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为了检测甲醛,理论和实践中已经出现了很多成熟的方法。但每种方法都存在一定的局限性。为了达到成本和检测效率的平衡,提出并实现了基于支持向量机的甲醛检测系统。通过数据训练,生成针对特定环境的支持向量机。当环境出现甲醛超过阈值时,针对该环境的支持向量机可以判断并报警。经过仿真和实验,该方法对环境有更好的适应性,在成本和效率方面达到了更好的平衡。 相似文献
计算机技术的进步推动了网络技术发展,传统的计算机局域网故障检测技术过于依赖人力,检测耗时长,检测效果差,无法满足目前局域网故障检测需求,因此基于支持向量机设计了新的计算机局域网故障检测技术。首先选取了计算机局域网故障检测模型,其次基于支持向量机设计了计算机局域网故障检测算法,最后优化了径向基检测神经网络,从而实现了计算机局域网故障检测,进行实验,结果表明,设计的计算机局域网故障检测技术的检测耗时较短,具有省时性,有一定的应用价值。 相似文献
大多数情况下,机械设备故障模式识别属于一个小样本机器学习问题,通过小样本进行故障诊断往往精确度不高,但是支持向量机能够对小样本进行故障诊断分析,文章将研究基于支持向量机的机械设备故障诊断,通过对支持向量机多类分类算法中的二叉树进行改进,然后选择合适的核函数并对其相关参数进行优化,最后将改进的方法应用到旋转机械故障诊断中... 相似文献
管道腐蚀超声波内检测具有数据量大、干扰多的特点,其自动测厚算法要求适应性强,但各类超声波检测数据处理算法用于管道内检测自动测厚时存在误判率高、精度较低、耗时长等缺点。针对此问题,本文首先提出了基于两步法的一次FFT自动测厚算法;对其存在的误判率高的问题,提出了二次FFT自动测厚算法;对二次FFT算法精度降低的问题,提出了改进的二次FFT自动测厚算法。理论分析和各类实验证明,该算法具有一次FFT自动测厚算法精度高和二次FFT自动测厚算法误判率低的特点,较好地实现了管道腐蚀壁厚自动测量。 相似文献
针对具有多模态、非线性特征的复杂分布数据的工业过程,提出一种基于局部相对概率密度(LRPD)的多核支持向量机(MKSVM)故障检测方法LRPD-MKSVM。首先,计算训练样本的局部概率密度矩阵并进行标准化处理,来消除数据的多模态特性;其次,运用标准化后的概率密度矩阵训练多核SVM模型,获得判别分类函数;之后,将测试数据的概率密度矩阵作为多核SVM模型的输入,对其进行分类;最后,将该方法应用于TE多模态工业过程,分别与基于单核的高斯核函数SVM(RBFSVM)、多项式核函数SVM(POLYSVM)分类方法 对比分析,结果表明:基于多核SVM方法的分类正确率明显优于单核SVM方法。 相似文献
Natural gas load forecasting is a key process to the efficient operation of pipeline network. An accurate forecast is required to guarantee a balanced network operation and ensure safe gas supply at a minimum cost. Machine learning techniques have been increasingly applied to load forecasting. A novel regression technique based on the statistical learning theory, support vector machines (SVM), is investigated in this paper for natural gas shortterm load forecasting. SVM is based on the principle of structure risk minimization as opposed to the principle of empirical risk minimization in conventional regression techniques. Using a data set with 2 years load values we developed prediction model using SVM to obtain 31 days load predictions. The results on city natural gas short-term load forecasting show that SVM provides better prediction accuracy than neural network. The software package natural gas pipeline networks simulation and load forecasting (NGPNSLF) based on support vector regression prediction has been developed, which has also been applied in practice. 相似文献
训练样本的准确性对回归分析模型有很大的影响,然而训练样本中难免会出现一些造成分析模型失效的奇异点。 为克服奇异点对回归模型的影响,本文提出了一种基于M估计器的支持向量机(M-SVM)。它采用M估计器的目标函数代替最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)目标函数中的残差平方和,同时提出了M-SVM的迭代求解算法,并将该算法应用于含有奇异点的低维仿真数据回归和汽油近红外光谱定量分析中。实验结果证明,相比于其他的支持向量机,M-SVM具有更好的稳健性和分析精度。 相似文献
Hybrid modeling of penicillin fermentation process based on least square support vector machine 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
According to the problem of the pre-estimation with least square support vector machine (LSSVM) modeling is not ideal in the initial stages of penicillin fermentation process, two hybrid models are designed by utilizing the advantage of LSSVM and kinetics model. Through selecting the appropriate state variables and adopting these methods for penicillin fermentation, the mycelial concentration can be pre-estimated. Experiment results show that these hybrid modeling methods not only improve the above problem, but also have higher predicting accuracy and more powerful generalization ability than the single LSSVM method. 相似文献
针对支持向量机(SVM)增量学习过程中易出现计算速度慢、稳定性差的缺陷,提出了一种基于向量投影的代谢支持向量机建模方法.该方法首先运用向量投影算法对训练样本进行预选取来减少样本数量,提高SVM建模速度.然后将新增样本"代谢"原则引入SVM增量学习过程中,以解决因新增样本不断加入而导致训练样本数量"爆炸"的问题.最后将该方法用于乙烯精馏产品质量软测量建模,实验结果表明,与传统SVM和最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)相比,向量投影的代谢SVM具有更好的预测结果. 相似文献
考虑蜡沉积影响因素的复杂性和最小二乘支持向量机在小样本预测方面的优势,基于最小二乘支持向量机预测的原理,通过优化最小二乘支持向量机的参数,建立了蜡沉积速率的预测模型,并对蜡沉积速率进行了预测。结果表明:该方法在样本数量较小时仍具有较高的精度,蜡沉积速率的预测值和实验值的吻合程度较好;最小二乘支持向量机建模时可以得到直观的函数表达式,而神经网络方法却不能得到模型的显式表达式,因此该方法具有明显的优势;应用径向基核(RBF)作为核函数时,不同初值的正则化参数?和核函数宽度?对预测结果具有较大影响,使用时应合理选择。 相似文献
Multi-kernel-based support vector machine (SVM) model structure of nonlinear systems and its specific identification method is proposed, which is composed of a SVM with linear kernel function followed in series by a SVM with spline kernel function. With the help of this model, nonlinear model predictive control can be transformed to linear model predictive control, and consequently a unified analytical solution of optimal input of multi-step-ahead predictive control is possible to derive. This algorithm does not require online iterative optimization in order to be suitable for real-time control with less calculation. The simulation results of pH neutralization process and CSTR reactor show the effectiveness and advantages of the presented algorithm. 相似文献
Experiments to investigate the jet penetration depth were carried out. The jet penetration depth increases with the increase of spouting gas velocity, spouting nozzle diameter and carrier gas density, but decreases with the rise of the static bed height, particle density, particle diameter and fluidized gas rate. The intelligent model to predict the jet penetration depth has been established based on least square support vector machine and adaptive mutative scale chaos optimization algorithm. The prediction performance of the intelligent model is better than empirical correlations and neural network. 相似文献