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Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD -  相似文献   

Ein eigenst?ndiger Arbeitnehmer-bzw. Besch?ftigtendatenschutz wurde schon in den siebziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts als rechtspolitisches Ziel in Deutschland anerkannt. Eine ausführliche bereichsspezifische Regelung im BDSG wird von der Bundesregierung derzeit noch verhandelt. Der Vorschlag der EU-Kommission für eine Verordnung zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und zum freien Datenverkehr (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) vom Januar 2012 wird, wenn die Verordnung so in Kraft treten sollte, auch den Besch?ftigtendatenschutz tangieren — sowohl inhaltlich als auch kompetenziell. Der Beitrag befasst sich aus aktuellem Anlass mit den Auswirkungen des Unionsrechts auf das nationale Recht.  相似文献   

Viren und trojanische Pferde werden auch weiterhin private und gesch?ftliche PCs angreifen. Trojaner k?nnen z. B. Homebanking-Passworte aussp?hen oder vertrauliche Gesch?ftsdaten an einen Betrüger schicken. Existierende Betriebssysteme bieten keinen ausreichenden Schutz gegen solche Angriffe. Die Autoren schlagen vor, solche Daten durch den Einsatz von Virtualisierungstechniken au?erhalb des haupts?chlichen Betriebssystems des Nutzers zu schützen.  相似文献   

Currently, several Enterprise 2.0 platforms are beginning to emerge. This paper introduces Enterprise Mashup technology as a means to improve IT alignment of individual work processes and changing business needs. Enterprise Mashups enable users to create customized applications to easily find and transform business information and functionalities, as well as collaboratively share pre-built Mashup applications. Therefore, the concept of Enterprise Mashups integrates Web 2.0 technologies and principles with well-established paradigms such as Enterprise Information Integration, Business Intelligence, and Business Process Management. Involved organizational key drivers, technical challenges and inhibitors are discussed to assess the potential business value and explain the emerging expansion of Mashup platforms in companies.  相似文献   

Despite increasing acceptance of digital channels, total sales in the music business decreased by 31 % from 2004 to 2010. Music piracy is still considered one of the main causes for this. However, several studies found no effects or even positive effects of illegal downloading on record sales. In the past, piracy has been counteracted especially by prosecution and legal offers. Music as a Service (MaaS) represents a new, differing distribution approach in digital music. In contrast to the well-known music platforms for so-called à-la-carte downloads, such as the iTunes Store, MaaS possesses two important characteristics: transmission (streaming instead of downloading) and pricing model (flat rate instead of pay-per-download). Therefore, the consumption of music by means of purchasing and downloading is replaced by a monthly payment service (paid MaaS) and an ad-supported (free MaaS) service. First user surveys suggest that many music pirates are making use of these offers. To find out if MaaS is an attractive distribution channel for music pirates, we developed a model to explain the intention to use MaaS based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. To empirically test this model, we surveyed 132 music pirates. Among others, the outcome shows that the intention to use free MaaS is mainly affected by the attitude towards MaaS, while using paid MaaS is predominantly a result of the influence of users’ closest peers. The attitude towards MaaS is positively influenced by the desire to receive music recommendations, the payment type (in the form of a flat rate model), and the relative advantage of MaaS compared to illegal choices.  相似文献   

Value-added applications of the German healthcare telematics aim at patient orientation as well as quality and efficiency improvements in the healthcare sector. Telematics services can be utilized in many ways, e.g., to guarantee security standards and interoperability. The electronic health card is merely one example. The design science oriented article presents the development and evaluation of a software architecture for value-added applications. In order to achieve better user acceptance, the architectural requirements were derived directly from the caregivers. The architecture is illustrated and evaluated by the example of electronic referral management. Typical functional units of medical processes are modeled in seven layers. The instantiation shows a structured application with high security standards which enables interoperability between heterogeneous existing systems and extensive control by physicians’ cooperatives. The architecture offers, for the first time in German healthcare, the opportunity to safely and reliably specify and develop a variety of value-added applications which can be provided via the telematics infrastructure.  相似文献   

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