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基于网站用户群体的行为特征在很大程度上体现了网站的发展状况,为从用户行为的角度研究网站的发展,在互联网中提出了空间的概念,并定义了互联网空间和网站发展空间,分别用来代表整个互联网以及衡量网站的发展现状和发展趋势。为展示各个网站在互联网空间中的位置分布情况和发展空间大小,使用网站用户规模、用户满意度和重访率三个参数建立了网站发展空间模型。根据网络用户行为指标的特征,对应地提出了模型参数的计算方法,进而通过网站发展空间模型直观地展示各个网站的发展情况和发展趋势。针对移动互联网的快速发展,在移动互联网中更能体现网站的发展过程,因此采用来自某大型移动网络的用户点击流数据对网站发展空间模型进行实验,详细分析并展示真实网站的发展现状,准确地预测网站的发展趋势,验证网站发展空间模型的有效性。  相似文献   

互联网发展的速度非常迅猛,以互联网为依托的网站之间的竞争日趋激烈,在这个"流量为王"的互联网时代,网站所能达到的规模与受众人数是考量网站的重要部分。所以,网站与网民的互动则成为网站发展的重要环节。本文基于互联网发展的特点,对网络发展趋势以及网站之间的竞争模式做以探讨,并从互动性方面,对网页特别是网页中Flash动画的互动性做了分析与思考。  相似文献   

对中国网站总量、中国网站分布情况、网站主办者组成情况、专业互联网信息服务网站发展、网站接入市场竞争等方面进行了全面、深入地统计、分析和研究.显示出中国全功能接人互联网20周年以来,小国网站的发展取得了显著成就。  相似文献   

2009年1月5日。国务院新闻办,工业和信息化部等7部门召开电视电话会议。部署了在全国开展整治互联网低俗之风专项行动。为认真贯彻落实专项行动会议精神。规范互联网信息服务。中国互联网协会决定联合各省、自治区.直辖市互联网协会。从即日起在全国范围内共同组织会员单位开展整治互联网低俗之风行业自律工作。并下发了《关于组织开展整治互联网低俗之风行业自律工作的通知》,对会员单位中有新闻网站.商业网站、搜索引擎网站、社区论坛、视频网站.游戏网站.动漫网站.  相似文献   

一夜之间,团购网站就成了中国互联网最热的概念。2010年3月4日下午,曾创办海内网、饭否网的王兴再次开辟互联网新战场,模仿美国网站Groupon低调推出团购网站美团网(meituan.com)的时候,他可能已经预见到了此举将会再次带来中国互联网业界的模仿之风。毕竟从视频共享到SNS社区再到徽博,中国互联网行业对于海外的互联网新形态网站一直亦步亦趋,几乎每一个可能在商业上获得成功的网站模式都被中国的创业者们迅速的带到中国并进行本地化改良。  相似文献   

9月29日,河南省通信管理局、河南互联网应急中心组织省各基础电信运营公司和郑州景安、绿盟科技、奇虎360公司等互联网网络安全应急服务支撑单位及省内主要互联网接入服务单位,成功举办了2012年"中原网安5号"互联网网络安全应急演练。演练内容由DNS劫持及仿冒网站处置、针对重要政府网站的DDoS攻击事件两个科目组成,涵盖了DNS劫持、仿冒网站和重要政府网站遭受DDoS攻击三类网络安全事件。DNS劫持及仿冒网站演练  相似文献   

互联网改变了我们的生活,其中影响最大的莫过于网站。上网用户每天花大量的时间在浏览各种网站。网站的内容涉及到现实世界的方方面面。网站是互联网最重要的资源。政府网站是网站最重要的部分之一。随着我国电子政务,电子商务和金字系列工程的逐步开展,政府的网站越来越多,也越来越重要。  相似文献   

世纪互联网近日与脉搏网(www.mweb.com)联合推出了专为无线网络用户量身定做的无线互联WAP网站wap.mweb.com,以方便手机上网用户,为其提供便利的生活资讯和在线服务。这是世纪互联网继一系列网站服务后的又一成功建设的网站,汇集了世纪互联网网站工程师的丰富网站建设经验和专  相似文献   

作为互联网的重要组成部分,网站在互联网系统中为访客起到媒介作用,人们通过浏览网站可以获得自己想要获得的相关信息,也可以在网站界面的帮助下,进行商品交易和电子商务的相关工作,所以探索网站开发的关键问题以及相关的策略极其重要.基于此,文章首先分析了网站设计过程中要注意的关键问题及相关策略,其次探究了网站开发过程中所涉及的法律问题及解决对策,旨在对相关互联网从业人员提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

9月29日,河南省通信管理局、河南互联网应急中心组织省各基础电信运营公司和郑州景安、绿盟科技、奇虎360公司等互联网网络安全应急服务支撑单位及省内主要互联网接入服务单位,成功举办了2012年"中原网安5号"互联网网络安全应急演练。演练内容由DNS劫持及仿冒网站处置、针对重要政府网站的DDoS攻击事件两个科目组成,涵盖了DNS劫持、仿冒网站和重要政府网站遭受DDoS攻击三类网络安全事件。  相似文献   

域名是网站的全球唯一标识,搜索引擎通过网站的内容,将其URL收录,并作为网站搜索的重要数据,一般通过中文搜索即可列出其网站域名和相应的内容链接,达到进入相应网站的重要途径,黑客正是利用这一特点,通过搜索引擎劫持域名,使网站转为其他非法网站。本文就其产生的现象、原因进行分析,从而给出相应的对策,对网站安全管理具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on studying mixed teams of urban planners, citizens and other stakeholders co-constructing their vision for the future of a site. The MR Tent provides a very specific collaborative setting: an assembly of technologies brought outdoors onto the site of an urban project, which offers vistas onto the site as well as a multiplicity of representations of the site to work with, in different media and taken from different perspectives. The prime focus of this paper is on the complex narratives participants co-constructed in three participatory workshops, with the aim to understand how the core aspects of the MR Tent—spatiality, representation and haptic engagement—shape these narratives. Main findings of this research concern: how the design of the multi-layered space of the MR-Tent supports spatial story-telling; how the different representations of the site of an urban project offer the opportunity to choreograph a ‘site-seeing’ that helps participants understand the site and plan interventions; how the ‘tangibles’ in the MR-Tent encourage a different way of contributing to a shared project and ‘building a vision’.  相似文献   

如今,Web网页的种类繁多且复杂,因此网站容易被不法分子攻击,所以网站的安全问题是需要去重视的一个重要方面,本文详细讨论了几种web网页的安全策略,也同时也提出了防火墙这个安全防护技术。  相似文献   

网站压力测试是网站应用程序性能测试必不可少的一项工作。现以一个用ASP.NET开发的校园网站为例,详细介绍Web网站的压力测试参数,及如何使用WAST(Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool)对Web网站性能进行压力测试。  相似文献   

The layout of temporary facilities in a construction site deals with the selection of their most efficient layout in order to operate efficiently and cost effectively. The layout design seeks the best arrangement of facilities within the available area. In the design process of the layout, many objectives must be considered to effectively utilize people resources, equipment, space, and energy. This study proposes a soft-computing-based approach to improve the layout process of facilities. The main objective is on obtaining the closeness relationship values between each pair of facilities in a construction site. To achieve this, an integrated approach, using fuzzy set theory and genetic algorithms, is used to investigate the layout of temporary facilities in relation with the planned building(s) in a construction site. An example application is presented to illustrate the proposed approach and the results are then discussed along with recommendations for further work. Depending on the importance of relationships among the various facilities in the construction site, this study is expected to provide engineers with an appropriate tool to compare and evaluate different layouts and select the most appropriate and efficient one  相似文献   

该文描述了一个在线图书网站的设计并讲解了使用XML DB实现该网站的重要性。最后,叙述了在实现过程中几个关键的技术。  相似文献   

Site selection is an important issue in municipal solid waste (MSW) management. Selection of the appropriate solid waste site is an extensive evaluation process that requires consideration of multiple alternative solutions and evaluation criteria. In reality, it is easier for decision makers to express their judgments on the alternatives by using linguistic terms, and there usually exists uncertain and incomplete assessment information. Moreover, decision makers may have different risk attitudes in the siting process because of their different backgrounds and personalities. Therefore, an attitudinal-based interval 2-tuple linguistic VIKOR (ITL-VIKOR) method is proposed in this paper to select the best disposal site for MSW. The feasibility and practicability of the proposed method are further demonstrated through an example of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) combustion plant location. Results show that the new approach is more suitable and effective to handle the MSW site selection problems by considering the decision maker's attitudinal character and incorporating the uncertain and incomplete assessment information.  相似文献   

IPv6站点多宿主是下一代互联网络的重要服务方式,可以通过主链路或次链路发送用户数据。选择次链路能够维持会话存海洼,却与上游网络提供者实施的准入过滤机制之间存在冲突。针对该问题,本文提出了一种基于源地址隐匿的IPv6站点多宿主方法,保证了会话存活性。实验分析表明,SAS与隧道机制、Shim6等其他多宿主方法相比,具有更更多的性能优点。  相似文献   

S. H. Yang  X. Chen  L. Yang 《Software》2003,33(12):1151-1175
This paper describes an approach for the integration of control system software design, testing, and implementation over the Internet using the Java and Jini technologies. Process models and control systems are remotely designed and tested in a virtual laboratory (also called the virtual world), and then implemented in a physical plant (also called the real world) through an integrated environment. Although control system and process model designers and real‐site operators are geographically dispersed they work together as a team over the Internet to provide the maintenance support to all the authorized industrial processes. As a consequence, time and money can both be saved because there is no need for an expert of the control software supplier to travel to the site of the real plant and conduct on‐site implementation. A generic control system life cycle model is presented first in this paper. Then three enabling technologies including Java, Jini and WWW are briefly introduced. Taking advantage of the Java, Jini and WWW technologies, an Internet‐based general infrastructure is proposed to remotely facilitate process modelling, control system design, simulation, validation and on‐site implementation. An integrated environment is established to implement the infrastructure. A water tank with a liquid level control system is refereed as a case study to illustrate how the prototype of the integrated environment works over the Internet. Further work and the conclusions are given at the end. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This review advances propositions regarding the structure of the relationship between vendor trust and its antecedents as this structure pertains to the relative and complementary effectiveness of trust-building strategies. By understanding how the relationship between vendor trust and its antecedents is structured and why this relationship is structured the way it is, we hope to gain more holistic insights into trust in electronic market transactions and to provide online businesses with a clear recommendation of how to establish trust in an effective and efficient manner. Thus, while past research has made important contributions by uncovering a great number of antecedents to vendor trust, this review examines two strategies more in depth: Vendor reputation and Web site trust. Drawing from the literature on trust, we propose Vendor reputation to be more effective than Web site trust. We also propose a small complementary effect between Vendor reputation and Web site trust that may help online businesses to generate superior vendor trust.  相似文献   

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