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Ensuring that service-oriented systems can adapt quickly and effectively to changes in service quality, business needs and their runtime environment is an increasingly important research problem. However, while considerable research has focused on developing runtime adaptation frameworks for service-oriented systems, there has been little work on assessing how effective the adaptations are. Effective adaptation ensures the system remains relevant in a changing environment and is an accurate reflection of user expectations. One way to address the problem is through validation. Validation allows us to assess how well a recommended adaptation addresses the concerns for which the system is reconfigured and provides us with insights into the nature of problems for which different adaptations are suited. However, the dynamic nature of runtime adaptation and the changeable contexts in which service-oriented systems operate make it difficult to specify appropriate validation mechanisms in advance. This paper describes a novel consumer-centered approach that uses machine learning to continuously validate and refine runtime adaptation in service-oriented systems, through model-based clustering and deep learning.  相似文献   

As embedded systems become increasingly complex, not only are dependability and timeliness critical quality indicators, but also their ability to dynamically adapt to changes in their runtime environment. Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a potential solution to this challenge by allowing services to be dynamically bound at runtime. However, resource contention between services and resource saturation can result in significant Quality of Service (QoS) degradation. To address these issues, this paper proposes a runtime, resource-aware architecture that combines resource monitoring with dynamic workflow orchestration to mediate resource contention within the orchestration environment. The architecture was evaluated on a medium-size service-oriented case study, deployed on a resource-constrained device.  相似文献   

Advances in information technology and knowledge management change the way that e-negotiations, which constitute an important aspect of worldwide e-trading, can be structured and represented. In this paper, a novel approach that focuses on knowledge modeling, formalization, representation and management in the domain of e-negotiation is described. The proposed approach exploits Ontologies, Service Oriented Architectures, Semantic Web Services, software agent platforms, and Knowledge-Bases to construct a framework that favors dynamically adapted negotiation protocols, negotiation process visualization and management, modeling and preference elicitation of the negotiated object and automatic deployment of negotiation interfaces. Negotiation process, protocol and strategy are examined, and a hybrid approach that integrates rules and workflow diagrams to describe and represent them is introduced.  相似文献   

Modern automation systems have to cope with large amounts of sensor data to be processed, stricter security requirements, heterogeneous hardware, and an increasing need for flexibility. The challenges for tomorrow’s automation systems need software architectures of today’s real-time controllers to evolve.This article presents FASA, a modern software architecture for next-generation automation systems. FASA provides concepts for scalable, flexible, and platform-independent real-time execution frameworks, which also provide advanced features such as software-based fault tolerance and high degrees of isolation and security. We show that FASA caters for robust execution of time-critical applications even in parallel execution environments such as multi-core processors.We present a reference implementation of FASA that controls a magnetic levitation device. This device is sensitive to any disturbance in its real-time control and thus, provides a suitable validation scenario. Our results show that FASA can sustain its advanced features even in high-speed control scenarios at 1 kHz.  相似文献   

Facilitated by the SOA and new Web technologies, Service-Oriented Rich Clients (SORCs) compose various Web-delivered services in Web browser to create new applications. The SORCs support client-side data storage and manipulation and provide more features than traditional thin clients. However, the SORCs might suffer from data access issues, mainly due to both client-side incompatible data sources and server-side improper or even undesirable cache strategies. Addressing the data access issues, this paper proposes a data access framework for SORCs. The main contributions of this paper are as follows. First, the framework makes the SORCs accommodate heterogeneous local storage solutions and diverse Web browsers properly. The framework abstracts the underlying details of different local storages and selects the most proper data sources for current SORC in use. Secondly, the framework provides a cache mechanism, which supports client-side customized cache strategies. An adaptive technique for the strategies is also proposed to adjust cache strategies based on users?? historical actions to achieve better performance.  相似文献   

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - Companies are seeking more and more to offer customized goods and services to customers to be able to satisfy their needs. Several methods emerged to fulfill...  相似文献   

A comprehensive quality model for service-oriented systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a service-oriented system, a quality (or Quality of Service) model is used (i) by service requesters to specify the expected quality levels of service delivery; (ii) by service providers to advertise quality levels that their services achieve; and (iii) by service composers when selecting among alternative services those that are to participate in a service composition. Expressive quality models are needed to let requesters specify quality expectations, providers advertise service qualities, and composers finely compare alternative services. Having observed many similarities between various quality models proposed in the literature, we review these and integrate them into a single quality model, called QVDP. We highlight the need for integration of priority and dependency information within any quality model for services and propose precise submodels for doing so. Our intention is for the proposed model to serve as a reference point for further developments in quality models for service-oriented systems. To this aim, we extend the part of the UML metamodel specialized for Quality of Service with QVDP concepts unavailable in UML.
Stéphane FaulknerEmail:

Ivan J. Jureta   has, after graduating, summa cum laude, received the Master in Management and Master of International Management, respectively, at the Université de Louvain, Belgium, and the London School of Economics, both in 2005. He is currently completing his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Namur, Belgium, under Prof. Stéphane Faulkner’s supervision. His thesis focuses on quality management of adaptable and open service-oriented systems enabling the Semantic Web. Caroline Herssens   received a Master Degree in Computer Science in 2005 at the Université de Louvain. In 2006, she graduated a Master in Business and Administration from the University of Louvain, with a supply chain management orientation. She is currently a teaching and research assistant and has started a Ph.D. thesis at the information systems research unit at Université de Louvain. Her research interests comprise service-oriented computing, conceptual modeling and information systems engineering. Stéphane Faulkner   is an Associate Professor in Technologies and Information Systems at the University of Namur (FUNDP) and an Invited Professor at the Louvain School of Management of the Université de Louvain (UCL). His current research interests revolve around requirements engineering and the development of modeling notations, systematic methods and tool support for the development of multi-agent systems, database and information systems.   相似文献   

Current collaborative practices of supply chain management are limited to some known configurations where a dominant member sets the pace for the collaboration extent. Extending collaborative models to supply chains without a dominant member requires defining a fair assessment of costs and benefits and how they are distributed among members. To understand collaborative models and their mechanisms, simulation-based approaches are recommended as they can afford the complexity of real scenarios. However, building ad-hoc simulation models for studying complex supply chain interactions can be prohibitive in terms of both cost and time. Therefore, the availability of simulation frameworks, to be used easily by business managers and facilitating the development of those models, has a strong incentive in the quest of current business efforts to increase their supply chain performance. The objective of this work is to present a systematic and reusable serviceoriented framework for agent based simulation to support the analysis of collaborative interactions in supply chains. Results of a requirement analysis performed to this aim are described, and the fulfillment of identified requirements by the proposed framework, and capabilities thereof, are discussed.  相似文献   

Context: Many modern software systems must deal with changes and uncertainty. Traditional dependability requirements engineering is not equipped for this since it assumes that the context in which a system operates be stable and deterministic, which often leads to failures and recurrent corrective maintenance. The Contextual Goal Model (CGM), a requirements model that proposes the idea of context-dependent goal fulfillment, mitigates the problem by relating alternative strategies for achieving goals to the space of context changes. Additionally, the Runtime Goal Model (RGM) adds behavioral constraints to the fulfillment of goals that may be checked against system execution traces.Objective: This paper proposes GODA (Goal-Oriented Dependability Analysis) and its supporting framework as concrete means for reasoning about the dependability requirements of systems that operate in dynamic contexts.Method: GODA blends the power of CGM, RGM and probabilistic model checking to provide a formal requirements specification and verification solution. At design time, it can help with design and implementation decisions; at runtime it helps the system self-adapt by analyzing the different alternatives and selecting the one with the highest probability for the system to be dependable. GODA is integrated into TAO4ME, a state-of-the-art tool for goal modeling and analysis.Results: GODA has been evaluated against feasibility and scalability on Mobee: a real-life software system that allows people to share live and updated information about public transportation via mobile devices, and on larger goal models. GODA can verify, at runtime, up to two thousand leaf-tasks in less than 35ms, and requires less than 240 KB of memory.Conclusion: Presented results show GODA’s design-time and runtime verification capabilities, even under limited computational resources, and the scalability of the proposed solution.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for the Model-Driven specification of Software Architectures, which is defined using the concepts behind Service-Orientation. The framework described, denominated as ArchiMeDeS, represents the following: a coherent solution to the problem of architecting the existing gap between the high-level configuration of a software system by describing the business entities and relationships required by a software solution, and its low-level representation, in which the technological aspects determine the final shape of the system, providing technical support to the previously identified business processes and constraints. We also provide a set of transformation rules, which semi-automatically advance in the Architecture specification. These rules allow progress to be made from conceptual architectural models to more technologically dependent ones. The feasibility of the proposed service-oriented framework is validated by showing its usage capabilities in the definition of a software solution in the field of neuroscience research.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning serves as an important part of e-learning, increasing interactivity and accessibility to various learning resources either synchronously or asynchronously among users. Distributed interactivity through Web services thus forms the focus of this paper. The paper reviews related work on service-oriented architecture (SOA), distributed infrastructure, business process management (BPM) and highlights the need to integrate SOA technologies for meaningful and interactive collaborative learning processes. The significance of the study is an SOA approach to enhance the interoperability, flexibility and reusability of e-learning content in a collaborative environment.  相似文献   

Today's service-oriented systems realize many ideas from the research conducted a decade or so ago in multiagent systems. Because these two fields are so deeply connected, further advances in multiagent systems could feed into tomorrow's successful service-oriented computing approaches. This article describes a 15-year roadmap for service-oriented multiagent system research.  相似文献   

目前面向服务架构系统中,基于XML方式的异构数据整合方案存在着数据表示杂乱,缺乏领域模型的融合,以至于需要花费大量的精力去处理系统与服务数据的转化和硬编码,很难形成可复用的方案.针对这些问题,提出了一个基于SDO的面向服务数据整合架构(SDIF),引入了Object Teams机制来构建可复用的数据整合框架以及与现有系统衔接的基础设施.  相似文献   

Cities are being equipped with multiple information systems to provide public services for city officials, officers, citizens, and tourists. There have been concerns with efficient service implementation and provision, e.g., data islands and function overlaps between systems and applications. Service-oriented portals are efficient at facilitating information sharing and collaborative work between city systems and users. The goal of this research is to make cities responsive, agile and to provide composite services efficiently and cost efficiently. A service-oriented framework for city portals is proposed to design, integrate and streamline city systems and applications. A model driven collaborative development platform of the proposed framework was developed for service-oriented digital portals. The architecture and implementation issues of the platform are discussed. The service identification policies are discussed within the framework. A case study has been developed and evaluated on the platform to provide a composite service, i.e., a traffic search service on a city portal.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates the promising performance of employing reconfigurable systems to accelerate multimedia and communication applications. Nonetheless, they are yet to be widely adopted. One reason is the lack of efficient operating system support for these platforms. In this paper, we address the problem of runtime task scheduling as a main part of the operating systems. To do so, a new task replacement parameter, called Time-Improvement, is proposed for compiler assisted scheduling algorithms. In contrast with most related approach, we validate our approach using real application workload obtained from an application for multimedia test remotely taken by students. The proposed online task scheduling algorithm outperforms previous algorithms and accelerates task execution from 4% up to 20%.  相似文献   

An Android runtime security policy enforcement framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, smart phone’s malwares are deceptive enough to spoof itself as a legal mobile application. The front-end service of Trojans is attractive enough to deceive mobile users. Mobile users download similar malwares without knowing their illegitimate background threat. Unlike other vendors, Android is an open-source mobile operating system, and hence, it lacks a dedicated team to analyze the application code and decide its trustworthiness. We propose an augmented framework for Android that monitors the dynamic behavior of application during its execution. Our proposed architecture called Security Enhanced Android Framework (seaf) validates the behavior of an application through its permissions exercising patterns. Based on the exercised permissions’ combination, the mobile user is intimated about the dangerous behavior of an application. We have implemented the proposed framework within Android software stack and ported it to device. Our initial investigation shows that our solution is practical enough to be used in the consumer market.  相似文献   

Future-generation distributed multimedia applications are expected to be highly scalable to a wide variety of heterogeneous devices, and highly adaptive across wide-area distributed environments. This demands multiple stages of run-time support in QoS-aware middleware architectures, particularly, probing the performance of QoS parameters, instantiating the initial component configurations, and adapting to on-the-fly variations. However, few of the past experiences in related work have shown comprehensive run-time support in all of the above stages – they often design and build a middleware framework by focusing on only one of the run-time issues. In this paper, we argue that distributed multimedia applications need effective run-time middleware support in all these stages to be highly scalable and adaptive across a wide variety of execution environments. Nevertheless, the design of such a middleware framework should be kept as streamlined and simple as possible, leading to a novel and integrated run-time middleware platform to unify the probing, instantiation and adaptation stages. In addition, for each stage, the framework should enable the interaction of peer middleware components across host boundaries, so that the corresponding middleware function can be performed in a coordinated and coherent fashion. We present the design of such an integrated architecture, with a case study to illustrate how it is simple yet effective to monitor and configure complex multimedia applications.  相似文献   

One of the most significant difficulties with developing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) involves meeting its security challenges, since the responsibilities of SOA security are based on both the service providers and the consumers. In recent years, many solutions to these challenges have been implemented, such as the Web Services Security Standards, including WS-Security and WS-Policy. However, those standards are insufficient for the new generation of Web technologies, including Web 2.0 applications. In this research, we propose an intelligent SOA security framework by introducing its two most promising services: the Authentication and Security Service (NSS), and the Authorization Service (AS). The suggested autonomic and reusable services are constructed as an extension of WS-1 security standards, with the addition of intelligent mining techniques, in order to improve performance and effectiveness. In this research, we apply three different mining techniques: the Association Rules, which helps to predict attacks, the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Cube, for authorization, and clustering mining algorithms, which facilitate access control rights representation and automation. Furthermore, a case study is explored to depict the behavior of the proposed services inside an SOA business environment. We believe that this work is a significant step towards achieving dynamic SOA security that automatically controls the access to new versions of Web applications, including analyzing and dropping suspicious SOAP messages and automatically managing authorization roles.  相似文献   

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