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有限元与极限平衡法在土坡稳定性分析中的综合应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天津港埠四公司散化肥库建于三面环海的突堤上,边坡稳定问题成为该工程的关键.为了从理论上论证该工程的可行性,首次将有限元法与传统的极限平衡法结合使用,对打桩后的岸坡稳定安全系数进行了计算,为工程建设提供了可靠依据.  相似文献   

本文将Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则推广得到各向异性土的破坏准则 ,在Bishop简化法基础上推导出考虑各向异性的边坡安全系数公式 ,并结合遗传算法得到真正最危险滑动面和全局最小的安全系数  相似文献   

A method of three-dimensional loaded slope stability for anisotropic and nonhomogeneous slopes was presented based on the upper-bound theorem of the limit analysis approach. The approach can be considered as a modification and extension of the solutions. The influences of friction angle, anisotropy factor, nonhomogeneous factor, slope angle, ratio of width to depth, and load on the slope crest were investigated. The results show that solutions are suitable to deal with the purely cohesive soils and frictional/cohesive soils, isotropic and anisotropic, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous, loaded and unloaded cases.  相似文献   

1. Introduction An economical and safe plan of slope angle is an important issue for the slope designing of an open pit mine. In the practice of geotechnical engineering, a two-dimensional (2D) limit equilibrium method is gen- erally employed to calculate the safety factor against failure for a slope. Assuming a plane-strain condition, the safety factor is commonly assessed through a 2D idealization of the slope, for example, an “equivalent” plane-strain problem is postulated and analyzed […  相似文献   

In hydraulic engineering, sometimes it is necessary to consider the stability of sliding bodies with lateral frictional boundaries. Neither the existing three dimensional limit equilibrium methods nor the commercial software products are able to treat such situations. The three dimensional factor of safety is accordingly underestimated; while the shearing strength based on the three dimensional back analysis is overestimated. In this study, the lateral boundaries are regarded as the part of the slip surface. Based on the expression of the normal pressure on the slip surface and the patch interpolation, a rigorous solution for the three dimensional limit equilibrium analysis is realized. Meanwhile, the proposed procedure is applied to the stability analysis of the slope with a cable platform on the right bank in Da Gang Shan hydraulic project under construction.  相似文献   

边坡强度参数对于稳定性影响的极限平衡法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究岩土体抗剪强度参数对边坡稳定性的影响,通过理论推导和Bishop极限平衡法计算,分别改变岩土体的粘结力c和内摩擦角,探讨边坡安全系数和滑动面的变化.结果表明:粘结力或内摩擦角改变时,边坡的安全系数将发生变化,而滑动面的变化受函数η-c的影响,η-c与粘结力和内摩擦角有关.当η-c为定值时,滑动面不随抗剪强度参数的变化而变化;当η-c增大时,边坡的滑动面从近坡面逐渐向边坡内部移动;反之,η-c减小时,边坡的滑动面从边坡内部向近坡面移动.研究结果为边坡稳定性分析的理论和实践研究提供了参考.  相似文献   

A new double reduction method for slope stability analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The core of strength reduction method (SRM) involves finding a critical strength curve that happens to make the slope globally fail and a definition of factor of safety (FOS). A new double reduction method, including a detailed calculation procedure and a definition of FOS for slope stability was developed based on the understanding of SRM. When constructing the new definition of FOS, efforts were made to make sure that it has concise physical meanings and fully reflects the shear strength of the slope. Two examples, slopes A and B with the slope angles of 63~ and 34~ respectively, were given to verify the method presented. It is found that, for these two slopes, the FOSs from original strength reduction method are respectively 1.5% and 38% higher than those from double reduction method. It is also found that the double reduction method predicts a deeper potential slide line and a larger slide mass. These results show that on one hand, the double reduction method is comparative to the traditional methods and is reasonable, and on the other hand, the original strength reduction method may overestimate the safety of a slope. The method presented is advised to be considered as an additional option in the practical slope stability evaluations although more useful experience is required.  相似文献   

以厂坝铅锌矿为工程背景,利用GPS监测数据和正交数值试验,开展岩质边坡岩体参数等效识别,由此获得了37线剖面等效岩体力学参数:E=4.72GPa,C=0.526MPa,φ=36°,Rt=0.058 MPa.在此基础上,分别考虑干坡和降雨2种工况,进行矿山边坡的稳定性数值模拟.研究结果表明:在干边坡条件下,边坡的稳定安全系数达到1.25,满足矿山边坡稳定性要求.在降雨入渗的条件下,边坡稳定安全系数降低到0.94,表明边坡已经处于破坏状态.可见,受降雨渗流影响,边坡稳定性迅速降低,存在滑坡失稳风险.加强矿山边坡在降雨期间的变形监测和安全防控,对确保矿山安全生产至关重要.  相似文献   

A new version of particle swarm optimization (PSO) called discontinuous flying particle swarm optimization (DFPSO) was proposed, where not all of the particles refreshed their positions and velocities during each iteration step and the probability of each particle in refreshing its position and velocity was dependent on its objective function value. The effect of population size on the results was investigated. The results obtained by DFPSO have an average difference of 6% compared with those by PSO, whereas DFPSO consumes much less evaluations of objective function than PSO does.  相似文献   

提出岩质边坡沿软弱结构面滑移一剪切的三维稳定分析方法。在分析模型中,下滑体沿滑动面下滑,在其他的面上则产生剪切破坏。在结构面上满足莫尔库伦破坏准则,把剪切面上的摩阻力向下滑方向投影,由下滑体的力学平衡条件求解出未知力,通过迭代可以求得稳定系数。同时推导了摩阻力倾向与倾角的计算式,编制了相应的程序,并利用这个程序,研究了边坡长度、岩层与坡面夹角等因素对边坡稳定系数的影响,比较了三雏分析与二维分析的差别。  相似文献   

This paper provides a numerical approach on achieving the limit equilibrium method for 3D slope stability analysis proposed in the theoretical part of the previous paper. Some programming techniques are presented to ensure the maneuverability of the method. Three examples are introduced to illustrate the use of this method. The results are given in detail such as the local factor of safety and local potential sliding direction for a slope. As the method is an extension of 2D Janbu's generalized procedure of slices (GPS), the results obtained by GPS for the longitudinal sections of a slope are also given for comparison with the 3D results. A practical landslide in Yunyang, the Three Gorges, of China, is also analyzed by the present method. Moreover, the proposed method has the advantages and disadvantages of GPS. The problem frequently encountered in calculation process is still about the convergency, especially in analyzing the stability of a cutting corner. Some advice on discretization is given to ensure convergence when the present method is used. However, the problem about convergency still needs to be further explored based on the rigorous theoretical background.  相似文献   

Based on 2D Janbu's generalized procedure of slices (GPS), a new three-dimensional slope stability analysis method has been developed, in which all forces acting on the discretized blocks in static equilibrium are taken into account in all three directions. In this method, the potential sliding mass is divided into rigid blocks and each block is analyzed separately by using both geometric relations and static equilibrium formulations. By introducing force boundary conditions, the stability problem is determined statically. The proposed method can be applied to analyze the stability of slopes with various types of potential sliding surfaces, complicated geological boundaries and stratifications, water pressure, and earthquake loading. This method can also be helpful in determining individual factor of safety and local potential sliding direction for each block. As an extension of 2D Janbu's method, the present method has both the advantages and disadvantages of Janbu's generalized procedure of slices.  相似文献   

当边坡内没有明显的断裂面控制边坡的破坏时,应用极限平衡方法计算边坡安全系数需要确定具有最小安全系数的滑面,边坡安全系数是可能滑面的函数,而只有最小安全系数才可代表边坡的安全程度,用最优化理论中的单纯形替换法对霍各乞铜矿边坡的最小安全系数和相应最危险滑面进行了分析与研究,为边坡的设计提供决策的依据。  相似文献   

针对深圳妈湾电厂边坡勘察设计施工过程,在查明边坡岩体的工程地质条件的基础上,进行稳定性分析,做出边坡的设计及开挖施工方案.通过开挖时的全过程工程地质追踪和编录、岩体物理力学性质参数、稳定性分析,指出开挖后边坡可能存在的潜在不稳定因素,提出了合理的加固设计方案.  相似文献   

Determination of the Stable Slope Configuration of Oval-Shaped Furrow Pits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The space effects of oval-shoped furrow pit slopes were analyzed by the elastic mechanics principle. The interaction of limit equilibrium slope angle, friction coefficient, cohesion and horizontal radius of oval-shaped furrow, pits has been derived. The oral trumpet-like rock mass is homogeneous and elastic while only loaded by its dead weight. The interaction indicates that the deeper an oral-shaped furrow pit is excavated, the greater the limit equilibrium slope angle. Both the theory base for reducing stripping waste rock in an oval- shaped furrow pit and the basic way to determine the configuration of a stable slope were developed from the mentioned interaction.The theory includes the preceding principles of stability analysis of slopes. Compared with the configuration determined by traditional theory of slope stability, a great quantity of stripping waste rock can be reduced by that determined in this paper trader stable conditions.  相似文献   

为了更准确地判断岩质边坡发生楔形体破坏时的稳定性,利用极限平衡原理,分析楔形体受力的平衡条件,推导得出了楔形四面体的安全系数.通过对典型边坡计算分析,得出边坡稳定系数.该方法适用性强,计算简单,结果与工程实际相符,可以在工程实践中推广应用.  相似文献   

采用三维刚体极限平衡法对小湾电站进水口边坡进行了稳定分析与加固方案优化.首先,采用三维块体系统的自动识别方法,找出了危险滑动块体组合,计算出不加固时的安全系数,并通过对地质参数的敏感性分析,找出了控制性的滑动面和块体组合.其次,计算了最小锚固力并指出了较优的加固范围,对纯锚固方案和联合加固方案(预应力锚索加抗剪洞)的加固效果进行了比较,得出了联合加固方案较优的结论.最后,根据开挖现场最新揭露的地质产状,对边坡的稳定性重新进行分析,并调整了加固方案.研究结果对设计和施工具有较大的参考价值,对其他工程也有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line, analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex load condition was applied and the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis was used to compute thrust of rock layers with all possible distribution shapes. The interaction of slope and pile was considered design load in terms of slope thrust, and the finite difference method was derived to calculate inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation in rock slope under complex load condition. The result of example shows that the distribution model of slope thrust has certain impact on displacement and inner-force of bridge pile foundation. The maximum displacement growth rate reaches 54% and the maximum moment and shear growth rates reach only 15% and 20%, respectively, but the trends of inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation are basically the same as those of the conventional pile foundation in the flat ground. When the piles bear the same level lateral thrust, the distribution shapes of slope thrust have different influence on inner-force of pile foundation, especially the rectangle distribution, and the triangle thrust has the smallest displacement and inner-force of pile foundation.  相似文献   

为了准确判断岩质边坡的稳定性,有效指导边坡的设计与施工.利用极限平衡原理,引入岩质边坡裂隙水压力,推导了边坡稳定性的安全系数公式.通过对典型边坡采用圆弧条分法计算分析,得出边坡稳定系数.该方法适用性强,计算简单,结果与工程实际相符,对设计和施工有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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