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Parallel execution of application programs on a multiprocessor system may lead to performance degradation if the workload of a parallel region is not large enough to amortize the overheads associated with the parallel execution. Furthermore, if too many processes are running on the system in a multiprogrammed environment, the performance of the parallel application may degrade due to resource contention. This work proposes a comprehensive dynamic processor allocation scheme that takes both program behavior and system load into consideration when dynamically allocating processors. This mechanism was implemented on the Solaris operating system to dynamically control the execution of parallel C and Java application programs. Performance results show the effectiveness of this scheme in dynamically adapting to the current execution environment and program behavior, and that it outperforms a conventional time‐shared system. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Partitioning and mapping of nested loops for linear array multicomputers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In distributed-memory multicomputers, minimizing interprocessor communication is the key to the efficient execution of parallel programs. In order to reduce the amount of communication overhead, parallel programs on multicomputers must be carefully scheduled by parallelizing compilers. This paper proposes some compilation techniques for partitioning and mapping nested loops with constant data dependences onto linear array multicomputers. First, a systematic partition strategy is proposed to project ann-dimensional computational structure, representing ann-nested loop, onto a line to form a one-dimensional projected structure with low communication overhead. Then, a mapping algorithm is proposed for mapping the partitioned loops onto linear arrays in a way that balances the workload and minimizes the communication cost among processors. Finally, parallel execution codes can be automatically generated for such linear array multicomputers.  相似文献   

Due to a significant communication overhead of sending and receiving data, the loop partitioning approaches on distributed memory systems must guarantee not just the computation load balance but computation+communication load balance. The previous approaches in loop partitioning have achieved a communication-free, computation load balanced iteration space partitioning solution for a limited subset of DOALL loops. But a large category of DOALL loops inevitably result in communication and the trade-offs between computation and communication must be carefully analyzed for these loops in order to balance out the combined computation time and communication overheads. In this work, we describe a partitioning approach based on the above motivation for the general cases of DOALL loops. Our goal is to achieve a computation+communication load balanced partitioning through static data and iteration space distribution. Our approach first performs partitioning of iteration and data spaces of a loop nest by analyzing communication and parallelism; it then performs architecture-dependent analysis to adjust the granularity of partitions, load balance each partition with respect to total computation+communication, and then performs mapping of partitions onto the available number of processors. This multiphase partitioning method works as follows. First, the code partitioning phase analyzes the references in the body of the DOALL loop nest and determines a set of directions for reducing a larger degree of communication by trading a lesser degree of parallelism. The partitioning is carried out in the iteration space of the loop by cyclically following a set of direction vectors such that the data references are maximally localized and reused, eliminating a larger communication volume than parallelism. We then perform data space partitioning based on a new larger partition owns rule to minimize the communication overhead for a compute intensive partition by localizing its references relatively more than a smaller noncompute intensive partition. A partition interaction graph is then constructed which is used by the architecture-dependent analysis phase to merge the partitions to achieve granularity adjustment, computation+communication load balance, and mapping on the actual number of available processors. Relevant theory and algorithms are developed along with a performance evaluation on the Cray T3D.  相似文献   

Adaptive data partitioning (ADP) which reduces the execution time of parallel programs by reducing interprocessor communication for iterative parallel loops is discussed. It is shown that ADP can be integrated into a communication-reducing back end for existing parallelizing compilers or as part of a machine-specific partitioner for parallel programs. A multiprocessor model to analyze program execution factors that lead to interprocessor communication and a model for the iterative parallel loop to quantify communication patterns within a program are defined. A vector notation is chosen to quantify communication across a global data set. Communication parameters are computed by examining the indexes of array accesses and are adjusted to reflect the underlying system architecture by compensating for cache line sizes. These values are used to generate rectangular and hexagonal partitions that reduce interprocessor communication  相似文献   

The communication and synchronization overhead inherent in parallel processing can lead to situations where adding processors to the solution method actually increases execution time. Problem type, problem size, and architecture type all affect the optimal number of processors to employ. In this paper we examine the numerical solution of an elliptic partial differential equation in order to study the relationship between problem size and architecture. The equation's domain is discretized into n2 grid points which are divided into partitions and mapped onto the individual processor memories. We analytically quantify the relationships among grid size, stencil type, partitioning strategy processor execution time, and communication network type. In doing so, we determine the optimal number of processors to assign to the solution (and hence the optimal speedup), and identify (i) the smallest grid size which fully benefits from using all available processors, (ii) the leverage on performance given by increasing processor speed or communication network speed, and (iii) the suitability of various architectures for large numerical problems. Finally, we compare the predictions of our analytic model with measurements from a multiprocessor and find that the model accurately predicts performance.  相似文献   

Current MIMD computers support the execution of data parallel programs by providing a tree network to perform fast barrier synchronizations. However, there are two major limitations to using tree networks: The first arises due to control nesting in programs, and the second arises when the MIMD computer needs to run several programs simultaneously. First, we present two hardware barrier synchronization schemes which can support deep levels of control nesting in data parallel programs. Hardware barriers are usually an order of magnitude faster than software implementations. Since large data parallel programs often have several levels of nested barriers, these schemes provide significant speedups in the execution of such programs on MIMD computers. The first scheme performs code transformations and uses two single-bit-trees to implement unlimited levels of nested barriers. However, this scheme increases the code size. The second scheme uses a more expensive integer-tree to support an exponential number of nesting levels without increasing the code size: we-show that up to n nested barriers can be supported by a network with bisection bandwidth O(log n) and a latency of O(log p log n) gate delays. Using tree network hardware already available on commercial MIMD computers, this scheme can support more than four billion levels of nesting. Second, we present a design for a barrier synchronization network that is free from the partitioning constraints imposed by barrier trees. When the MIMD computer is partitioned among several jobs, then, rather than barrier synchronizations, we desire multiple disjoint barrier synchronizations (MDBSs), where processors within each partition barrier synchronize among themselves without interfering with other partitions. Barrier trees can be adapted to handle MDBSs, but only if the partitions are constrained to be of very special sizes and shapes. These stringent constraints on partitioning often run contrary to other important considerations, such as the contiguity of the processors of each partition within the data network. Our MDBS network design allows for any number of partitions of any size and shape, as long as the processors comprising each partition are contiguous in the data network.  相似文献   

It has been difficult to develop simple formulations to predict the execution time of parallel programs due to the complexity of characterizing parallel hardware and software. In an attempt to clarify these characterizations, we introduce a methodology for applying a simple performance model based on Amdahl′s law. Our formulation results in accurate predictions of execution time on available systems, allowing programmers to select the optimal number of processors to apply to a particular problem or to select an appropriate problem size for the number of processors available. In short, we accurately quantify the scalability of a specific algorithm when it is run on a specific parallel computer. Our predictions are based on simple experiments that characterize machine performance and on a simple analysis of the parallel program. We illustrate our method for a program executed on a Sequent Symmetry multiprocessor with 20 processors. Our predictions closely match experimental results, differing by no more than 5% from the actual execution times. Our results illustrate key performance limitations of parallel systems, showing the impact of overhead and the scaling of problem size.  相似文献   

在多核处理器芯片中,分布式共享存储DSM虽然提供了统一的全局寻址的存储空间,但却引入了虚地址向实地址转换的开销,这对性能产生了负面的影响。我们注意到,在并行程序的执行过程中,被处理的数据属性(私有或共享)并不是一成不变的。并行程序中不同的数据具有不同的属性,即使同一数据在程序的不同执行阶段也可能具有不同的属性。本文首先详细地阐述了一种混合式的分布式共享存储空间,支持对共享数据采用全局寻址的虚地址访问而对私有数据采用快速寻址的实地址访问;进而提出了一种针对混合式的分布式共享存储空间的实时划分技术。该技术根据并行程序中数据的属性,在程序运行时,实时地调整和划分分布式共享存储空间。当数据为私有时,通过实地址访问加快数据的访问速度,当数据为共享时则维持虚地址访问,从而减少整个并行程序运行过程中的地址转换开销,提高系统的性能。实际应用程序的实验结果表明,与传统的分布式共享存储空间相比,实时划分的混合式的分布式共享存储空间具有性能优势,性能的提升比例与具体的网络规模、计算规模、并行程序映射方式等有关。在我们的实验中,性能的提升比例最高为13.14%,最低为6.98%。  相似文献   

Multiprocessor execution of functional programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functional languages have recently gained attention as vehicles for programming in a concise and elegant manner. In addition, it has been suggested that functional programming provides a natural methodology for programming multiprocessor computers. This paper describes research that was performed to demonstrate that multiprocessor execution of functional programs on current multiprocessors is feasible, and results in a significant reduction in their execution times.Two implementations of the functional language ALFL were built on commercially available multiprocessors.Alfalfa is an implementation on the Intel iPSC hypercube multiprocessor, andBuckwheat is an implementation on the Encore Multimax shared-memory multiprocessor. Each implementation includes a compiler that performs automatic decomposition of ALFL programs and a run-time system that supports their execution. The compiler is responsible for detecting the inherent parallelism in a program, and decomposing the program into a collection of tasks, calledserial combinators, that can be executed in parallel.The abstract machine model supported by Alfalfa and Buckwheat is calledheterogeneous graph reduction, which is a hybrid of graph reduction and conventional stack-oriented execution. This model supports parallelism, lazy evaluation, and highe order functions while at the same time making efficient use of the processors in the system. The Alfalfa and Buckwheat runtime systems support dynamic load balancing, interprocessor communication (if required), and storage management. A large number of experiments were performed on Alfalfa and Buckwheat for a variety of programs. The results of these experiments, as well as the conclusions drawn from them, are presented.This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants DCR-8302018 and DCR-8521451, by a DARPA subcontract with SDC/Unisys, and by gifts from Burroughs Austin Research Center and the Intel Corporation.  相似文献   

Illegal pointer and array accesses are a major cause of failure for C programs. We present a technique called ‘guarding’ to catch illegal array and pointer accesses. Our implementation of guarding for C programs works as a source-to-source translator. Auxiliary objects called guards are added to a user program to monitor pointer and array accesses at run time. Guards maintain attributes to catch out of bounds array accesses and accesses to deallocated memory. Our system has found a number of previously unreported errors in widely-used Unix utilities and SPEC92 benchmarks. Many commonly used programs have bugs which may not always manifest themselves as a program crash, but may instead produce a subtly wrong answer. These programs are not routinely checked for run-time errors because the increase in execution time due to run-time checking can be very high. We present two techniques to handle the high cost of run-time checking of pointer and array accesses in C programs: ‘customization’ and ‘shadow processing’. Customization works by decoupling run-time checking from original computation. A user program is customized for guarding by throwing away computation not relevant for guarding. We have explored using program slicing for customization. Customization can cut the overhead of guarding by up to half. Shadow processing uses idle processors in multiprocessor workstations to perform run-time checking in the background. A user program is instrumented to obtain a ‘main process’ and a ‘shadow process’. The main process performs computations from the orignal program, occasionally communicating a few key values to the shadow process. The shadow process follows the main process, checking pointer and array accesses. The overhead to the main process which the user sees is very low – almost always less than 10%. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With rapid development of multi/many-core processors, contention in shared cache becomes more and more serious that restricts performance improvement of parallel programs. Recent researches have employed page coloring mechanism to realize cache partitioning on real system and to reduce contentions in shared cache. However, page coloring-based cache partitioning has some side effects, one is page coloring restricts memory space that an application can allocate, from which may lead to memory pressure, another is changing cache partition dynamically needs massive page copying which will incur large overhead. To make page coloring-based cache partition more practical, this paper proposes a malloc allocator-based dynamic cache partitioning mechanism with page coloring. Memory allocated by our malloc allocator can be dynamically partitioned among different applications according to partitioning policy. Only coloring the dynamically allocated pages can remit memory pressure and reduce page copying overhead led by re-coloring compared to all-page coloring. To further alleviate the overhead, we introduce minimum distance page copying strategy and lazy flush strategy. We conduct experiments on real system to evaluate these strategies and results show that they work well for reducing cache misses and re-coloring overhead.  相似文献   

Parallelizing the Data Cube   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a general methodology for the efficient parallelization of existing data cube construction algorithms. We describe two different partitioning strategies, one for top-down and one for bottom-up cube algorithms. Both partitioning strategies assign subcubes to individual processors in such a way that the loads assigned to the processors are balanced. Our methods reduce inter processor communication overhead by partitioning the load in advance instead of computing each individual group-by in parallel. Our partitioning strategies create a small number of coarse tasks. This allows for sharing of prefixes and sort orders between different group-by computations. Our methods enable code reuse by permitting the use of existing sequential (external memory) data cube algorithms for the subcube computations on each processor. This supports the transfer of optimized sequential data cube code to a parallel setting.The bottom-up partitioning strategy balances the number of single attribute external memory sorts made by each processor. The top-down strategy partitions a weighted tree in which weights reflect algorithm specific cost measures like estimated group-by sizes. Both partitioning approaches can be implemented on any shared disk type parallel machine composed of p processors connected via an interconnection fabric and with access to a shared parallel disk array.We have implemented our parallel top-down data cube construction method in C++ with the MPI message passing library for communication and the LEDA library for the required graph algorithms. We tested our code on an eight processor cluster, using a variety of different data sets with a range of sizes, dimensions, density, and skew. Comparison tests were performed on a SunFire 6800. The tests show that our partitioning strategies generate a close to optimal load balance between processors. The actual run times observed show an optimal speedup of p.  相似文献   

对于共享cache的多核处理器,如何管理好各个核对cache的利用,对于充分发挥多核处理器性能是很关键的问题.目前采用的cache替换方法程序间会出现性能干扰,cache静态划分技术则是通过为同时运行的程序分配不同的空间来解决性能干扰问题.为了给程序分配合适大小的cache空间,需要对程序进行性能profiling,即事先多遍运行收集程序在各种cache容量下的性能数据,这种性能profiling方法开销巨大,影响实用.为了解决性能profiling需要多遍运行程序的问题,提出了只需单遍运行的程序性能profiling优化技术.该技术利用在线的phase分析技术识别程序的运行阶段,避免对相同阶段的重复profiling;同时分析程序各phase的性能同cache容量变化的关系趋势,对于性能不敏感的容量变化则不进行profiling,降低开销.在程序运行结束后通过程序各phase在cache各种容量下的性能来估计程序在各容量下的整体性能,以指导cache静态划分.实验表明,该技术的开销仅为7%,而该方法指导的cache划分比未划分时有8%的性能改进,同多遍运行的程序性能profiling指导的cache划分性能相比仅有1%的下降.  相似文献   

FOR-loops are the main source of parallelism in programs. A nonlinear transformation algorithm for parallelizing the execution of FOR-loop models is proposed. It is shown that by the mapping of nonlinear transformation, iterations of FOR-loops can be executed in a parallel form. The algorithm is useful in exploiting the parallelism of FOR-loops with one or more partitions on the innermost loop. Algorithms to partition and map the nested FOR-loops onto fixed size systolic arrays are discussed. Based on the time and space mapping schemes, all the iterations of FOR-loops can be correctly executed on the array processors in a parallel form  相似文献   

Parallel applications typically do not perform well in a multiprogrammed environment that uses time‐sharing to allocate processor resources to the applications' parallel threads. Co‐scheduling related parallel threads, or statically partitioning the system, often can reduce the applications' execution times, but at the expense of reducing the overall system utilization. To address this problem, there has been increasing interest in dynamically allocating processors to applications based on their resource demands and the dynamically varying system load. The Loop‐Level Process Control (LLPC) policy (Yue K, Lilja D. Efficient execution of parallel applications in multiprogrammed multiprocessor systems. 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, 1996; 448–456) dynamically adjusts the number of threads an application is allowed to execute based on the application's available parallelism and the overall system load. This study demonstrates the feasibility of incorporating the LLPC strategy into an existing commercial operating system and parallelizing compiler and provides further evidence of the performance improvement that is possible using this dynamic allocation strategy. In this implementation, applications are automatically parallelized and enhanced with the appropriate LLPC hooks so that each application interacts with the modified version of the Solaris operating system. The parallelism of the applications are then dynamically adjusted automatically when they are executed in a multiprogrammed environment so that all applications obtain a fair share of the total processing resources. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多处理器系统任务规划问题的一种改进遗传算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在多处理器系统中,寻求一个有效的并行任务设计安排使得整个执行时间达到最小是至关重要的环节。分割式遗传算法(PGA)用来解决任务规划问题可以大大缩短规划时间,但规划结果不甚理想。将分开逐个处理的思想与单、多点交叉概率分配、自适应变异概率设计相结合,提出一种改进的分割式遗传算法。实验表明,改进的PGA算法,在进一步缩短规划时间的基础上,提高了算法收敛速度和效率,能够得到期望的更好的规划结果。  相似文献   

An efficient parallel algorithm for merging two sorted lists is presented. The algorithm is based on a novel partitioning algorithm that splits the two lists among the processors, in a way that ensures load balance during the merge. The partitioning algorithm can itself be efficiently parallelized, allowing the solution to scale with increased numbers of processors. A shared memory multiprocessor is assumed. The time complexity for partitioning and merging is O(N/p + log N), where p is the number of processors and N is the total number of elements in the two lists. Implementation results on a twenty node Sequent Symmetry multiprocessor are also presented.  相似文献   

The development of computing systems with large numbers of processors has been motivated primarily by the need to solve large, complex problems more quickly than is possible with uniprocessor systems. Traditionally, multiprocessor systems have been uniprogrammed, i.e., dedicated to the execution of a single set of related processes, since this approach provides the fastest response for an individual program once it begins execution. However, if the goal of a multiprocessor system is to minimize average response time or to maximize throughput, then multiprogramming must be considered. In this paper, a model of a simple multiprocessor system with a two-program workload is reviewed; the model is then applied to an Intel iPSC/2 hypercube multiprocessor with a workload consisting of parallel wavefront algorithms for solving triangular systems of linear equations. Throughputs predicted by the model are compared with throughputs obtained experimentally from an actual system. The results provide validation for the model and indicate that significant performance improvements for multiprocessor systems are possible through multiprogramming.  相似文献   

The execution time of FORTRAN programs can be decreased by putting solutions to problems in their maximally parallel forms. The most important issue is the DO-loop. In this study nested DO-loops were considered and analysis of parallellism was performed on matrix multiplication using a PROLOG program. When processed by the AIDS system, the maximally parallel graph was produced. This indicates the number of processors that could be used in parallel to execute the FORTRAN program. The study shows that the maximally parallel program can run in considerably less time than that needed to run the original sequential FORTRAN program. N×N matrix multiplication programs are speeded up by a time-saving ratio that is always greater then (1:N2), but it cannot exceed (1:N3), since N3 is the maximum number of processors used in parallel at any time. These time-saving ratio evaluations assume that all operations have equal execution time and initialization overhead is ignored.  相似文献   

In simultaneous multithreading (SMT) multiprocessors, using all the available threads (logical processors) to run a parallel loop is not always beneficial due to the interference between threads and parallel execution overhead. To maximize the performance of a parallel loop on an SMT multiprocessor, it is important to find an appropriate number of threads for executing the parallel loop. This article presents adaptive execution techniques that find a proper execution mode for each parallel loop in a conventional loop-level parallel program on SMT multiprocessors. A compiler preprocessor generates code that, based on dynamic feedbacks, automatically determines at run time the optimal number of threads for each parallel loop in the parallel application. We evaluate our technique using a set of standard numerical applications and running them on a real SMT multiprocessor machine with 8 hardware contexts. Our approach is general enough to work well with other SMT multiprocessor or multicore systems.  相似文献   

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