diameter ⌈n/3⌉+3 for any integer n with n?14. It is the first time in literature that a hypercube variant with such a small diameter is presented.  相似文献   

The class of bipartite permutation graphs is the intersection of two well known graph classes: bipartite graphs and permutation graphs. A complete bipartite decomposition of a bipartite permutation graph is proposed in this note. The decomposition gives a linear structure of bipartite permutation graphs, and it can be obtained in O(n) time, where n is the number of vertices. As an application of the decomposition, we show an O(n) time and space algorithm for finding a longest path in a bipartite permutation graph.  相似文献   

We study the problems to find a maximum packing of shortest edge-disjoint cycles in a graph of given girth g (g-ESCP) and its vertex-disjoint analogue g-VSCP. In the case g=3, Caprara and Rizzi (2001) have shown that g-ESCP can be solved in polynomial time for graphs with maximum degree 4, but is APX-hard for graphs with maximum degree 5, while g-VSCP can be solved in polynomial time for graphs with maximum degree 3, but is APX-hard for graphs with maximum degree 4. For g∈{4,5}, we show that both problems allow polynomial time algorithms for instances with maximum degree 3, but are APX-hard for instances with maximum degree 4. For each g?6, both problems are APX-hard already for graphs with maximum degree 3.  相似文献   

A tree search procedure for the container relocation problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the container relocation problem (CRP) n items are given that belong to G different item groups (g=1,…,G). The items are piled up in up to S stacks with a maximum stack height H. A move can either shift one item from the top of a stack to the top of another one (relocation) or pick an item from the top of a stack and entirely remove it (remove). A move of the latter type is only feasible if the group index of the item is minimum compared to all remaining items in all stacks. A move sequence of minimum length has to be determined that removes all items from the stacks. The CRP occurs frequently in container terminals of seaports. It has to be solved when containers, piled up in stacks, need to be transported to a ship or to trucks in a predefined sequence. This article presents a heuristic tree search procedure for the CRP. The procedure is compared to all known solution approaches for the CRP and turns out to be very competitive.  相似文献   

We continue the study of bin packing with splittable items and cardinality constraints. In this problem, a set of n items must be packed into as few bins as possible. Items may be split, but each bin may contain at most?k (parts of) items, where k is some given parameter. Complicating the problem further is the fact that items may be larger than?1, which is the size of a bin. The problem is known to be strongly NP-hard for any fixed value of?k. We essentially close this problem by providing an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for most of its versions. Namely, we present an efficient polynomial time approximation scheme for k=o(n). A?PTAS for k=Θ(n) does not exist unless P = NP. Additionally, we present dual approximation schemes for k=2 and for constant values of?k. Thus we show that for any ε>0, it is possible to pack the items into the optimal number of bins in polynomial time, if the algorithm may use bins of size 1+ε.  相似文献   

Shortest paths between shortest paths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the following problem on reconfiguring shortest paths in graphs: Given two shortest s-t paths, what is the minimum number of steps required to transform one into the other, where each intermediate path must also be a shortest s-t path and must differ from the previous one by only one vertex. We prove that the shortest reconfiguration sequence can be exponential in the size of the graph and that it is NP-hard to compute the shortest reconfiguration sequence even when we know that the sequence has polynomial length.  相似文献   

The longest path problem is the problem of finding a path of maximum length in a graph. As a generalization of the Hamiltonian path problem, it is NP-complete on general graphs and, in fact, on every class of graphs that the Hamiltonian path problem is NP-complete. Polynomial solutions for the longest path problem have recently been proposed for weighted trees, Ptolemaic graphs, bipartite permutation graphs, interval graphs, and some small classes of graphs. Although the Hamiltonian path problem on cocomparability graphs was proved to be polynomial almost two decades ago, the complexity status of the longest path problem on cocomparability graphs has remained open; actually, the complexity status of the problem has remained open even on the smaller class of permutation graphs. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for solving the longest path problem on the class of cocomparability graphs. Our result resolves the open question for the complexity of the problem on such graphs, and since cocomparability graphs form a superclass of both interval and permutation graphs, extends the polynomial solution of the longest path problem on interval graphs and provides polynomial solution to the class of permutation graphs.  相似文献   

We study the problem of determining the spanning tree congestion of a?graph. We present some sharp contrasts in the parameterized complexity of this problem. First, we show that on apex-minor-free graphs, a general class of graphs containing planar graphs, graphs of bounded treewidth, and graphs of bounded genus, the problem to determine whether a given graph has spanning tree congestion at most k can be solved in linear time for every fixed k. We also show that for every fixed k and d the problem is solvable in linear time for graphs of degree at most d. In contrast, if we allow only one vertex of unbounded degree, the problem immediately becomes NP-complete for any fixed k??8. Moreover, the hardness result holds for graphs excluding the complete graph on 6 vertices as a minor. We also observe that for k??3 the problem becomes polynomially time solvable.  相似文献   

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