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This paper studied the gardening activities and characteristics of Xu-style gardens in the Qin and Han Dynasties by combining ancient literature with the study of Han Dynasty stone reliefs.The results showed that by Qin and Han Dynasties,the imperial (royal) gardens and private gardens in ancient Xuzhou had developed in parallel.Imperial (royal) gardens were built by or for vassal kings,First Emperor of Qin Dynasty,Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty Liu Bang,for example,Pei Palace,Yanqi Tai,Xima Tai,Hanzu Temple,Lingguang Palace of Lu and so on.As for private gardens,stone reliefs in medium or small tombs owned by the bigwigs or the rich were collected from ancient Xuzhou,and from which we can see clearly the development of private garden from the court,the yard to the garden,rich garden plants and animal species,garden architecture types such as hall,building,pavilion,platform,boat,corridor,gate,gatetower,ornamental column etc.,particularly,hanging waterside pavilion was a unique architectural form of Xu-style garden.These achievements showed that Xu-style garden architecture had been transformed from the pre-Qin incubation period to the generation period.  相似文献   

季宏  朱永春 《华中建筑》2008,26(1):24-26
汉画像升仙图中极为夸张的斗拱形象不能仅从结构体系上分析,它在某种程度上反映汉代人的宇宙观与升仙观念,折射出汉代斗拱的文化涵义。该文从图像学意义上分析了汉代斗拱的文化内涵及发展轨迹:在以升仙为主题的基室汉画像中,斗拱是通往天延枢纽的符号。正是这一象征意义促成了汉代斗拱的成型、发展。汉代诸如曲拱、重拱一类特殊形态的斗拱,也与升仙有关。  相似文献   

王洪福  黄忠俊  侯恩权  李标  马亮 《钢结构》2014,29(11):57-60
工程创造性地采用框架-束筒中心支撑钢结构体系,此体系在我国钢结构应用中尚属首次。束筒部分钢柱节点复杂,牛腿较多,平均每根钢柱牛腿约22个,单根钢柱牛腿最多达28个。通过合理安排牛腿装配顺序,严格控制焊接工艺,准确预估焊接收缩量,以及在构件制作过程中对牛腿定位尺寸进行多次严格的校验,从而使构件的终检尺寸满足偏差允许范围,保证了构件的顺利安装。  相似文献   

鲁明玉  李端 《钢结构》2013,(12):52-54,40
结构改造设计既要保证改造后结构的安全,又要尽量减少改造工程量,方便施工.通过对某度假村结构改造抽柱增设托架的工程设计和施工实例,在保持原有结构基本不变的情况下,采用在拟抽柱两侧增设钢托架的改造设计方案及在施工时通过在托架上架设千斤顶项升原有结构的施工方法,顺利地完成了原有结构抽柱改造增设托架的工程实践,取得良好的改造效果,并总结结构改造中托架的设计和施工要点.  相似文献   

文章通过对“榭”字起源与字意的考据,探索“榭”的内涵与形式的演替经历了从规模宏大的高台榭殿堂,以及由远观功能延伸的讲军习武之所,转变为古典园林中文人观景、游憩、观演以及会客之处。依据对诗词以及现存古典园林中榭的史料实例统计,发现水榭是园林中榭的主要形式。研究水榭的空间布局、尺度,是对榭在物质属性的探讨;对榭文化层面的探讨则体现在研究古人建造水榭时对传统文化及思想表达的方法和手段。古代园林水榭中体现的空间处理手法和利用建筑景观对文化内涵的表达手法都值得去借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

胡龙  柯海熬 《山西建筑》2010,36(6):156-157
对水榭基础从裂缝破坏和碳化锈蚀破坏两方面分析了其破坏成因,提出了预防控制裂缝产生的方法,总结了裂缝产生后的治理措施,以减少或避免其裂缝的产生,提高水工混凝土施工质量。  相似文献   

姚承祖是继“香山匠人”明代工部左侍郎蒯祥之后的又一名建筑匠师,他出身于木匠世家,毕生从事建筑行业。经他设计建造的众所周知的四处建筑物分别是:苏州怡园的藕香榭、吴县光福乡香雪海的梅花亭、灵岩山的大雄宝殿以及木渎镇的严家花园。姚承祖晚年曾在苏州鹰扬巷6号筑有“补云小筑”,也是一座绝世佳作的古典园林。  相似文献   

吴贺丽  朱永春 《华中建筑》2009,27(5):198-202
汉代宫殿和园林中多穿凿池沼,筑高台美榭,其性质除已被充分讨论的“一池三山”象征,多与水戏活动相关,该文对此及相关的水中和滨水建筑作初步的考述。  相似文献   

Taking the stone reliefs of the Han Dynasty in the ancient Xuzhou region as materials,the paper studied the roofing forms of pavilion rooms and halls in the Han Dynasty from the perspective of roof and ridge style and its decorative features combined with literature records.The result showed that most of the roofs were straight slopes but the roof ridge diversified.According to the different degree of warping,there are straight without warping,gentle and slight warping and large arc warping etc.,the warping forms had the roof characteristics of ancient Chinese architecture in both north and south China,showing diversified and beautiful morphology.Through the technical treatment of structure and art,the roofing created a highly expressive images and eliminated the negative effect of the big lumpish and depressive roofs.Animal images of phoenix and Chiwen (two imaginary birds in ancient Chinese myth,with auspicious implications) in the roof ridge decorations reflected the development of architectural structure technology and decorative art of Xu-Style gardens in the Han Dynasty.  相似文献   

文章在对一系列汉代楼阁明器的用途进行了辨析.并在其基础上根据焦作出土的楼阁在上层左侧安排俑人的情况,对中原地区楼宅的使用方式和形式构成进行了深入的讨论.并分析了汉代以后楼宅衰落的原因。  相似文献   

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