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The present work explores the potential of Gd2Zr2O7 for incorporation of ThO2 and Al2O3 which are components of Advanced Heavy Water Reactors (AHWR) waste. XRD studies reveal that the compositions corresponding to y from 0.0 to 0.4 in Gd2−yThyZr2−yAlyO7 are single phasic in nature and beyond y > 0.4 the biphasic region starts. The solubility of thoria in Gd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore could be enhanced by more than five times by simultaneous incorporation of alumina. The lattice parameter increases with increase in Th and Al content in the series. The rA/rB ratio increases with increase in Th and Al content in Gd2Zr2O7 and in turn the degree order increases as has been seen by gradual increase in the intensity of superstructure peaks. Single phasic samples were investigated by Raman spectroscopy also. Thermal expansion behavior of single phasic samples was investigated by HT-XRD. In order to confirm the nature of the phases backscattered images have been recorded on all the samples.  相似文献   

ThO2 containing around 2-3% 233UO2 is the proposed fuel for the forthcoming Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). This fuel is prepared by powder metallurgy technique using ThO2 and U3O8 powders as the starting material. The densification behaviour of the fuel was evaluated using a high temperature dilatometer in four different atmospheres Ar, Ar-8%H2, CO2 and air. Air was found to be the best medium for sintering among them. For Ar and Ar-8%H2 atmospheres, the former gave a slightly higher densification. Thermogravimetric studies carried out on ThO2-2%U3O8 granules in air showed a continuous decrease in weight up to 1500 °C. The effectiveness of U3O8 in enhancing the sintering of ThO2 has been established.  相似文献   

Damage evolution at room temperature in Ho2Ti2O7 single crystals is studied under 1 MeV Au2+ ion irradiation by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy along the 〈0 0 1〉 direction. For a better determination of ion-induced disorder profile, an iterative procedure and a Monte Carlo code (McChasy) were used to analyze ion channeling spectra. A disorder accumulation model, with contributions from the amorphous fraction and the crystalline disorder, is fit to the Ho damage accumulation data. The damage evolution behavior indicates that the relative disorder on the Ho sublattice follows a nonlinear dependence on dose and that defect-stimulated amorphization is the primary amorphization mechanism. Similar irradiation behavior previously was observed in Sm2Ti2O7. A slower damage accumulation rate for Ho2Ti2O7, as compared with damage evolution in Sm2Ti2O7, is mainly attributed to a lower effective cross section for defect-stimulated amorphization.  相似文献   

The high-temperature specific heat of solid UO2, ThO2, and Al2O3 can be represented by an equation of the form Cp(s) = 3nRF(?D/T) + dT3, (1) where ?D is the Debye temperature, F(?D/T) is the Debye function, d represents contributions of the anharmonic vibrations within the lattice, and n denotes the number of atoms per molecule. In the liquid the corresponding equation is Cp(1) = 3nRF(?D/T) + hT2, (2) where h is the anharmonic term. It is shown that for Al2O3 and UO2, where experimental data for the liquid phase are also available, dh has the same value, Indicating that both materials behave identically. If we compare the thermodynamic relationship Cp ? Cv = Vα2KT, (3) where V is the volume, α the volume expansion coefficient, and K the bulk modulus, with equation (1), It follows that d must be equal to 2KT2; the value of 2KT2 is calculated in the temperature region where d was obtained; within experimental error they are equal.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent research on swift heavy-ion irradiations and high-pressure studies on pyrochlores of the Gd2Zr2−xTixO7 binary [1], [2], [3] and [4]. Applying three complementary analytical techniques (synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy) allowed for the investigation of the response of pyrochlore to irradiation and/or pressure. The chemical composition of pyrochlore has a strong effect on the character and energetics of the type of structural modifications that can be obtained under pressure or irradiation: For Ti-rich pyrochlores, the crystalline-to-amorphous transition is the dominant process. When Zr is substituted for Ti, an order-disorder transformation to the defect-fluorite structure becomes the increasingly dominant process. Except for Gd2Zr2O7, single ion tracks in pyrochlore consist of an amorphous core, surrounded by a crystalline, but disordered, defect-fluorite shell. This shell is surrounded by a defect-rich pyrochlore region. In contrast to similar effects observed when pressure or irradiation are applied separately, the response of the pyrochlore structure is significantly different when it is exposed simultaneously to pressure and irradiation. The combination of relativistic heavy ions with high pressure results in the formation of a new metastable pyrochlore phase. TEM and quantum-mechanical calculations suggest that these novel structural modifications are caused by the formation of nanocrystals and the modified energetics of nanomaterials.  相似文献   

Spontaneous cationic Frenkel pair recombinations in lanthanum zirconate (La2Zr2O7) pyrochlore are studied with empirical potential molecular dynamics. A complex behavior is observed depending on the distance between the vacancy and the interstitial and on the nature of the cations lying in between them. While interstitials of the first shell near a vacancy readily recombine, interstitials of the second shell never do. The third shell interstitials recombine in half the configurations, i.e. when the intermediate cation is lanthanum, leading to antisites when a zirconium defect pair is considered. The behavior is globally the same in the corresponding disordered fluorite structure, but we observed that in this structure, the number of spontaneous recombinations increases with temperature.  相似文献   

The addition of Th to U-based fuels increases resistance to corrosion due to differences in redox-chemistry and electronic properties between UO2 and ThO2. Quantum-mechanical techniques were used to calculate surface energy trends for ThO2, resulting in (1 1 1) < (1 1 0) < (1 0 0). Adsorption energy trends were calculated for water and oxygen on the stable (1 1 1) surface of UO2 and ThO2, and the effect of model set-up on these trends was evaluated. Molecular water is more stable than dissociated water on both binary oxides. Oxidation rates for atomic oxygen interacting with defect-free UO2(1 1 1) were calculated to be extremely slow if no water is present, but nearly instantaneous if water is present. The semi-conducting nature of UO2 is found to enhance the adsorption of oxygen in the presence of water through changes in near-surface electronic structure; the same effect is not observed on the insulating surface of ThO2.  相似文献   

The sample of pyrochlore-based ceramic doped with a 244Cm isotope with a target composition Gd1.935Cm0.065 TiZrO7 was prepared by cold pressing and sintering. The pyrochlore structure phase was predominant in the sample but minor perovskite and gadolinium zirconate (ideally Gd2Zr2O7−x) were also present. The Ti/Zr pyrochlore phase was rendered amorphous at a dose of 4.6 × 1018 α-decays/g (0.60 dpa). Volume expansion of the pyrochlore lattice was found to be 2.7 vol.% at a dose of 3.85 × 1018 α-decays/g.  相似文献   

The trapping and diffusion of Br, Rb, Cs and Xe in ThO2 and CeO2 have been studied using an Ab Initio total energy method in the local-density approximation of density functional theory. Fission products incorporated in cation mono-vacancy, cation-anion di-vacancy and Schottky defect sites are found to be stable, with the cation mono-vacancy being the preferred site in most cases. In both oxides, Rb and Cs are the most likely to be trapped, and Xe is more difficult to incorporate than other fission products. The energy barriers for migration of each species in ThO2 and CeO2 are also calculated. Alkali metals are relatively more mobile than other fission products, and bromine is the least mobile.  相似文献   

Swift gold ions (185 MeV) were used to systematically investigate the radiation damage response of delta phase compounds Sc4Zr3O12 and Lu4Zr3O12 in the electronic energy loss regime. Ion irradiation-induced microstructural modifications were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD investigations indicate a phase transformation from ordered rhombohedral to disordered fluorite (O-D) in both compounds, with the Sc compound transforming at a higher ion fluence compared with the Lu compound. This result is consistent with our previous study on Sc4Zr3O12 and Lu4Zr3O12 under displacive radiation environment in which the nuclear energy loss is dominant. High resolution TEM revealed that individual ion tracks maintain crystalline structure, while the core region experiences an O-D phase transformation. TEM observations also suggest that for the doses in which the tracks overlap, the O-D phase transformation occurs across the entire ion range.  相似文献   

锆基烧绿石An2Zr2O7以优异的抗辐照性能和化学稳定性成为高放废物中锕系核素的理想固化基材,高放废物固化体在长期贮存过程中不断衰变产生衰变子体,必将影响固化体的结构和性能。本文以镧系核素Nd模拟锕系核素Pu、Am,La模拟其衰变子体U、Np,通过溶胶凝胶方法合成了(LaxNd1-x)2Zr2O7模拟固化体。样品经高能γ辐照,辐照剂量为233.78kGy。利用X射线衍射、Raman振动光谱和结构精修方法对辐照前后的系列样品进行了分析。结果表明:(LaxNd1-x)2Zr2O7系列固化体均为单一的烧绿石结构相;固化体的晶格常数随La的增加呈线性增加,晶体结构趋于有序化,意味着衰变子体有助于固化体趋向于更加有序的烧绿石结构。γ辐照和结构精修结果表明,随着子体的增加,An—O48f键长增大,离子键结合力减小,在辐照情况下晶格易发生无序化,抗辐照能力减弱。  相似文献   

Oxides possess many of the required properties suitable for an inert matrix fuel in light water reactors, however, their primary disadvantage is low thermal conductivity. Composites are being investigated to maximize the thermal conductivity of the inert matrix fuel by using thermally conductive MgO as the primary phase while improving its hot water corrosion resistance through the addition of a second phase acting as a hydration barrier. Inert matrix fuel candidate MgO-Nd2Zr2O7 composites were synthesized with multiple processing methods, the composite powders were characterized, the resulting microstructures quantitatively analyzed, and the thermal diffusivity of the composites was measured. Among the four processing methods investigated, ball milling and high-energy shaker blending produced the most homogeneous microstructures with a negligible amount of MgO and Nd2Zr2O7 heterogeneities. An effect of processing on the properties of the composites manifests as a larger variation in the thermal diffusivity in pellets processed by methods that produce a higher quantity and frequency of MgO and Nd2Zr2O7 heterogeneities than in methods that produce negligible amounts of heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Heat capacities and enthalpy increments of solid solutions Th1−yUyO2(s) (y = 0.0196, 0.0392, 0.0588, 0.098, 0.1964) and Simfuel (y = 0.0196) were measured by using a differential scanning calorimeter and a high temperature drop calorimeter. The heat capacities were measured in two temperature ranges: 127-305 K and 305-845 K and enthalpy increments were determined in the temperature range 891-1698 K. A heat capacity expression as a function of uranium content y and temperature and a set of self-consistent thermodynamic functions for Th1−yUyO2(s) were computed from present work and the literature data. The oxygen potentials of Th1−yUyO2+x(s) have been calculated and expressed as a polynomial functions of uranium content y, excess oxygen x and temperature T. The phase diagram, oxygen potential diagram of thorium-uranium-oxygen system and major vapour species over urania thoria mixed oxide have been computed using FactSage code.  相似文献   

为研究241Am在La2Zr2O7烧绿石中的固化行为及其对烧绿石晶体结构稳定性的影响,实验选用Nd作为241Am的模拟物,采用Sol-喷雾热解法合成了(La1-yNdy)2Zr2O7(0.0≤y≤1.0)系列样品,并借助X射线衍射和振动光谱手段对样品的晶体结构稳定性进行了研究。实验结果表明:随着Nd掺杂量的增加,O48f位置参数x48f和I(111) /I(222)均呈规律性增大,Raman谱逐渐展宽,IR谱发生蓝移,所有结果均证实用Nd不断替换La将导致烧绿石晶体结构有序化程度逐渐降低。另外,实验发现掺杂量y≈0.8是烧绿石晶体结构发生几何相变的逾渗阈值,超过该阈值有序的烧绿石结构将发生突变进而加速向无序萤石结构转变,该实验结果可为(La1-yAmy)2Zr2O7固溶体的结构稳定性研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The radiotoxicity hazard of U-free Rock-like oxide: ROX (PuO2+ZrO2) and Thorium oxide: TOX (PuO2+ThO2) LWR spent fuels is investigated and radiotoxicity hazard of MOX spent fuel is considered as a reference case. The long-term ingestion radiotoxicity hazard of ROX spent fuel is one third and nearly one fourth of that of TOX and MOX spent fuels, respectively. This is because the discharged Pu and long lived Np in ROX fuel is less than that of TOX and MOX fuels. In TOX fuel, discharged Pu and MA are lower than that of MOX fuel but the long-term radiotoxicity hazard of spent fuel is nearly the same as MOX spent fuel. At the cooling 105 years, the radiotoxicity hazard of TOX spent fuel is approximately ten and three times higher than that of ROX and MOX spent fuels, respectively due to higher toxic contribution of 229Th in TOX spent fuel.  相似文献   

The co-precipitation technique renders an excellent route to obtain a homogeneous mixture of ThO2 and UO2 powders. In this process, after the nitrate solutions of Th and U are mixed in the intended ratio, oxalic acid is added for co-precipitation. The precipitate is then dried and calcined to get a solid solution of ThO2 and UO2. In this study, ThO2-30%UO2 and ThO2-50%UO2 (% in weight) powders were characterized in terms of particle size, particle shape, surface area, phase content, O/M ratio etc. The pellets obtained by sintering these powders were characterized with the help of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). The XRD data for ThO2-30%UO2 and ThO2-50%UO2 pellets showed the presence of a small amount of U3O8 phase besides fluorite phase. The grain size of ThO2-30%UO2 and ThO2-50%UO2 was found to be 5.7 and 4.5 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of present paper have shown that sputtering of yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12) under swift heavy ions in the electronic energy loss regime is non-stoichiometric. Here we are presenting additional experimental results for gadolinium gallium garnet (Gd3Ga5O12) as target. The irradiations were performed with different ions (50Cr (589 MeV), 86Kr (195 MeV) and 181Ta (400 MeV)) impinging perpendicularly to the surface. As earlier, the sputtering yield was determined by collecting the emitted gadolinium and gallium atoms on a thin aluminium foil, placed upstream above the target and analyzing the Al catcher by Rutherford backscattering. Also for Gd3Ga5O12, the emission of Gd and Ga is non-stoichiometric. Sputtering appears above a critical electronic stopping power of Sth = 11.6 ± 1.5 keV/nm, which is larger than the threshold for track formation, in agreement with other amorphisable materials. In addition, the angular distribution of the sputtered species was measured for Y3Fe5O12 and Gd3Ga5O12 using 200 MeV Au ions impinging the surface at 20° relatively to the surface. For the two garnets the ratio of Y/Fe (and Gd/Ga) varies with the angle of emitted species and the stoichiometry seems to be preserved only for an emission perpendicular to the surface.  相似文献   

The oxygen potentials over the phase field: Cs4U5O17(s)+Cs2U2O7(s)+Cs2U4O12(s) was determined by measuring the emf values between 1048 and 1206 K using a solid oxide electrolyte galvanic cell. The oxygen potential existing over the phase field for a given temperature can be represented by: Δμ(O2) (kJ/mol) (±0.5)=−272.0+0.207T (K). The differential thermal analysis showed that Cs4U5O17(s) is stable in air up to 1273 K. The molar Gibbs energy formation of Cs4U5O17(s) was calculated from the above oxygen potentials and can be given by, ΔfG0 (kJ/mol)±6=−7729+1.681T (K). The enthalpy measurements on Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) were carried out from 368.3 to 905 K and 430 to 852 K respectively, using a high temperature Calvet calorimeter. The enthalpy increments, (H0TH0298), in J/mol for Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) can be represented by, H0TH0298.15 (Cs4U5O17) kJ/mol±0.9=−188.221+0.518T (K)+0.433×10−3T2 (K)−2.052×10−5T3 (K) (368 to 905 K) and H0TH0298.15 (Cs2U2O7) kJ/mol±0.5=−164.210+0.390T (K)+0.104×10−4T2 (K)+0.140×105(1/T (K)) (411 to 860 K). The thermal properties of Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) were derived from the experimental values. The enthalpy of formation of (Cs4U5O17, s) at 298.15 K was calculated by the second law method and is: ΔfH0298.15=−7645.0±4.2 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

The incorporation of gadolinium directly into nuclear fuel is important regarding reactivity compensation, which enables longer fuel cycles. The incorporation of Gd2O3 powder directly into the UO2 powder by dry mechanical blending is the most attractive process, because of its simplicity. Nevertheless, processing by this method leads to difficulties while obtaining sintered pellets with the minimum required density. This is due to the bad sintering behavior of the UO2-Gd2O3 mixed fuel, which shows a blockage in the sintering process that hinder the densification process. Minimal information exists regarding the possible mechanisms for this blockage and this is restricted to the hypothesis based on the formation of a low diffusivity Gd rich (U,Gd)O2 phase. The objective of this investigation was to study the phase formation in this system, thus contributing to clarifying the causes of the blockage. Experimental evidence indicated the existence of phases in the (U,Gd)O2 system that revealed structures different from the fluorite-type UO2 structure. These phases appear to be isostructural to the phases observed in the rare earth-oxygen system.  相似文献   

First-principle calculations in the framework of the full-potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave method (FLAPW, as implemented into the WIEN-2k code) have been performed to understand the structural, elastic, cohesive and electronic properties of the meta-stable cubic strontium thorate SrThO3. The optimized lattice parameters, elastic parameters, formation energies, densities of states, band structures and charge density distributions are obtained and discussed in comparison with those of cubic SrZrO3 and ThO2.  相似文献   

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