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】采用均化工艺是提高玻璃原料均化效果的有效途径,本文提出了堆料取料合二为一的方案,介绍刮板能反正转的均化设备及一整套严格管理措施,可提高硅质原料的均化效果。  相似文献   

安徽六国化工股份有限公司3套磷酸磷铵装置,采用稀、浓酸均化工艺,克服磷矿品位波动带来的负面影响,稳定了浓磷酸中的杂质含量,保证了磷铵产品的产量和质量。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了固体物料均化工艺设计所包含的设计范围、原则;固体物料均化的意义及基本参数;同时对固体物料预均化工艺的基本原理,工艺选择、预均化堆场的布置形式及影响、预均化效果的因素等方面,也作了较详细的论述。  相似文献   

圆形预均化堆场堆取料机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原燃料成分的均匀稳定性是获得高质量产品的保证,因此先进的原燃料工艺都包含预均化处理工序。传统的预均化堆场是矩形的,使用的典型均化设备是堆料机、桥式斗轮取料机、滚筒式混匀取料机或刮板式取料机。20世纪70年代西欧开发出了圆形料场均化工艺及其设备,80年代得以成熟和发展。近年来,由于市场发展的需要,成都院在预均化工艺及设备开发方面做了大量研究、转化和设计应用工作。本文就φ60 m圆形预均化堆场堆取料机的开发设计作简要介绍。  相似文献   

根据我国磷矿资源特点和已经开发利用的状况及当前存在的困难,根据农业部的规划,对“九五”“十五”计划及远期规划建设提出初步意见.还提出了建设西南磷化工基地和国家给予优惠政策,确保运输计划、限制化肥进口等建议。  相似文献   

陶俊法 《磷肥与复肥》2009,24(3):6-8,16
从我国磷矿资源储量,我国近年磷复肥、黄磷、饲钙产量及其对磷矿需求的分析,预测我国磷矿资源服务年限可在110~130年。提出应实事求是定位我国磷矿资源的现状与前景,多出台好的政策护驾,对我国磷化工产业的百年繁荣发展应充满信心。  相似文献   

我国磷矿资源开发利用趋势分析与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国磷矿资源及开发利用现状作了总体描述,对未来开发利用趋势进行了分析预测,时转变磷矿资源开发利用方式提出了相关政篆建议和意见我国磷资源正以惊人速度“消失”,远景资源形势不容乐观我国磷犯工业50年发展,经历了开发矿业的第一次创业和发展磷化工的第二次创业,面对行业产能过剩、关税限制双重压力.我国磷肥工业将坚定迈出发展精细磷化工的第三次创业步伐一精细化、集群化、循环化、高端化将主导磷及磷化工产业发展的未来  相似文献   

晋宁磷矿近年生产的磷矿石含泥量大,筛分时易堵塞筛孔,筛分效率低,生产出的黄磷矿产率仅为4.96%;为了提高黄磷矿产率,对筛分工艺流程中的格筛和直线振动筛进行了改造,提高了筛分效率和有效筛分面积,黄磷矿的产率提高到了12.27%。对类似选厂直线振动筛的工艺参数优化及改造具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

0前言上世纪80年代建设的700/d和1000t/d窑外分解生产线生料储存均化工艺采用混合室型连续式均化库的较多,普遍存在均化效果差的问题。有些厂家已经作了改造,有些厂家仍旧保持原状运行。笔者以自己的生产经验和对该库型的均化原理进行了分析,找出均化效果差的原因并提出相应的改造措施,起抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

介绍了水泥生产过程中物料均化技术的发展阶段、均化效果的评价方法,各均化环节的均化功能、均化控制及相关控制参数的计算:详细介绍了石灰石预均化堆场的形式、设备和堆取料方式的选择,以及堆场参数(长度、宽度、高度和层数)的计算;介绍了新的在线快速分析仪的应用实例及其效果,并就在线快速分析仪的前馈控制可能对均化技术的影响进行了探讨。在此基础上,对大中型新型干法生产线的原燃料均化环节的设置及其均化技术的应用和前馈式控制,提出了6点建议。  相似文献   

脂肪酸类捕收剂对大峪口磷矿选别效果的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析大峪口磷矿矿样性质的基础上,对7种捕收剂进行了筛选实验,结果表明:采用PA—42作为捕收剂可以取得较好的技术和经济指标。  相似文献   

The technology of in-situ and dump leaching, used widely by hydrometallurgists, can be applied with advantage to the exploitation of phosphate rock deposits especially those low in limestone. Nitric or hydrochloric acids of certain concentrations would be used instead of H2SO4 and the solutions obtained treated to remove radium and recover uranium and the lanthanides if desired, then evaporated to crystallize the double salt CaXH2PO4H2O, where X = Cl or NO3; this can be decomposed at 200°–250°C to form dicalcium phosphate, CaHPO4, a high grade marketable product. Nearly all the acid required for leaching can be regenerated and recycled.  相似文献   

重点介绍了国内外中低品位磷矿浮选技术的现状和云南云天化国际化工股份有限公司磷矿浮选所取得的成绩,并提出了今后中低品位磷矿浮选技术的研究重点和建议。  相似文献   

湿法磷酸生产中磷矿预处理技术的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
磷矿在苹取前,可利用湿法磷酸进行预处理,将部分校、铝、镁等杂质预分解而脱除。此预处理过程使磷矿在革取过程的硫酸消耗降低400~600kg/tP2O5,湿法磷酸革取、过滤系统的生产能力提高30%~50%。  相似文献   

采用单因素实验分别讨论了十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)、三聚磷酸钠、硫酸铵等添加剂对四川金河磷矿酸解和硫酸钙结晶的影响.各添加剂的加入量与磷矿质量的百分比分别为十二烷基苯磺酸钠0.15%、三聚磷酸钠1.5%、硫酸铵0.5%时有利于提高P2O5的转化率.这将为人工配矿和低品位磷矿的开发利用提供指导.  相似文献   

介绍了以磷尾矿粉为原料活化后制备复合肥填充料的工艺条件,通过正交实验对该工艺条件进行优化.实验结果表明,最佳的工艺条件为活化剂用量60 g,活化剂与增效剂配比1∶1.11,活化时间15 min,活化温度40℃,P2O5转化率为72.88%,有效P2O5质量分数为4.97%.产品添加5%的改良剂后与复合肥进行造粒,成球率>70%,颗粒强度>25 N.  相似文献   

A glasshouse trial using lettuce as the test crop, and laboratory incubations were used to evaluate the influence of various nitrogen fertilizers on the availability of phosphate from an unfertilized loamy sand soil and from the same soil fertilized with Sechura phosphate rock or monocalcium phosphate. The order in which nitrogen fertilizer form increased plant yield and P uptake from soil alone and from soil fertilized with the rock was ammonium sulphate > sulphurised urea > ammonium nitrate > urea > potassium nitrate. For each rock application (both 30 and 60 mg/pot) and for soil alone, increased P uptake by the plant correlated well with decreased soil pH. In soil fertilized with the soluble P form, monocalcium phosphate, the form of the nitrogen fertilizer had little effect on plant P uptake. Subsequent laboratory incubation studies showed that increased dissolution of soil-P or Sechura phosphate rock did not occur until acidity, generated by nitrification or sulphur oxidation of the fertilizer materials, had lowered soil pH to below 5.5. A sequential phosphate fractionation procedure was used to show that in soils treated with the acidifying nitrogen fertilizers, ammonium sulphate and urea, there was considerable release of Sechura phosphate rock P to the soil, amounting to 42% and 27% of the original rock P added, respectively.  相似文献   

研究了磷矿石直接还原生产磷酸的过程,考察了温度、硅钙比、还原时间与磷矿还原率的关系.结果表明,提高反应温度有利于磷矿还原,磷矿石的还原率随着硅钙比的增大而增大,但当硅钙比为1.0以上时,再增加硅钙比,还原率增加并不明显;在磷矿还原的最佳温度1300~1500℃范围内,反应时间对磷矿的还原率影响较大,但随着反应时间的增加...  相似文献   

Agronomic evaluation of modified phosphate rock products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphorus (P) is critically needed to improve the soil fertility for crop production in large areas of developing countries. The high cost of conventional, water-soluble P fertilizers constrains their use by resource-poor farmers. Finely ground phosphate rock (PR) has been tested and used as a direct application fertilizer on tropical acid soils as a low-cost alternative where indigenous deposits of PR are located. However, direct application of PR with low reactivity or with inappropriate soil/crop combinations does not always give satisfactory results. Partial acidulation of PR (PAPR) or compaction with triple superphosphate (PR + TSP) or single superphosphate (PR + SSP) represent technologies that can be used to produce highly effective P fertilizers from those indigenous deposits. Numerous field trials conducted by IFDC in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America have demonstrated that PAPR at 40-50% acidulation with H2SO4 or at 20% with H3PO4 approaches the effectiveness of SSP or TSP in certain tropical soils and crops. This paper discusses how the agronomic effectiveness of PAPR is affected by mineralogical composition and reactivity of PR used and by soil properties and soil reactions. The paper also indicates that if a PR has high Fe2O3 + Al2O3 content, it may not be suitable for PAPR processing because of the reversion of water-soluble P to water-insoluble P during the PAPR manufacturing process. Under these conditions, compaction of PR with water-soluble P fertilizers (e.g. SSP, TSP) at P ratio of approximately 50:50 can be agronomically and economically attractive for utilizing the indigenous PRs in developing countries.  相似文献   

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