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旨在对AES加密算法进行研究,并采用Nios Ⅱ CPU的SOPC集成实现方式,基于FPGA设计出了具有加解密功能的、密钥可配置的、资源利用和吞吐量都十分理想的SOPC加密系统.系统轮变换通过状态机进行控制,采用加密内部和解密外部的密钥扩展方式,大大提高了系统的实现速度. 相似文献
详细叙述了新一代的数据加密标准AES算法中的S-盒,其由有限域GF(28)上元素的乘法求逆运算及GF(2)下的仿射变换构成,经过S-盒的非线性变换,密文的差分均匀性和线性偏差都达到比较理想的状态,提高AES算法的抗击差分密码分析和线性密码分析的能力.然后从程序设计的角度,使用MATLAB语言实现S-盒的程序代码,提出了在代码实现过程中所遇到困难的解题思路,证明MATLAB语言可以实现最新的加密技术. 相似文献
Satellite broadcast communications make demand on reliable and secure data transmissions. Aiming at balancing data disorder and correlation from encryption and errors correction, this paper proposes a novel error correction and encryption algorithm combined fountain code and advanced encrypt standard (FC‐AES), which constructs a 3‐layer cascade framework for cryptosystem to harmonize the coding payloads of services, products, and users. Furtherly, distributed degree would be compensated with round key, which provides with entire security controls. Information degree is designed to limit data overhead and disorder. Sparsely coding control for product degree is developed to prevent decoding error avalanche. We also provide a suitable decryption scheme for FC‐AES. The simulations show the new algorithm enhances the performance of data‐recovery failure probability by 29.56% and average error symbol rate by 13.09%. 相似文献
随着各种抄板技术和芯片解剖技术的发展,嵌入式系统芯片正面临着越来越多受攻击风险,如何保护嵌入式系统产品不受非法复制,正日益受到人们的关注,各种防复制方法也应运而生。由此设计了一款软硬件协同的新型防复制电路及系统,用以实现对嵌入式软件版权的保护。防复制电路采用AES加密算法与嵌入式芯片进行多次随机动态加密验证,使破解者无法通过监控通信数据来破解验证保护。防复制电路中内置CPU和安全存储器,用来存储关键数据以及执行部分嵌入式程序,让破解者无法获得嵌入式芯片中完整的程序,从软硬件两方面实现了对嵌入式产品版权的充分保护。本电路在FPGA上进行了实现,并搭建被保护芯片与防复制FPGA电路的联合保护系统,实测结果显示该系统很好的完成了防复制的功能,未通过动态加密验证无法启动系统,此外,没有防复制电路的配合,无法执行完整的嵌入式芯片中的程序。 相似文献
旁路攻击是目前信息安全技术领域一个备受瞩目的热点,绕过传统的密码分析方法,利用加密解密设备在进行数据处理时泄露出来的信息比,如运行时间、功耗等对密码系统进行分析和攻击.而DPA(differential power analysis)攻击是较为常见的一种旁路攻击.文中对DPA攻击和AES加密算法进行简单介绍,并在此基础上进行标准DPA攻击的仿真,为能量攻击分析提供一定的理论依据和实验数据. 相似文献
以FPGA芯片Cyclone II系列为核心,构建FPGA硬件平台,提出一种以资源优先为目的的DES、AES加解密设计方案。通过分析S盒的非线性特征,构造新的复合域变换,避免因同构变换产生的资源损耗。加解密过程中利用轮函数硬件结构的复用,达到硬件资源占用的最小化。整体采用内嵌流水线结构,减少逻辑复杂度的同时提高处理速度。实验结果验证了FPGA硬件加密的资源占用率远低于ASIC的硬件加密,执行速度达到Gbit/s,加密性能大大提高。 相似文献
During the past few years, many near‐field communication (NFC) mobile payment protocols have been widely used and received more and more attentions. This could be an essential factor for the growth of the world economy and leads to the improvement of the quality of life for human beings. The NFC mobile payment is one prominent approach in allowing m‐commerce to conduct a sales transaction. However, fair exchange and information security are significant concerns in creating trust among the parties participating in the transaction. Many NFC mobile payment protocols have been introduced by researchers. But, most of them still lack some crucial properties of information security and fair exchange, and this can be an obstacle to their uses. In this article, we propose an NFC mobile payment protocol that possesses comprehensive properties of both information security and fair exchange for sales transaction processing. The protocol employs both symmetric and asymmetric encryptions, hash function, and the technique of offline session key generation, in order to improve the security while maintaining the lightweight property. The fairness analysis shows that the proposed protocol is more competent and effective than others. It can resolve any dispute in case one party misbehaves. Finally, the proposed protocol's security has been successfully verified using both Burrows, Abadi and Needham (BAN logic) and the Scyther tool. 相似文献