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Peony seed oil (PSO) is a new resource food rich in α‐Linolenic Acid(ALA) (38.66%). The objective of this study was to assess the modulatory effect of PSO on lipid metabolism. Lard oil, safflower oil (SFO), and PSO were fed to wistar rats with 1% cholesterol in the diet for 60 d. Serum and liver lipids showed significant decrease in total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and low density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (LDL‐C) levels in PSO fed rats compared to lard oil and SFO fed rats. ALA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), contents were significantly increased, whereas linoleic acid (LA), arachidonic acid (AA) levels decreased in serum and liver of PSO fed rats. Feeding PSO increased ALA level and decreased n‐6 to n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio. The hypolipidemic result of PSO indicated that PSO participated in the regulation of plasma lipid concentration and cholesterol metabolism in liver. The decreased expression of sterol regulatory element‐binding proteins 1C (SREBP‐1c), acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACC), and fatty acid synthase (FAS)‐reduced lipid synthesis; Activation of peroxisome proliferator–activator receptor (PPARα) accompanied by increase of uncoupling protein2 (UP2) and acyl‐CoA oxidase (AOX) stimulated lipid metabolism and exerted an antiobesity effect via increasing energy expenditure for prevention of obesity.  相似文献   

A simple and quantitative method for the determination of (1→3) (1→4)-β-D-glucan in barley flour and malt is described. The method allows direct analysis of β-glucan in flour and malt slurries. Mixed-linkage β-glucan is specifically depolymerized with a highly purified (1→3) (1→4)-β-D-glucanase (lichenase), from Bacillus subtilis, to tri-, tetra- and higher degree of polymerization (d.p.) oligosaccharides. These oligosaccharides are then specifically and quantitatively hydrolysed to glucose using purified β-D-glucosidase. The glucose is then specifically determined using glucose oxidase/peroxidase reagent. Since barley flours contain only low levels of glucose, and maltosaccharides do not interfere with the assay, removal of low d.p. sugars is not necessary. Blank values are determined for each sample allowing the direct measurement of β-glucan in maltsamples.α-Amylasedoes not interfere with the assay. The method issuitable for the routineanalysis of β-glucan in barley samples derived from breeding programs; 50 samples can be analysed by a single operator in a day. Evaluation of the technique on different days has indicated a mean standard error of 0–1 for barley flour samples containing 3–8 and 4–6% (w/w) β-glucan content.  相似文献   

Eighteen barley genotypes used in Brazilian malting barley breeding programs were characterized in relation to (1–3, 1–4)‐β‐glucanase activity in green and kilned malt. They were tested to determine the loss of enzyme activity during kilning in the malting process and the environmental effects on enzyme activity were measured. The genotypes analyzed showed great variation regarding the enzyme activity in both kinds of malt, in a range from 531.94 to 934.31 U/kg in green malt, and from 187.02 to 518.40 U/kg in dry malt. The mean enzyme activity loss during kilning was close to 60%, very similar to the results obtained in other studies. The loss among genotypes varied from 8.04% to 71.54%. The enzyme activity varied significantly under the different environments tested, showing existence of environmental effects on the genotypes analyzed. Embrapa 127 was the genotype that exhibited the highest enzyme activity in finished malt although it had shown a low activity in green malt, reflecting a negligible loss of activity during kilning. The data indicate promising results to malting barley breeding due to the wide variability exhibited by genotypes as to enzyme activity and levels of isoenzyme with high thermostability.  相似文献   

Effects of different processing techniques on the neurotoxin, β-ODAP (β- N -oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid), and the anti-nutritional compounds (phytate, polyphenols, trypsin and amylase inhibitors, and lectins) within four lines of Lathyrus sativus (high-, medium- and low-ODAP, and so-called ODAP-free) were investigated. Soaking of seeds in various media reduced the contents of these compounds to a varying and significant extent; losses were higher in freshly boiled water, alkaline and tamarind solutions than after soaking in drinking water. The highest losses in boiled water (65–70%) were observed for β-ODAP, followed by trypsin inhibitors (42–48%) and polyphenols (30–37%). Ordinary cooking and pressure cooking of pre-soaked seeds were found to be most effective in reducing the levels of all the natural toxicants examined, whilst fermentation and germination were more effective in destroying both of the enzyme inhibitors (amylase inhibitors by 69–71%; trypsin inhibitors by 65–66%) than either phytates or polyphenols. Lectins were not affected by most of these processes except by pressure cooking and fermentation. Dehusking of pre-soaked seeds significantly reduced β-ODAP levels, but this reduction was lower for the anti-nutrients. These findings and the high water solubility suggest that a simple and effective means of detoxifying Lathyrus by removing this neurotoxic amino acid may be practicable.  相似文献   

A commercially available enzymic method for the quantitative measurement of (1 → 3),(1 → 4)-β-glucan has been simplified to allow analysis of up to 10 grain samples in 70 min or of 100–200 samples by a single operator in a day. These improvements have been achieved with no loss in accuracy or precision and with an increase in reliability. The glucose oxidase/peroxidase reagent has been significantly improved to ensure colour stability for periods of up to 1 h after development. Some problems experienced with the original method have been addressed and resolved, and further experiments to demonstrate the quantitative nature of the assay have been designed and performed.  相似文献   

Purified (1→3)(1→4)-β- -glucans (β-glucans) from oat and barley with broad molecular weight (MW) distribution were separated into seven fractions using gradient precipitation with ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4. The MW of each fraction decreased consecutively with the concentration of (NH4)2SO4 at which it was precipitated. The MW distribution of each fraction was much narrower compared to the parent sample and is comparable to commercially available pullulan MW standards. To determine whether the fractionation process was separating sub-fractions of different structure, the original β-glucan sample and each fraction were hydrolyzed by a (1→3)(1→4)-D-β-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase (lichenase, E.C. and the liberated oligosaccharides were analyzed by high performance anion exchange chromatography. The analysis revealed no differences in oligosaccharide pattern (DP 2–9) derived from each fraction and the parent sample. In particular, the tri/tetra oligosaccharide ratio remained constant for all fractions, indicating no fractionation based on structural features had taken place. The effect of starting β-glucan concentration on the fractionation process was studied. The results showed that it was possible to achieve good separation at overlapping parameter c[η] lower than 3.5. Further increase in starting β-glucan concentration hindered clear separation of the fractions. Temperature also affected the fractionation efficiency. The higher the temperature, the lower the amount of (NH4)2SO4 that was necessary to precipitate the samples of same MW. A Mark Houwink relationship was derived from the measured MW and intrinsic viscosity for fractions from oat and barley, respectively.  相似文献   

With a view to utilise yeast (1→3)‐β‐d ‐glucan as biological response modifiers with better water solubility, carboxymethylation was carried out by a two‐step alkalisation and etherification with monochloroacetic acid. Four technological parameters of carboxymethylation were investigated by orthogonal experiments for obtaining the maximum degree of substitution (DS), apparent viscosity (η) and solubility of carboxymethyl derivatives. In view of the orthogonal analysis, the optimal technological parameters were reaction temperature 50 °C, total reaction time 5 h, 3 mL of 50% sodium hydroxide as the second alkali dosage and 15 mL of 4 m chloroacetic acid. In addition, it was found that ball milling pretreatment for original (1→3)‐β‐d ‐glucan can be an advantage for carboxymethylation. By contrast, DS, η and solubility of carboxymethyl product increased 24%, 6% and 22%, respectively, suggesting the effect of ball milling pretreatment could not be neglected on improvement of DS, η and solubility for carboxymethyl products.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of the major γ glutamyl peptides present in cultivars of onion (Allium cepa L) bulbs representing brown, white and red varieties was achieved by ion exchange and electrophoretic separations and by quantitation involving integration of ninhydrin-developed spots on thin layer chromatography. γ Glutamyl trans-prop(I)enyl cysteine sulphoxide was found to be the major γ glutamyl peptide in each of the three cultivars at levels between 1.24 and 2.18 mg g?1 fresh weight, followed by S-2-carboxypropyl glutathione (0.45-0.60 mg g?1 fresh weight) and γ glutamyl phenylalanine (0.09-0.16 mg g?1 fresh weight). Conclusive identification of each of the compounds was achieved by NMR spectroscopy and by GC-MS of the n-butyl, trifluoroacetyl derivatives of the hydrolysis products.  相似文献   

Poly(ε‐lysine) (PL), lysine (Lys), monosodium glutamate (GluNa), glycine (Gly), alanine (Ala), and leucine (Leu) were used to regulate the characteristic gelatinization behavior of potato starch. As determined by differential scanning calorimetry, PL, Lys, and GluNa with positive or negative net charge elevated the gelatinization temperature with increasing amount added as compared with the small effect of Gly, Ala, and Leu with zero net charge. The peak viscosity evaluated by a Rapid Viscoanalyser was markedly decreased by adding PL, Lys, and GluNa, whereas Gly and Ala had no effect on the peak viscosity. The swelling was also decreased by added PL, Lys, and GluNa, whereas it was unchanged by added Gly, Ala, and Leu. Potato starch immersed in PL or amino acid solution released most of the retained PL and amino acids by the subsequent washing with water. The increased gelatinization temperature of the PL‐treat­ed potato starch returned to the original value by washing with water. It is thus considered that the regulatory effects of PL and amino acids on the gelatinization behavior of potato starch were substantially reversible.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine β‐casein adsorption by using supermacroporous poly(2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate‐N‐methacryloyl‐(l) ‐histidine methyl ester) [p(HEMA‐MAH)] cryogel. β‐Casein adsorption properties of p(HEMA‐MAH) cryogel were studied for the application of β‐casein purification. The cryogel was produced by free radical polymerization initiated by N,N,N’,N’‐tetramethylene diamine and ammonium persulfate pairs in an ice bath. P(HEMA‐MAH) cryogel was characterized by swelling tests, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The effects of the flow rate, pH, temperature, initial β‐casein concentration, and ionic strength on the adsorption efficiency of cryogel were studied. The equilibrium swelling degree of the p(HEMA‐MAH) cryogel was 6.73 g H2O/g cryogel. β‐Casein adsorption capacity of p(HEMA‐MAH) cryogel from aqueous solution was estimated as 31.17 mg/g cryogel. It was also observed that β‐casein could be repeatedly adsorbed and desorbed with p(HEMA‐MAH) cryogel without significant loss in the adsorption capacity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Normal pressure steaming (NPS), autoclaved steaming (AS), and hot‐air roasting (HAR) are widely used to deactivate oat enzyme in the oat‐processing industry. Infrared roasting (IR) is a new oat deactivation method, and is welcomed and employed by increasing numbers of oat‐processing plants in China. It is widely known that oat starch plays an important role in the processing function of oat food, and that oat β‐glucan and lipid contribute greatly to the health benefits of oat food. However, the effects of steaming and roasting treatments on the starch, β‐glucan and lipid in oat kernels are poorly known. RESULTS: In this research, the level and distribution of β‐glucan and lipid in oat kernels with and without deactivation treatments were tested. We also measured the viscosity properties of oat flour from kernels after NPS, AS, HAR and IR treatments, and examined the effects of these treatments on oat starch granularity using scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the deactivation treatments did not have significant effects on oat β‐glucan and lipid levels in oat kernels (P < 0.01). The distribution of β‐glucan and lipid in enzyme‐deactivated kernels was very similar to that in normal kernels. NPS, AS, HAR and IR treatments changed the shape of starch granules, crumbled large starch granules, reduced the connection between the protein network and starch granules, and improved starch gelatinization properties. CONCLUSIONS: NPS, AS, HAR and IR treatments can change the structure of oat starch granules and improve the viscosity property of oat starch without causing β‐glucan and lipid loss to oat food. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Influences on foam stability and cling were compared by brewing trials investigating beer hopping rate, hopping type and modification of beer protein composition by the inclusion of a proline specific protease (PSEP). The comparison of the NIBEM, Rudin and lacing foam assessment methods with the level of hopping demonstrated the superiority of hydrogenated hop α‐acids with respect to foam stability and particularly lacing. In addition, the NIBEM and Rudin foam analysis tests appear to respond relatively similarly with respect to hopping rate and hop type, with the NIBEM being somewhat more responsive in terms of foam stability measurments. The PSEP trials suggested that protein composition may only have a subtle effect on foam stability. Although more specific to haze active proteins, PSEP treatment in the small and pilot scale trials generally, but not always, resulted in a minor reduction in foam stability. This effect was not observed in 20 hL pilot and industrial scale beer productions. It was verified that both NIBEM and Rudin were positively influenced by increased levels of foam positive proteins. Although both foam tests were responsive to hopping rate and type, it is suggested that the Rudin foam test is somewhat biased towards foam positive proteins, particularly albuminous foam positive proteins (LTP1 and protein Z4), while in comparison the NIBEM foam test appears somewhat biased towards hordein foam positive proteins.  相似文献   

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