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The phase diagram in the quaternary Fe-Pu-U-Zr system was established at 923 K in the uranium-rich region to understand better the compatibility between the metal fuel and stainless steel cladding in a fast reactor. The experimental phase relation data obtained in this study was applied to the thermodynamic methodology for construction of the phase diagram. The calculated phase diagram was consistent and well within the experimental data. The applicability of the thermodynamic model to other temperatures was confirmed by comparing the present results of differential thermal analysis with the calculated phase diagrams. These consistencies mean that both the thermodynamic model and the assessed parameters in the binary and ternary subsystems developed so far are reasonable. The calculated phase diagram established in this study was also in good agreement with the analysis of the diffusion zone in tests on Pu-U-Zr/Fe couples. This suggests that the diffusion zone formed at the fuel-cladding interface in the reactor system can be assessed using the phase diagram in the quaternary Fe-Pu-U-Zr system.  相似文献   

Phase relations and defect structures were studied in a PrO1.5-UO2-O2 ternary system in the temperature range from 1200 to 1500°C. Phases and compositions of the products heated in either air, helium or vacuum were examined by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis, respectively. The regions of existence of solid solution having fluorite type structure, of rhombohedral phase and of A-type rare earth sesquioxide phase were determined. It was found that these phase relations could be classified by the mean valency of uranium and the type of oxygen defects. The change of cubic lattice parameter of the solid solution, PryU1?yO2+x, in single phase region (0 ≤ y ≤ 0.7) was expressed as linear equations of x and y: a = 5.4704?0.127x ?0.007y, for x ≥ 0 and a = 5.4704?0.397x?0.007y, for x < 0. The change of lattice parameters was discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

The present state of knowledge of the phase relations and thermodynamic properties of the uranium-nitrogen system is given. Emphasis is placed on the nonstoichiometric and thermodynamic properties of uranium sesquinitride. The present paper consists of two parts. The first part is on the phase relations; an equilibrium phase diagram is proposed, and the relationship between structure and lattice parameter for the α-U2N3-UN2 system is shown. The second part deals with thermodynamic properties of UN and α-U2N3; the data on decomposition pressures, specific heats, and heats and free energies of formation are summarized and evaluated.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria in the system Si-U-V were established at 1100 °C by optical microscopy, EMPA and X-ray diffraction. Two ternary compounds were observed, U2V3Si4 and (U1−xVx)5Si3, for which the crystal structures were elucidated by X-ray powder data refinement and found to be isotypic with the monoclinic U2Mo3Si4-type (space group P21/c; a = 0.6821(3), b = 0.6820(4), c = 0.6735(3) nm, β = 109.77(1)°) and the tetragonal W5Si3-type (space group I4/mcm, a = 1.06825(2), c = 0.52764(2) nm), respectively. (U1−xVx)5Si3 appears at 1100 °C without any significant homogeneity region at x ∼ 0.2 resulting in a formula U4VSi3 which corresponds to a fully ordered atom arrangement. DTA experiments clearly show decomposition of this phase above 1206 °C revealing a two-phase region U3Si2 + V3Si. At 1100 °C U4VSi3 is in equilibrium with V3Si, V5Si3, U3Si2 and U(V). At 800 °C U4VSi3 forms one vertex of the tie-triangle to U3Si and V3Si. Due to the rather high thermodynamic stability of V3Si and the corresponding tie-lines V3Si + liquid at 1100 °C and V3Si + U(V) below 925 °C, no compatibility exists between U3Si or U3Si2 and vanadium metal.  相似文献   

Some assessments of possible equilibria for the ternary system uranium-plutonium-nitrogen have been made and from these equilibria the pressures of the gas phase species. Pu, U and N2 for the system have been calculated. The nature of the vaporization behaviour of alloys of the system is also predicted.  相似文献   

The phase diagram of the niobium-tritium system was determined for the first time. Using X-ray diffraction and DTA techniques a shift of the monotectoid horizontal and of the boundary between the α' + β and α' phases to higher temperatures is observed for increasing hydrogen isotope mass. The monotectoid temperature is (103.9 + 1.0)°C for T in Nb in comparison to (87.5 ± 1.0)°C for H. In addition, a small decrease of the terminal solubility of the α phase at temperatures below the monotectoid horizontal was found with increasing isotope mass.  相似文献   

The phase diagram of the zirconium-rhenium system was constructed by x-ray and microscopic methods and by measurements of melting points, hardness and microhardness of the phases. The region of solid solutions of rhenium in α-zirconium at 800 ° C is ~0.5 weight %, and at the temperature of the eutectoid transition it increases to 2–3 weight %. At 1600 ° C, 14.68 weight % of rhenium dissolves in β-zirconium and at the eutectoid transition point at 550–600 ° C, 8 weight % of rhenium. The β-phase is stabilized in alloys containing more than 4 weight % of rhenium. An eutectic is formed at 1600 ° C and 25 weight % of rhenium. The presence of a metastable ω-phase in melts rich in zirconium was established. The solubility of zirconium in rhenium at 2500 ° C is less than 2 weight %. Three chemical compounds are formed in the system by peritectic reactions:
  1. 1)
    At 2500 ° C, Zr5Re24 of the α-Mn type with a body-centered cubic lattice (a = 9.6–9.7 kX) and a microhardness of 1000 kg/ mm2;  相似文献   

Experimental diffusion data in literature has been evaluated to assess the atomic mobility for the bcc phase in the U-Pu-Zr system by means of the DICTRA-type (Diffusion Controlled TRAnsformation) phenomenological treatment. The developed mobility database has been validated by comprehensive comparisons made between the experimental and calculated diffusion coefficients, as well as other interesting details resulting from interdiffusion, e.g. the concentration profile and the diffusion path of diffusion couples.  相似文献   

In continuation with the earlier work for phase studies of Rb-Sr-U-O and Cs-Sr-U-O systems, the subsolidus phase relations in Na-Sr-U-O quaternary system were determined at 850 °C in air atmosphere. A novel quaternary phase Na8Sr2U6O24 in the Na-Sr-U-O system was synthesized by heating the respective oxides at 850 °C in air. XRD data of Na8Sr2U6O24 was indexed on a cubic system with lattice parameter a = 0.8326 nm and was found isostructural with K8Sr2U6O24 and Rb8Sr2U6O24. A pseudo-ternary phase diagram of Na2O-SrO-UO3 was drawn using the new quaternary compound and various phase fields were established by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. The structure of Na8Sr2U6O24 was derived from the powder data and structural parameters were refined by the Rietveld profile method.  相似文献   

Ternary borides PuTB4 and Pu2TB6 have been synthesized from the elements and their crystal structures have been characterized from X-ray powder diffraction data. Compounds PuTB4 with T = Mo, W, Tc, Re crystallize in the orthorhombic YCrB4-type, whereas PuRuB4 and PuOsB4 reveal a transposition behavior between the related structure types of YCrB4 and ThMoB4. Compounds Pu2TB6 with T = Tc, Re, Ru, and Os are isostructural with the structure type of Y2ReB6. The crystal chemistry of these phases is discussed with respect to the corresponding rare earth compounds.  相似文献   

上海同步辐射装置(SSRF)的定时信号通过光纤由事件发生器EVG发送到事件接收器EVR,为各个分系统和设备提供精确时序信号,但光纤因SSRF复杂的局部环境而产生温度变化,从而引起EVR的输出信号与高频信号的相位漂移.因此需设计-套温漂补偿系统来补偿这种因光纤的温度变化而产生的相位漂移,本文详细阐述了温漂补偿系统的硬件架构及相位测量算法,最后给出了温漂补偿系统的测试结果.  相似文献   

《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2006,348(1-2):114-121
The results on the ZrO2–FeO system studies in a neutral atmosphere are presented. The refined eutectic point has been found to correspond to a ZrO2 concentration of 10.3 ± 0.6 mol% at 1332 ± 5 °C. The ultimate solubility of iron oxide in zirconia has been determined in a broad temperature range, taking into account the ZrO2 polymorphism. A phase diagram of the pseudobinary system in question has been constructed.  相似文献   

The design of phase control system in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) linac is presented in this paper. And digital phase detecting algorithm, the key for phase control system, is fully described. The testing results for phase control system in 100MeV linac are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In continuation of our previous work on phase diagram investigations of alkali metal-alkaline earth metal-uranium oxides, the sub-solidus phase relations in K-Sr-U-O quaternary system were determined at 850 °C in air. A pseudo-ternary phase diagram of UO3-SrO-K2O was drawn using reported ternary compounds in K2O-UO3 and SrO-UO3 systems, a single quaternary compound, K8Sr2U6O24 and various phase mixtures. These compounds and mixtures were synthesized by solid route, by heating K2CO3, SrCO3 and UO3 in different molar proportions at 850 °C. The phase fields of K2O-SrO-UO3 pseudo-ternary phase diagram were established by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. Gibbs energies of formation of binary and ternary uranates were estimated. The Gibbs energies of formations of A8Sr2U6O24 (A = Na/K/Rb/Cs) type compounds for different alkali metals were compared to find a reason for the stability of the compound for sodium, potassium and rubidium and its instability for cesium.  相似文献   

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