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河北省海岸线全长335km,共有36处入海河口。为挡潮御咸,排泄内涝,建国以来在我省入海河道建挡潮闸34座。这些挡潮闸使咸淡分家,清浊分流,为工农业发展发挥了较大的作用。但由于挡潮闸的建设,改变了河口地区动力条件,普遍出现了越来越严重的泥沙淤积,尤其泥质河口淤积更为严重。为此,对入海河口淤积进行治理是迫在眉睫的重要任务。  相似文献   

海河流域入海河口较多,已建的防潮闸大部分闸下淤积严重。曾采用多种方法清淤,但都存有问题。近年,通过调研,我委在计划中安排了一个新的研究课题——纳潮冲淤,为解决入海河口的淤积问题寻求一条新的科学途径。1河D淤积与挡潮闸泄流能力海河流域所辖海岸线全长585km,其中  相似文献   

1 前言被国内外专家誉为“苏北黄浦江”的灌河,也称潮河、灌江,是苏北地区唯一没有闸坝碍航的天然入海潮汐河道,也是苏北地区最大、航运条件最好的入海河流。全长161km,上游经六塘河沟通盐河、京杭大运河和淮河,中游在响水县城段与通榆大运河相交,下游经陈家港直入黄海...  相似文献   

我国沿海诸多河口建有挡潮闸,由于长期关闭闸门,受潮汐影响,闸下河道严重淤积。试图从淤泥力学特性,结合子牙新河挡潮闸纳潮冲淤及浙江、福建等几个闸的试验观测进行初步分析,找到入海河口挡潮闸防淤减淤的方法。  相似文献   

近年来,海河流域各入海泥质河口,淤积问题相当严重。这是因为流域内水资源不足,工农业用水量增加,加之近几年连续干旱,入海水量急剧减少,潮汐作用相对增强,特别是修建挡潮闸以后,闸下的淤积十分严重,影响泄洪能力,威胁各河下游的防洪安全。因此如何控制海河口的泥沙淤积  相似文献   

子牙新河尾闾段河流特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用实测水文、泥沙资料 ,对子牙新河尾闾段的河道阻力、冲淤特性、河口水沙及潮汐运动规律进行了全面分析。认识到近年来上游径流减少、河槽萎缩、滩地严重阻水、近海泥沙大量回淤河口及挡潮闸下引河 ,这是目前海河流域入海河流尾闾段普遍存在、影响防洪安全的重要问题。作者对子牙新河尾闾段行洪能力、滩地糙率及引河段淤积态势进行了分析研究 ,提出了利用潮汐动力与工程措施相结合的方法改善尾闾段河道淤积状态 ,提高河口排洪能力。  相似文献   

1 概述 盐城市新洋港闸是江苏省里下河地区挡潮御卤、排涝降渍、蓄淡灌溉的主要挡潮闸工程之一,建于1957年.工程在50多年的运行使用中,累计开闸17000余潮次,排水1200亿m3,为受益范围内社会经济发展和人民生命财产安全提供了重要基础保障.  相似文献   

张晓军 《治淮》2014,(5):47-48
响水船闸地处江苏省响水县响水镇,承担沟通通榆河与灌河航运,为苏北灌溉总渠渠北、废黄河、里下河及响水县通榆河地区挡潮、御卤、蓄淡、排涝的社会职能.多年来,江苏盐城市响水船闸管理所(以下简称响水船闸)以事业单位内部综合配套改革、  相似文献   

我国许多挡潮闸,地处淤泥质海岸,闸下港道淤积十分严重。严重影响了挡潮闸的排涝能力和工程排水效益的发挥。结合江苏沿海某些挡潮闸,全面分析了闸下港道淤积泥沙来源和泥沙淤积的原因,比较全面地介绍了目前可行的一些治理措施,并对各种措施进行了分析,对研究闸下港道淤积及相关工程治理有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

海河口闸下泄流拖淤分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱保粮  王升 《泥沙研究》1995,(3):109-115
海河口属淤泥质河口,其档潮闸下引河淤积问题极为严重,挖泥清淤虽然有效,但费用之高愈来愈连以承受,利用闸上有限泄流或闸下落潮流拖淤,寻找一种简捷,经济的清淤措施已引起海河流域水管部门的极大兴趣,本文对1994年海河干流挡潮闸下拖淤情况进行了全面的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

Regional assessment of cumulative impacts of dams on riverine fish assemblages provides resource managers essential information for dam operation, potential dam removal, river health assessment and overall ecosystem management. Such an assessment is challenging because characteristics of fish assemblages are not only affected by dams, but also influenced by natural variation and human‐induced modification (in addition to dams) in thermal and flow regimes, physicochemical habitats and biological assemblages. This study evaluated the impacts of dams on river fish assemblages in the non‐impoundment sections of rivers in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin using multiple fish assemblage indicators and multiple approaches to distinguish the influences of dams from those of other natural and human‐induced factors. We found that environmental factors that influence fish assemblages in addition to dams should be incorporated when evaluating regional effects of dams on fish assemblages. Without considering such co‐influential factors, the evaluation is inadequate and potentially misleading. The role of dams alone in determining fish assemblages at a regional spatial scale is relatively small (explained less than 20% of variance) compared with the other environmental factors, such as river size, flow and thermal regimes and land uses jointly. However, our results do demonstrate that downstream and upstream dams can substantially modify fish assemblages in the non‐impoundment sections of rivers. After excluding river size and land‐use influences, our results clearly demonstrate that dams have significant impacts on fish biotic‐integrity and habitat‐and‐social‐preference indicators. The influences of the upstream dams, downstream dams, distance to dams, and dam density differ among the fish indicators, which have different implications for maintaining river biotic integrity, protecting biodiversity and managing fisheries. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

永定新河纳潮冲淤可行性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
入海河口建闸后,闸下淤积是普遍而严重的问题,针对永定新河河口建闸方案,利用河口的潮汐观测资料和本河口泥沙的基本特性,对纳潮冲淤的可行性进行了分析,在北方河口水源匮乏的情况下,利用纳潮冲淤是解决上淤积较为经济、有效的措施。  相似文献   

在自然条件和人类活动影响下,三峡水库下游河道面临着水沙条件和河床演变的新变化,以及防洪、航运、发电、供水、生态等多目标协同治理的新需求,亟需深入开展三峡水库下游水沙输移与河道演变规律、河道生态治理技术方面的研究,促进河道治理与生态保护的协调融合。针对上述3个重要方面的研究成果进行了论述,并结合当前研究工作中的不足,提出了未来研究应重点关注的方向与内容,包括三峡水库下游河道水沙通量变化的时空变化趋势、不同河型河道重塑过程与水沙输移的互馈机理、受损河道边坡生境修复技术、堤岸生态改造技术以及生态友好型河道治理方法与技术等。  相似文献   

On meandering rivers with well‐developed floodplains, bankfull stage has geomorphological and ecological significance because it approximates the level of connection between the channel and the floodplain. As a river rises to bankfull stage, sediment begins to be deposited on the floodplain, wetlands are progressively inundated and organisms migrate between the channel and floodplain habitats. On many rivers large headwater dams have reduced the frequency and duration of floodplain inundation downstream. However, the lack of reliable pre‐regulation flow data has made it difficult to quantify the effects of river regulation. This study used historical regulated and modelled natural flow data to determine the effects of regulation on the frequency and duration of bankfull flows on the Murrumbidgee River, one of Australia's largest and most heavily regulated rivers. In combination with floodplain surveys the flow data show that regulation has halved the frequency and duration of bankfull flows. This reduction in channel–floodplain connection has implications for the ecological health of the Murrumbidgee River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

分汊河段河中布置船闸水沙碍航特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分汊河段的汇流口水沙条件复杂多变,为保证航道稳定及船舶航行安全,分汊河段水利枢纽平面布置时一般将通航建筑物布置于其中一个汊道的靠岸侧。受工程建设条件限制需将通航建筑物布置于分汊河段河中时,既存在流态碍航问题又存在泥沙淤积碍航问题。针对布置于分汊河段洲尾汇流段的已建桃源枢纽船闸存在的通航条件较差的问题,采用整体定床水流、定床输沙与遥控自航船模试验相结合的研究手段,开展了船闸下游口门区水沙碍航特性试验研究。结果表明:水流条件是导致流态碍航与泥沙淤积碍航的根本因素,左、右汊不同下泄水流在汇流段形成单边突扩或水流掺混交汇,致使下游口门区所处的汇流段水流流态差且推移质泥沙落淤碍航,分汊河段船闸河中布置应慎重考虑。  相似文献   

宁波市的姚江、奉化江和甬江俗称“三江”。基于2013—2016年7次水文测验资料,并结合多年潮位资料和1987年水文测验资料,对三江河道水沙变化规律及其成因进行了分析。研究表明:三江河道径流“顶浑”作用较强,含沙量自甬江口向上游逐渐递减;受海平面上升、河势变化和人类活动的综合影响,三江河道各潮位站平均高潮位自20世纪80年代起均呈抬升趋势;2010—2016年镇海站平均高潮位较20世纪80年代抬升了0.33 m;近30 a来,同样潮差下,甬江口断面涨潮平均流速无明显变化,涨潮量呈减小趋势,而含沙量和输沙量呈增大趋势。研究成果为三江河道的河床演变分析提供了一定的科学依据,以及为甬江流域的治理提供了一定的技术支撑。  相似文献   

黄河是弱潮河口,潮差小于2m,但是黄河三角洲沿岸存在M2发潮“无潮点”,是一个高流速辐射流场,最大流速120cm/s以上,影响着沿岸潮流场特性,同时,黄河河口段河道稳定,沙嘴突出后,河口外流场显增强,加强河口治理,可维持沿岸强潮流带,减缓河口淤积延伸。根据黄河口淤答延伸快、有广阔潮滩的特点,提出了在河口沙嘴上设置活动式橡皮坝的设想,并对橡皮坝增大纳潮量作了初步估算,冲刷降低拦门沙效果明显,尤其是  相似文献   

Changes in land use and drainage have contributed to channel adjustment in small‐order to medium‐order streams in the prairie pothole region of south‐west Minnesota. Although conversion from prairie to agriculture occurred a century ago, recent decades have seen increased subsurface tile drainage, annual row crop coverage and channel modifications, particularly at road crossings such that channel adjustment is ongoing. Channel evolution in Elm and Center Creeks, two fourth‐order streams in the Blue Earth River basin, was studied to understand relationships between changes in channel morphology and suspended sediment concentrations. The construction of drainage ditches and expanded subsurface tiling has connected isolated basins to stream channels, effectively increasing drainage areas of Elm and Center Creeks by 15–20%. Sinuosity has been reduced by grading and drainage of first‐order sloughs, channel straightening at road crossings and natural cut‐offs and agricultural ditching that have shortened Elm Creek by 15% between 1938 and 2003. Stream cross‐sectional area was enlarged in response to the land‐use and drainage changes. In the headwaters, public ditches are wider than historic channels and entrenched by berms. Unchannelized headwater and upper mainstem portions of Elm Creek are also highly entrenched (up to 1.07 meters below the pre‐channelization bed elevation with a bank height ratio > 1.5) but have not widened substantially. In contrast, the lower main channel has widened by an average of 68%. These channel adjustments contribute to the suspended sediment load and violations of Minnesota's turbidity and Index of Biotic Integrity standards. The watershed has a low sediment delivery ratio because it is a flat, poorly connected landscape and likely delivers less sediment to the Minnesota River than steeper rivers downstream, such as the Blue Earth River. Entrenchment and increased sediment transport capacity in the lower reaches of the river have lead to increased sediment delivery to the downstream Blue Earth and Minnesota rivers. Understanding geomorphic changes will be important for addressing water‐quality impairments in the region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small mountainous coastal basins display steeper gradients, suggesting intensified river transport. However, there is little information about downstream trends in rivers with low discharge and material fluxes across coastal plains and its influence on land‐sea material transport. This study examined 2 years of river discharge, suspended sediment and nutrient concentrations, fluxes and yields from upstream to the upper estuary of a typical South‐east Atlantic Basin. This study provides data about the material retention capacity of the coastal plain. The results indicated that the coastal plain did not affect nutrient concentrations, but reduced turbidity, inducing chlorophyll a and consequently primary productivity in the lower river basin and upper estuary. The coastal plain attenuated the increasing downstream material fluxes, but also curbed suspended sediment and TN fluxes, across the lower river/upper estuary. In contrast, TP and PO43? fluxes increased sharply across the coastal plain. This was influenced by natural and anthropogenic P inputs from soils and run‐off to the river channel. These exceeded the retention capacity of the coastal plain and result in a high export efficiency of this nutrient to the sea.  相似文献   

Damming and regulating the flow of rivers is a widespread issue and can have a significant impact on resident biota. The Tongariro River, central North Island, New Zealand, has a flow regime that is regulated by two hydroelectric dams along its length, and it has been suggested that ‘flushing flows’ would assist benthic communities by removing ‘nuisance’ periphyton growth forms that typically occur in autumn. We assessed whether (i) damming has altered periphyton and macroinvertebrate communities downstream of the Rangipo Dam and (ii) whether the release of a flow pulse equivalent to 50 times the baseflow is sufficient to (a) move the substrate in the section of river downstream of this dam and (b) impact benthic periphyton and macroinvertebrate communities. Downstream macroinvertebrate communities were impacted by the presence of the dam, but periphyton was not. No movement of substrate occurred downstream of the dam as a result of the flow release, which was likely because of naturally high embeddedness and armouring of substrate. Periphyton biomass and macroinvertebrate density were not affected by the release indicating that larger releases would be required to have any effect on benthic communities downstream of this dam. This study highlights the importance of considering natural bed structure and sediment dynamics when using flow releases downstream of dams to control periphyton. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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