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疏勒河流域昌马灌区水资源脆弱性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据疏勒河流域昌马灌区水资源现状,运用层次分析法,建立了水资源脆弱性评价指标体系和脆弱度判定标准,分析了灌区水资源的自然脆弱性、人为脆弱性和承载脆弱性等敏感指标,结合2008年资料对灌区脆弱性进行了评价。结果表明:昌马灌区的自然脆弱性、人为脆弱性、承载脆弱性和综合脆弱性指标值分别为1.17、4.11、4.48和4.05,综合属微脆弱态势,但自然脆弱性较强,较符合灌区现状。  相似文献   

A model comprising blocks of artificial neural networks (ANNs) combined in sequence was used to simulate the inflow and outflow in a water resources system under a shortage of water. We assessed the selection of appropriate input data using linear and non-linear cross-correlation functions and sensitivity analysis. The potential model inputs were flow, precipitation and temperature data from various gauging stations throughout the upper watershed of the ‘Guadiana Menor’ River (southern Spain), and the model considered various input time lags. The ANNs based on the selected inputs were effective relative to those with no relevant inputs, and produced more parsimonious models. We also investigated conceptual analogies inherent in the ANN models by analyzing the response profiles of the modelled variables (inflow and outflow) in relation to each of the selected input data. The results demonstrate that the neural approach approximated the behaviour of various components of the water resources system in terms of various hydrologic cycle processes and management rules. Our findings suggest that in dry periods a mean temperature increase of 1°C in low altitude locations of the region will result in a mean decrease of approximately 2% in the inflow to the water resources system, and a mean increase of approximately 12% in the outflow requirements for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Virtual water, understood as the volume of water needed to produce a good or service, in the context of trade among countries, allows assessing the relative dependency of different countries on imported virtual water. The assessment of virtual water flows in virtual water trade studies is generally carried out at the national level, thus concealing the spatial variability of many countries that comprise a wide range of agro-climatic areas. A finer spatial resolution is needed to apply the virtual water concept with a view to improving local water resources management at the regional or basin scale. This paper presents a more detailed analysis of blue agricultural virtual water at sub-basin scale, which is aggregated to the basin scale for the Guadalquivir River basin in southern Spain. Given that around 80% of the available blue water resources of this region are used in agriculture, improving irrigation water management is of great interest to the basin water resources management. The main objective of this paper is to estimate the virtual irrigation water balance; an important component of the agricultural water footprint that provides additional information to the basin blue water balance and contributes to achieving a more rational and efficient management of basin water resources. Management recommendations focusing on the spatial redistribution of irrigated crops according to both their water efficiency and productivity are proposed with the aim of saving blue water for other purposes such as drought mitigation or environmental flows, among others. In particular, the proposed measures affect irrigated olive trees; the most widespread irrigated crop in this basin.  相似文献   

The problem of allocation of limited water resources for multiple and diverse activities with growing demand calls for the need to develop appropriate tools for water valorization. This work develops a methodology to estimate the economic value of water in a basin with large hydropower production and a growing demand for rice irrigation, based on a coupled hydrological and electric system modelling approach. Inflow deficits to the hydroelectric system induced by the irrigation reservoirs within the basin are simulated under different irrigation scenarios. The simulated inflow deficits are integrated to an existing model of the interconnected electric system to evaluate the associated increase in generation costs under different energy scenarios. The impact of inflow deficits in turbinated and spilled flow and generation costs are comprehensively explored. Both annual mean and interannual variability of overcosts increase with increasing irrigation demand. However, if normalized by yearly varying rice planted area, the distribution of additional costs does not change substantially. Moreover, the distribution of normalized overcosts per unit irrigated area is also invariant to energy scenarios, although the relative impact in total costs decreases as the proportion of hydroelectric generation diminishes.  相似文献   

Integrated Water Resources Management in Polrud Irrigation System   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Water is needed in all aspects of life and is vital to its social, economical and environmental dimensions. Having a key role in sustainable development, water management requires an integrated approach. Irrigation Water shortage promotes the development of innovative management and supply enhancement models. Effective water management requires a comprehensive consideration of all related aspects, e.g., technical, social, environmental, institutional, political and financial. Then the conventional methods of cost-benefit analysis and single-objective models have changed to multi-objective models. The rising of population in Iran puts significant pressure on authorities and infrastructures to provide water. Without improvement in water management, Irrigation demand will continue to increase, water supplies will diminish and the population pressure will decay infrastructure. This paper describes compromise programming to solve multi-criteria decision making in irrigation planning for Polrud project in the North of Iran. The important objectives of project are: regulation of reliable water at the demand time, improving rice and tea production, domestic water supply, environmental needs as well as reducing social conflicts. After execution of the model, results show the optimum decision for crops pattern and extents of allocated water to each area. This study is a successful implementation of IWRM in irrigation planning.  相似文献   

我国水资源紧缺,建设节水型社会丝毫不能懈怠。自上世纪80年代以来我国的节水已有明显成效,但我国农业是用水大国,新时期面临的水资源形势更加严峻,农业的干旱缺水呈现愈来愈严重的态势。在调研及试验的基础上,通过对阿克苏河流域典型农田小区、试验区、典型分区调研与分析,科学地总结出灌区作物水分生产率与灌溉效益的关系,得出灌区主要农作物的最佳灌溉水量和灌溉次数,为实现高效、节水的农业生产提供科学依据。  相似文献   

浙江省仙居县位于浙江东南内陆,北蚕坑为永安溪第三大支流,流域面积192km2.流域开发现状为,已建成谷坦、北秦、西索3座水库,配套电站5座,并已建成向县城供水一期工程.但以革流域为主的水资源配置难以满足社会经济发展对水资源利用日益增长的需要,存在着工程不配套、效益受损、调水准和管理难等问题.因此,从分析现有工程出发,探索相邻流域水源补偿综合规划,以达到区域水资源有效地开发利用,最后选定方案五为最佳推荐方案.  相似文献   

This study proposes intelligent water resources allocation strategies for multiple users through hybrid artificial intelligence techniques implemented for reservoir operation optimization and water shortage rate estimation. A two-fold scheme is developed for (1) knowledge acquisition through searching input–output patterns of optimal reservoir operation by optimization methods and (2) the inference system through mapping the current input pattern to estimate the water shortage rate by artificial neural networks (ANNs). The Shihmen Reservoir in northern Taiwan is the study case. We first design nine possible water demand conditions by investigating the changes in historical water supply. With the nine designed conditions and 44-year historical 10-day reservoir inflow data collected during the growth season (3 months) of the first paddy crop, we first conduct the optimization search of reservoir operation by using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) in consideration of agricultural and public water demands simultaneously. The simulation method is used as a comparative model to the NSGA-II. Results demonstrate that the NSGA-II can suitably search the optimal water allocation series and obtain much lower seasonal water shortage rates than those of the simulation method. Then seasonal water shortage rates in response to future water demands for both sectors are estimated by using the adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The back-propagation neural network (BPNN) is adopted as a comparative model to the ANFIS. During model construction, future water demands, predicted monthly inflows (or seasonal inflow) of the reservoir in the next coming quarter and historical initial reservoir storages configure the input patterns while the optimal seasonal water shortage rates obtained from the NSGA-II serve as output targets (training targets) for both neural networks. Results indicate that the ANFIS and the BPNN models produce almost equally good performance in estimating water shortage rates, yet the ANFIS model produces even better stability. The reliability of the proposed scheme is further examined by scenario analysis. The scenario analysis indicates that an increase in public water demand or a decrease in agricultural water demand would bring more impacts of water supply on agricultural sectors than public sectors. Similarly, a bigger decrease in inflow amount would obviously bring more influence on agricultural sectors than public one. Consequently, given predicted inflow, decision makers can pre-experience the possible outcomes in response to competing water demands through the estimation models in order to determine adequate water supply as well as preparedness measures, if needed, for drought mitigation.  相似文献   

海河流域水资源保护工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据水利部治水思路由工程水利向资源水利转变的指导思想 ,分析了当前海河流域水资源保护存在的问题及其产生的原因 ;提出了海河流域水资源保护的主要任务、目标及解决存在问题的对策措施  相似文献   

在分析我国目前采用的节水效果考核指标存在缺陷的基础上,从水资源的角度提出了评价节水灌溉新的指标体系,即灌溉水资源利用系数的提出,为计算实际节水量及区域节水潜力提供技术支持。  相似文献   

通过对柴达木盆地水资源的实地调研及现有资料的分析 ,采用定量分析法及用水定额预测法 ,对盆地内主要城格尔木市和德令哈市所属区的水资源情况进行了供求平衡计算 ,结合城市的功能及性质 ,确定了今后城市发展方向和发展规模  相似文献   

塔里木河流域未来的水资源管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
邓铭江 《中国水利》2004,(17):20-23
塔里木河干流全长1321km.近100年来,特别是20世纪50年代以来,在河流生态变化过程中,生产力布局缺乏环境效益意识,水资源配置不合理以及效率低下造成的水土资源双重浪费,行政管理缺乏政令畅通的权威性等问题是建立有效的流域水资源管理体制必须认真思考的问题.塔里木河流域未来的水资源管理应建立水权塔河、生态塔河、资源塔河的治水理念.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for planning rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation systems in dry zones where the hydrologic database is poor. The methodology includes a two-stage decision-making process. The first stage relates to selection of cascades (meso-watersheds) within the basin for rehabilitation planning. The second stage is concerned with selection of tanks within a cascade and the type of rehabilitation components to be planned, taking into consideration the resource potential of the cascade and the socioeconomic factors of farmers. The methodology has been field-tested in Sri Lanka and shown to be efficient. A key principle underlying this approach is that development of any use of water within a basin must be viewed in the context of the whole basin to avoid conflicts over water use. Another principle is that hydrological and non-hydrological criteria must be used together to evaluate water resources development proposals.  相似文献   

阿克苏河流域水资源虽然比较丰富,但随着塔里木河流域限额用水制度的不断完善,农业灌溉用水正面临着资源型缺水。因此,提高流域各灌区用水效率将是未来农业节水的重要途径。  相似文献   

陈效国 《中国水利》2002,(10):93-96
通过对黄河水资源管理的现状分析,提出黄河水资源统一管理的基本思路,即坚持政府宏观调控,民主协商、水市场调节三有机结合的基本配置模式,以及政府在市场管理和利益调节过程中的宏观调控作用,搞好水资源综合规划,合理优化配置水资源。  相似文献   

This paper presents the general concepts and elements of integrated water resources management and the status of their adoption in Bangladesh at the national level. It describes the situation of the country with respect to the duality in the seasonal pattern of rainfall, the geographic position and the topography, which are the main constraints to its socio-economic development. An assessment of the past management practices in water sector identifies hindrances in the implementation of integrated water resources management process. The paper concludes with recommendations for improved water management in the country.  相似文献   

Mathematical models are tools that can facilitate the instrumentation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The first basin models to be developed were completely hydrological; today, due to the urgent need to plan the sustainable use of water resources, new models are needed that in addition to hydrology also incorporate social, economic, legal, environmental and other aspects. The objective of this work was to identify the characteristics that mathematical basin models must have in order to satisfy the requirements of IWRM. To achieve this, the conclusions of the main international conferences on water and the environment were analyzed; these were conferences in which IWRM was promoted as a strategy to face the challenges of both sectors. IWRM considers social participation as a key element in the decision-making process; consequently, the models must be accepted and applied, and their results interpreted, by those who participate in the process even if they are not modelling experts. This requires a change of perspective in the scientific community for the development of new IWRM models, in government institutions regarding their role as water administrators, and in water stakeholders regarding their role as decision-makers. The results of the analysis indicate that models for IWRM must be accessible to non-expert users, integrate different viewpoints, representing adequately the problem to be solved, in addition be flexible and have a structure focused on practical solutions.  相似文献   

Modelling the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources in Central Sweden   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
This article describes investigationsinto the effects of climate change on flow regimes oftwenty-five catchments (from 6 to 1293 km2) incentral Sweden. Hydrological responses of fifteenhypothetical climate change scenarios (e.g.combinations of T = +1, +2 and +4 °C andP = 0, ± 10%, ± 20%) were simulated by a conceptual monthly water balance model. The results suggest thatall the hypothetical climate change scenarios wouldcause major decreases in winter snow accumulation.Significant increase of winter flow and decrease ofspring and summer runoff were resulted from mostscenarios. Attendant changes in actualevapotranspiration were also examined for all climatechange scenarios. Despite the changes in seasonaldistribution of evapotranspiration, the change inannual total evapotranspiration was relatively smallwith the maximum change of 23% compared with the 76%for mean annual snow water equivalent changes and 52%for mean annual runoff changes. Such hydrologicresults would have significant implications on futurewater resources design and management.  相似文献   

根据黄河流域水功能区的概况及水污染现状,提出了水资源保护的主要对策:统筹协调流域水资源保护和水污染防治工作;加强集中式饮用水水源地保护,保障供水安全;全面提高水污染治理水平;以水功能区为核心,完善水资源保护监督管理体系,完善与监督管理相适应的流域水质监测体系;加强流域水资源保护工程建设;保障黄河干支流生态环境用水量,维持和提高河流自净能力。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源配置方案研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
随着南水北调工程实施、水资源量变化和用水情况变化等,为保障重点地区和重点行业的用水安全,需要调整黄河流域水资源配置方案。经过综合分析黄河水资源配置原则,考虑协调区域发展与河流健康,协调好生活、生产、生态用水的关系,提出了南水北调东、中线工程生效前后和南水北调西线一期工程生效后黄河流域的水资源配置方案。  相似文献   

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