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为了得到安全、无泄漏、微型、超薄型的双电层电容器,采用内聚合方法制得聚丙烯腈基凝胶聚合物电解质双电层电容器,电解质的增塑剂为碳酸丙烯酯和碳酸乙烯酯,支持电解质为高氯酸锂,电极材料分别为比表面积1000m2/g和2600m2/g的活性炭。采用交流阻抗、循环伏安、恒流充放电、循环寿命等测试方法对内聚合式凝胶聚合物电解质及其组成的双电层电容器的性能进行了测试。结果表明,此种方法制得的双电层电容器的内阻小,比容量较大,其中以比表面积2600m2/g活性炭为电极材料的电容器的双电极比容量达到47.41F/g。  相似文献   

超级电容器电解质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简述了近年来国内外超级电容器各种电解质,包括水系、有机体系、离子液体、固态、氧化还原等电解质的最新研究进展以及重要的理论和技术突破,着重对离子液体、水溶液及有机电解质作为超级电容器电解质的性能进行了比较,并对杂质离子的穿梭效应引起的自放电进行了讨论。最后总结指出开发具有低黏度、高电导率和高电化学稳定性的离子液体电解质是将来超级电容器在基础领域中研究的重点,并有望成为有机电解液的替代者。此外离子液体与混合有机溶剂多种成分的优化组合也是电解质的发展趋势。  相似文献   

超级电容器电极材料的研究发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电极是超级电容器一个重要的组成部分,电极材料是决定超级电容器性能最重要的因素。本文主要综述了超级电容器的性能优点、工作原理、应用前景,并详细介绍了碳素材料、过渡金属氧化物、导电聚合物等三类超级电容器电极材料的研究进展。  相似文献   

刘潇娟  杨光  廖红英  孟蓉  张华 《化学试剂》2013,35(6):510-514,526
综述了超级电容器电解质的研究现状,重点介绍了适用于新型电极材料的水系电解质以及目前已实现商业化的有机电解质,对离子液体电解质、固体和凝胶电解质的产业化提出了展望。  相似文献   

陈娟  范利丹  胡潇依  王梦晓  秦刚  杨佳  陈强 《化工进展》2019,38(10):4623-4631
传统的超级电容器因柔性差、安全性低等问题无法满足可穿戴电子产品的需求。基于此,固态柔性超级电容器应运而生,以其独特的柔性、延展性和高安全性等特点引起了众多学者的关注。本文首先简要介绍了固态柔性超级电容器的研究意义,总结了其主要的组成结构,并指出二维叉指超级电容器适用于微型电子器件,一维线型超级电容器具有更好的柔性和适应性。然后重点概述了固态柔性超级电容器用电极材料和电解质材料的研究进展,并对其现存问题进行探讨,指出该领域进一步发展的关键技术是如何提高电极的容量性能和循环稳定性以及电解质材料的力学性能、导电性和电化学稳定窗口。  相似文献   

镁离子电池因其比容量高、资源丰富、环境友好、安全性高(无枝晶)等优势,在储能电池领域脱颖而出.然而,镁金属负极在液态电解质中易钝化,导致其电化学性能不佳.因此,开发高效适用的固态电解质对实现高性能、实用化镁离子电池至关重要.聚合物电解质具有优异的机械稳定性、电化学稳定性、热稳定性且离子电导率高、成本低.但镁离子较高的电荷密度和较强的溶剂化作用限制了其在固态电解质中的解离与扩散.从纯固态聚合物电解质、凝胶聚合物电解质、复合聚合物电解质3个方面综述了国内外聚合物基镁离子固态电解质的离子电导率对解决镁金属负极钝化效应的贡献及其应用研究进展,指出聚合物基镁离子固态电解质当前面临的挑战并对其研究方向进行了建议和展望.  相似文献   

高分子聚合物在太阳能电池电解质中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了高分子聚合物作为电解质在染料敏化纳米晶TiO2太阳能电池中的应用研究进展,按电解质的物理状态不同,分别对高分子聚合物凝胶准固态电解质和导电高分子聚合物固态电解质进行了综述,并对存在的问题和未来的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

利用固体农业废弃物玉米秸秆作为原料,经高温煅烧,KOH刻蚀获得具有较大比表面积的多孔生物炭材料,并采用粉末X射线衍射仪(XRD)、场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)、红外光谱(FT-IR)、拉曼光谱(Raman)以及比表面积和孔径分析仪(BET)等表征手段,研究其物理、化学结构和微观形貌。结果表明,所制备的生物炭材料具有发达的“微孔-中孔-大孔”三维贯通多级孔道结构,比表面积高达1228 m2·g-1。将其作为电极材料,与H2SO4/PVA凝胶电解质可组装成为具有柔性的全固态超级电容器。利用循环伏安测试(CV)、恒电流充放电(GCD)以及交流阻抗测试(EIS)对柔性超级电容器电化学性能进行了测试。在电流密度为1.0 A·g-1的条件下,其比容量可达125 F·g-1。该器件具有良好的机械柔性和电化学稳定性,将其从0°弯曲至180°的过程中,比电容保持率约为93.5%;以不同弯曲角度将其连续弯折100次后,仍能保持较高的比电容。此外,在弯折角度180°、充放电电流密度为5.0 A·g-1 的条件下经过500次循环充放电后,比电容值保持率约为95.6%,库仑效率约为94.9%。说明所制备的柔性超级电容器具有优异的充放电性能和长效循环稳定性。作为一种柔性、质轻、便携的储能装置,在可穿戴电子器件领域内具有潜在应用价值。同时该方法也为固体农业废弃物玉米秸秆的高附加值转化利用和新型绿色能源器件创新研制提供了新的技术途径。  相似文献   

练成  刘洪来 《化工进展》2019,38(1):244-260
提高储能密度是目前超级电容器研究的重点,它取决于电极材料与电解液界面结构。本文介绍了经典密度泛函理论(CDFT)研究固液界面结构的基本原理以及在多孔电极材料中电解液溶液的热力学和动力学性质研究等进展。CDFT是一种基于统计力学的理论方法,被广泛应用于表界面效应、吸附、溶解等研究,在保证相同计算精度的前提下,具有比分子模拟更高的计算效率。CDFT可以系统地研究多孔材料孔径、孔几何形貌、表面官能团,电解液离子大小、化合价、组成以及溶剂种类、浓度等因素对超级电容器性能的影响,进一步发展考虑反应-传递性质的CDFT,可以为设计新型电极材料和筛选电解液提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以SiO2纳米颗粒为填料,通过溶液浇筑法合成了纳米复合离子凝胶电解质,研究了SiO2填料对离子输运的影响规律。基于离子凝胶电解质构筑了准固态电容器,探讨了无机填料对电容器性能的影响,以活性炭为电极、凝胶电解质为隔膜,构筑了准固态双电层电容器。结果表明,SiO2的加入没有改变隔膜电解质的微观形貌,但有效改善了浸润性,提高了离子电导率。高SiO2添加量的隔膜电解质电化学性能更优,当添加8wt% SiO2时凝胶电解质电化学性能最优。SiO2的加入可有效提高活性炭准固态电容器的性能,电容器的比容提升约15%,经4000次循环后容量保持可达100%。电解质高温稳定性良好,器件最高使用温度可达60℃。基于该复合电解质构筑的电容器具有良好的高温性能,电容器比容随温度升高而逐渐提升,60℃时能量密度可达81.36 Wh/kg。  相似文献   

A new electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) was constructed by using polymer hydrogel electrolyte prepared from crosslinked potassium poly(acrylate) and KOH aqueous solution, and its electrochemical characteristics were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge cycle tests, compared with a case of the cell using only a KOH aqueous solution as an electrolyte. As a result, the cell with the polymer hydrogel electrolyte was found to exhibit higher capacitance than that with the KOH aqueous solution and excellent high-rate dischargeability. The impedance spectroscopic measurements suggested that the higher capacitance could be ascribed to the pseudocapacitance. These results indicate the potential applicability of the polymer hydrogel electrolyte to EDLCs as an electrolyte with good performance.  相似文献   

Searching for alternative materials that have biodegradable properties is one of the efforts to increase knowledge and green technology that contributes to the reduction of waste produced from electronics. A biodegradable biopolymer electrolyte system based on polyvinyl alcohol-chitosan blend is prepared using an easy and affordable method called solution cast technique. Lithium acetate (LiOAc) and ethylene carbonate (EC) are incorporated as charge carrier and plasticizing agent. The plasticization effect of EC concentrations on physical structure has been investigated and reported. The real and imaginary parts of dielectric permittivity confirmed that the highest dielectric constant and loss values are recorded at low-frequencies regions. A disruption in the crystalline region of the film can be observed with the existence of LiOAc and EC. The inclusion of EC promotes the ions dissociation thus enhanced the amorphous region of the electrolytes which is beneficial for ionic conduction. Linear sweep voltammetry analysis revealed that the highest conducting electrolyte is electrochemically stable up to 1.82 V. No redox peaks are shown in the cyclic voltammetry of the fabricated supercapacitor. The supercapacitor showed a great performance with average specific capacitance of 130 F g−1.  相似文献   

The possibility of producing a biodegradable polymer electrolyte based on cellulose acetate (CA) with varied concentration of LiClO4 for use in supercapacitors has been investigated. The successful doping of the CA films has been analyzed by FTIR and DSC measurements of the LiClO4 doped CA films. The ionic conductivity of the films increased with increase in salt content and the maximum ionic conductivity obtained for the solid polymer electrolyte at room temperature was 4.9 × 10?3 Ω?1 for CA with 16% LiClO4. The biodegradation of the solid polymer electrolyte films have been tested by soil burial, degradation in activated sludge, and degradation in buffer medium methods. The extent of biodegradation in the films has been measured by AC Impedance spectroscopy and weight loss calculations. The study indicated sufficient biodegradability of the materials. A p/p polypyrrole supercapacitor has been fabricated and its electrochemical characteristics and performance have been studied. The supercapacitor showed a fairly good specific capacitance of 90 F g?1 and a time constant of 1 s. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2008  相似文献   

李英  张香平 《化工进展》2018,37(9):3446-3453
高温质子交换膜燃料电池在降低燃料电池水热管理复杂性、催化剂中毒方面有明显优势;可改善电池阴阳两极尤其是阴极氧气还原反应的动力学特性,提高电池的效率。聚合物电解质膜作为关键材料之一,在高温时易失水导致质子传导率降低、机械强度和热稳定性不高等问题。本文基于磺酸、磷酸和离子液体等不同质子传递介质,对高温聚合物电解质膜进行综述,比较了各类聚合物电解质膜的优缺点及应用时存在的问题,着重探讨嵌段共聚物在高温聚合物电解质膜方面的潜在应用,指出离子液体的添加不但可作为质子载体,而且在构建嵌段聚合物结构方面可发挥"诱导剂"作用。提出通过分子设计可更好了解嵌段聚合物的空间构效关系,进而通过结构设计提高膜的质子传导性能和稳定性。  相似文献   

Poly[(ethylene glycol)diacrylate]-poly(vinylidene fluoride), a gel polymer blend with ethylene carbonate:dimethyl carbonate:ethylmethyl carbonate (EC:DMC:EMC, 1:1:1 volume ratio) and containing 1.0 M of lithium hexafluoro phosphate (LiPF6) as liquid components, is employed as a gel polymer electrolyte for an electric double layer capacitor (EDLC). Its electrochemical characteristics is compared with that of liquid organic electrolyte mixture of ethylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate and ethylmethyl carbonate in a 1:1:1 volume ratio containing 1.0 M LiPF6 salt. The specific surface area of the activated carbon powder as an active material is 1908 m2/g. Liquid poly[(ethylene glycol)diacrylate] (PEGDA) oligomer with a high retention capability of liquid electrolytes is cured by UV irradiation and poly(vinylidene fluoride)-hexafluoropropylene (PVdF-HFP) copolymer with a porous structure endows polymer matrix with high mechanical strength.The specific capacitance of EDLC using the gel polymer electrolyte (GPE-EDLC) shows 120 F/g, which is better than the liquid organic electrolyte. Good cycling efficiency is observed for a GPE-EDLC with high retention capability of liquid components. The high specific capacitance and good cycling efficiency are most likely due to the polarization resistance of EDLC with the gel polymer electrolyte, which is lower than the liquid organic electrolyte. This may result from the distinguished adhesion between the activated carbon electrode and the gel polymer electrolyte, as well as high retention capability of liquid components.Power densities of GPE-EDLC and LOE-EDLC shows 1.88 kW/kg and 1.21 kW/kg, respectively. However, the energy densities are low in both electrolytes.The GPE-EDLC exhibits rectangular cyclic voltammogram similar to an ideal EDLC within operating voltage range of 0 V-2.5 V. It should be noted that a region of electric double layer means a wide voltage and a rapid formation. Redox currents of both EDLCs are not observed in the sweep region and the cyclic voltammograms are unchanged on repeated runs. The observed leakage current shows 49 μA after 720 s at a constant voltage of 2.5 V, due to the high ionic conductivity of 1.5 × 10−3 S cm−1 during storage time. Swelling and well-developed pore structures of the GPE blend films allow ions and solvents to move easily.  相似文献   

杨乐  余金河  付蓉  谢远洋  于畅  邱介山 《化工学报》2020,71(6):2457-2465
Solvent-in-salt (SIS)型电解液作为一类新型超浓缩电解液,主要由水或者有机溶剂和易溶盐组成,具有溶液溶剂化程度小、自由溶剂分子少、电化学窗口宽、电化学稳定性高等特点,在超级电容器中显示了独特的优势并展现了良好的应用前景。本文重点综述了SIS型电解液的原理和优势,梳理了近年来SIS作为超级电容器电解液的研究进展,总结了其存在的问题,同时展望了SIS型电解液未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

聚合物电解质由于本身的优点,已成为锂离子电池研究的一个热点.聚合物电解质由聚合物、锂盐及添加剂组成,本文综述了聚合物电解质研究的新体系,论述了聚合物电解质中各组分对其性能的影响.  相似文献   

PE-g-MMA membranes with different degrees of grafting (DG) were prepared by electron beam radiation-induced graft copolymerization of methylmethacrylate (MMA) monomer onto polyethylene (PE) separator. The grafted membranes (GMs) were characterized using SEM, FTIR. The new polymer electrolytes based on GMs were prepared through immersion in a solution of LiPF6-EC/DMC (1:1 by volume). It was found that the GMs with different DG exhibited the different uptake and retention ability of liquid electrolyte. Moreover, the ion conductivities of activated polymer electrolytes (APEs) were also found to vary with the different DG and reached a magnitude of 10−3 S cm−1 at the DG of 42%. Compared with those containing PE separators, the LiCoO2-MCMB coin cells containing GMs demonstrated better cycle life and excellent rate performance.  相似文献   

质子交换膜燃料电池非铂电催化剂研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
聂瑶  丁炜  魏子栋 《化工学报》2015,66(9):3305-3318
质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFCs)目前主要催化剂为贵金属Pt基催化剂。然而,Pt价格高、储量低等问题严重阻碍了PEMFCs的商业化进程。发展低成本、高性能的氧还原催化剂是解决铂资源短缺、降低燃料电池成本、实现燃料电池商业化的关键。结合本课题组的研究工作,综述了最近几年非铂催化剂在燃料电池阴极氧还原方面的研究进展,着重探讨了新型氮掺杂碳基纳米材料的设计与制备,并概述了非铂催化剂面临的困难以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Sulfonated polypropylene separators impregnated with the polymer hydrogel electrolyte were used in electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs). The electrochemical properties of the EDLC with the polymer hydrogel electrolyte were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge cycle tests and compared with a KOH aqueous electrolyte. Furthermore, effects of KOH concentration and temperature on capacitance of the EDLC were studied. As a result, it was found that the capacitance of the EDLC with the polymer hydrogel electrolyte was higher than that with a KOH aqueous solution in the wide range of KOH concentration and temperature.  相似文献   

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