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The mechanism underlying dopamine D1 receptor-mediated attenuation of glutamatergic synaptic input to nucleus accumbens (NAcc) neurons was investigated in slices of rat forebrain, using whole-cell patch-clamp recording. The depression by dopamine of EPSCs evoked by single-shock cortical stimulation was stimulus-dependent. Synaptic activation of NMDA-type glutamate receptors was critical for this effect, because dopamine-induced EPSC depressions were blocked by the competitive NMDA receptor antagonist D/L-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (AP5). Application of NMDA also depressed the EPSC, and both this effect and the dopamine depressions were blocked by the A1 receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX), implicating adenosine release in the EPSC depression. A1 receptor agonists also depressed EPSCs by a presynaptic action, causing increased paired-pulse facilitation, but this was insensitive to AP5. Activation of D1 receptors enhanced both postsynaptic inward currents evoked by NMDA application and the isolated NMDA receptor-mediated component of synaptic transmission. The biochemical processes underlying the dopamine-induced EPSC depression did not involve either protein kinase A or the production of cAMP and its metabolites, because this effect was resistant to the protein kinase inhibitors H89 and H7 and the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor rolipram. We conclude that activation of postsynaptic D1 receptors enhances the synaptic activation of NMDA receptors in nucleus accumbens neurons, thereby promoting a transsynaptic feedback inhibition of glutamatergic synaptic transmission via release of adenosine. Unusually for D1 receptors, this phenomenon occurs independently of adenylyl cyclase stimulation. This process may contribute to the locomotor stimulant action of dopaminergic agents in the NAcc.  相似文献   

We examined the properties of voltage-gated calcium channels mediating endogenous dopamine (DA) and acetylcholine (ACh) release in the isolated rat retina. Application of 30 mM KCl elicited the release of DA and ACh, and these releases were abolished in Ca(2+)-free medium. The high K(+)-evoked DA release was largely blocked by both of omega-agatoxin IVA and omega-conotoxin MVIIC, P- and Q-type calcium channel antagonists, and partly blocked by isradipine, and L-type calcium channel antagonist, and omega-conotoxin GVIA, an N-type calcium channel antagonist. omega-Agatoxin IVA at a small dose, sufficient to block P-type channels alone, was however without effect. On the other hand, the high K(+)-evoked ACh release was partly blocked by omega-agatoxin IVA and omega-conotoxin MVIIC, but was resistant to isradipine and omega-conotoxin GVIA. Flunarizine, a non-selective T-type calcium channel antagonist, did not inhibit the release of DA and ACh. Cd2+ markedly blocked the release of both DA and ACh, Co2+ and Ni2+ slightly blocked the release of DA, and the release of ACh was not blocked by these two divalent cations. These results suggest that the high K(+)-evoked release of retinal DA is largely mediated by omega-agatoxin IVA and omega-conotoxin MVIIC sensitive calcium channels (probably Q-type channels), while the release of retinal ACh is largely mediated by as yet uncharacterized Cd2+ sensitive calcium channels. The properties of voltage-gated calcium channels involved in the release of ACh in the rat retina differ from those of DA.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the involvement of D1 and D2 receptors within the nucleus accumbens (ACB) in mediating reinforcement. The intracranial self-administration (ICSA) of D1 and D2 agonists was used to determine whether activating D1 and/or D2 receptors within the ACB of Wistar rats is reinforcing. At concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mM (25, 50, and 100 pmol/100 nl of infusion), neither the D1 agonist R(+)-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine-7,8-diol [SKF 38393 (SKF)] hydrochloride nor the D2 agonist (-)-quinpirole (Quin) hydrochloride was self-administered into the shell region of the ACB. On the other hand, equimolar mixtures of SKF and Quin (SKF+Quin), at concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mM each, were significantly self-infused into the ACB shell. The core region of the ACB did not support the ICSA of SKF+Quin at any of these concentrations. Rats increased lever pressing when the response requirement was increased from a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) to FR3, and they responded significantly more on the infusion lever than they did on the control lever. Coadministration of either 0.50 mM R(+)-7-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4, 5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine (SCH 23390) hydrochloride, a D1 antagonist, or 0.50 mM S(-)-sulpiride, a D2 antagonist, completely abolished the ICSA of the mixture of SKF+Quin (each at 0.50 mM) into the ACB shell. The present results suggest that concurrent activation of D1- and D2-type receptors in the shell of the ACB had a cooperative effect on DA-mediated reward processes.  相似文献   

To assess the interaction of dopamine and acetylcholine systems in the rat nucleus accumbens in response to direct D-amphetamine administration, in vivo microdialysis measures of acetylcholine were used during reverse dialysis of amphetamine alone and in combination with D1 and D2 receptor antagonists SCH 23390 and sulpiride, respectively. During a 15-min exposure to amphetamine (50 microM) in the nucleus accumbens, acetylcholine increased to 33% above pre-infusion levels, became maximal at 15 min post-infusion (+41%) and gradually returned to baseline levels by 60 min post-amphetamine. Conversely, amphetamine (1 mM) administration caused a biphasic change in acetylcholine release with a trend toward a decrease (-14%) during exposure followed by a significant increase (+36%) at 30 min post-amphetamine that returned to baseline levels by 60 min after infusion. The increases observed during amphetamine (50 microM) exposure and during recovery from amphetamine (1 mM) were both blocked by co-administration with the D1 antagonist, SCH 23390 (10 microM), but not with the D2 antagonist, sulpiride (10 microM). Co-infusion of sulpiride eliminated the trend toward reduced acetylcholine release observed during 1 mM amphetamine whereas co-administration of SCH 23390 potentiated this decrease. A possible tonic D1 facilitation of nucleus accumbens acetylcholine release was indicated by the consistent reductions in acetylcholine release observed during infusion of SCH 23390. These results suggest that amphetamine administration in the nucleus accumbens induces a bidirectional change in acetylcholine release that is dependent on dose and opposing effects of nucleus accumbens D1 and D2 activation. In general, relatively low doses of amphetamine administered into the nucleus accumbens caused an increase in acetylcholine release that was dependent on dopamine D1 receptors whereas higher doses of amphetamine resulted in a D2-mediated decrease.  相似文献   

Investigation of a human T-lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) infection in a female Australian blood donor identified a human bite as the likely mode of transmission, confirmed by nucleotide sequencing of the proviral tax/rex from both donor and contact. We believe this to be the first report of the transmission of an HTLV by a human bite.  相似文献   

1. Interactions between dopamine receptors and protein kinase C (PKC) have been proposed from biochemical studies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the hypothesis that there is an interaction between protein kinase C and inhibitory D2-dopamine receptors in the modulation of stimulation-induced (S-I) dopamine release from rat striatal slices incubated with [3H]-dopamine. Dopamine release can be modulated by protein kinase C and inhibitory presynaptic D2 receptors since phorbol dibutyrate (PDB) and (-)-sulpiride, respectively, elevated S-I dopamine release. 2. The protein kinase C inhibitors polymyxin B (21 microM) and chelerythrine (3 microM) had no effect on stimulation-induced (S-I) dopamine release. However, when presynaptic dopamine D2 receptors were blocked by sulpiride (1 microM), an inhibitory effect of both PKC inhibitors on S-I dopamine release was revealed. Thus, sulpiride unmasks an endogenous PKC effect on dopamine release which suggests that presynaptic D2 receptors normally suppress endogenous PKC activity. This is supported by results in striatal slices which were pretreated with PDB to down-regulate PKC. In this case the facilitatory effect of sulpiride was completely abolished. 3. The inhibitory effect of the dopamine D2/D3 agonist quinpirole on S-I dopamine release was partially attenuated by PKC down-regulation. Since the effect of sulpiride was completely abolished under the same conditions, this suggests that exogenous agonists may target a PKC-dependent as well as a PKC-independent pathway. The inhibitory effect of apomorphine was not affected by either polymyxin B or PKC down-regulation, suggesting that it operated exclusively through a PKC-independent mechanism. 4. These results suggest that there are at least two pathways involved in the inhibition of dopamine release through dopamine receptors. One pathway involves dopamine receptor suppression of protein kinase C activity, perhaps through inhibition of phospholipase C activity and this is preferentially utilized by neuronally-released dopamine. The other pathway which seems to be utilized by exogenous agonists does not involve PKC.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of diabetes on antinociception produced by intracerebroventricular injection of delta-opioid receptor agonists [D-Pen2,5]enkephalin (DPDPE) and [D-Ala2]deltorphin II. The antinociceptive effect of DPDPE (10 nmol), administered i.c.v., was significantly greater in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice. The antinociceptive effect of i.c.v. DPDPE was significantly reduced in both diabetic and non-diabetic mice following pretreatment with 7-benzylidenenaltrexone (BNTX), a selective delta 1-opioid receptor antagonist, but not with naltriben (NTB), a selective delta 2-opioid receptor antagonist. There were no significant differences in the antinociceptive effect of [D-Ala2]deltorphin II (3 nmol, i.c.v.) in diabetic and non-diabetic mice. Furthermore, the antinociceptive effect of i.c.v. [D-Ala2]deltorphin II was significantly reduced in both diabetic and non-diabetic mice following pretreatment with NTB, but not with BNTX. In conclusion, mice with diabetes are selectively hyper-responsive to supraspinal delta 1-opioid receptor-mediated antinociception, but are normally responsive to activation of delta 2-opioid receptors.  相似文献   

Rat striatal slices (two) were superfused continuously with L-3,5-3H tyrosine and 3H-dopamine (3H-DA) release was estimated in serial fractions of superfusates. The spontaneous release of 3H-DA was reduced by about 50% when slices were superfused with a calcium-free medium containing ethylene glycol bis (beta-aminoethyl ether)- N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) (10(-4) M) or with a medium containg tetrodotoxin (5 x 10(-7) M). These effects were not related to a change in 3H-DA synthesis since the rate of L-3,5-3H tyrosine hydroxylation, as measured by 3H-H2O formation was not significantly reduced. Acetylcholine (ACh) (10(-5) M) stimulated the release of 3H-DA (about 100%). This effect was abolished in the absence of calcium; it was partially blocked by pempidine (10(-5) M), atropine (10(-6) M) or scopolamine (10(-5), 10(-6) M). Oxotremorine (10(-5) M) enhanced 3H-DA release but to a lesser extent (60%) than ACh (10(-5) M); its action was completely blocked by atropine (10(-6) M) and unaffected by pempidine (10(-5) M). The ACh- (10(-5) M) and oxotremorine- (10(-5) M) stimulatine effects on 3H-DA spontaneous release were still detected in slices superfused in the presence of tetrodotoxin (5 x 10(-7) M). In the presence of the neurotoxin, the effect of ACh (10(-5) M) was significantly reduced by pempidine (10(-5) M) and the effect of oxotremorine (10(-5) M) was blocked by atropine (10(-6) M). These results suggest the presence of cholinergic presynaptic receptors of the nicotinic and muscarinic types on striatal dopaminergic terminals.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the analysis of peptides in plasma at picomole to femtomole levels. Peptides are isolated from plasma by solid-phase extraction, the peptide of interest is purified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and selectively digested using immobilized trypsin or chymotrypsin to yield specific di- or tripeptides. These di- and tripeptides are esterified using heptafluorobutyric anhydride, alkylated with pentafluorobenzyl bromide, then quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with negative ion chemical ionization. This method has been evaluated for a model synthetic heptapeptide, using a deuterium labeled analog as an internal standard. The half-life of the heptapeptide in human plasma was found to be 2 min. Extraction efficiencies of a tritiated peptide of similar size to the heptapeptide, [3H]DSLET, from plasma using either C18 or strong cation-exchange columns were 85+/-3 and 70+/-2%, respectively. Quantitation of fragments from the heptapeptide indicated that the analysis was linear from 1-50 ng of the heptapeptide per ml of plasma. This method was subsequently employed for pharmacokinetic studies of the biologically active peptide Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu, where linearity was obtained from 50 to 1000 ng/ml in rat plasma. This method demonstrated negligible side reaction by-products due to autolysis, and has potential for extensive use given the wide availability of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Using dissociated rat carotid body (CB) cultures, we compared levels of extracellular dopamine (DA) around oxygen-sensitive glomus cells grown for approximately 12 days in normoxia (Nox; 20% O2), chronic hypoxia (CHox; 6% O2), or chronic nicotine (CNic; 10 microM nicotine, 20% O2), with or without acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (AChR) agonists/antagonists and blockers of DA uptake. In Nox cultures, extracellular DA, determined by HPLC and normalized to the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive glomus cells present, was augmented by acute (approximately 15-min) exposure to hypoxia (5% O2; approximately 6x basal), high extracellular K+ (30 mM; approximately 10x basal), nomifensine (1 microM; a selective DA uptake inhibitor; approximately 3x basal), and nicotine (100 microM; approximately 5x basal), but not methylcholine (300 microM; a specific muscarinic agonist). In contrast, in CHox cultures where basal DA release is markedly elevated (approximately 9x control), the stimulatory effect of high K+ (3-4x basal) and acute hypoxia (approximately 2x basal) on DA release persisted, but nicotine and nomifensine were no longer effective and methylcholine had a partial inhibitory effect. In CNic cultures, basal DA levels were also elevated (approximately 9x control), similar to that in CHox cultures; however, although acute hypoxia had a stimulatory effect on DA release (approximately 2x basal), nicotine, nomifensine, and high K+ were ineffective. The elevated basal DA in both CHox and CNic cultures was attenuated by acute or chronic treatment with mecamylamine (100 microM), a nicotinic AChR (nAChR) antagonist. In addition, long-term (16-h), but not acute (15-min), treatment with the muscarinic antagonist atropine (1 microM) produced an additional enhancement of basal DA levels in CHox cultures. Thus, after chronic hypoxia or nicotine in vitro, extracellular DA levels around CB chemoreceptor cell clusters appear to be set by a variety of factors including released ACh, positive and negative feedback regulation via nAChRs and muscarinic AChRs, respectively, and modulation of DA transporters. These results provide insight into roles of endogenous transmitters in the adaptation of CB chemoreceptors to chronic hypoxia and suggest pathways by which neuroactive drugs, e.g., nicotine, can interfere with the protective chemoreflex response against hypoxia.  相似文献   

We have explored the role of excitatory amino acids in the increased dopamine (DA) release that occurs in the neostriatum during stress-induced behavioral activation. Studies were performed in awake, freely moving rats, using in vivo microdialysis. Extracellular DA was used as a measure of DA release; extracellular 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) after inhibition of DOPA decarboxylase provided a measure of apparent DA synthesis. Mild stress increased the synthesis and release of DA in striatum. DA synthesis and release also were enhanced by the intra-striatal infusion of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), an agonist at NMDA receptors, and kainic acid, an agonist at the DL-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA)/kainate site. Stress-induced increase in DA synthesis was attenuated by co-infusion of 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) or 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), antagonists of NMDA and AMPA/kainate receptors, respectively. In contrast, intrastriatal APV, CNQX, or kynurenic acid (a non-selective ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonist) did not block the stress-induced increase in DA release. Stress-induced increase in DA release was, however, blocked by administration of tetrodotoxin along the nigrostriatal DA projection. It also was attenuated when APV was infused into substantia nigra. Thus, glutamate may act via ionotropic receptors within striatum to regulate DA synthesis, whereas glutamate may influence DA release via an action on receptors in substantia nigra. However, our method for monitoring DA synthesis lowers extracellular DA and this may permit the appearance of an intra-striatal glutamatergic influence by reducing a local inhibitory influence of DA. If so, under conditions of low extracellular DA glutamate may influence DA release, as well as DA synthesis, by an intrastriatal action. Such conditions might occur during prolonged severe stress and/or DA neuron degeneration. These results may have implications for the impact of glutamate antagonists on the ability of patients with Parkinson's disease to tolerate stress.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) release from nerve terminals of the nigrostriatal DA neurons not only depends on the activity of nigral DA cells but also on presynaptic regulation. Glutamatergic neurons of cortical origin play a prominent role in these presynaptic regulations. The direct glutamatergic presynaptic control of DA release is mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptors, located on DA nerve terminals. In addition, by acting on striatal target cells, these glutamatergic neurons contribute also to indirect regulations of DA release involving several transmitters such as GABA, acetylcholine and neuropeptides. Diffusible messengers such as nitric oxide (NO) or arachidonic acid (AA) which are particularly formed under the stimulation of NMDA receptors may also participate to the regulation of DA release. In the present study, it will be shown that the co-application of NMDA and carbachol synergistically increases the release of [3H]-DA and that this effect is reduced by mepacrine or 4-bromophenacylbromide (10(-7) M), two inhibitors of PLA2. Therefore endogenously released AA induced by the co-stimulation of NMDA and cholinergic receptors seems to be involved, at least partly, in the release of DA.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of adenosine in mediating effects of mild hypoxia on electrically evoked transmitter release. Rat striatal slices, preincubated with [3H]dopamine and [14C]choline, were superfused continuously and stimulated electrically. Before and during the second stimulation, some slices were superfused with Krebs' solution with lowered oxygen. This mild hypoxia caused a significant increase of the electrically evoked outflow of endogenous adenosine, hypoxanthine and inosine into the superfusion buffer, whereas electrically evoked release of [3H]dopamine and [14C]acetylcholine was significantly decreased. The addition of 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, a selective adenosine A1 receptor antagonist, blocked the hypoxia-induced inhibitory effect on the evoked release of these two transmitters in a concentration-dependent manner. In summary, the results show that reduction of the oxygen supply to striatal slices results in an increased release of endogenous adenosine, which, by acting on adenosine A1 receptors, decreases the electrically evoked release of dopamine and acetylcholine.  相似文献   

The presynaptic neuromodulation of stimulation-evoked release of [3H]-acetylcholine by endogenous adenosine, via A1-adenosine receptors, was studied in superfused hippocampal slices taken from 4-, 12- and 24-month-old rats. 8-Cyclopentyl-1,3-dimethylxanthine (0.25 microM), a selective A1-receptor antagonist, increased significantly the electrical field stimulation-induced release of [3H]-acetylcholine in slices prepared from 4- and 12-month-old rats, showing a tonic inhibitory action of endogenous adenosine via stimulation of presynaptic A1-adenosine receptors. In contrast, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dimethylxanthine had no effect in 24-month-old rats. 2-Chloroadenosine (10 microM), an adenosine receptor agonist decreased the release of [3H]-acetylcholine in slices taken from 4- and 12-month-old rats, and no significant change was observed in slices taken from 24-month-old rats. In order to show whether the number/or affinity of the A1-receptors was affected in aged rats, [3H]-8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dimethylxanthine binding was studied in hippocampal membranes prepared from rats of different ages. Whereas the Bmax value was significantly lower in 2-year-old rats than in younger counterparts, the dissociation constant (Kd) was not affected by aging, indicating that the density rather than the affinity of adenosine receptors was altered. Endogenous adenosine levels present in the extracellular space were also measured in the superfusate by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with ultraviolet detection, and an age-related increase in the adenosine level was found. In summary, our results indicate that during aging the level of adenosine in the extracellular fluid is increased in the hippocampus. There is a downregulation and reduced responsiveness of presynaptic adenosine A1-receptors, and it seems likely that these changes are due to the enhanced adenosine level in the extracellular space.  相似文献   

The changes of the histamine H3 and dopamine D1 or D2 receptor binding sites induced by quinolinic acid treatment were studied in order to discriminate the comparative distribution. This treatment resulted in similar decreases in histamine H3 and dopamine D1 receptor binding sites in the striatum and ipsilateral substantia nigra. Dopamine D2 receptor binding sites were relatively well conserved, whereas H3 receptors decreased considerably. These results suggest that histamine H3 and dopamine D1 receptor binding sites are localized on the striatonigral projection neurones which are together sensitive to quinolinic acid, and that the distributional compartment of dopamine D2 receptor binding sites is quite different from those of histamine H3 and dopamine D1 receptors.  相似文献   

Ty3 is a retroviruslike element found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It encodes GAG3 and GAG3-POL3 polyproteins which are processed into mature proteins found in the Ty3 viruslike particle. In this study, the region encoding a protease that is homologous to retroviral aspartyl proteases was identified and shown to be required for production of mature Ty3 proteins and transposition. The Ty3 protease has the Asp-Ser-Gly consensus sequence found in copia, Ty1, and Rous sarcoma virus proteases, rather than the Asp-Thr-Gly found in most retroviral proteases. The Asp-Ser-Gly consensus is flanked by residues similar to those which flank the active sites of cellular aspartyl proteases. Mutations were made in the Ty3 active-site sequence to examine the role of the protease in Ty3 particle maturation and to test the functional significance of the Ser active-site variant in the consensus sequence. Mutation of the active-site Asp blocked processing of Gag3 and Gag3-Pol3 and allowed identification of a GAG3-POL3 polyprotein. This protein was turned over rapidly in cells expressing the mutant Ty3. Changing the active-site Ser to Thr caused only a modest reduction in the levels of certain Ty3 proteins. Five putative cleavage sites of this protease in Ty3 GAG3 and GAG3-POL3 polyproteins were defined by amino-terminal sequence analysis. The existence of an additional protein(s) of unknown function, encoded downstream of the protease-coding region, was deduced from the positions of these amino termini and the sizes of known Ty3 proteins. Although Ty3 protease cleavage sites do not correspond exactly to known retroviral protease cleavage sites, there are similarities. Residues P3 through P2' in the regions encompassing each of the five sites are uncharged, and no P1 position is occupied by an amino acid with a branched beta carbon.  相似文献   

The 3H-overflow from slices of the rabbit caudate nucleus preincubated with tritiated dopamine (DA), or choline, and then superfused and stimulated twice with 3,4-diaminopyridine (3,4-DAP; 25 microM, 1 min), was explored as an in vitro model for evoked release of DA, or acetylcholine (ACh), respectively. In both cases the 3,4-DAP-evoked 3H-overflow was tetrodotoxin-sensitive and Ca(2+)-dependent and hence most probably represents action potential-induced exocytotic release of DA or ACh, respectively. Using pairs of preferential agonists/antagonists it was shown, that evoked DA release was inhibited via presynaptic D2 autoreceptors (quinpirole/domperidone) and kappa-opioid receptors (U-50488H/norbinaltorphimine). No evidence was found for the presence of presynaptic adenosine A1 or A2 receptors on dopaminergic terminals. Moreover, 3,4-DAP-evoked DA release was unaffected by increased intracellular cyclic AMP levels or by drugs affecting the NO/guanylate cyclase pathway. In a similar manner it was shown that 3,4-DAP-evoked ACh release was inhibited via presynaptic muscarine autoreceptors (oxotremorine/atropine) and dopamine D2 heteroreceptors (quinpirole/domperidone). Again, no evidence for the involvement of the NO/guanylate cyclase system in the modulation of ACh release was found, whereas the presence of inhibitory adenosine A1 receptors, but not of facilitatory A2 receptors, could be clearly established. It is concluded, that 3,4-DAP-evoked 3H-overflow from rabbit caudate nucleus slices preincubated with [3H]DA or [3H]choline, represents a simple and useful in vitro model for action potential-induced DA or ACh release, respectively. Moreover, at least in this model or rabbit brain region, facilitatory adenosine A2 receptors and the NO/guanylate cyclase system seem not to be involved in the release of these transmitters.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of repeated treatment with the antidepressant drugs, fluoxetine, desipramine and tranylcypromine, on dopamine receptor expression (mRNA and binding site density) in sub-regions of the nucleus accumbens and striatum of the rat. The effect of these treatments on extracellular levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens was also measured. Experiments using in situ hybridisation showed that the antidepressants caused a region-specific increase in D2 mRNA, this effect being most prominent in the nucleus accumbens shell. In contrast, none of the treatments increased D1 mRNA in any of the regions examined. Measurement of D2-like binding by receptor autoradiography, using the ligand [3H]YM-09151-2, revealed that both fluoxetine and desipramine increased D2-like binding in the nucleus accumbens shell; fluoxetine had a similar effect in the nucleus accumbens core. Tranylcypromine, however, had no effect on D2-like binding in the nucleus accumbens but decreased binding in the striatum. In micro-dialysis experiments, our data showed that levels of extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens were not altered in rats treated with either fluoxetine or desipramine, but increased by tranylcypromine. From our findings, we propose that the antidepressant drugs tested enhance dopamine function in the nucleus accumbens through either increased expression of post-synaptic D2 receptors (fluoxetine and desipramine) or increased dopamine release (tranylcypromine).  相似文献   

We report two cases of severe hypertension and unilateral renal dysplasia. No renal artery stenosis and no other urogenital malformations were found. In both cases we found substantially enhanced secretion of renin from the dysplastic kidney. After nephrectomy both patients obtained a distinctive and permanent reduction or normalization of blood pressure. In the two cases reported, regional renin release induced by ischemia is a very likely etiological factor.  相似文献   

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